public SplashScreen()
                SingleInstanceMutex = Mutex.OpenExisting("MiSMDRMutex0");
                MessageBox.Show("There is already an instance of MiSMDR running.", "MiSMDR already running", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
            catch (Exception ex)
                SingleInstanceMutex = new Mutex(false, "MiSMDRMutex0");

                _firstTime   = true; //Never change this
                _statusCount = 0;


                _forcedDemo  = false; // TURN ON AND OFF DEMO HERE - to force into demo mode every startup
                _popup       = false;
                _trialStatus = false;

                Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey key;
                key = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey("Software\\MiSMDR");
                string existing_key = (string)key.GetValue("MiSMDRKey");
                LicenseBreaker    breaker = new LicenseBreaker(existing_key);
                RegisteredDetails details = breaker.BreakKey();

                if ((details.licence_type == "expired-trial") || (details.licence_type == "unregistered") || (details.licence_type == "invalid")) //only show popup for expired trial, invalid or unregistered
                    _popup = true;                                                                                                                //make the registration page popup
                if ((details.licence_type == "trial") || (details.licence_type == "expired-trial"))
                    _trialStatus = true; //make the trial status appear

                if (_forcedDemo)
                    MiConfig.SetDemoMode(_forcedDemo); //always overwrite the config file if this is forced Demo Only
                    _demo = true;
                    _demo = MiConfig.GetDemoMode(); //get the stored demo mode if it is not forced (returns true if there is no config)

                //get the location of the user settings
                Configuration config = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.PerUserRoamingAndLocal);
                _configPath = config.FilePath.Remove(config.FilePath.Length - 11); // user.config is 11 characters
