/// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new SynthesizedDefaultStructSymbol.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">
 /// The name of the default struct.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="concept">
 /// The parent concept of the default struct.
 /// </param>
 public SynthesizedDefaultStructSymbol(string name, SourceNamedTypeSymbol concept)
     : base(
         that =>
         // We duplicate the type parameters of the concept itself,
         // as well as adding one for the calling witness, so the
         // default struct can call back into it.
         that.CreateTypeParameters(concept.Arity, true)
             new SynthesizedWitnessParameterSymbol(
                 // @t-mawind
                 //   need to make this not clash with any typar in
                 //   the parent scopes, hence generated name.
                 _ => ImmutableArray.Create((TypeSymbol)concept),
                 _ => TypeParameterConstraintKind.ValueType
     _concept = concept;
     // We can't get the default members here: it'll cause an infinite
     // loop...
            internal AnonymousTypeTemplateSymbol(AnonymousTypeManager manager, AnonymousTypeDescriptor typeDescr) :
                base(manager, typeDescr.Location)
                this.TypeDescriptorKey = typeDescr.Key;

                int fieldsCount  = typeDescr.Fields.Length;
                int membersCount = fieldsCount * 3 + 1;

                // members
                var membersBuilder = ArrayBuilder <Symbol> .GetInstance(membersCount);

                var propertiesBuilder = ArrayBuilder <AnonymousTypePropertySymbol> .GetInstance(fieldsCount);

                var typeParametersBuilder = ArrayBuilder <TypeParameterSymbol> .GetInstance(fieldsCount);

                // Process fields
                for (int fieldIndex = 0; fieldIndex < fieldsCount; fieldIndex++)
                    AnonymousTypeField field = typeDescr.Fields[fieldIndex];

                    // Add a type parameter
                    AnonymousTypeParameterSymbol typeParameter =
                        new AnonymousTypeParameterSymbol(this, fieldIndex, GeneratedNames.MakeAnonymousTypeParameterName(field.Name));

                    // Add a property
                    AnonymousTypePropertySymbol property = new AnonymousTypePropertySymbol(this, field, TypeWithAnnotations.Create(typeParameter), fieldIndex);

                    // Property related symbols

                _typeParameters = typeParametersBuilder.ToImmutableAndFree();
                this.Properties = propertiesBuilder.ToImmutableAndFree();

                // Add a constructor
                membersBuilder.Add(new AnonymousTypeConstructorSymbol(this, this.Properties));
                _members = membersBuilder.ToImmutableAndFree();
                Debug.Assert(membersCount == _members.Length);

                // fill nameToSymbols map
                foreach (var symbol in _members)
                    _nameToSymbols.Add(symbol.Name, symbol);

                // special members: Equals, GetHashCode, ToString
                this.SpecialMembers = ImmutableArray.Create <MethodSymbol>(
                    new AnonymousTypeEqualsMethodSymbol(this),
                    new AnonymousTypeGetHashCodeMethodSymbol(this),
                    new AnonymousTypeToStringMethodSymbol(this));
Exemple #3
            internal AnonymousTypeTemplateSymbol(AnonymousTypeManager manager, AnonymousTypeDescriptor typeDescr)
                this.Manager           = manager;
                this.TypeDescriptorKey = typeDescr.Key;
                _smallestLocation      = typeDescr.Location;

                // Will be set when the type's metadata is ready to be emitted,
                // <anonymous-type>.Name will throw exception if requested
                // before that moment.
                _nameAndIndex = null;

                int fieldsCount = typeDescr.Fields.Length;

                // members
                Symbol[] members     = new Symbol[fieldsCount * 3 + 1];
                int      memberIndex = 0;

                // The array storing property symbols to be used in
                // generation of constructor and other methods
                if (fieldsCount > 0)
                    AnonymousTypePropertySymbol[] propertiesArray     = new AnonymousTypePropertySymbol[fieldsCount];
                    TypeParameterSymbol[]         typeParametersArray = new TypeParameterSymbol[fieldsCount];

                    // Process fields
                    for (int fieldIndex = 0; fieldIndex < fieldsCount; fieldIndex++)
                        AnonymousTypeField field = typeDescr.Fields[fieldIndex];

                        // Add a type parameter
                        AnonymousTypeParameterSymbol typeParameter =
                            new AnonymousTypeParameterSymbol(this, fieldIndex, GeneratedNames.MakeAnonymousTypeParameterName(field.Name));
                        typeParametersArray[fieldIndex] = typeParameter;

                        // Add a property
                        AnonymousTypePropertySymbol property = new AnonymousTypePropertySymbol(this, field, TypeSymbolWithAnnotations.Create(typeParameter));
                        propertiesArray[fieldIndex] = property;

                        // Property related symbols
                        members[memberIndex++] = property;
                        members[memberIndex++] = property.BackingField;
                        members[memberIndex++] = property.GetMethod;

                    _typeParameters = typeParametersArray.AsImmutable();
                    this.Properties = propertiesArray.AsImmutable();
                    _typeParameters = ImmutableArray <TypeParameterSymbol> .Empty;
                    this.Properties = ImmutableArray <AnonymousTypePropertySymbol> .Empty;

                // Add a constructor
                members[memberIndex++] = new AnonymousTypeConstructorSymbol(this, this.Properties);
                _members = members.AsImmutable();

                Debug.Assert(memberIndex == _members.Length);

                // fill nameToSymbols map
                foreach (var symbol in _members)
                    _nameToSymbols.Add(symbol.Name, symbol);

                // special members: Equals, GetHashCode, ToString
                MethodSymbol[] specialMembers = new MethodSymbol[3];
                specialMembers[0]   = new AnonymousTypeEqualsMethodSymbol(this);
                specialMembers[1]   = new AnonymousTypeGetHashCodeMethodSymbol(this);
                specialMembers[2]   = new AnonymousTypeToStringMethodSymbol(this);
                this.SpecialMembers = specialMembers.AsImmutable();
Exemple #4
            internal AnonymousTypeTemplateSymbol(AnonymousTypeManager manager, AnonymousTypeDescriptor typeDescr)
                this.Manager           = manager;
                this.TypeDescriptorKey = typeDescr.Key;
                _smallestLocation      = typeDescr.Location;

                // Will be set when the type's metadata is ready to be emitted,
                // <anonymous-type>.Name will throw exception if requested
                // before that moment.
                _nameAndIndex = null;

                IsCodeblock = typeDescr.Fields.Length > 0 && typeDescr.Fields[0].Name.StartsWith("Cb$Param$");
                _baseType   = IsCodeblock ? manager.CodeblockType : manager.System_Object;
                if (IsCodeblock)
                    _baseType = manager.CodeblockType;

                    int cbParamCount = typeDescr.Fields.Length;
                    NamedTypeSymbol[] cbParameters = new NamedTypeSymbol[cbParamCount];
                    for (int i = 0; i < cbParamCount; i++)
                        cbParameters[i] = manager.UsualType;
                    var cbDelegate = manager.SynthesizeDelegate(typeDescr.Fields.Length - 1, default(BitVector), false, 0).Construct(cbParameters);

                    Symbol[] cbMembers     = new Symbol[7];
                    int      cbMemberIndex = 0;

                    var eval   = new AnonymousTypePropertySymbol(this, new AnonymousTypeField("Cb$Eval$", typeDescr.Location, cbDelegate), cbDelegate);
                    var source = new AnonymousTypePropertySymbol(this, new AnonymousTypeField("Cb$Src$", typeDescr.Location, manager.System_String), manager.System_String);

                    this.Properties = new[] { source }.ToImmutableArray();

                    // Property related symbols
                    cbMembers[cbMemberIndex++] = eval;
                    cbMembers[cbMemberIndex++] = eval.BackingField;
                    cbMembers[cbMemberIndex++] = eval.GetMethod;
                    cbMembers[cbMemberIndex++] = source;
                    cbMembers[cbMemberIndex++] = source.BackingField;
                    cbMembers[cbMemberIndex++] = source.GetMethod;

                    cbMembers[cbMemberIndex++] = new AnonymousTypeConstructorSymbol(this, new[] { eval, source }.ToImmutableArray());

                    _typeParameters = ImmutableArray <TypeParameterSymbol> .Empty;

                    _members = cbMembers.AsImmutable();

                    Debug.Assert(cbMemberIndex == _members.Length);

                    // fill nameToSymbols map
                    foreach (var symbol in _members)
                        _nameToSymbols.Add(symbol.Name, symbol);

                    MethodSymbol[] cbSpecialMembers = new MethodSymbol[2];
                    cbSpecialMembers[0] = new CodeblockEvalMethod(this);
                    cbSpecialMembers[1] = new AnonymousTypeToStringMethodSymbol(this);
                    this.SpecialMembers = cbSpecialMembers.AsImmutable();


                _baseType = manager.System_Object;
                int fieldsCount = typeDescr.Fields.Length;

                // members
                Symbol[] members     = new Symbol[fieldsCount * 3 + 1];
                int      memberIndex = 0;

                // The array storing property symbols to be used in
                // generation of constructor and other methods
                if (fieldsCount > 0)
                    AnonymousTypePropertySymbol[] propertiesArray     = new AnonymousTypePropertySymbol[fieldsCount];
                    TypeParameterSymbol[]         typeParametersArray = new TypeParameterSymbol[fieldsCount];

                    // Process fields
                    for (int fieldIndex = 0; fieldIndex < fieldsCount; fieldIndex++)
                        AnonymousTypeField field = typeDescr.Fields[fieldIndex];

                        // Add a type parameter
                        AnonymousTypeParameterSymbol typeParameter =
                            new AnonymousTypeParameterSymbol(this, fieldIndex, GeneratedNames.MakeAnonymousTypeParameterName(field.Name));
                        typeParametersArray[fieldIndex] = typeParameter;

                        // Add a property
                        AnonymousTypePropertySymbol property = new AnonymousTypePropertySymbol(this, field, typeParameter);
                        propertiesArray[fieldIndex] = property;

                        // Property related symbols
                        members[memberIndex++] = property;
                        members[memberIndex++] = property.BackingField;
                        members[memberIndex++] = property.GetMethod;

                    _typeParameters = typeParametersArray.AsImmutable();
                    this.Properties = propertiesArray.AsImmutable();
                    _typeParameters = ImmutableArray <TypeParameterSymbol> .Empty;
                    this.Properties = ImmutableArray <AnonymousTypePropertySymbol> .Empty;

                // Add a constructor
                members[memberIndex++] = new AnonymousTypeConstructorSymbol(this, this.Properties);
                _members = members.AsImmutable();

                Debug.Assert(memberIndex == _members.Length);

                // fill nameToSymbols map
                foreach (var symbol in _members)
                    _nameToSymbols.Add(symbol.Name, symbol);

                // special members: Equals, GetHashCode, ToString
                MethodSymbol[] specialMembers = new MethodSymbol[3];
                specialMembers[0]   = new AnonymousTypeEqualsMethodSymbol(this);
                specialMembers[1]   = new AnonymousTypeGetHashCodeMethodSymbol(this);
                specialMembers[2]   = new AnonymousTypeToStringMethodSymbol(this);
                this.SpecialMembers = specialMembers.AsImmutable();