Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to create a tree with two children
        /// </summary>
        public static BifiTree GetBifiTree(string _label, BifiTree _left, decimal _leftBranch, BifiTree _right, decimal _rightBranch)
            BifiTree treeReturn = new BifiTree(_label);

            treeReturn.SetLeft(_left, _leftBranch);
            treeReturn.SetRight(_right, _rightBranch);

        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates a matrix of the summed edge distances
        /// <paramref name="_rootedTree">Tree with dummy root</paramref>
        /// </summary>
        private void BuildTreeMatrix(BifiTree _rootedTree)
            // Initalize tree matrix
            decimal[,] treeMatrix = new decimal[StartMatrix.GetLength(0), StartMatrix.GetLength(1)];

            // Then iterate through matrix, get the labels and look in the rootedTree for the distances
            // Sum them up and write the value in the treeMatrix
            for (int i = 0; i < treeMatrix.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < treeMatrix.GetLength(1); j++)
                    // Get labels for this matrix entry
                    string x_label = StartLabels[i];
                    string y_label = StartLabels[j];

                    if (i == j)
                        treeMatrix[i, j] = 0;
                        List <BifiTree> treeX = new List <BifiTree>(), treeY = new List <BifiTree>();
                        _rootedTree.GetWay(x_label, treeX);
                        _rootedTree.GetWay(y_label, treeY);

                        // Reverse the order of the list
                        // Search through the List till we found the minimal root node
                        while (treeX.Count > 1 && treeY.Count > 1 && treeX[1] == treeY[1])

                        decimal dist = 0m;
                        // Calculate backwarts int List X
                        for (int intX = treeX.Count - 1; intX >= 1; intX--)
                            dist += (treeX[intX - 1].Left == treeX[intX] ? treeX[intX - 1].LeftBranch : treeX[intX - 1].RightBranch).Value;
                        // And frontwarts in List Y
                        for (int intY = 0; intY < treeY.Count - 1; intY++)
                            dist += (treeY[intY].Left == treeY[intY + 1] ? treeY[intY].LeftBranch : treeY[intY].RightBranch).Value;

                        treeMatrix[i, j] = dist;

            TreeMatrix = treeMatrix;
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to create a tree with one child
        /// </summary>
        public static BifiTree GetBifiTree(string _label, BifiTree _child, decimal _branch, LeftRight _leftRight)
            BifiTree treeReturn = new BifiTree(_label);

            if (_leftRight == LeftRight.Left)
                treeReturn.SetLeft(_child, _branch);
                treeReturn.SetRight(_child, _branch);

Exemple #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Set right child with branch length
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="_right">Right child</param>
 /// <param name="_rightBranch">Branch length to right child</param>
 public void SetRight(BifiTree _right, decimal _rightBranch)
     Right       = _right;
     RightBranch = _rightBranch;
Exemple #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Set left child with branch length
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="_left">Left child</param>
 /// <param name="_leftBranch">Branch length to left child</param>
 public void SetLeft(BifiTree _left, decimal _leftBranch)
     Left       = _left;
     LeftBranch = _leftBranch;
        /// <summary>
        /// Controls neighbor-joining sub-steps
        /// </summary>
        private void NeighborJoiningController(decimal[,] _distMatrix, Dictionary <int, string> _labels, Dictionary <int, int> _nodeLevels)
            //Terminate or proceed?
            if (_distMatrix.GetLength(0) > 2)
                //Get average distances
                Dictionary <int, decimal> averages = GetAverageDistances(_distMatrix);

                //Get intermediate matrix
                decimal[,] intermediate = SubtractAverageDistance(averages, _distMatrix);

                //Choose neigbors by minimal value in intermediate matrix
                List <Tuple <int, int> > minimals  = GetMinimalsFromMatrix(intermediate);
                Tuple <int, int>         neighbors = ChooseNeighbors(minimals, _nodeLevels);

                //Define new node
                string newNode = _labels[neighbors.Item1] + _labels[neighbors.Item2];

                //Joining neighbors
                //Calculate distance from OldA to New and add to Tuple list
                decimal d_oldA_new = (_distMatrix[neighbors.Item1, neighbors.Item2] + averages[neighbors.Item1] - averages[neighbors.Item2]) / 2;
                NodesAndEdges.Add(Tuple.Create(_labels[neighbors.Item1], d_oldA_new, newNode));

                //Calcutate distance from OldB to New and add to Tuple list
                decimal d_oldB_new = _distMatrix[neighbors.Item1, neighbors.Item2] - d_oldA_new;
                NodesAndEdges.Add(Tuple.Create(_labels[neighbors.Item2], d_oldB_new, newNode));

                //Add children to tree
                Nodes.Add(BifiTree.GetBifiTree(newNode, Nodes.SingleOrDefault(a => a.Label == _labels[neighbors.Item1]), d_oldA_new,
                                               Nodes.SingleOrDefault(a => a.Label == _labels[neighbors.Item2]), d_oldB_new));

                //Delete children from node list
                Nodes.Remove(Nodes.SingleOrDefault(a => a.Label == _labels[neighbors.Item1]));
                Nodes.Remove(Nodes.SingleOrDefault(a => a.Label == _labels[neighbors.Item2]));

                //Reduce labels
                Dictionary <int, string> reducedLabels = new Dictionary <int, string>();
                Dictionary <int, int>    reducedLevels = new Dictionary <int, int>();
                for (int count = 0; count <= _labels.Count - 1; count++)
                    if (count == neighbors.Item1)
                        reducedLabels.Add(reducedLabels.Count, newNode);
                        // When cluster is added, increment level counter
                        reducedLevels.Add(reducedLevels.Count, level);
                    else if (count == neighbors.Item2)
                        reducedLabels.Add(reducedLabels.Count, _labels[count]);
                        reducedLevels.Add(reducedLevels.Count, _nodeLevels[count]);

                Dictionary <string, int> dicIndex2Label = new Dictionary <string, int>();
                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, string> kvPairAktuell in _labels)
                    dicIndex2Label.Add(kvPairAktuell.Value, kvPairAktuell.Key);

                //Reduce matrix
                decimal[,] reducedMatrix = new decimal[_distMatrix.GetLength(0) - 1, _distMatrix.GetLength(1) - 1];
                for (int i = 0; i < reducedMatrix.GetLength(0); i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < reducedMatrix.GetLength(1); j++)
                        if (i == j)
                            reducedMatrix[i, j] = 0;
                        else if (reducedLabels[i] == newNode)
                            decimal dist_new1_j    = _distMatrix[neighbors.Item1, dicIndex2Label[reducedLabels[j]]];
                            decimal dist_new2_j    = _distMatrix[neighbors.Item2, dicIndex2Label[reducedLabels[j]]];
                            decimal dist_new1_new2 = _distMatrix[neighbors.Item1, neighbors.Item2];

                            reducedMatrix[i, j] = (dist_new1_j + dist_new2_j - dist_new1_new2) / 2;
                        else if (reducedLabels[j] == newNode)
                            decimal dist_i_new1    = _distMatrix[dicIndex2Label[reducedLabels[i]], neighbors.Item1];
                            decimal dist_i_new2    = _distMatrix[dicIndex2Label[reducedLabels[i]], neighbors.Item2];
                            decimal dist_new1_new2 = _distMatrix[neighbors.Item1, neighbors.Item2];

                            reducedMatrix[i, j] = (dist_i_new1 + dist_i_new2 - dist_new1_new2) / 2;
                            reducedMatrix[i, j] = _distMatrix[dicIndex2Label[reducedLabels[i]], dicIndex2Label[reducedLabels[j]]];

                //Call myself again
                NeighborJoiningController(reducedMatrix, reducedLabels, reducedLevels);

            // If matrix is reduced to two elements
            if (terminator == false)
                // Add last Triple to NodesAndEdges
                if (_distMatrix[0, 0] == 0 && _distMatrix[1, 1] == 0 && _distMatrix[0, 1] == _distMatrix[1, 0])
                    //Create last edge
                    NodesAndEdges.Add(Tuple.Create(_labels[0], _distMatrix[0, 1], _labels[1]));

                    /*  The smallest possible unrooted tree has 3 edges.
                     *  Therefore, the imaginary root node neccesary for the Newick string has three children.
                     *  Because this can't be done with a strictly bifurcating tree,
                     *  the last edge between two BifiTrees needs to be drawn here!

                    string newickA = Nodes.SingleOrDefault(a => a.Label == _labels[0]).GetNewickString();
                    string newickB = Nodes.SingleOrDefault(a => a.Label == _labels[1]).GetNewickString();

                    // The brackets of one of the trees need to be deleted
                    newickA = newickA.Substring(1, newickA.Length - 2);
                    // To the other tree with brackets the last distance needs to be appended
                    newickB = newickB + ":" + _distMatrix[0, 1].ToString("0.#####", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-GB"));

                    NewickTree = "(" + newickA + "," + newickB + ");";

                    BifiTree root = BifiTree.GetBifiTree("root",
                                                         Nodes.SingleOrDefault(a => a.Label == _labels[0]), 0m,
                                                         Nodes.SingleOrDefault(a => a.Label == _labels[1]), _distMatrix[0, 1]);

                    MinEdge = this.NodesAndEdges.Min(item => Math.Abs(item.Item2));

                // Still needs to be written to .txt
                // This should be done via UI...

                terminator = true;