private void AddDeskButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //MaterialString = surfaceMaterialCB.SelectedItem.ToString();
            //Material materialValue = (Material)Enum.Parse(typeof(Material), MaterialString);
                CustomerName = customerNameTB.Text;
                DeskWidth    = int.Parse(deskWidthTB.Text);
                DeskDepth    = int.Parse(deskDepthTB.Text);
                Drawers      = int.Parse(drawerNumCB.SelectedItem.ToString());

                string MaterialString = surfaceMaterialCB.SelectedItem.ToString();
                Enum.TryParse(MaterialString, out Material);

                //MaterialString = surfaceMaterialCB.SelectedItem.ToString();
                //Material materialValue = (Material)Enum.Parse(typeof(Material), MaterialString);

                //get rush order selection
                if (rushThreeRadio.Checked)
                    RushOrderDays = 3;
                else if (rushFiveRadio.Checked)
                    RushOrderDays = 5;
                else if (rushSevenRadio.Checked)
                    RushOrderDays = 7;

                //Create  new DeskQuote object and calculate total
                DeskQuote NewQuote = new DeskQuote(DeskWidth, DeskDepth, Drawers, Material, RushOrderDays);
                DeskQuoteTotal = NewQuote.CalculateQuoteTotal();
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Check input methods.");

                //build output string csv
                var DeskRecord = CustomerName + ", " + DateTime.Now + ", " + DeskWidth + ", " + DeskDepth + ", " + Drawers +
                                 ", " + Material + ", " + RushOrderDays + ", " + DeskQuoteTotal;
                string cFile = @"quotes.txt";
                if (!File.Exists(cFile))
                    StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText("quotes.txt");
                using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText("quotes.txt"))
            catch {
                MessageBox.Show("Did not save.");

            #region Display To Screen
            // Show confirmation page on new screen named DeskQuoteView
            var          MainMenu     = (MainMenu)Tag; // need to bring along a reference tag to the main menu form
            DisplayQuote newOrderView = new DisplayQuote(CustomerName, DateTime.Now.Date, DeskWidth, DeskDepth, Drawers,
                                                         Material, RushOrderDays, DeskQuoteTotal)
                Tag = MainMenu