Exemple #1
            /// <summary>
            /// Indicates whether the given path is a UNC or drive pattern root directory.
            /// <para>Note: This function mimics the behavior of checking if Path.GetDirectoryName(path) == null.</para>
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="path"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            private static bool IsRootDirectory(string path)
                // Eliminate all non-rooted paths
                if (!Path.IsPathRooted(path))

                int uncMatchLength = FileUtilitiesRegex.StartsWithUncPatternMatchLength(path);

                // Determine if the given path is a standard drive/unc pattern root
                if (FileUtilitiesRegex.IsDrivePattern(path) ||
                    FileUtilitiesRegex.IsDrivePatternWithSlash(path) ||
                    uncMatchLength == path.Length)

                // Eliminate all non-root unc paths.
                if (uncMatchLength != -1)

                // Eliminate any drive patterns that don't have a slash after the colon or where the 4th character is a non-slash
                // A non-slash at [3] is specifically checked here because Path.GetDirectoryName
                // considers "C:///" a valid root.
                if (FileUtilitiesRegex.StartsWithDrivePattern(path) &&
                    ((path.Length >= 3 && path[2] != '\\' && path[2] != '/') ||
                     (path.Length >= 4 && path[3] != '\\' && path[3] != '/')))

                // There are some edge cases that can get to this point.
                // After eliminating valid / invalid roots, fall back on original behavior.
                return(Path.GetDirectoryName(path) == null);