private static ITypeSymbol GetRegularExpressionType(SemanticModel semanticModel, SyntaxNode node)
                // regular case. always use ConvertedType to get implicit conversion right.
                var expression = node.GetUnparenthesizedExpression();

                var info = semanticModel.GetTypeInfo(expression);
                var conv = semanticModel.GetConversion(expression);

                if (info.ConvertedType == null || info.ConvertedType.IsErrorType())
                    // there is no implicit conversion involved. no need to go further
                    return info.Type;

                // always use converted type if method group
                if ((!node.IsKind(SyntaxKind.ObjectCreationExpression) && semanticModel.GetMemberGroup(expression).Length > 0) ||
                    IsCoClassImplicitConversion(info, conv, semanticModel.Compilation.CoClassType()))
                    return info.ConvertedType;

                // check implicit conversion
                if (conv.IsImplicit && (conv.IsConstantExpression || conv.IsEnumeration))
                    return info.ConvertedType;

                // always try to use type that is more specific than object type if possible.
                return !info.Type.IsObjectType() ? info.Type : info.ConvertedType;
        /// <summary>
        /// Analyzes the assignment expression and rejects a given declaration if it is unsuitable for implicit typing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// false, if implicit typing cannot be used.
        /// true, otherwise.
        /// </returns>
        protected override bool AssignmentSupportsStylePreference(SyntaxToken identifier, TypeSyntax typeName, EqualsValueClauseSyntax initializer, SemanticModel semanticModel, OptionSet optionSet, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var expression = GetInitializerExpression(initializer);

            // var cannot be assigned null
            if (expression.IsKind(SyntaxKind.NullLiteralExpression))
                return false;

            // cannot use implicit typing on method group, anonymous function or on dynamic
            var declaredType = semanticModel.GetTypeInfo(typeName, cancellationToken).Type;
            if (declaredType != null &&
               (declaredType.TypeKind == TypeKind.Delegate || declaredType.TypeKind == TypeKind.Dynamic))
                return false;

            // variables declared using var cannot be used further in the same initialization expression.
            if (initializer.DescendantNodesAndSelf()
                    .Where(n => (n as IdentifierNameSyntax)?.Identifier.ValueText.Equals(identifier.ValueText) == true)
                    .Any(n => semanticModel.GetSymbolInfo(n, cancellationToken).Symbol?.IsKind(SymbolKind.Local) == true))
                return false;

            // Get the conversion that occurred between the expression's type and type implied by the expression's context
            // and filter out implicit conversions. If an implicit conversion (other than identity) exists
            // and if we're replacing the declaration with 'var' we'd be changing the semantics by inferring type of
            // initializer expression and thereby losing the conversion.
            var conversion = semanticModel.GetConversion(expression, cancellationToken);
            if (conversion.Exists && conversion.IsImplicit && !conversion.IsIdentity)
                return false;

            // final check to compare type information on both sides of assignment.
            var initializerType = semanticModel.GetTypeInfo(expression, cancellationToken).Type;
            return declaredType.Equals(initializerType);