public string Compile(IEnumerable<string> files)
            var blocks = new List<Block>();
            // ReSharper disable once LoopCanBeConvertedToQuery
            foreach (string file in files)
                var parser = new JSParser(File.ReadAllText(file)) { FileContext = file };
                var block = parser.Parse(new CodeSettings
                    EvalTreatment = EvalTreatment.MakeImmediateSafe,
                    PreserveImportantComments = false
                if (block != null)

            Block fst = blocks[0];
            for (int i = 1; i < blocks.Count; i++)

            string sequenceCode = fst.ToCode();
            var minifier = new Minifier();
            string compiled = minifier.MinifyJavaScript(
                new CodeSettings
                    EvalTreatment = EvalTreatment.MakeImmediateSafe,
                    PreserveImportantComments = false
            return compiled;
Exemple #2
        public SwitchCase(Context context, JSParser parser, AstNode caseValue, Block statements)
            : base(context, parser)
            m_caseValue = caseValue;
            if (caseValue != null)
                caseValue.Parent = this;

            if (statements != null)
                if (statements.Count == 1)
                    // if there is only one item in the block
                    // and that one item IS a block...
                    Block block = statements[0] as Block;
                    if (block != null)
                        // then we can skip the intermediary block because all it
                        // does is add braces around the block, which aren't needed
                        statements = block;
            m_statements = statements;
            if (statements != null)
                statements.Parent = this;
Exemple #3
 protected UnaryOperator(Context context, JSParser parser, AstNode operand, JSToken operatorToken)
     : base(context, parser)
     Operand = operand;
     OperatorToken = operatorToken;
     if (Operand != null) Operand.Parent = this;
 private ReorderScopeVisitor(JSParser parser)
     // save the mods we care about
     m_moveVarStatements = parser.Settings.ReorderScopeDeclarations && parser.Settings.IsModificationAllowed(TreeModifications.CombineVarStatementsToTopOfScope);
     m_moveFunctionDecls = parser.Settings.ReorderScopeDeclarations && parser.Settings.IsModificationAllowed(TreeModifications.MoveFunctionToTopOfScope);
     m_combineAdjacentVars = parser.Settings.IsModificationAllowed(TreeModifications.CombineVarStatements);
Exemple #5
        public ObjectLiteral(Context context, JSParser parser, ObjectLiteralField[] keys, AstNode[] values)
            : base(context, parser)
            // the length of keys and values should be identical.
            // if either is null, or if the lengths don't match, we ignore both!
            if (keys == null || values == null || keys.Length != values.Length)
                // allocate EMPTY arrays so we don't have to keep checking for nulls
                m_keys = new ObjectLiteralField[0];
                m_values = new AstNode[0];
                // copy the arrays
                m_keys = keys;
                m_values = values;

                // make sure the parents are set properly
                foreach (AstNode astNode in keys)
                    astNode.Parent = this;
                foreach (AstNode astNode in values)
                    astNode.Parent = this;
                // because we don't ensure that the arrays are the same length, we'll need to
                // check for the minimum length every time we iterate over them
Exemple #6
        public ConstantWrapper(Object value, PrimitiveType primitiveType, Context context, JSParser parser)
            : base(context, parser)
            PrimitiveType = primitiveType;

            // force numerics to be of type double
            Value = (primitiveType == PrimitiveType.Number ? System.Convert.ToDouble(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) : value);
Exemple #7
        string InsertModulePathIntoDefineCall(string moduleScript, string modulePath)
            var parser = new JSParser(moduleScript);
            var sourceTree = parser.Parse(new CodeSettings());
            sourceTree.Accept(new ModulePathInserter(modulePath));

            return sourceTree.ToCode();
Exemple #8
 public DoWhile(Context context, JSParser parser, AstNode body, AstNode condition)
     : base(context, parser)
     Body = ForceToBlock(body);
     Condition = condition;
     if (Body != null) Body.Parent = this;
     if (Condition != null) Condition.Parent = this;
Exemple #9
 public Switch(Context context, JSParser parser, AstNode expression, AstNodeList cases)
     : base(context, parser)
     Expression = expression;
     Cases = cases;
     if (Expression != null) Expression.Parent = this;
     if (Cases != null) Cases.Parent = this;
Exemple #10
 public static bool JavaScriptContainsTopLevelVariable(string javaScriptSource, string variableName)
     var parser = new JSParser(javaScriptSource);
     var tree = parser.Parse(new CodeSettings());
     var finder = new TopLevelVariableFinder(variableName);
     return finder.found;
Exemple #11
 internal FunctionScope(ActivationObject parent, bool isExpression, JSParser parser)
     : base(parent, parser)
     if (isExpression)
         // parent scopes automatically reference enclosed function expressions
Exemple #12
        public Member(Context context, JSParser parser, AstNode rootObject, string memberName, Context idContext)
            : base(context, parser)
            Name = memberName;
            NameContext = idContext;

            Root = rootObject;
            if (Root != null) Root.Parent = this;
Exemple #13
        public WithNode(Context context, JSParser parser, AstNode obj, AstNode body)
            : base(context, parser)
            m_withObject = obj;
            Body = ForceToBlock(body);

            if (m_withObject != null) { m_withObject.Parent = this; }
            if (Body != null) { Body.Parent = this; }
Exemple #14
 public ConditionalCompilationElseIf(Context context, JSParser parser, AstNode condition)
     : base(context, parser)
     Condition = condition;
     if (Condition != null)
         Condition.Parent = this;
Exemple #15
        /// <summary>
        /// In addition to combining, also minifies the given Javascript.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The combined and minified Javascript code for this bundle.</returns>
        public override string Combine()
            var source = base.Combine();
            var result = string.Empty;
            var errorLines = string.Empty;
            var hasError = false;

                var jsParser = new JSParser(source);

                var settings = new CodeSettings()
                    CombineDuplicateLiterals = true,
                    OutputMode = OutputMode.SingleLine,
                    RemoveUnneededCode = true,
                    TermSemicolons = false,
                    PreserveImportantComments = false,

                jsParser.CompilerError += delegate(object sender, JScriptExceptionEventArgs args)
                    // The 0 severity means errors.
                    // We can safely ignore the rest.
                    if (args.Error.Severity == 0)
                        hasError = true;
                        errorLines += string.Format("\r\n/* Javascript parse error when processing the bundle.\r\nStart: line {0} column {1}, end: line {2} column {3}.\r\nError message: {4} */",
                jsParser.UndefinedReference += delegate(object sender, UndefinedReferenceEventArgs args)
                    // Let's just ignore undefined references.

                var block = jsParser.Parse(settings);
                result = block.ToCode();
            catch (Exception exc)
                hasError = true;

            // If there were errors, use the non-minified version and append the errors to the bottom,
            // so that the portal builder can debug it.
            if (hasError)
                result = source + "\r\n\r\n" + errorLines;

            return result;
Exemple #16
 public Conditional(Context context, JSParser parser, AstNode condition, AstNode trueExpression, AstNode falseExpression)
     : base(context, parser)
     Condition = condition;
     TrueExpression = trueExpression;
     FalseExpression = falseExpression;
     if (condition != null) condition.Parent = this;
     if (trueExpression != null) trueExpression.Parent = this;
     if (falseExpression != null) falseExpression.Parent = this;
Exemple #17
 public ForIn(Context context, JSParser parser, AstNode var, AstNode collection, AstNode body)
     : base(context, parser)
     Variable = var;
     Collection = collection;
     Body = ForceToBlock(body);
     if (Body != null) Body.Parent = this;
     if (Variable != null) Variable.Parent = this;
     if (Collection != null) Collection.Parent = this;
Exemple #18
        public IfNode(Context context, JSParser parser, AstNode condition, AstNode trueBranch, AstNode falseBranch)
            : base(context, parser)
            Condition = condition;
            TrueBlock = ForceToBlock(trueBranch);
            FalseBlock = ForceToBlock(falseBranch);

            // make sure the parent element is set
            if (Condition != null) Condition.Parent = this;
            if (TrueBlock != null) TrueBlock.Parent = this;
            if (FalseBlock != null) FalseBlock.Parent = this;
        public static void Apply(Block block, JSParser parser)
            // create a new instance of the visitor and apply it to the block
            var visitor = new ReorderScopeVisitor(parser);

            // get the first insertion point. Make sure that we skip over any comments and directive prologues.
            // we do NOT want to insert anything between the start of the scope and any directive prologues.
            int insertAt = 0;
            while (insertAt < block.Count
                && (block[insertAt].IsDirectivePrologue || block[insertAt] is ImportantComment))

            // first, we want to move all function declarations to the top of this block
            if (visitor.m_functionDeclarations != null)
                foreach (var funcDecl in visitor.m_functionDeclarations)
                    insertAt = RelocateFunction(block, insertAt, funcDecl);

            // special case: if there is only one var statement in the entire scope,
            // then just leave it alone because we will only add bytes by moving it around,
            // or be byte-neutral at best (no initializers and not in a for-statement).
            if (visitor.m_varStatements != null && visitor.m_varStatements.Count > 1)
                // then we want to move all variable declarations after to the top (after the functions)
                foreach (var varStatement in visitor.m_varStatements)
                    insertAt = RelocateVar(block, insertAt, varStatement);

            // then we want to do the same thing for all child functions (declarations AND other)
            if (visitor.m_functionDeclarations != null)
                foreach (var funcDecl in visitor.m_functionDeclarations)
                    Apply(funcDecl.Body, parser);

            if (visitor.m_functionExpressions != null)
                foreach (var funcExpr in visitor.m_functionExpressions)
                    Apply(funcExpr.Body, parser);
Exemple #20
        public LabeledStatement(Context context, JSParser parser, string label, int nestCount, AstNode statement)
            : base(context, parser)
            m_label = label;
            m_statement = statement;
            m_nestCount = nestCount;

            if (m_statement != null)
                m_statement.Parent = this;
Exemple #21
 public ForNode(Context context, JSParser parser, AstNode initializer, AstNode condition, AstNode increment, AstNode body)
     : base(context, parser)
     Initializer = initializer;
     Condition = condition;
     Incrementer = increment;
     Body = ForceToBlock(body);
     if (Body != null) Body.Parent = this;
     if (Incrementer != null) Incrementer.Parent = this;
     if (Condition != null) Condition.Parent = this;
     if (Initializer != null) Initializer.Parent = this;
Exemple #22
        public TryNode(Context context, JSParser parser, AstNode tryBlock, string catchVarName, Context catchVarContext, AstNode catchBlock, AstNode finallyBlock)
            : base(context, parser)
            CatchVarName = catchVarName;
            TryBlock = ForceToBlock(tryBlock);
            CatchBlock = ForceToBlock(catchBlock);
            FinallyBlock = ForceToBlock(finallyBlock);
            if (TryBlock != null) { TryBlock.Parent = this; }
            if (CatchBlock != null) { CatchBlock.Parent = this; }
            if (FinallyBlock != null) { FinallyBlock.Parent = this; }

            CatchVarContext = catchVarContext;
Exemple #23
 public static string InsertModulePathIntoDefineCall(string moduleScript, string modulePath)
     var inserter = new ModulePathInserter();
     var parser = new JSParser(moduleScript);
     var sourceTree = parser.Parse(new CodeSettings { MinifyCode = false });
     if (inserter.insertionIndex > 0)
         return moduleScript.Insert(inserter.insertionIndex, "\"" + modulePath + "\",");
         return moduleScript;
Exemple #24
        public CallNode(Context context, JSParser parser, AstNode function, AstNodeList args, bool inBrackets)
            : base(context, parser)
            m_func = function;
            m_args = args;
            m_inBrackets = inBrackets;

            if (m_func != null)
                m_func.Parent = this;
            if (m_args != null)
                m_args.Parent = this;
Exemple #25
        internal GlobalScope(JSParser parser)
            : base(null, parser)
            // define the Global object's properties, and methods
            m_globalObject = new GlobalObject(
              new string[] { "Infinity", "NaN", "undefined", "window", "Image", "Math", "XMLHttpRequest", "DOMParser", "Worker" },
              new string[] { "decodeURI", "decodeURIComponent", "encodeURI", "encodeURIComponent", "escape", "eval", "importScripts", "isNaN", "isFinite", "parseFloat", "parseInt", "unescape", "ActiveXObject", "Array", "Boolean", "Date", "Error", "Function", "Number", "Object", "RegExp", "String", "HTMLElement" }

            // define the Window object's properties, and methods
            m_windowObject = new GlobalObject(
              new string[] { "applicationCache", "clientInformation", "clipboardData", "closed", "document", "event", "external", "frameElement", "frames", "history", "length", "localStorage", "location", "name", "navigator", "opener", "parent", "screen", "self", "sessionStorage", "status", "top" },
              new string[] { "addEventListener", "alert", "attachEvent", "blur", "clearInterval", "clearTimeout", "close", "confirm", "createPopup", "detachEvent", "dispatchEvent", "execScript", "focus", "getComputedStyle", "getSelection", "moveBy", "moveTo", "navigate", "open", "postMessage", "prompt", "removeEventListener", "resizeBy", "resizeTo", "scroll", "scrollBy", "scrollTo", "setActive", "setInterval", "setTimeout", "showModalDialog", "showModelessDialog" }
Exemple #26
        private bool m_useStrict; //= false;

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        protected ActivationObject(ActivationObject parent, JSParser parser)
            m_parent = parent;
            m_nameTable = new Dictionary<string, JSVariableField>();
            m_fieldTable = new List<JSVariableField>();
            m_childScopes = new List<ActivationObject>();
            Verboten = new Dictionary<JSVariableField, JSVariableField>(32);
            m_isKnownAtCompileTime = true;
            m_parser = parser;

            // if our parent is a scope....
            if (parent != null)
                // add us to the parent's list of child scopes

                // if the parent is strict, so are we
                UseStrict = parent.UseStrict;
Exemple #27
        public override CombinedFileResult Parse(params string[] files)
            var combined = CombineFiles(files);

            var settings = new CodeSettings {


            var parser = new JSParser(combined);

            var block = parser.Parse(settings);
            var result = block.ToCode();

            var key = GenerateKey(result);

            return new CombinedFileResult {
                Content = result,
                Key = key,
Exemple #28
 Block ParseJavaScript(string source)
     this.ErrorList = new List<ContextError>();
     JSParser jSParser = new JSParser();
     jSParser.CompilerError += new EventHandler<ContextErrorEventArgs>(this.OnJavaScriptError);
         var block = jSParser.Parse(source, CodeSettings);
         return block;
     catch (Exception ex)
         this.ErrorList.Add(new ContextError
             Severity = 0,
             //File = this.FileName,
             Message = ex.Message
Exemple #29
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var input = File.ReadAllText("input.js");

            Console.WriteLine("--- Raw ---");

            Console.WriteLine("--- Minified ---");
            Console.WriteLine(new Minifier().MinifyJavaScript(input));

            Console.WriteLine("--- AST ---");
            var parser = new JSParser();
            parser.CompilerError += (_, ea) => Console.WriteLine(ea.Error);

            var functions = parser.Parse(input);
            var functionContext = parser.Parse("var functionContext = {};");

            new ObjectLiteralVisitor(functions).Visit(functionContext);

            OutputVisitor.Apply(Console.Out, functionContext, new CodeSettings() { MinifyCode = false, OutputMode = OutputMode.MultipleLines });
Exemple #30
 protected Expression(Context context, JSParser parser)
     : base(context, parser)