protected override void PerformWork(IList <ArraySegment <Message> > items, out int totalCount, out object state)
            // The list of cursors represent (streamid, payloadid)
            var nextCursors = new ulong?[_cursors.Count];

            totalCount = 0;

            // Get the enumerator so that we can extract messages for this subscription
            IEnumerator <Tuple <ScaleoutMapping, int> > enumerator = GetMappings().GetEnumerator();

            while (totalCount < MaxMessages && enumerator.MoveNext())
                ScaleoutMapping mapping     = enumerator.Current.Item1;
                int             streamIndex = enumerator.Current.Item2;

                ulong?nextCursor = nextCursors[streamIndex];

                // Only keep going with this stream if the cursor we're looking at is bigger than
                // anything we already processed
                if (nextCursor == null || mapping.Id > nextCursor)
                    ulong mappingId = ExtractMessages(streamIndex, mapping, items, ref totalCount);

                    // Update the cursor id
                    nextCursors[streamIndex] = mappingId;

            state = nextCursors;
        private ulong ExtractMessages(int streamIndex, ScaleoutMapping mapping, IList <ArraySegment <Message> > items, ref int totalCount)
            // For each of the event keys we care about, extract all of the messages
            // from the payload
            lock (EventKeys)
                for (var i = 0; i < EventKeys.Count; ++i)
                    string eventKey = EventKeys[i];

                    for (int j = 0; j < mapping.LocalKeyInfo.Count; j++)
                        LocalEventKeyInfo info = mapping.LocalKeyInfo[j];

                        if (info.MessageStore != null && info.Key.Equals(eventKey, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            MessageStoreResult <Message> storeResult = info.MessageStore.GetMessages(info.Id, 1);

                            if (storeResult.Messages.Count > 0)
                                // TODO: Figure out what to do when we have multiple event keys per mapping
                                Message message = storeResult.Messages.Array[storeResult.Messages.Offset];

                                // Only add the message to the list if the stream index matches
                                if (message.StreamIndex == streamIndex)
                                    totalCount += storeResult.Messages.Count;

                                    // We got a mapping id bigger than what we expected which
                                    // means we missed messages. Use the new mappingId.
                                    if (message.MappingId > mapping.Id)
                                    // REVIEW: When the stream indexes don't match should we leave the mapping id as is?
                                    // If we do nothing then we'll end up querying old cursor ids until
                                    // we eventually find a message id that matches this stream index.

        private IEnumerable <Tuple <ScaleoutMapping, int> > GetMappings()
            var enumerators = new List <CachedStreamEnumerator>();

            for (var streamIndex = 0; streamIndex < _streams.Count; ++streamIndex)
                // Get the mapping for this stream
                ScaleoutMappingStore store = _streams[streamIndex];

                Cursor cursor = _cursors[streamIndex];

                // Try to find a local mapping for this payload
                var enumerator = new CachedStreamEnumerator(store.GetEnumerator(cursor.Id),


            while (enumerators.Count > 0)
                ScaleoutMapping        minMapping    = null;
                CachedStreamEnumerator minEnumerator = null;

                for (int i = enumerators.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    CachedStreamEnumerator enumerator = enumerators[i];

                    ScaleoutMapping mapping;
                    if (enumerator.TryMoveNext(out mapping))
                        if (minMapping == null || mapping.ServerCreationTime < minMapping.ServerCreationTime)
                            minMapping    = mapping;
                            minEnumerator = enumerator;

                if (minMapping != null)
                    yield return(Tuple.Create(minMapping, minEnumerator.StreamIndex));
        private void AddCursorForStream(int streamIndex, List <Cursor> cursors)
            ScaleoutMapping maxMapping = _streams[streamIndex].MaxMapping;

            ulong  id  = UInt64.MaxValue;
            string key = streamIndex.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            if (maxMapping != null)
                id = maxMapping.Id;

            var newCursor = new Cursor(key, id);

            public bool TryMoveNext(out ScaleoutMapping mapping)
                mapping = null;

                if (_cachedValue != null)
                    mapping = _cachedValue;

                if (_enumerator.MoveNext())
                    mapping      = _enumerator.Current;
                    _cachedValue = mapping;

Exemple #6
        // Adds a message to the store. Returns the ID of the newly added message.
        public ulong Add(ScaleoutMapping mapping)
            // keep looping in TryAddImpl until it succeeds
            ulong newMessageId;

            while (!TryAddImpl(mapping, out newMessageId))

            // When TryAddImpl succeeds, record the fact that a message was just added to the
            // store. We increment the next free id rather than set it explicitly since
            // multiple threads might be trying to write simultaneously. There is a nifty
            // side effect to this: _nextFreeMessageId will *always* return the total number
            // of messages that *all* threads agree have ever been added to the store. (The
            // actual number may be higher, but this field will eventually catch up as threads
            // flush data.)
            Interlocked.Increment(ref _nextFreeMessageId);
Exemple #7
            public bool TrySearch(ulong id, out int index, out int lastSearchIndex, out ulong lastSearchId)
                lastSearchIndex = 0;
                lastSearchId    = id;

                var low  = 0;
                var high = Length;

                while (low <= high)
                    int mid = (low + high) / 2;

                    ScaleoutMapping mapping = Data[mid];

                    lastSearchIndex = mid;
                    lastSearchId    = mapping.Id;

                    if (id < mapping.Id)
                        high = mid - 1;
                    else if (id > mapping.Id)
                        low = mid + 1;
                    else if (id == mapping.Id)
                        index = mid;

                index = -1;
        // Adds a message to the store. Returns the ID of the newly added message.
        public ulong Add(ScaleoutMapping mapping)
            // keep looping in TryAddImpl until it succeeds
            ulong newMessageId;
            while (!TryAddImpl(mapping, out newMessageId)) ;

            // When TryAddImpl succeeds, record the fact that a message was just added to the
            // store. We increment the next free id rather than set it explicitly since
            // multiple threads might be trying to write simultaneously. There is a nifty
            // side effect to this: _nextFreeMessageId will *always* return the total number
            // of messages that *all* threads agree have ever been added to the store. (The
            // actual number may be higher, but this field will eventually catch up as threads
            // flush data.)
            Interlocked.Increment(ref _nextFreeMessageId);
            return newMessageId;
        private bool TryAddImpl(ScaleoutMapping mapping, out ulong newMessageId)
            ulong nextFreeMessageId = (ulong)Volatile.Read(ref _nextFreeMessageId);

            // locate the fragment containing the next free id, which is where we should write
            ulong fragmentNum;
            int idxIntoFragmentsArray, idxIntoFragment;
            GetFragmentOffsets(nextFreeMessageId, out fragmentNum, out idxIntoFragmentsArray, out idxIntoFragment);
            Fragment fragment = _fragments[idxIntoFragmentsArray];

            if (fragment == null || fragment.FragmentNum < fragmentNum)
                // the fragment is outdated (or non-existent) and must be replaced
                bool overwrite = fragment != null && fragment.FragmentNum < fragmentNum;

                if (idxIntoFragment == 0)
                    // this thread is responsible for creating the fragment
                    Fragment newFragment = new Fragment(fragmentNum, _fragmentSize);
                    newFragment.Data[0] = mapping;
                    Fragment existingFragment = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _fragments[idxIntoFragmentsArray], newFragment, fragment);
                    if (existingFragment == fragment)
                        newMessageId = GetMessageId(fragmentNum, offset: 0);
                        newFragment.MinId = newMessageId;
                        newFragment.Length = 1;
                        newFragment.MaxId = GetMessageId(fragmentNum, offset: _fragmentSize - 1);
                        _maxMapping = mapping;

                        // Move the minimum id when we overwrite
                        if (overwrite)
                            _minMessageId = (long)(existingFragment.MaxId + 1);
                            _minMappingId = existingFragment.MaxId;
                        else if (idxIntoFragmentsArray == 0)
                            _minMappingId = mapping.Id;

                        return true;

                // another thread is responsible for updating the fragment, so fall to bottom of method
            else if (fragment.FragmentNum == fragmentNum)
                // the fragment is valid, and we can just try writing into it until we reach the end of the fragment
                ScaleoutMapping[] fragmentData = fragment.Data;
                for (int i = idxIntoFragment; i < fragmentData.Length; i++)
                    ScaleoutMapping originalMapping = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref fragmentData[i], mapping, null);
                    if (originalMapping == null)
                        newMessageId = GetMessageId(fragmentNum, offset: (uint)i);
                        _maxMapping = fragmentData[i];
                        return true;

                // another thread used the last open space in this fragment, so fall to bottom of method

            // failure; caller will retry operation
            newMessageId = 0;
            return false;
 public void ClearCachedValue()
     _cachedValue = null;
            public bool TryMoveNext(out ScaleoutMapping mapping)
                mapping = null;

                if (_cachedValue != null)
                    mapping = _cachedValue;
                    return true;

                if (_enumerator.MoveNext())
                    mapping = _enumerator.Current;
                    _cachedValue = mapping;
                    return true;

                return false;
        private ulong ExtractMessages(int streamIndex, ScaleoutMapping mapping, IList<ArraySegment<Message>> items, ref int totalCount)
            // For each of the event keys we care about, extract all of the messages
            // from the payload
            lock (EventKeys)
                for (var i = 0; i < EventKeys.Count; ++i)
                    string eventKey = EventKeys[i];

                    for (int j = 0; j < mapping.LocalKeyInfo.Count; j++)
                        LocalEventKeyInfo info = mapping.LocalKeyInfo[j];

                        if (info.MessageStore != null && info.Key.Equals(eventKey, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            MessageStoreResult<Message> storeResult = info.MessageStore.GetMessages(info.Id, 1);

                            if (storeResult.Messages.Count > 0)
                                // TODO: Figure out what to do when we have multiple event keys per mapping
                                Message message = storeResult.Messages.Array[storeResult.Messages.Offset];

                                // Only add the message to the list if the stream index matches
                                if (message.StreamIndex == streamIndex)
                                    totalCount += storeResult.Messages.Count;

                                    // We got a mapping id bigger than what we expected which
                                    // means we missed messages. Use the new mappingId.
                                    if (message.MappingId > mapping.Id)
                                        return message.MappingId;
                                    // REVIEW: When the stream indexes don't match should we leave the mapping id as is?
                                    // If we do nothing then we'll end up querying old cursor ids until
                                    // we eventually find a message id that matches this stream index.

            return mapping.Id;
Exemple #13
        private bool TryAddImpl(ScaleoutMapping mapping, out ulong newMessageId)
            ulong nextFreeMessageId = (ulong)Volatile.Read(ref _nextFreeMessageId);

            // locate the fragment containing the next free id, which is where we should write
            ulong fragmentNum;
            int   idxIntoFragmentsArray, idxIntoFragment;

            GetFragmentOffsets(nextFreeMessageId, out fragmentNum, out idxIntoFragmentsArray, out idxIntoFragment);
            Fragment fragment = _fragments[idxIntoFragmentsArray];

            if (fragment == null || fragment.FragmentNum < fragmentNum)
                // the fragment is outdated (or non-existent) and must be replaced
                bool overwrite = fragment != null && fragment.FragmentNum < fragmentNum;

                if (idxIntoFragment == 0)
                    // this thread is responsible for creating the fragment
                    Fragment newFragment = new Fragment(fragmentNum, _fragmentSize);
                    newFragment.Data[0] = mapping;
                    Fragment existingFragment = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _fragments[idxIntoFragmentsArray], newFragment, fragment);
                    if (existingFragment == fragment)
                        newMessageId       = GetMessageId(fragmentNum, offset: 0);
                        newFragment.MinId  = newMessageId;
                        newFragment.Length = 1;
                        newFragment.MaxId  = GetMessageId(fragmentNum, offset: _fragmentSize - 1);
                        _maxMapping        = mapping;

                        // Move the minimum id when we overwrite
                        if (overwrite)
                            _minMessageId = (long)(existingFragment.MaxId + 1);
                            _minMappingId = existingFragment.MaxId;
                        else if (idxIntoFragmentsArray == 0)
                            _minMappingId = mapping.Id;


                // another thread is responsible for updating the fragment, so fall to bottom of method
            else if (fragment.FragmentNum == fragmentNum)
                // the fragment is valid, and we can just try writing into it until we reach the end of the fragment
                ScaleoutMapping[] fragmentData = fragment.Data;
                for (int i = idxIntoFragment; i < fragmentData.Length; i++)
                    ScaleoutMapping originalMapping = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref fragmentData[i], mapping, null);
                    if (originalMapping == null)
                        newMessageId = GetMessageId(fragmentNum, offset: (uint)i);
                        _maxMapping = fragmentData[i];

                // another thread used the last open space in this fragment, so fall to bottom of method

            // failure; caller will retry operation
            newMessageId = 0;
 public void ClearCachedValue()
     _cachedValue = null;