Exemple #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the DatabaseInner class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="location">Resource location.</param>
 /// <param name="tags">Resource tags.</param>
 /// <param name="kind">Kind of database.  This is metadata used for the
 /// Azure portal experience.</param>
 /// <param name="collation">The collation of the database. If
 /// createMode is not Default, this value is ignored.</param>
 /// <param name="creationDate">The creation date of the database
 /// (ISO8601 format).</param>
 /// <param name="containmentState">The containment state of the
 /// database.</param>
 /// <param name="currentServiceObjectiveId">The current service level
 /// objective ID of the database. This is the ID of the service level
 /// objective that is currently active.</param>
 /// <param name="databaseId">The ID of the database.</param>
 /// <param name="earliestRestoreDate">This records the earliest start
 /// date and time that restore is available for this database (ISO8601
 /// format).</param>
 /// <param name="createMode">Specifies the mode of database creation.
 /// Default: regular database creation.
 /// Copy: creates a database as a copy of an existing database.
 /// sourceDatabaseId must be specified as the resource ID of the source
 /// database.
 /// OnlineSecondary/NonReadableSecondary: creates a database as a
 /// (readable or nonreadable) secondary replica of an existing
 /// database. sourceDatabaseId must be specified as the resource ID of
 /// the existing primary database.
 /// PointInTimeRestore: Creates a database by restoring a point in time
 /// backup of an existing database. sourceDatabaseId must be specified
 /// as the resource ID of the existing database, and restorePointInTime
 /// must be specified.
 /// Recovery: Creates a database by restoring a geo-replicated backup.
 /// sourceDatabaseId must be specified as the recoverable database
 /// resource ID to restore.
 /// Restore: Creates a database by restoring a backup of a deleted
 /// database. sourceDatabaseId must be specified. If sourceDatabaseId
 /// is the database's original resource ID, then
 /// sourceDatabaseDeletionDate must be specified. Otherwise
 /// sourceDatabaseId must be the restorable dropped database resource
 /// ID and sourceDatabaseDeletionDate is ignored. restorePointInTime
 /// may also be specified to restore from an earlier point in time.
 /// RestoreLongTermRetentionBackup: Creates a database by restoring
 /// from a long term retention vault.
 /// recoveryServicesRecoveryPointResourceId must be specified as the
 /// recovery point resource ID.
 /// Copy, NonReadableSecondary, OnlineSecondary and
 /// RestoreLongTermRetentionBackup are not supported for DataWarehouse
 /// edition. Possible values include: 'Copy', 'Default',
 /// 'NonReadableSecondary', 'OnlineSecondary', 'PointInTimeRestore',
 /// 'Recovery', 'Restore', 'RestoreLongTermRetentionBackup'</param>
 /// <param name="sourceDatabaseId">Conditional. If createMode is Copy,
 /// NonReadableSecondary, OnlineSecondary, PointInTimeRestore,
 /// Recovery, or Restore, then this value is required. Specifies the
 /// resource ID of the source database. If createMode is
 /// NonReadableSecondary or OnlineSecondary, the name of the source
 /// database must be the same as the new database being
 /// created.</param>
 /// <param name="sourceDatabaseDeletionDate">Conditional. If createMode
 /// is Restore and sourceDatabaseId is the deleted database's original
 /// resource id when it existed (as opposed to its current restorable
 /// dropped database id), then this value is required. Specifies the
 /// time that the database was deleted.</param>
 /// <param name="restorePointInTime">Conditional. If createMode is
 /// PointInTimeRestore, this value is required. If createMode is
 /// Restore, this value is optional. Specifies the point in time
 /// (ISO8601 format) of the source database that will be restored to
 /// create the new database. Must be greater than or equal to the
 /// source database's earliestRestoreDate value.</param>
 /// <param name="recoveryServicesRecoveryPointResourceId">Conditional.
 /// If createMode is RestoreLongTermRetentionBackup, then this value is
 /// required. Specifies the resource ID of the recovery point to
 /// restore from.</param>
 /// <param name="edition">The edition of the database. The
 /// DatabaseEditions enumeration contains all the valid editions. If
 /// createMode is NonReadableSecondary or OnlineSecondary, this value
 /// is ignored.
 /// The list of SKUs may vary by region and support offer. To determine
 /// the SKUs (including the SKU name, tier/edition, family, and
 /// capacity) that are available to your subscription in an Azure
 /// region, use the `Capabilities_ListByLocation` REST API or one of
 /// the following commands:
 /// ```azurecli
 /// az sql db list-editions -l &lt;location&gt; -o table
 /// ````
 /// ```powershell
 /// Get-AzSqlServerServiceObjective -Location &lt;location&gt;
 /// ````
 /// . Possible values include: 'Web', 'Business', 'Basic', 'Standard',
 /// 'Premium', 'PremiumRS', 'Free', 'Stretch', 'DataWarehouse',
 /// 'System', 'System2', 'GeneralPurpose', 'BusinessCritical',
 /// 'Hyperscale'</param>
 /// <param name="maxSizeBytes">The max size of the database expressed
 /// in bytes. If createMode is not Default, this value is ignored. To
 /// see possible values, query the capabilities API
 /// (/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/locations/{locationID}/capabilities)
 /// referred to by operationId: "Capabilities_ListByLocation."</param>
 /// <param name="requestedServiceObjectiveId">The configured service
 /// level objective ID of the database. This is the service level
 /// objective that is in the process of being applied to the database.
 /// Once successfully updated, it will match the value of
 /// currentServiceObjectiveId property. If requestedServiceObjectiveId
 /// and requestedServiceObjectiveName are both updated, the value of
 /// requestedServiceObjectiveId overrides the value of
 /// requestedServiceObjectiveName.
 /// The list of SKUs may vary by region and support offer. To determine
 /// the service objective ids that are available to your subscription
 /// in an Azure region, use the `Capabilities_ListByLocation` REST
 /// API.</param>
 /// <param name="requestedServiceObjectiveName">The name of the
 /// configured service level objective of the database. This is the
 /// service level objective that is in the process of being applied to
 /// the database. Once successfully updated, it will match the value of
 /// serviceLevelObjective property.
 /// The list of SKUs may vary by region and support offer. To determine
 /// the SKUs (including the SKU name, tier/edition, family, and
 /// capacity) that are available to your subscription in an Azure
 /// region, use the `Capabilities_ListByLocation` REST API or one of
 /// the following commands:
 /// ```azurecli
 /// az sql db list-editions -l &lt;location&gt; -o table
 /// ````
 /// ```powershell
 /// Get-AzSqlServerServiceObjective -Location &lt;location&gt;
 /// ````
 /// . Possible values include: 'System', 'System0', 'System1',
 /// 'System2', 'System3', 'System4', 'System2L', 'System3L',
 /// 'System4L', 'Free', 'Basic', 'S0', 'S1', 'S2', 'S3', 'S4', 'S6',
 /// 'S7', 'S9', 'S12', 'P1', 'P2', 'P3', 'P4', 'P6', 'P11', 'P15',
 /// 'PRS1', 'PRS2', 'PRS4', 'PRS6', 'DW100', 'DW200', 'DW300', 'DW400',
 /// 'DW500', 'DW600', 'DW1000', 'DW1200', 'DW1000c', 'DW1500',
 /// 'DW1500c', 'DW2000', 'DW2000c', 'DW3000', 'DW2500c', 'DW3000c',
 /// 'DW6000', 'DW5000c', 'DW6000c', 'DW7500c', 'DW10000c', 'DW15000c',
 /// 'DW30000c', 'DS100', 'DS200', 'DS300', 'DS400', 'DS500', 'DS600',
 /// 'DS1000', 'DS1200', 'DS1500', 'DS2000', 'ElasticPool'</param>
 /// <param name="serviceLevelObjective">The current service level
 /// objective of the database. Possible values include: 'System',
 /// 'System0', 'System1', 'System2', 'System3', 'System4', 'System2L',
 /// 'System3L', 'System4L', 'Free', 'Basic', 'S0', 'S1', 'S2', 'S3',
 /// 'S4', 'S6', 'S7', 'S9', 'S12', 'P1', 'P2', 'P3', 'P4', 'P6', 'P11',
 /// 'P15', 'PRS1', 'PRS2', 'PRS4', 'PRS6', 'DW100', 'DW200', 'DW300',
 /// 'DW400', 'DW500', 'DW600', 'DW1000', 'DW1200', 'DW1000c', 'DW1500',
 /// 'DW1500c', 'DW2000', 'DW2000c', 'DW3000', 'DW2500c', 'DW3000c',
 /// 'DW6000', 'DW5000c', 'DW6000c', 'DW7500c', 'DW10000c', 'DW15000c',
 /// 'DW30000c', 'DS100', 'DS200', 'DS300', 'DS400', 'DS500', 'DS600',
 /// 'DS1000', 'DS1200', 'DS1500', 'DS2000', 'ElasticPool'</param>
 /// <param name="status">The status of the database.</param>
 /// <param name="elasticPoolName">The name of the elastic pool the
 /// database is in. If elasticPoolName and
 /// requestedServiceObjectiveName are both updated, the value of
 /// requestedServiceObjectiveName is ignored. Not supported for
 /// DataWarehouse edition.</param>
 /// <param name="defaultSecondaryLocation">The default secondary region
 /// for this database.</param>
 /// <param name="serviceTierAdvisors">The list of service tier advisors
 /// for this database. Expanded property</param>
 /// <param name="transparentDataEncryption">The transparent data
 /// encryption info for this database.</param>
 /// <param name="recommendedIndex">The recommended indices for this
 /// database.</param>
 /// <param name="failoverGroupId">The resource identifier of the
 /// failover group containing this database.</param>
 /// <param name="readScale">Conditional. If the database is a
 /// geo-secondary, readScale indicates whether read-only connections
 /// are allowed to this database or not. Not supported for
 /// DataWarehouse edition. Possible values include: 'Enabled',
 /// 'Disabled'</param>
 /// <param name="sampleName">Indicates the name of the sample schema to
 /// apply when creating this database. If createMode is not Default,
 /// this value is ignored. Not supported for DataWarehouse edition.
 /// Possible values include: 'AdventureWorksLT'</param>
 /// <param name="zoneRedundant">Whether or not this database is zone
 /// redundant, which means the replicas of this database will be spread
 /// across multiple availability zones.</param>
 public DatabaseInner(string location, string id = default(string), string name = default(string), string type = default(string), IDictionary <string, string> tags = default(IDictionary <string, string>), string kind = default(string), string collation = default(string), System.DateTime?creationDate = default(System.DateTime?), long?containmentState = default(long?), System.Guid?currentServiceObjectiveId = default(System.Guid?), System.Guid?databaseId = default(System.Guid?), System.DateTime?earliestRestoreDate = default(System.DateTime?), CreateMode createMode = default(CreateMode), string sourceDatabaseId = default(string), System.DateTime?sourceDatabaseDeletionDate = default(System.DateTime?), System.DateTime?restorePointInTime = default(System.DateTime?), string recoveryServicesRecoveryPointResourceId = default(string), DatabaseEdition edition = default(DatabaseEdition), string maxSizeBytes = default(string), System.Guid?requestedServiceObjectiveId = default(System.Guid?), ServiceObjectiveName requestedServiceObjectiveName = default(ServiceObjectiveName), ServiceObjectiveName serviceLevelObjective = default(ServiceObjectiveName), string status = default(string), string elasticPoolName = default(string), string defaultSecondaryLocation = default(string), IList <ServiceTierAdvisorInner> serviceTierAdvisors = default(IList <ServiceTierAdvisorInner>), IList <TransparentDataEncryptionInner> transparentDataEncryption = default(IList <TransparentDataEncryptionInner>), IList <RecommendedIndex> recommendedIndex = default(IList <RecommendedIndex>), string failoverGroupId = default(string), ReadScale?readScale = default(ReadScale?), SampleName sampleName = default(SampleName), bool?zoneRedundant = default(bool?))
     : base(location, id, name, type, tags)
     Kind                       = kind;
     Collation                  = collation;
     CreationDate               = creationDate;
     ContainmentState           = containmentState;
     CurrentServiceObjectiveId  = currentServiceObjectiveId;
     DatabaseId                 = databaseId;
     EarliestRestoreDate        = earliestRestoreDate;
     CreateMode                 = createMode;
     SourceDatabaseId           = sourceDatabaseId;
     SourceDatabaseDeletionDate = sourceDatabaseDeletionDate;
     RestorePointInTime         = restorePointInTime;
     RecoveryServicesRecoveryPointResourceId = recoveryServicesRecoveryPointResourceId;
     Edition      = edition;
     MaxSizeBytes = maxSizeBytes;
     RequestedServiceObjectiveId   = requestedServiceObjectiveId;
     RequestedServiceObjectiveName = requestedServiceObjectiveName;
     ServiceLevelObjective         = serviceLevelObjective;
     Status                    = status;
     ElasticPoolName           = elasticPoolName;
     DefaultSecondaryLocation  = defaultSecondaryLocation;
     ServiceTierAdvisors       = serviceTierAdvisors;
     TransparentDataEncryption = transparentDataEncryption;
     RecommendedIndex          = recommendedIndex;
     FailoverGroupId           = failoverGroupId;
     ReadScale                 = readScale;
     SampleName                = sampleName;
     ZoneRedundant             = zoneRedundant;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the ImportRequest class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="storageKeyType">The type of the storage key to use.
 /// Possible values include: 'StorageAccessKey',
 /// 'SharedAccessKey'</param>
 /// <param name="storageKey">The storage key to use.  If storage key
 /// type is SharedAccessKey, it must be preceded with a "?."</param>
 /// <param name="storageUri">The storage uri to use.</param>
 /// <param name="administratorLogin">The name of the SQL
 /// administrator.</param>
 /// <param name="administratorLoginPassword">The password of the SQL
 /// administrator.</param>
 /// <param name="databaseName">The name of the database to
 /// import.</param>
 /// <param name="edition">The edition for the database being created.
 /// The list of SKUs may vary by region and support offer. To determine
 /// the SKUs (including the SKU name, tier/edition, family, and
 /// capacity) that are available to your subscription in an Azure
 /// region, use the `Capabilities_ListByLocation` REST API or one of
 /// the following commands:
 /// ```azurecli
 /// az sql db list-editions -l &lt;location&gt; -o table
 /// ````
 /// ```powershell
 /// Get-AzSqlServerServiceObjective -Location &lt;location&gt;
 /// ````
 /// . Possible values include: 'Web', 'Business', 'Basic', 'Standard',
 /// 'Premium', 'PremiumRS', 'Free', 'Stretch', 'DataWarehouse',
 /// 'System', 'System2', 'GeneralPurpose', 'BusinessCritical',
 /// 'Hyperscale'</param>
 /// <param name="serviceObjectiveName">The name of the service
 /// objective to assign to the database. Possible values include:
 /// 'System', 'System0', 'System1', 'System2', 'System3', 'System4',
 /// 'System2L', 'System3L', 'System4L', 'Free', 'Basic', 'S0', 'S1',
 /// 'S2', 'S3', 'S4', 'S6', 'S7', 'S9', 'S12', 'P1', 'P2', 'P3', 'P4',
 /// 'P6', 'P11', 'P15', 'PRS1', 'PRS2', 'PRS4', 'PRS6', 'DW100',
 /// 'DW200', 'DW300', 'DW400', 'DW500', 'DW600', 'DW1000', 'DW1200',
 /// 'DW1000c', 'DW1500', 'DW1500c', 'DW2000', 'DW2000c', 'DW3000',
 /// 'DW2500c', 'DW3000c', 'DW6000', 'DW5000c', 'DW6000c', 'DW7500c',
 /// 'DW10000c', 'DW15000c', 'DW30000c', 'DS100', 'DS200', 'DS300',
 /// 'DS400', 'DS500', 'DS600', 'DS1000', 'DS1200', 'DS1500', 'DS2000',
 /// 'ElasticPool'</param>
 /// <param name="maxSizeBytes">The maximum size for the newly imported
 /// database.</param>
 /// <param name="authenticationType">The authentication type. Possible
 /// values include: 'SQL', 'ADPassword'</param>
 public ImportRequest(StorageKeyType storageKeyType, string storageKey, string storageUri, string administratorLogin, string administratorLoginPassword, string databaseName, DatabaseEdition edition, ServiceObjectiveName serviceObjectiveName, string maxSizeBytes, AuthenticationType?authenticationType = default(AuthenticationType?))
     : base(storageKeyType, storageKey, storageUri, administratorLogin, administratorLoginPassword, authenticationType)
     DatabaseName         = databaseName;
     Edition              = edition;
     ServiceObjectiveName = serviceObjectiveName;
     MaxSizeBytes         = maxSizeBytes;