Exemple #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Product product1 = new Product();

            product1.Name        = "Elma";
            product1.Price       = 15;
            product1.Description = "Amasya Elması";

            Product product2 = new Product();

            product2.Name        = "Karpuz";
            product2.Price       = 80;
            product2.Description = "Diyarbakır karpuzu";

            Product[] products = new Product[] { product1, product2 };

            // type-safe
            foreach (var product in products)

            Console.WriteLine("---------- Methods ----------");

            // Instance
            // Encapsulation

            CartManager cartManager = new CartManager();


            cartManager.AddToCart2("Armut", "Yeşil Armut", 12, 10);
            cartManager.AddToCart2("Elma", "Yeşil Elma", 12, 9);
            cartManager.AddToCart2("Karpuz", "Diyarbakır Karpuzu", 12, 8);
Exemple #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Product prod1 = new Product();

            prod1.Name        = "Apple";
            prod1.Price       = 6;
            prod1.Description = "Amasya Apple";

            Product prod2 = new Product();

            prod2.Name        = "Watermelone";
            prod2.Price       = 55;
            prod2.Description = "This is a watermelone..";

            Product[] products = new Product[] { prod1, prod2 };

            foreach (Product prod in products)
                Console.WriteLine(prod.Name + " " + prod.Price + " " + prod.Description);


            CartManager cartManager = new CartManager();


            Console.WriteLine("\n---------void methods------------");

            //Method does not return a value
            Add1(10, 5);

            Console.WriteLine("\n-------------methods returning value-----------");
            //Method returning value
            //sum2 value will be 15 after this method call
            //We can use var instead of int
            var sum2 = Add2(10, 5);

            Console.WriteLine("Add2 method call: 10 + 5 = " + sum2);
            //sum2 will be 30 after this method call, because the second parameter is not given and the method will use the
            //default value of the missing parameter which is 20
            sum2 = Add2(10);
            Console.WriteLine("Add2 method call(20 is the default value of the second number): 10 + 20 = " + sum2);

            Console.WriteLine("\n-------------ref keyword with the methods-----------");
            //ref keyword
            //Let we have two variables
            int number1 = 5;
            int number2 = 7;

            //now we pass values of these variables to our Add3 method.
            //the values of the variables above at the 53th and 54th lines are copied to the parameters of the method.
            //the assignment of "number1 = 50;" in the body (see line 98) of this method won't effect our variable of
            //number1 at the 53th line.
            int sum3 = Add3(number1, number2);

            Console.WriteLine("Add3: number1 out of the method: " + number1);

            //if we want to enable the operations to effect the value type variables which are out of the methods,
            //we add ref keyword to both definition and invocation of our method.
            int sum4 = Add4(ref number1, number2);

            Console.WriteLine("Add4: number1 out of the method: " + number1);

            Console.WriteLine("\n-------------out keyword with the methods-----------");
            //out keyword works almost same as ref keyword but it has 2 differences,
            //ref keyword needs an initialized variable, which means the ref variable has to have an initial value.
            //out keyword doesn't need an initial value. Additionally it already has to assign a value to the given variable name.
            //for example, the code below is commented out because won't work:

            //int number1;
            //int number2 = 8;
            //sum4 = Add4(ref number1, number2);

            //But this usage with out is valid:

            int num1;
            int num2 = 3;
            int sum5 = Add5(out num1, num2);

            Console.WriteLine("Add5: num1 out of the method: " + num1);

            //By the way, the variable used with out, or ref keywords does not need to have same name as in the methods.
            int x = 7;
            int y = 19;

            sum5 = Add4(ref x, y);
            Console.WriteLine("Add4: x variable out of the method: " + x);

            int k;

            sum5 = Add5(out k, y);
            Console.WriteLine("Add5: k variable out of the method: " + k);

            Console.WriteLine("\n-------------method overloading-----------");
            //We can define methods with the same name with different parameter count or types as long as C# can distinguish
            //which of the same name methods to invoke by considering the parameters.
            Console.WriteLine("Method with 2 parameters: " + Multiply(3, 9));
            Console.WriteLine("Method with 3 parameters: " + Multiply(3, 7, 17));

            Console.WriteLine("\n-------------methods with params keyword-----------");

            //what if we want a method that returns sum of some arbitrary count of numbers?
            //method definition with params keyword allows us to invoke a method with flexible count of parameters.
            //params can be used with additional other parameters, in this case the keyword with params have to be the last one.

            //calculates and returns sum of the given values
            Console.WriteLine("Method with params usage: " + Total(5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8));

            //calculates sum of the given values other than first one and multiplys sum by the first parameter which is x
            Console.WriteLine("Method with int x + params: " + Total2(5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8));
        } /* ==========================================End of Main===========================================*/