/// <summary>
        /// Creates a file with unique temporary file name with a given extension in the specified folder.
        /// File is guaranteed to be unique.
        /// Extension may have an initial period.
        /// If folder is null, the temporary folder will be used.
        /// Caller must delete it when finished.
        /// May throw IOException.
        /// </summary>
        internal static string GetTemporaryFile(string directory, string extension, bool createFile = true)
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentLengthIfNotNull(directory, "directory");
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentLength(extension, "extension");

            if (extension[0] != '.')
                extension = '.' + extension;

                directory = directory ?? Path.GetTempPath();


                string file = Path.Combine(directory, string.Format("tmp{0}{1}", Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), extension));

                ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(!File.Exists(file), "Guid should be unique");

                if (createFile)
                    File.WriteAllText(file, String.Empty);

            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ExceptionHandling.NotExpectedException(ex))

                throw new IOException(ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceString("Shared.FailedCreatingTempFile", ex.Message), ex);
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is used to flag errors in the project file being processed. Do NOT use this method in place of
        /// ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(), because ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow() is used to flag internal/programming errors.
        /// PERF WARNING: calling a method that takes a variable number of arguments is expensive, because memory is allocated for
        /// the array of arguments -- do not call this method repeatedly in performance-critical scenarios
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="condition">The condition to check.</param>
        /// <param name="errorSubCategoryResourceName">The resource string for the error sub-category (can be null).</param>
        /// <param name="projectFile">The invalid project file.</param>
        /// <param name="innerException">The inner <see cref="Exception"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="resourceName">The resource string for the error message.</param>
        /// <param name="args">Extra arguments for formatting the error message.</param>
        internal static void VerifyThrowInvalidProjectFile
            bool condition,
            string errorSubCategoryResourceName,
            BuildEventFileInfo projectFile,
            Exception innerException,
            string resourceName,
            params object[] args
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(projectFile != null, "Must specify the invalid project file. If project file is not available, use VerifyThrowInvalidProject() and pass in the XML node instead.");

            if (errorSubCategoryResourceName != null)

            if (!condition)
                string errorSubCategory = null;

                if (errorSubCategoryResourceName != null)
                    errorSubCategory = AssemblyResources.GetString(errorSubCategoryResourceName);

                string errorCode;
                string helpKeyword;
                string message = ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceString(out errorCode, out helpKeyword, resourceName, args);

                throw new InvalidProjectFileException(projectFile.File, projectFile.Line, projectFile.Column, projectFile.EndLine, projectFile.EndColumn, message, errorSubCategory, errorCode, helpKeyword, innerException);