Exemple #1
        }// RemoveSpecificChild

        protected void RemoveSpecificChildByIndex(int nIndex)
            // Have this child remove all his children nodes as well
            ArrayList al = new ArrayList();

            int i = 0;

            while (i < al.Count)
                // Put all this guy's children in the queue as well
                CNode node = (CNode)al[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < node.NumChildren; j++)

            // Start from the bottom and work our way up
            while (al.Count > 0)
                CNode node = (CNode)al[al.Count - 1];
                // First, close any property pages associated with it

                // Inform MMC of this removal
                CNodeManager.CNamespace.DeleteItem(node.HScopeItem, 1);

                // Remove this node from the list
                al.RemoveAt(al.Count - 1);
        }// RemoveSpecificChildByIndex
        }// onTextChange

        void onBrowse(Object o, EventArgs e)
            // Pop up a file dialog so the user can find an assembly
            OpenFileDialog fd = new OpenFileDialog();

            fd.Title  = CResourceStore.GetString("CTrustAppWiz2:ChooseAssemFDTitle");
            fd.Filter = CResourceStore.GetString("AssemFDMask");
            System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult dr = fd.ShowDialog();
            if (dr == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                if (Fusion.isManaged(fd.FileName))
                    m_txtFilename.Text = fd.FileName;
                    // Inform our wizard that we have a new assembly for it to try and load
                    CFullTrustWizard wiz = (CFullTrustWizard)CNodeManager.GetNode(m_iCookie);
        } // onBrowse
Exemple #3
        }// MenuCommand

        private CNode CheckForDuplicateApp(AppFiles af)
            // Run through this node's children to see if a node with this app file exists
            int iNumChildren = NumChildren;

            for (int i = 0; i < iNumChildren; i++)
                CNode node = CNodeManager.GetNode(Child[i]);
                if (node is CApplication)
                    AppFiles afNode = ((CApplication)node).MyAppInfo;
                    // Check the App file's name
                    if ((af.sAppFile == null && afNode.sAppFile == null) ||
                        // Check the App File's config file
                        if ((af.sAppConfigFile == null && afNode.sAppConfigFile == null) ||
            // We couldn't find a node with that app info
        }// CheckForDuplicateApp
        }// QueryDataObject

        // GetResultViewType
        // This function is called when MMC needs to display
        // a specific node's information in the result pane.
        public int GetResultViewType(int cookie, out IntPtr ppViewType, out uint pViewOptions)
            CNode node = CNodeManager.GetNode(cookie);

            CNodeManager.DisplayedNode = node;
            // We never want the "view" menu to appear

            // CNode.Result can be potientially expensive... make sure
            // we catch the result here.

            String res = node.Result;

            // We don't have a HTML (or taspad) to display, so we'll just show a
            // standard list view
            if (res == null)
                ppViewType = (IntPtr)0;

            // Ok, we're displaying a HTML page or a Taskpad

            ppViewType = Marshal.StringToCoTaskMemUni(res);
        }// GetResultViewType
        }// InsertPropSheetPageControls

        // PutValuesinPage
        // This function put data onto the property page
        private void PutValuesinPage()
            // Get info that we'll need from the node
            CNode node = CNodeManager.GetNode(m_iCookie);
            // This should be ok now, but if we need this functionality
            // off of different nodes.....
            CVersionPolicy vp = (CVersionPolicy)node;

            m_txtAssemName.Text      = m_bri.Name;
            m_txtPublicKeyToken.Text = m_bri.PublicKeyToken;

            // Figure out the current Publisher Policy Setting

            String sGetSettingString = "PublisherPolicyFor" + m_bri.Name + "," + m_bri.PublicKeyToken;

            // If we are getting this from an App config file, let's add that info
            m_sConfigFile = vp.ConfigFile;

            if (m_sConfigFile != null)
                sGetSettingString += "," + m_sConfigFile;
                bool fUsePubPolicy = (bool)CConfigStore.GetSetting(sGetSettingString);
                m_chkPubPolicy.Checked = fUsePubPolicy;
            // If this isn't an app config file, we don't want to show the
            // 'Apply Publisher Policy' Checkbox or description
                m_chkPubPolicy.Visible           = false;
                m_lblPublisherPolicyHelp.Visible = false;
        }// PutValuesinPage
Exemple #6
        }// onDoubleClick

        internal override int onDelete(Object o)
            String sMessage;

            if (o is ArrayList)
                sMessage = CResourceStore.GetString("CVersionPolicy:ConfirmDeleteConfig");
                sMessage = String.Format(CResourceStore.GetString("CVersionPolicy:ConfirmDeleteSingleConfig"), ((BindingRedirInfo)o).Name);

            int nRes = MessageBox(sMessage,
                                  MB.ICONQUESTION | MB.YESNO);

            if (nRes == MB.IDYES)
                // Let's trace through our parents looking for an Application node
                CNode node = CNodeManager.GetNode(m_iCookie);
                // If this node's parent is an Application node, then we know we're
                // configuring assemblies on a per app basis
                int iParentHScope = node.ParentHScopeItem;
                if (iParentHScope != -1)
                    node = CNodeManager.GetNodeByHScope(iParentHScope);

                String sPostFix = "";
                // If this is an application node, make sure we tell the config store
                // about it
                if (node is CApplication)
                    sPostFix = "," + ((CApplication)node).AppConfigFile;

                if (o is ArrayList)
                    ArrayList al   = (ArrayList)o;
                    int       nLen = al.Count;
                    for (int i = 0; i < nLen; i++)
                        int iResultNum = ((int)al[i]) - 1;

                        CConfigStore.SetSetting("ConfiguredAssembliesDelete" + sPostFix, ((BindingRedirInfo)m_ol[iResultNum]));
                    CConfigStore.SetSetting("ConfiguredAssembliesDelete" + sPostFix, (BindingRedirInfo)o);
                // Now we'll Refresh ourselves
        }// onDelete
        }// Location

        // Init
        // This function is called when we're ready to use
        // the property page. We pass in the cookie of the
        // node that this property page belongs to, and we
        // should do any setup information (with the exception
        // of creating Winform controls) here.
        internal virtual void Init(int iCookie, IntPtr routerhandle)
            m_iCookie = iCookie;
            // We won't cache the node, in case it changes somehow
            // during the life of the property page
            CNode node = CNodeManager.GetNode(m_iCookie);

            m_hIcon = node.IconHandle;
            m_hPropertyPageRouter = routerhandle;
        }// Init
        }// CanMakeChanges

        internal void SecurityPolicyChanged()
            // Tell our parent node something changed
            CSecurityNode node = CNodeManager.GetNode(m_iCookie) as CSecurityNode;

            if (node != null)
        } // SecurityPolicyChanged
        }// GetResultViewType

        // GetDisplayInfo
        // This function is called by MMC whenever it needs to
        // display a node in the result view.
        public void GetDisplayInfo(ref RESULTDATAITEM ResultDataItem)
            // The low word in the lParam contains the index of the node
            // we're interested in.

            CNode NodeWeWant = CNodeManager.GetNode((int)ResultDataItem.lParam & 0xffff);

            // We'll let the node take care of its own Result Data
            NodeWeWant.GetResultDisplayInfo(ref ResultDataItem);
        }// GetDisplayInfo
        }// ApplyData

        internal void CloseSheet()
            if (m_iCookie != -1)

            m_iCookie = -1;
            PostMessage(GetParent(m_hWnd), WM.COMMAND, 2 /*IDCANCEL*/, 0);
            // Set focus to the sheet to make sure it goes away.
            PostMessage(GetParent(m_hWnd), WM.SETFOCUS, 0, 0);
        }// CloseSheet
Exemple #11
        }// InsertChildren

        internal void InsertSpecificChild(int iChild)
            SCOPEDATAITEM sdi = new SCOPEDATAITEM();

            CNode nChild = CNodeManager.GetNode(iChild);

            sdi.mask = SDI.STR |
                       SDI.PARAM |
                       SDI.PARENT |
                       SDI.IMAGE |
                       SDI.OPENIMAGE |

            // The image index is going to be the same as the cookie value
            sdi.nImage = CResourceStore.GetIconCookie(nChild.IconHandle);
            // The open image is the same as the closed image
            sdi.nOpenImage = sdi.nImage;
            sdi.relativeID = m_iHScopeItem;
            // We set displayname to -1 to initiate a callback for the string
            // (We need to do it this way... it's an MMCism)
            sdi.displayname = (IntPtr)(-1);

            sdi.lParam = nChild.Cookie;

            // The children field is set to either 0 or 1 (if it has children or not)
            sdi.cChildren = (nChild.NumChildren == 0)?0:1;

            // Once the item has been inserted, we're given the HScopeItem value for the node
            // MMC uses this value to uniquely identify the node. We'll store it for future
            // use.
            nChild.HScopeItem = CNodeManager.InsertItem(sdi);

            // We'll also put in the parent's HScopeItem
            nChild.m_iParentHScopeItem = HScopeItem;

            // Also, we can be slick and expand this child's node too

            // We don't care about perf savings after startup... do the expansion now
            // Also, if we have a non MMC host, we're not sure how it will behave
            // if it doesn't have all the nodes. Let's force the expand if we're not
            // running under MMC
            if (m_fInitialCreationDone || CNodeManager.Console is INonMMCHost)
                // Expand this child
            else if (Cookie == 0)
                Thread t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(nChild.LazyExpand));
        }// InsertSpecificChild
Exemple #12
        }// InsertPropSheetPageControls

        void onSavePolicyClick(Object o, EventArgs e)
            CWizard wiz = (CWizard)CNodeManager.GetNode(m_iCookie);

            if (m_chkSavePolicy.Checked)
        } // onSavePolicyClick
Exemple #13
        }// AddMenuItems

        internal override void MenuCommand(int iCommandID, Object oResultNum)
            if (iCommandID == COMMANDS.ADD_ASSEMBLY)
                CApplicationDepends appDepends = null;
                // Let's trace through our parents looking for an Application node
                CNode node = CNodeManager.GetNode(m_iCookie);
                // If this node's parent is an Application node, then we know we're
                // configuring assemblies on a per app basis
                int iParentHScope = node.ParentHScopeItem;
                if (iParentHScope != -1)
                    node = CNodeManager.GetNodeByHScope(iParentHScope);

                // If this is an application node, make sure we tell the config store
                // about it
                if (node is CApplication)
                    // Cool, we have a dependent assemblies node
                    appDepends = ((CApplication)node).AppDependsNode;

                CConfigAssemWizard wiz = new CConfigAssemWizard(appDepends);
                if (wiz.NewAssembly != null)
                    if (AddConfiguredAssembly(wiz.NewAssembly))
            else if (iCommandID == COMMANDS.SHOW_LISTVIEW)
                m_oResults = this;
                m_fShowHTMLPage = false;

            else if (iCommandID == COMMANDS.SHOW_TASKPAD)
                m_oResults      = m_taskPad;
                m_fShowHTMLPage = true;

                // The HTML pages comes displayed with this checkbox marked. Make
                // sure we update the xml setting
                CConfigStore.SetSetting("ShowHTMLForConfigAssem", "yes");
        }// MenuCommand
        }// isForHomeUser

        void onTextChange(Object o, EventArgs e)
            CFullTrustWizard wiz = (CFullTrustWizard)CNodeManager.GetNode(m_iCookie);

            // The assembly we were looking at changed.
            if (m_txtFilename.Text.Length > 0)
        }// onTextChange
Exemple #15
        }// InsertSpecificChild

        internal CNode FindChild(String s)
            int iNumChildren = NumChildren;

            for (int i = 0; i < iNumChildren; i++)
                CNode node = CNodeManager.GetNode(Child[i]);
                if (node.Name.Equals(s))
            // We couldn't find that child
        }// FindChild
Exemple #16
        }// ImportedPermissionSet

        void onTextChange(Object o, EventArgs e)
            CWizard wiz = (CWizard)CNodeManager.GetNode(m_iCookie);

            if (m_radCreateNew.Checked)
                // See if we should turn on the Next button
                bool fTurnOnNext = m_txtName.Text.Length > 0;
                // If they have a filename, then we be messing with the finish button
                bool fTurnOnFinish = m_txtFilename.Text.Length > 0;

        }// onTextChange
Exemple #17
        }// onDeleteEntireRow

        private void PutValuesinPage()
            // Get info that we'll need from the node
            CNode node = CNodeManager.GetNode(m_iCookie);
            // This should be ok now, but if we need this functionality
            // off of different nodes.....
            CVersionPolicy vp = (CVersionPolicy)node;

            String sGetSettingString = "BindingPolicyFor" + m_bri.Name + "," + m_bri.PublicKeyToken;

            // If we are getting this from an App config file, let's add that info
            m_sConfigFile = vp.ConfigFile;

            if (m_sConfigFile != null)
                sGetSettingString += "," + m_sConfigFile;

            BindingPolicy bp = (BindingPolicy)CConfigStore.GetSetting(sGetSettingString);

            int iLen = bp.scBaseVersion.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < iLen; i++)
                DataRow newRow;
                newRow = m_dt.NewRow();
                newRow["Requested Version"] = bp.scBaseVersion[i];
                newRow["New Version"]       = bp.scRedirectVersion[i];

            // We want to have at least 1 row
            while (m_dt.Rows.Count < 1)
                DataRow newRow;
                newRow = m_dt.NewRow();
                newRow["Requested Version"] = "";
                newRow["New Version"]       = "";
            m_dg.CurrentCell = new DataGridCell(iLen, 0);
        }// PutValuesinPage
Exemple #18
        }// CreateCodegroup

        private CSingleCodeGroup FindExistingCodegroup(PolicyLevel pl, IMembershipCondition mc)
            // If we have an existing one, it should be right under the root node
            CSingleCodeGroup scgParent = Security.GetRootCodeGroupNode(pl);

            for (int i = 0; i < scgParent.NumChildren; i++)
                CSingleCodeGroup scg = (CSingleCodeGroup)CNodeManager.GetNode(scgParent.Child[i]);

                // See if we have a matching membership condition and the description
                // says it's one the wizard created
                if (scg.MyCodeGroup.MembershipCondition.ToString().Equals(mc.ToString()) && scg.MyCodeGroup.Description.Equals(CResourceStore.GetString("GeneratedCodegroup")))

            // We weren't able to find one
        }// FindExistingCodegroup