public HtmlTemplate Clone()
     HtmlTemplate t = new HtmlTemplate();
     t.Body = this.Body;
     t.DisplayName = this.DisplayName;
     t.From = this.From;
     t.LastUpdatedUtc = this.LastUpdatedUtc;
     t.RepeatingSection = this.RepeatingSection;
     t.StoreId = this.StoreId;
     t.Subject = this.Subject;
     t.TemplateType = HtmlTemplateType.Custom;
     return t;
        public HtmlTemplate Clone()
            HtmlTemplate t = new HtmlTemplate();

            t.Body             = this.Body;
            t.DisplayName      = this.DisplayName;
            t.From             = this.From;
            t.LastUpdatedUtc   = this.LastUpdatedUtc;
            t.RepeatingSection = this.RepeatingSection;
            t.StoreId          = this.StoreId;
            t.Subject          = this.Subject;
            t.TemplateType     = HtmlTemplateType.Custom;
        private void CheckForType(HtmlTemplateType checkType, List <HtmlTemplate> existing)
            var existCount = existing.Where(y => y.TemplateType == checkType).Count();

            if (existCount < 1)
                HtmlTemplate standard = GetDefaultTemplate(checkType);
                if (standard != null)
                    standard.Id      = 0;
                    standard.StoreId = context.CurrentStore.Id;
        public HtmlTemplate ReplaceTagsInTemplate(MerchantTribeApplication app, List <IReplaceable> items, List <IReplaceable> repeatingItems)
            HtmlTemplate copy = this.Clone();

            // Replace Store Defaults
            foreach (HtmlTemplateTag tag in this.DefaultReplacementTags(app))
                copy.Subject = tag.ReplaceTags(copy.Subject);
                copy.Body    = tag.ReplaceTags(copy.Body);
                copy.From    = tag.ReplaceTags(copy.From);

            // Replace Tags in Body and Subject
            foreach (IReplaceable item in items)
                foreach (HtmlTemplateTag tag in item.GetReplaceableTags(app))
                    copy.Subject = tag.ReplaceTags(copy.Subject);
                    copy.Body    = tag.ReplaceTags(copy.Body);
                    copy.From    = tag.ReplaceTags(copy.From);

            // Build Repeating Section
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (IReplaceable repeatingItem in repeatingItems)
                string temp = copy.RepeatingSection;
                foreach (HtmlTemplateTag tag in repeatingItem.GetReplaceableTags(app))
                    temp = tag.ReplaceTags(temp);

            // Copy repeating section to body
            string allrepeating = sb.ToString();

            copy.Body = copy.Body.Replace("[[RepeatingSection]]", allrepeating);

        public HtmlTemplate GetHtmlTemplateOrDefault(HtmlTemplateType templateType)
            HtmlTemplate existing = HtmlTemplates.FindByStoreAndType(context.CurrentStore.Id, templateType);

            if (existing == null)
                HtmlTemplate standard = GetDefaultTemplate(templateType);

                if (standard != null)
                    standard.Id      = 0;
                    standard.StoreId = context.CurrentStore.Id;


        private bool Save()
            bool result = false;

            HtmlTemplate e = MTApp.ContentServices.HtmlTemplates.Find(CurrentTemplateId());
            if (CurrentTemplateId() == 0) e = new HtmlTemplate();
            if (e == null) return false;

            e.Body = this.BodyField.Text.Trim();
            e.DisplayName = this.DisplayNameField.Text.Trim();
            e.From = this.FromField.Text.Trim();
            e.RepeatingSection = this.RepeatingSectionField.Text.Trim();
            e.Subject = this.SubjectField.Text.Trim();

            long typeId = 0;
            long.TryParse(this.lstTemplateType.SelectedValue, out typeId);
            if (typeId < 0) typeId = 0;
            e.TemplateType = (HtmlTemplateType)typeId;

            if (e.Id == 0)
                result = MTApp.ContentServices.HtmlTemplates.Create(e);
                result = MTApp.ContentServices.HtmlTemplates.Update(e);

            if (result == true)
                // Update bvin field so that next save will call updated instead of create
                this.BvinField.Value = e.Id.ToString();

            return result;