public static ProteinProphetResult RunProteinProphet(String cometFilePath, String outputFolder, Boolean keepResults)
            Logger.debug("Post processing comet file: ");
            Console.WriteLine("Runnign protein prophet, if program doesn't respond for a long time, try pressing a typing a few keys into the command line");
            String proteinProphetOutput = ProteinProphetSearch(cometFilePath, outputFolder, keepResults);
            ProteinProphetResult ppr    = ProteinProphetEvaluator.getProteinProphetResult(proteinProphetOutput);


         * Returns the ProteinProphetFile... this gives us a query-able object which can
         * determine if a protein accession was identified by an experiment, as well as
         * specific peptides.
        private static ProteinProphetFile processProteinProphetFile(String protXMLFileName)
            const double  fdr_threshold        = 0.01; // 1% false discovery rate
            double        fdr                  = setFDRThreshold(protXMLFileName, fdr_threshold);
            List <String> proteinGroupsData    = extractProteinGroupsData(protXMLFileName);
            List <String> filteredProteinsData = filterProteinsData(proteinGroupsData);
            Dictionary <String, List <String> > proteinsToPeptides = extractPeptides(filteredProteinsData);
            ProteinProphetFile ppf = new ProteinProphetFile(protXMLFileName, proteinsToPeptides, fdr,
