public IDbCommand CreateCommand()
        IDbCommand result = _connection.CreateCommand();
        // Return a LoggingDbCommandWrapper to log all CommandText to logfile in DEBUG mode.
        result = new LoggingDbCommandWrapper(result);
        result.Transaction = _transaction;
        return result;
    private object ExecuteScalar(string command)
      using (MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection(_connectionString))
        IDbCommand cmd = connection.CreateCommand();
        // Return a LoggingDbCommandWrapper to log all CommandText to logfile in DEBUG mode.
        cmd = new LoggingDbCommandWrapper(cmd);

        using (cmd)
          cmd.CommandText = command;
          var result = cmd.ExecuteScalar();
          return result;
      public IDbCommand CreateCommand()
        IDbCommand result = _connection.CreateCommand();

        if (_settings.EnableDebugLogging)
          result = new LoggingDbCommandWrapper(result);

        result.Transaction = _transaction;
        return result;