Exemple #1
        protected void GetDiagnosticSpanForMissingToken(out int offset, out int width)
            // If the previous token has a trailing EndOfLineTrivia,
            // the missing token diagnostic position is moved to the
            // end of line containing the previous token and
            // its width is set to zero.
            // Otherwise the diagnostic offset and width is set
            // to the corresponding values of the current token

            var trivia = this.prevTokenTrailingTrivia;

            if (trivia != null)
                SyntaxList <CSharpSyntaxNode> triviaList = new SyntaxList <CSharpSyntaxNode>(trivia);
                bool prevTokenHasEndOfLineTrivia         = triviaList.Any(SyntaxKind.EndOfLineTrivia);
                if (prevTokenHasEndOfLineTrivia)
                    offset = -trivia.FullWidth;
                    width  = 0;

            SyntaxToken ct = this.CurrentToken;

            offset = ct.GetLeadingTriviaWidth();
            width  = ct.Width;
Exemple #2
        protected TNode AddError <TNode>(TNode node, ErrorCode code, params object[] args) where TNode : CSharpSyntaxNode
            if (!node.IsMissing)
                return(WithAdditionalDiagnostics(node, MakeError(node, code, args)));

            int offset, width;

            SyntaxToken token = node as SyntaxToken;

            if (token != null && token.ContainsSkippedText)
                // This code exists to clean up an anti-pattern:
                //   1) an undesirable token is parsed,
                //   2) a desirable missing token is created and the parsed token is appended as skipped text,
                //   3) an error is attached to the missing token describing the problem.
                // If this occurs, then this.previousTokenTrailingTrivia is still populated with the trivia
                // of the undesirable token (now skipped text).  Since the trivia no longer precedes the
                // node to which the error is to be attached, the computed offset will be incorrect.

                offset = token.GetLeadingTriviaWidth(); // Should always be zero, but at least we'll do something sensible if it's not.
                Debug.Assert(offset == 0, "Why are we producing a missing token that has both skipped text and leading trivia?");

                width = 0;
                bool seenSkipped = false;
                foreach (var trivia in token.TrailingTrivia)
                    if (trivia.Kind == SyntaxKind.SkippedTokensTrivia)
                        seenSkipped = true;
                        width      += trivia.Width;
                    else if (seenSkipped)
                        offset += trivia.Width;
                this.GetDiagnosticSpanForMissingToken(out offset, out width);

            return(WithAdditionalDiagnostics(node, MakeError(offset, width, code, args)));
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts skippedSyntax node into tokens and adds these as trivia on the target token.
        /// Also adds the first error (in depth-first preorder) found in the skipped syntax tree to the target token.
        /// </summary>
        internal SyntaxToken AddSkippedSyntax(SyntaxToken target, CSharpSyntaxNode skippedSyntax, bool trailing)
            var builder = new SyntaxListBuilder(4);

            // the error in we'll attach to the node
            SyntaxDiagnosticInfo diagnostic = null;

            // the position of the error within the skipedSyntax node full tree
            int diagnosticOffset = 0;

            int currentOffset = 0;

            foreach (var node in skippedSyntax.EnumerateNodes())
                SyntaxToken token = node as SyntaxToken;
                if (token != null)

                    if (token.Width > 0)
                        // separate trivia from the tokens
                        SyntaxToken tk = token.WithLeadingTrivia(null).WithTrailingTrivia(null);

                        // adjust relative offsets of diagnostics attached to the token:
                        int leadingWidth = token.GetLeadingTriviaWidth();
                        if (leadingWidth > 0)
                            var tokenDiagnostics = tk.GetDiagnostics();
                            for (int i = 0; i < tokenDiagnostics.Length; i++)
                                var d = (SyntaxDiagnosticInfo)tokenDiagnostics[i];
                                tokenDiagnostics[i] = new SyntaxDiagnosticInfo(d.Offset - leadingWidth, d.Width, (ErrorCode)d.Code, d.Arguments);

                        // do not create zero-width structured trivia, GetStructure doesn't work well for them
                        var existing = (SyntaxDiagnosticInfo)token.GetDiagnostics().FirstOrDefault();
                        if (existing != null)
                            diagnostic       = existing;
                            diagnosticOffset = currentOffset;

                    currentOffset += token.FullWidth;
                else if (node.ContainsDiagnostics && diagnostic == null)
                    // only propagate the first error to reduce noise:
                    var existing = (SyntaxDiagnosticInfo)node.GetDiagnostics().FirstOrDefault();
                    if (existing != null)
                        diagnostic       = existing;
                        diagnosticOffset = currentOffset;

            int triviaWidth = currentOffset;
            var trivia      = builder.ToListNode();

            // total width of everything preceding the added trivia
            int triviaOffset;

            if (trailing)
                var trailingTrivia = target.GetTrailingTrivia();
                triviaOffset = target.FullWidth; //added trivia is full width (before addition)
                target       = target.WithTrailingTrivia(SyntaxList.Concat(trailingTrivia, trivia));
                // Since we're adding triviaWidth before the token, we have to add that much to
                // the offset of each of its diagnostics.
                if (triviaWidth > 0)
                    var targetDiagnostics = target.GetDiagnostics();
                    for (int i = 0; i < targetDiagnostics.Length; i++)
                        var d = (SyntaxDiagnosticInfo)targetDiagnostics[i];
                        targetDiagnostics[i] = new SyntaxDiagnosticInfo(d.Offset + triviaWidth, d.Width, (ErrorCode)d.Code, d.Arguments);

                var leadingTrivia = target.GetLeadingTrivia();
                target       = target.WithLeadingTrivia(SyntaxList.Concat(trivia, leadingTrivia));
                triviaOffset = 0; //added trivia is first, so offset is zero

            if (diagnostic != null)
                int newOffset = triviaOffset + diagnosticOffset + diagnostic.Offset;

                target = WithAdditionalDiagnostics(target,
                                                   new SyntaxDiagnosticInfo(newOffset, diagnostic.Width, (ErrorCode)diagnostic.Code, diagnostic.Arguments)
