/// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Message"></param>
        protected override void HandleSaidMessage(SaidMessage Message)

            // log chat from players to IRC
            if (IrcClient.IsRegistered && IrcChannel != null)
                // build a str to log
                // this has a prefix (e.g. "103: ") and a m59 message
                string chatstr =
                    IRCChatStyle.GetPrefixString(Config.ChatPrefix) +

                // try to log the chatmessage to IRC
                IrcClient.LocalUser.SendMessage(IrcChannel, chatstr);
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends Message to IrcChannel, splitting if necessary to avoid
        /// IRC character limit. Uses a conservative split limit (280)
        /// due to color codes seeming to shorten the max length from 450
        /// on EsperNet.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Message"></param>
        private void SendSplitIRCChannelServerString(ServerString Message)
            // Must have somewhere to send.
            if (!IrcClient.IsRegistered || IrcChannel == null)

            // build a str to log
            // this has a prefix (e.g. "103: ") and a m59 message
            string chatstr =
                IRCChatStyle.GetPrefixString(Config.ChatPrefix) +

            // try to log the chatmessage to IRC
            // Short path
            if (chatstr.Length < 280)
                IrcClient.LocalUser.SendMessage(IrcChannel, chatstr);

                string lastStyle = string.Empty;
                int    count     = 0;
                while (chatstr.Length > 0 && count++ < 8)
                    string substr = chatstr.Truncate(IRCChatStyle.GetGoodTruncateIndex(chatstr, 280));
                    IrcClient.LocalUser.SendMessage(IrcChannel, lastStyle + substr);
                    chatstr   = chatstr.Substring(substr.Length);
                    lastStyle = IRCChatStyle.GetLastChatStyleString(substr);
            catch (Exception e)
                Log("ERROR", "Failed string splitting: " + e.Message);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Message"></param>
        protected override void HandleMessageMessage(MessageMessage Message)

            string       s       = Message.Message.FullString;
            const string prefix  = "[###]";
            const string ignore1 = "Your safety is now";

            // starts with prefix and does not contain ignores
            if (s.IndexOf(prefix) == 0 &&
                s.IndexOf(ignore1) == -1 &&
                IrcClient.IsRegistered &&
                IrcChannel != null)
                // build a str to log
                // this has a prefix (e.g. "103: ") and a m59 message
                string chatstr =
                    IRCChatStyle.GetPrefixString(Config.ChatPrefix) +

                // try to log the chatmessage to IRC
                IrcClient.LocalUser.SendMessage(IrcChannel, chatstr);
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Invoked when a channel message was received
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected void OnMessageReceived(object sender, IrcMessageEventArgs e)
            // Ignore message whose length is just @prefix + @ + space length.
            if (e.Text == null || e.Text.Length <= Config.ChatPrefix.Length + 1 + 1)

            // try get channeluser by name
            IrcChannelUser usr = GetChannelUser(e.Source.Name);

            if (usr == null)

            string s                 = String.Empty;
            string banner            = String.Empty;
            string ignoreSystemRegex = String.Empty;
            bool   relayMsg          = false;

            // Relay messages from allowed chatbots
            foreach (var relayBot in Config.RelayBots)
                if (relayBot.Name.Contains(e.Source.Name))
                    // Sanity check for our own name
                    if (e.Source.Name.Equals(Config.NickName))

                    // Convert the IRC colors back to server styles/colors.
                    s = IRCChatStyle.CreateChatMessageFromIRCMessage(e.Text);

                    // Ignore any messages containing...
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(relayBot.IgnoreAllRegex) && (Regex.Match(s, relayBot.IgnoreAllRegex)).Success)

                    // Banner is the second string in the tuple.
                    banner            = relayBot.Banner;
                    ignoreSystemRegex = relayBot.IgnoreSystemRegex;

                    relayMsg = true;

            if (!relayMsg)
                // Ignore messages without @prefix start.
                if (!relayMsg && e.Text.IndexOf("@" + Config.ChatPrefix) != 0)

                // only allowed users and admins can use the bot
                if (!(Config.AllowedUsers.Contains(e.Source.Name) ||
                    // respond user he can't use this feature
                        e.Source.Name + " you can't use this feature.");


                if (!IsUserRegistered(e.Source.Name))
                    // Must have registered nickname.
                                                    e.Source.Name + " you must register your nickname to use this feature.");


                // now remove the @103 start
                s = e.Text.Substring(Config.ChatPrefix.Length + 1 + 1);

            // used delimiter
            const char delimiter = ' ';

            // split up into words
            string[] words = s.Split(delimiter);

            if (words.Length > 0)
                if (Util.IsDisallowedDMCommand(words[0]))
                        e.Source.Name + " you can't use this feature. This incident has been logged.");
                    foreach (string admin in Config.Admins)
                        // try get channeluser by name
                        usr = GetChannelUser(admin);

                        // online? send!
                        if (usr != null)
                            IrcClient.LocalUser.SendMessage(admin, String.Format("IRC User {0} has attempted to use a DM command", e.Source.Name));
                else if (words.Length > 3 && relayMsg)
                    // First word is the server's header (e.g. 103:) so don't use it.
                    if (words[1].Contains("[###]"))
                        // Ignore system messages containing....
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ignoreSystemRegex) && (Regex.Match(s, ignoreSystemRegex)).Success)

                        // Adjust the color codes to display [###] correctly, drop the
                        // existing [###] and add a fixed one here. Doesn't seem to be
                        // possible to fix the one in the message itself.
                        s  = "dm gqemote " + banner + " ~U[###]~n ~U";
                        s += String.Join(delimiter.ToString(), words, 2, words.Length - 2);
                    else if ((Regex.Match(s, @"(broadcasts,|teilt allen)")).Success)
                        // Add server header, echo message.
                        s  = "dm gqemote " + banner + " ~n~w";
                        s += String.Join(delimiter.ToString(), words, 1, words.Length - 1);
                    else if (words[1].Contains("You") && words[2].Contains("broadcast,"))
                        // Echo messages that the other bot broadcasts to its server.
                        s  = "dm gqemote " + banner + " ~n~wHelp broadcasts,";
                        s += String.Join(delimiter.ToString(), words, 3, words.Length - 3);
                    else if (words.Length > 5 && words[1].Contains("Du") && words[3].Contains("allen"))
                        // German bot broadcasting to its server, echo the German translation.
                        s  = "dm gqemote " + banner + " ~n~wHelp teilt allen mit,";
                        s += String.Join(delimiter.ToString(), words, 5, words.Length - 5);
                    switch (words[0])
                    case ChatCommandBroadcast.KEY1:
                    case ChatCommandBroadcast.KEY2:

                        // keep first word
                        s = String.Join(delimiter.ToString(), words, 0, 1);

                        // insert banner + name
                        s += delimiter + Config.Banner;
                        s += e.Source.Name + ": ~n";

                        // add rest
                        s += String.Join(delimiter.ToString(), words, 1, words.Length - 1);

                    case ChatCommandTell.KEY1:
                    case ChatCommandTell.KEY2:

                        // keep first two word
                        s = String.Join(delimiter.ToString(), words, 0, 2);

                        // insert banner + name
                        s += delimiter + Config.Banner;
                        s += e.Source.Name + ": ~n";

                        // add rest
                        s += String.Join(delimiter.ToString(), words, 2, words.Length - 2);

            // enqueue it for execution