Exemple #1
 public static void cropMod4Horizontal(ref CropValues crop)
     if (crop.left % 2 != 0 && crop.top % 2 != 0 && crop.bottom % 2 != 0 && crop.right % 2 != 0)
         throw new Exception("Cropping by odd numbers not supported in mod4 horizontal cropping");
     while ((crop.left + crop.right) % 4 > 0)
         if (crop.left > crop.right)
             if (crop.left > 1)
                 crop.left -= 2;
                 crop.left = 0;
             if (crop.right > 1)
                 crop.right -= 2;
                 crop.right = 0;
Exemple #2
        public static void undercrop(ref CropValues crop, modValue mValue)
            int mod = MeGUI.core.util.Resolution.GetModValue(mValue, mod16Method.undercrop, true);

            if (crop.left % 2 != 0 && crop.top % 2 != 0 && crop.bottom % 2 != 0 && crop.right % 2 != 0)
                throw new Exception("Cropping by odd numbers not supported in undercropping to mod" + mod);

            while ((crop.left + crop.right) % mod > 0)
                if (crop.left > crop.right)
                    if (crop.left > 1)
                        crop.left -= 2;
                        crop.left = 0;
                    if (crop.right > 1)
                        crop.right -= 2;
                        crop.right = 0;
            while ((crop.top + crop.bottom) % mod > 0)
                if (crop.top > crop.bottom)
                    if (crop.top > 1)
                        crop.top -= 2;
                        crop.top = 0;
                    if (crop.bottom > 1)
                        crop.bottom -= 2;
                        crop.bottom = 0;
Exemple #3
        public static void undercrop(ref CropValues crop)
            if (crop.left % 2 != 0 && crop.top % 2 != 0 && crop.bottom % 2 != 0 && crop.right % 2 != 0)
                throw new Exception("Cropping by odd numbers not supported in undercropping to mod16");

            while ((crop.left + crop.right) % 16 > 0)
                if (crop.left > crop.right)
                    if (crop.left > 1)
                        crop.left -= 2;
                        crop.left = 0;
                    if (crop.right > 1)
                        crop.right -= 2;
                        crop.right = 0;
            while ((crop.top + crop.bottom) % 16 > 0)
                if (crop.top > crop.bottom)
                    if (crop.top > 1)
                        crop.top -= 2;
                        crop.top = 0;
                    if (crop.bottom > 1)
                        crop.bottom -= 2;
                        crop.bottom = 0;
Exemple #4
        public static string GetCropLine(bool crop, CropValues cropValues)
            string cropLine = "#crop";

            if (crop & cropValues.isCropped())
                cropLine = string.Format("crop({0}, {1}, {2}, {3})", cropValues.left, cropValues.top, -cropValues.right, -cropValues.bottom);
Exemple #5
        private static void GetMod4Cropping(ref CropValues cropValues)
            if (!cropValues.isCropped())

            cropValues.left   = cropValues.left + cropValues.left % 2;
            cropValues.top    = cropValues.top + cropValues.top % 2;
            cropValues.right  = cropValues.right + cropValues.right % 2;
            cropValues.bottom = cropValues.bottom + cropValues.bottom % 2;
Exemple #6
        private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            CropValues final = Autocrop.autocrop(reader);
            bool       error = (final.left == -1);

            if (!error)
                cropLeft   = final.left;
                cropTop    = final.top;
                cropRight  = final.right;
                cropBottom = final.bottom;
                MessageBox.Show("I'm afraid I was unable to find 3 frames that have matching crop values");
Exemple #7
        public static void overcrop(ref CropValues crop, modValue mValue)
            int mod = MeGUI.core.util.Resolution.GetModValue(mValue, mod16Method.overcrop, true);

            if (crop.left % 2 != 0 && crop.top % 2 != 0 && crop.bottom % 2 != 0 && crop.right % 2 != 0)
                throw new Exception("Cropping by odd numbers not supported in overcropping to mod" + mod);

            bool doLeftNext = true;

            while ((crop.left + crop.right) % mod != 0)
                if (doLeftNext)
                    crop.left += 2;
                    crop.right += 2;
                doLeftNext = !doLeftNext;

            bool doTopNext = true;

            while ((crop.top + crop.bottom) % mod != 0)
                if (doTopNext)
                    crop.top += 2;
                    crop.bottom += 2;
                doTopNext = !doTopNext;
Exemple #8
        private static string getAddBorders(int hres, int vres, int hresWithBorder, int vresWithBorder)
            CropValues borderValues = new CropValues();

            borderValues.left   = (int)Math.Floor((hresWithBorder - hres) / 2.0);
            borderValues.top    = (int)Math.Floor((vresWithBorder - vres) / 2.0);
            borderValues.right  = (int)Math.Ceiling((hresWithBorder - hres) / 2.0);
            borderValues.bottom = (int)Math.Ceiling((vresWithBorder - vres) / 2.0);

            // border values must be even for AviSynth 2.6
            if (borderValues.left % 2 != 0 && borderValues.right % 2 != 0)
                borderValues.left  -= 1;
                borderValues.right += 1;
            if (borderValues.top % 2 != 0 && borderValues.bottom % 2 != 0)
                borderValues.top    -= 1;
                borderValues.bottom += 1;

            return(string.Format("AddBorders({0},{1},{2},{3})", borderValues.left, borderValues.top, borderValues.right, borderValues.bottom));
Exemple #9
        public static void overcrop(ref CropValues crop)
            if (crop.left % 2 != 0 && crop.top % 2 != 0 && crop.bottom % 2 != 0 && crop.right % 2 != 0)
                throw new Exception("Cropping by odd numbers not supported in overcropping to mod16");

            bool doLeftNext = true;

            while ((crop.left + crop.right) % 16 != 0)
                if (doLeftNext)
                    crop.left += 2;
                    crop.right += 2;
                doLeftNext = !doLeftNext;

            bool doTopNext = true;

            while ((crop.top + crop.bottom) % 16 != 0)
                if (doTopNext)
                    crop.top += 2;
                    crop.bottom += 2;
                doTopNext = !doTopNext;
Exemple #10
/*        private void getAudioStreams(Dictionary<int, string> audioFiles, OneClickWindow.PartialAudioStream[] partialAudioStream, out List<AudioJob> encodableAudioStreams, out List<MuxStream> muxOnlyAudioStreams)
 *      {
 *          muxOnlyAudioStreams = new List<MuxStream>();
 *          encodableAudioStreams = new List<AudioJob>();
 *          int counter = 0;
 *          foreach (OneClickWindow.PartialAudioStream propertiesStream in job.PostprocessingProperties.AudioStreams)
 *          {
 *              counter++; // The track number starts at 1, so we increment right here. This also ensures it will always be incremented
 *              bool error = false;
 *              string input = null, output = null, language = null;
 *              AudioCodecSettings settings = null;
 *              // Input
 *              if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertiesStream.input))
 *                  continue; // Here we have an unconfigured stream. Let's just go on to the next one
 *              if (propertiesStream.useExternalInput)
 *                  input = propertiesStream.input;
 *              else if (audioFiles.ContainsKey(propertiesStream.trackNumber))
 *                  input = audioFiles[propertiesStream.trackNumber];
 *              else
 *                  error = true;
 *              // Settings
 *              if (propertiesStream.dontEncode)
 *                  settings = null;
 *              else if (propertiesStream.settings != null)
 *                  settings = propertiesStream.settings;
 *              else
 *                  error = true;
 *              // Output
 *              if (propertiesStream.dontEncode)
 *                  output = input;
 *              else if (!error)
 *                  output = Path.Combine(
 *                      Path.GetDirectoryName(input),
 *                      Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(input) + "_" +
 *                      propertiesStream.trackNumber + ".file");
 *              // Language
 *              if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertiesStream.language))
 *                  language = propertiesStream.language;
 *              else
 *                  language = "";
 *              if (error)
 *              {
 *                  logBuilder.AppendFormat("Trouble with audio track {0}. Skipping track...{1}", counter, Environment.NewLine);
 *                  output = null;
 *                  input = null;
 *                  input = null;
 *              }
 *              else
 *              {
 *                  if (propertiesStream.dontEncode)
 *                  {
 *                      MuxStream newStream = new MuxStream();
 *                      newStream.path = input;
 *                      newStream.name = "";
 *                      newStream.language = language;
 *                      muxOnlyAudioStreams.Add(newStream);
 *                  }
 *                  else
 *                  {
 *                      AudioJob encodeStream = new AudioJob();
 *                      encodeStream.Input = input;
 *                      encodeStream.Output = output;
 *                      encodeStream.Settings = settings;
 *                      encodableAudioStreams.Add(encodeStream);
 *                  }
 *              }
 *          }
 *      }*/

        /// <summary>
        /// opens a dgindex script
        /// if the file can be properly opened, auto-cropping is performed, then depending on the AR settings
        /// the proper resolution for automatic resizing, taking into account the derived cropping values
        /// is calculated, and finally the avisynth script is written and its name returned
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">dgindex script</param>
        /// <param name="aspectRatio">aspect ratio selection to be used</param>
        /// <param name="customDAR">custom display aspect ratio for this source</param>
        /// <param name="horizontalResolution">desired horizontal resolution of the output</param>
        /// <param name="logBuilder">stringbuilder where to append log messages</param>
        /// <param name="settings">the codec settings (used only for x264)</param>
        /// <param name="sarX">pixel aspect ratio X</param>
        /// <param name="sarY">pixel aspect ratio Y</param>
        /// <param name="height">the final height of the video</param>
        /// <param name="signalAR">whether or not ar signalling is to be used for the output
        /// (depending on this parameter, resizing changes to match the source AR)</param>
        /// <returns>the name of the AviSynth script created, empty of there was an error</returns>
        private string openVideo(string path, Dar?AR, int horizontalResolution,
                                 bool signalAR, StringBuilder logBuilder, AviSynthSettings avsSettings, bool autoDeint,
                                 VideoCodecSettings settings, out Dar?dar)
            dar = null;
            IMediaFile   d2v    = new d2vFile(path);
            IVideoReader reader = d2v.GetVideoReader();

            if (reader.FrameCount < 1)
                logBuilder.Append("DGDecode reported 0 frames in this file.\r\nThis is a fatal error.\r\n\r\nPlease recreate the DGIndex project");

            CropValues final = Autocrop.autocrop(reader);

            if (signalAR)
                if (avsSettings.Mod16Method == mod16Method.overcrop)
                    ScriptServer.overcrop(ref final);
                else if (avsSettings.Mod16Method == mod16Method.mod4Horizontal)
                    ScriptServer.cropMod4Horizontal(ref final);

            bool error = (final.left == -1);

            if (!error)
                logBuilder.Append("Autocropping successful. Using the following crop values: left: " + final.left +
                                  ", top: " + final.top + ", right: " + final.right + ", bottom: " + final.bottom + ".\r\n");
                logBuilder.Append("Autocropping did not find 3 frames that have matching crop values\r\n"
                                  + "Autocrop failed, aborting now");

            decimal customDAR;

            //Check if AR needs to be autodetected now
            if (AR == null) // it does
                logBuilder.Append("Aspect Ratio set to auto-detect later, detecting now. ");
                customDAR = d2v.Info.DAR.ar;
                if (customDAR > 0)
                    logBuilder.AppendFormat("Found aspect ratio of {0}.{1}", customDAR, Environment.NewLine);
                    customDAR = Dar.ITU16x9PAL.ar;
                    logBuilder.AppendFormat("No aspect ratio found, defaulting to {0}.{1}", customDAR, Environment.NewLine);
                customDAR = AR.Value.ar;

            //Suggest a resolution (taken from AvisynthWindow.suggestResolution_CheckedChanged)
            int scriptVerticalResolution = Resolution.suggestResolution(d2v.Info.Height, d2v.Info.Width, (double)customDAR,
                                                                        final, horizontalResolution, signalAR, mainForm.Settings.AcceptableAspectErrorPercent, out dar);

            if (settings != null && settings is x264Settings) // verify that the video corresponds to the chosen avc level, if not, change the resolution until it does fit
                x264Settings xs = (x264Settings)settings;
                if (xs.Level != 15)
                    int compliantLevel = 15;
                    while (!this.al.validateAVCLevel(horizontalResolution, scriptVerticalResolution, d2v.Info.FPS, xs, out compliantLevel))
                    { // resolution not profile compliant, reduce horizontal resolution by 16, get the new vertical resolution and try again
                        AVCLevels al        = new AVCLevels();
                        string    levelName = al.getLevels()[xs.Level];
                        logBuilder.Append("Your chosen AVC level " + levelName + " is too strict to allow your chosen resolution of " +
                                          horizontalResolution + "*" + scriptVerticalResolution + ". Reducing horizontal resolution by 16.\r\n");
                        horizontalResolution    -= 16;
                        scriptVerticalResolution = Resolution.suggestResolution(d2v.Info.Height, d2v.Info.Width, (double)customDAR,
                                                                                final, horizontalResolution, signalAR, mainForm.Settings.AcceptableAspectErrorPercent, out dar);
                    logBuilder.Append("Final resolution that is compatible with the chosen AVC Level: " + horizontalResolution + "*"
                                      + scriptVerticalResolution + "\r\n");

            //Generate the avs script based on the template
            string inputLine        = "#input";
            string deinterlaceLines = "#deinterlace";
            string denoiseLines     = "#denoise";
            string cropLine         = "#crop";
            string resizeLine       = "#resize";

            inputLine = ScriptServer.GetInputLine(path, false, PossibleSources.d2v,
                                                  false, false, false, 0);

            if (autoDeint)
                logBuilder.AppendLine("Automatic deinterlacing was checked. Running now...");
                string         d2vPath = path;
                SourceDetector sd      = new SourceDetector(inputLine, d2vPath, false,
                                                            new UpdateSourceDetectionStatus(analyseUpdate),
                                                            new FinishedAnalysis(finishedAnalysis));
                finished = false;
                deinterlaceLines = filters[0].Script;
                logBuilder.AppendLine("Deinterlacing used: " + deinterlaceLines);

            inputLine = ScriptServer.GetInputLine(path, interlaced, PossibleSources.d2v,
                                                  avsSettings.ColourCorrect, avsSettings.MPEG2Deblock, false, 0);

            cropLine     = ScriptServer.GetCropLine(true, final);
            denoiseLines = ScriptServer.GetDenoiseLines(avsSettings.Denoise, (DenoiseFilterType)avsSettings.DenoiseMethod);
            resizeLine   = ScriptServer.GetResizeLine(!signalAR || avsSettings.Mod16Method == mod16Method.resize, horizontalResolution, scriptVerticalResolution, (ResizeFilterType)avsSettings.ResizeMethod);

            string newScript = ScriptServer.CreateScriptFromTemplate(avsSettings.Template, inputLine, cropLine, resizeLine, denoiseLines, deinterlaceLines);

            if (dar.HasValue)
                newScript = string.Format("global MeGUI_darx = {0}\r\nglobal MeGUI_dary = {1}\r\n{2}", dar.Value.X, dar.Value.Y, newScript);
            logBuilder.Append("Avisynth script created:\r\n");
                StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(Path.ChangeExtension(path, ".avs"));
            catch (IOException i)
                logBuilder.Append("An error ocurred when trying to save the AviSynth script:\r\n" + i.Message);
            return(Path.ChangeExtension(path, ".avs"));
Exemple #11
        public static string GetResizeLine(bool resize, int hres, int vres, int hresWithBorder, int vresWithBorder, ResizeFilterType type, bool crop, CropValues cropValues, int originalHRes, int originalVRes)
            int iInputHresAfterCrop = originalHRes;
            int iInputVresAfterCrop = originalVRes;

            if (crop)
                iInputHresAfterCrop = iInputHresAfterCrop - cropValues.left - cropValues.right;
                iInputVresAfterCrop = iInputVresAfterCrop - cropValues.top - cropValues.bottom;

            // only resize if necessary
            if (!resize || (hres == iInputHresAfterCrop && vres == iInputVresAfterCrop))
                if (hresWithBorder > iInputHresAfterCrop || vresWithBorder > iInputVresAfterCrop)
                                         Math.Floor((hresWithBorder - iInputHresAfterCrop) / 2.0), Math.Floor((vresWithBorder - iInputVresAfterCrop) / 2.0),
                                         Math.Ceiling((hresWithBorder - iInputHresAfterCrop) / 2.0), Math.Ceiling((vresWithBorder - iInputVresAfterCrop) / 2.0)));

            EnumProxy p = EnumProxy.Create(type);

            if (p.Tag != null)
                if (hresWithBorder > hres || vresWithBorder > vres)
                    return(string.Format(p.Tag + ".AddBorders({3},{4},{5},{6}) # {2}", hres, vres, p,
                                         Math.Floor((hresWithBorder - hres) / 2.0), Math.Floor((vresWithBorder - vres) / 2.0),
                                         Math.Ceiling((hresWithBorder - hres) / 2.0), Math.Ceiling((vresWithBorder - vres) / 2.0)));
                    return(string.Format(p.Tag + " # {2}", hres, vres, p));
                return("#resize - " + p);
Exemple #12
        public static string GetInputLine(string input, string indexFile, bool interlaced, PossibleSources sourceType,
                                          bool colormatrix, bool mpeg2deblock, bool flipVertical, double fps, bool dss2,
                                          NvDeinterlacerType nvDeintType, int nvHorizontalResolution, int nvVerticalResolution, CropValues nvCropValues)
            string inputLine  = "#input";
            string strDLLPath = "";

            switch (sourceType)
            case PossibleSources.avs:
                inputLine = "Import(\"" + input + "\")";

            case PossibleSources.d2v:
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(indexFile))
                    indexFile = input;
                strDLLPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(MainForm.Instance.Settings.DGIndex.Path), "DGDecode.dll");
                inputLine  = "LoadPlugin(\"" + strDLLPath + "\")\r\nDGDecode_mpeg2source(\"" + indexFile + "\"";
                if (mpeg2deblock)
                    inputLine += ", cpu=4";
                if (colormatrix)
                    inputLine += ", info=3";
                inputLine += ")";
                if (colormatrix)
                    inputLine += string.Format("\r\nLoadPlugin(\"" + Path.Combine(MainForm.Instance.Settings.AvisynthPluginsPath, "ColorMatrix.dll") + "\")\r\nColorMatrix(hints=true{0}, threads=0)", interlaced ? ", interlaced=true" : "");

            case PossibleSources.dgm:
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(indexFile))
                    indexFile = input;
                strDLLPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(MainForm.Instance.Settings.DGIndexIM.Path), "dgdecodeim.dll");
                inputLine  = "LoadPlugin(\"" + strDLLPath + "\")\r\nDGSourceIM(\"" + indexFile + "\", silent=true)";
                if (MainForm.Instance.Settings.AviSynthPlus && MainForm.Instance.Settings.Input8Bit)
                    inputLine += "\r\nConvertBits(8)";

            case PossibleSources.dgi:
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(indexFile))
                    indexFile = input;
                strDLLPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(MainForm.Instance.Settings.DGIndexNV.Path), "DGDecodeNV.dll");
                inputLine  = "LoadPlugin(\"" + strDLLPath + "\")\r\nDGSource(\"" + indexFile + "\"";
                if (MainForm.Instance.Settings.AutoForceFilm &&
                    MainForm.Instance.Settings.ForceFilmThreshold <= (decimal)dgiFile.GetFilmPercent(indexFile))
                    inputLine += ",fieldop=1";     // fieldop=0 is the default value
                if (nvDeintType != NvDeinterlacerType.nvDeInterlacerNone)
                    inputLine += ScriptServer.GetNvDeInterlacerLine(true, nvDeintType);
                if (nvCropValues != null && nvCropValues.isCropped())
                    GetMod4Cropping(ref nvCropValues);
                    inputLine += ", ct=" + nvCropValues.top + ", cb=" + nvCropValues.bottom + ", cl=" + nvCropValues.left + ", cr=" + nvCropValues.right;
                if (nvHorizontalResolution > 0 && nvVerticalResolution > 0)
                    inputLine += ", rw=" + nvHorizontalResolution + ", rh=" + nvVerticalResolution;
                inputLine += ")";
                if (MainForm.Instance.Settings.AviSynthPlus && MainForm.Instance.Settings.Input8Bit)
                    inputLine += "\r\nConvertBits(8)";

            case PossibleSources.ffindex:
                inputLine = VideoUtil.getFFMSVideoInputLine(input, indexFile, fps);

            case PossibleSources.lsmash:
                MediaInfoFile oInfo = null;
                inputLine = VideoUtil.getLSMASHVideoInputLine(input, indexFile, fps, ref oInfo);
                if (oInfo != null)

            case PossibleSources.vdr:
            case PossibleSources.avisource:
                inputLine = "AVISource(\"" + input + "\", audio=false)" + VideoUtil.getAssumeFPS(fps, input);
                if (MainForm.Instance.Settings.AviSynthPlus && MainForm.Instance.Settings.Input8Bit)
                    inputLine += "\r\nConvertBits(8)";

            case PossibleSources.directShow:
                if (dss2)
                    string path = MeGUI.core.util.FileUtil.GetHaaliInstalledPath();
                    if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(path, "avss.dll")))
                        path = Path.GetDirectoryName(MainForm.Instance.Settings.Haali.Path);
                    inputLine = "LoadPlugin(\"" + path + "\\avss.dll" + "\")\r\ndss2(\"" + input + "\"" + ((fps > 0) ? ", fps=" + fps.ToString("F3", new CultureInfo("en-us")) : string.Empty) + ")" + VideoUtil.getAssumeFPS(fps, input);
                    inputLine = String.Empty;
                    if (MainForm.Instance.Settings.PortableAviSynth)
                        inputLine = "LoadPlugin(\"" + Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(MainForm.Instance.Settings.AviSynth.Path), @"plugins\directshowsource.dll") + "\")\r\n";
                    inputLine += "DirectShowSource(\"" + input + "\"" + ((fps > 0) ? ", fps=" + fps.ToString("F3", new CultureInfo("en-us")) : string.Empty) + ", audio=false, convertfps=true)" + VideoUtil.getAssumeFPS(fps, input);
                if (MainForm.Instance.Settings.AviSynthPlus && MainForm.Instance.Settings.Input8Bit)
                    inputLine += "\r\nConvertBits(8)";
                if (flipVertical)
                    inputLine = inputLine + "\r\nFlipVertical()";
Exemple #13
        public static string GetResizeLine(bool resize, int hres, int vres, int hresWithBorder, int vresWithBorder, ResizeFilterType type, bool crop, CropValues cropValues, int originalHRes, int originalVRes)
            int iInputHresAfterCrop = originalHRes;
            int iInputVresAfterCrop = originalVRes;

            if (crop)
                iInputHresAfterCrop = iInputHresAfterCrop - cropValues.left - cropValues.right;
                iInputVresAfterCrop = iInputVresAfterCrop - cropValues.top - cropValues.bottom;

            // only resize if necessary
            if (!resize || (hres == iInputHresAfterCrop && vres == iInputVresAfterCrop))
                if (hresWithBorder > iInputHresAfterCrop || vresWithBorder > iInputVresAfterCrop)
                    return(getAddBorders(hres, vres, hresWithBorder, vresWithBorder));

            EnumProxy p = EnumProxy.Create(type);

            if (p.Tag != null)
                if (hresWithBorder > hres || vresWithBorder > vres)
                    return(string.Format(p.Tag + "." + getAddBorders(hres, vres, hresWithBorder, vresWithBorder) + " # {2}", hres, vres, p));
                    return(string.Format(p.Tag + " # {2}", hres, vres, p));
                return("#resize - " + p);
Exemple #14
        /// <summary>
        /// creates the AVS Script file
        /// if the file can be properly opened, auto-cropping is performed, then depending on the AR settings
        /// the proper resolution for automatic resizing, taking into account the derived cropping values
        /// is calculated, and finally the avisynth script is written and its name returned
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">dgindex script</param>
        /// <param name="aspectRatio">aspect ratio selection to be used</param>
        /// <param name="customDAR">custom display aspect ratio for this source</param>
        /// <param name="desiredOutputWidth">desired horizontal resolution of the output</param>
        /// <param name="settings">the codec settings (used only for x264)</param>
        /// <param name="sarX">pixel aspect ratio X</param>
        /// <param name="sarY">pixel aspect ratio Y</param>
        /// <param name="height">the final height of the video</param>
        /// <param name="autoCrop">whether or not autoCrop is used for the input</param>
        /// <returns>the name of the AviSynth script created, empty if there was an error</returns>
        private string CreateAVSFile(string indexFile, string inputFile, Dar?AR, int desiredOutputWidth,
                                     LogItem _log, AviSynthSettings avsSettings, bool autoDeint, VideoCodecSettings settings,
                                     bool autoCrop, bool keepInputResolution, bool useChaptersMarks)
            Dar?            dar = null;
            Dar             customDAR;
            IMediaFile      iMediaFile = null;
            IVideoReader    reader;
            PossibleSources oPossibleSource;
            x264Device      xTargetDevice = null;
            CropValues      cropValues    = new CropValues();

            int outputWidthIncludingPadding  = 0;
            int outputHeightIncludingPadding = 0;
            int outputWidthCropped           = 0;
            int outputHeightCropped          = 0;

            // encode anamorph either when it is selected in the avs profile or the input resolution should not be touched
            bool signalAR = (avsSettings.Mod16Method != mod16Method.none) || keepInputResolution;

            // make sure the proper anamorphic encode is selected if the input resolution should not be touched
            if (keepInputResolution && avsSettings.Mod16Method != mod16Method.nonMod16)
                avsSettings.Mod16Method = mod16Method.nonMod16;

            // open index file to retrieve information
            if (job.PostprocessingProperties.IndexType == FileIndexerWindow.IndexType.DGI)
                iMediaFile      = new dgiFile(indexFile);
                oPossibleSource = PossibleSources.dgi;
            else if (job.PostprocessingProperties.IndexType == FileIndexerWindow.IndexType.D2V)
                iMediaFile      = new d2vFile(indexFile);
                oPossibleSource = PossibleSources.d2v;
            else if (job.PostprocessingProperties.IndexType == FileIndexerWindow.IndexType.DGM)
                iMediaFile      = new dgmFile(indexFile);
                oPossibleSource = PossibleSources.dgm;
            else if (job.PostprocessingProperties.IndexType == FileIndexerWindow.IndexType.FFMS)
                iMediaFile      = new ffmsFile(inputFile, indexFile);
                oPossibleSource = PossibleSources.ffindex;
            else if (job.PostprocessingProperties.IndexType == FileIndexerWindow.IndexType.LSMASH)
                iMediaFile      = new lsmashFile(inputFile, indexFile);
                oPossibleSource = PossibleSources.lsmash;
            else if (job.PostprocessingProperties.IndexType == FileIndexerWindow.IndexType.AVISOURCE)
                string tempAvs = "AVISource(\"" + inputFile + "\", audio=false)" + VideoUtil.getAssumeFPS(0, inputFile);
                iMediaFile      = AvsFile.ParseScript(tempAvs, true);
                oPossibleSource = PossibleSources.avisource;
                iMediaFile      = AvsFile.OpenScriptFile(inputFile, true);
                oPossibleSource = PossibleSources.avs;
            reader = iMediaFile.GetVideoReader();

            // abort if the index file is invalid
            if (reader.FrameCount < 1)
                _log.Error("There are " + reader.FrameCount + " frames in the index file. Aborting...");

            if (AR == null)
                // AR needs to be detected automatically now
                _log.LogValue("Auto-detect aspect ratio", AR == null);
                customDAR = iMediaFile.VideoInfo.DAR;
                if (customDAR.AR <= 0)
                    customDAR = Dar.ITU16x9PAL;
                    _log.Warn(string.Format("No aspect ratio found, defaulting to {0}.", customDAR));
                customDAR = AR.Value;
            _log.LogValue("Aspect ratio", customDAR);

            // check x264 settings (target device, chapter file)
            if (settings != null && settings is x264Settings)
                x264Settings xs = (x264Settings)settings;
                xTargetDevice = xs.TargetDevice;
                _log.LogValue("Target device", xTargetDevice.Name);

            // get mod value for resizing
            int mod = Resolution.GetModValue(avsSettings.ModValue, avsSettings.Mod16Method, signalAR);

            // crop input as it may be required (autoCrop && !keepInputResolution or Blu-Ray)
            if (Autocrop.autocrop(out cropValues, reader, signalAR, avsSettings.Mod16Method, avsSettings.ModValue) == false)
                _log.Error("Autocrop failed. Aborting...");

            int inputWidth      = (int)iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Width;
            int inputHeight     = (int)iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Height;
            int inputFPS_D      = (int)iMediaFile.VideoInfo.FPS_D;
            int inputFPS_N      = (int)iMediaFile.VideoInfo.FPS_N;
            int inputFrameCount = (int)iMediaFile.VideoInfo.FrameCount;

            // force destruction of AVS script

            Dar?suggestedDar = null;

            if (desiredOutputWidth == 0)
                desiredOutputWidth = outputWidthIncludingPadding = inputWidth;
            else if (!avsSettings.Upsize && desiredOutputWidth > inputWidth)
                outputWidthIncludingPadding = inputWidth;
                outputWidthIncludingPadding = desiredOutputWidth;
            CropValues paddingValues;

            bool resizeEnabled;
            int  outputWidthWithoutUpsizing = outputWidthIncludingPadding;

            if (avsSettings.Upsize)
                resizeEnabled = !keepInputResolution;
                CropValues cropValuesTemp = cropValues.Clone();
                int        outputHeightIncludingPaddingTemp = 0;
                Resolution.GetResolution(inputWidth, inputHeight, customDAR,
                                         ref cropValuesTemp, autoCrop && !keepInputResolution, mod, ref resizeEnabled, false, signalAR, true,
                                         avsSettings.AcceptableAspectError, xTargetDevice, Convert.ToDouble(inputFPS_N) / inputFPS_D,
                                         ref outputWidthWithoutUpsizing, ref outputHeightIncludingPaddingTemp, out paddingValues, out suggestedDar, _log);

            resizeEnabled = !keepInputResolution;
            Resolution.GetResolution(inputWidth, inputHeight, customDAR,
                                     ref cropValues, autoCrop && !keepInputResolution, mod, ref resizeEnabled, avsSettings.Upsize, signalAR, true,
                                     avsSettings.AcceptableAspectError, xTargetDevice, Convert.ToDouble(inputFPS_N) / inputFPS_D,
                                     ref outputWidthIncludingPadding, ref outputHeightIncludingPadding, out paddingValues, out suggestedDar, _log);
            keepInputResolution = !resizeEnabled;

            if (signalAR && suggestedDar.HasValue)
                dar = suggestedDar;

            // log calculated output resolution
            outputWidthCropped  = outputWidthIncludingPadding - paddingValues.left - paddingValues.right;
            outputHeightCropped = outputHeightIncludingPadding - paddingValues.bottom - paddingValues.top;
            _log.LogValue("Input resolution", inputWidth + "x" + inputHeight);
            _log.LogValue("Desired maximum width", desiredOutputWidth);
            if (!avsSettings.Upsize && outputWidthIncludingPadding < desiredOutputWidth)
                _log.LogEvent("Desired maximum width not reached. Enable upsizing in the AviSynth profile if you want to force it.");
            if (avsSettings.Upsize && outputWidthIncludingPadding > outputWidthWithoutUpsizing)
                _log.LogValue("Desired maximum width reached with upsizing. Target width without upsizing", outputWidthWithoutUpsizing);
            if (cropValues.isCropped())
                _log.LogValue("Autocrop values", cropValues);
                _log.LogValue("Cropped output resolution", outputWidthCropped + "x" + outputHeightCropped);
                _log.LogValue("Output resolution", outputWidthCropped + "x" + outputHeightCropped);
            if (paddingValues.isCropped())
                _log.LogValue("Padded output resolution", outputWidthIncludingPadding + "x" + outputHeightIncludingPadding);

            // generate the avs script based on the template
            string inputLine        = "#input";
            string deinterlaceLines = "#deinterlace";
            string denoiseLines     = "#denoise";
            string cropLine         = "#crop";
            string resizeLine       = "#resize";

            inputLine = ScriptServer.GetInputLine(
                inputFile, indexFile, false, oPossibleSource, false, false, false, 0,
                avsSettings.DSS2, NvDeinterlacerType.nvDeInterlacerNone, 0, 0, null);

            if (IsJobStopped())

            _log.LogValue("Automatic deinterlacing", autoDeint);
            if (autoDeint)
                su.Status = "Automatic deinterlacing...   ***PLEASE WAIT***";
                string d2vPath = indexFile;
                _sourceDetector = new SourceDetector(inputLine, d2vPath, avsSettings.PreferAnimeDeinterlace, inputFrameCount,
                                                     new UpdateSourceDetectionStatus(AnalyseUpdate),
                                                     new FinishedAnalysis(FinishedAnalysis));
                finished = false;
                _sourceDetector = null;
                if (filters != null)
                    deinterlaceLines = filters[0].Script;
                    if (interlaced)
                        _log.LogValue("Deinterlacing used", deinterlaceLines, ImageType.Warning);
                        _log.LogValue("Deinterlacing used", deinterlaceLines);

            if (IsJobStopped())

            su.Status = "Finalizing preprocessing...   ***PLEASE WAIT***";

            // get final input filter line
            inputLine = ScriptServer.GetInputLine(
                inputFile, indexFile, interlaced, oPossibleSource, avsSettings.ColourCorrect, avsSettings.MPEG2Deblock,
                false, 0, avsSettings.DSS2, NvDeinterlacerType.nvDeInterlacerNone, 0, 0, null);

            // get crop & resize lines
            if (!keepInputResolution)
                if (autoCrop)
                    cropLine = ScriptServer.GetCropLine(cropValues);
                resizeLine = ScriptServer.GetResizeLine(!signalAR || avsSettings.Mod16Method == mod16Method.resize || outputWidthIncludingPadding > 0 || inputWidth != outputWidthCropped,
                                                        outputWidthCropped, outputHeightCropped, outputWidthIncludingPadding, outputHeightIncludingPadding, (ResizeFilterType)avsSettings.ResizeMethod,
                                                        autoCrop, cropValues, inputWidth, inputHeight);

            // get denoise line
            denoiseLines = ScriptServer.GetDenoiseLines(avsSettings.Denoise, (DenoiseFilterType)avsSettings.DenoiseMethod);

            string newScript = ScriptServer.CreateScriptFromTemplate(avsSettings.Template, inputLine, cropLine, resizeLine, denoiseLines, deinterlaceLines);

            if (dar.HasValue)
                newScript = string.Format("global MeGUI_darx = {0}\r\nglobal MeGUI_dary = {1}\r\n{2}", dar.Value.X, dar.Value.Y, newScript);
                if (xTargetDevice != null && xTargetDevice.BluRay)
                    string       strResolution = outputWidthIncludingPadding + "x" + outputHeightIncludingPadding;
                    x264Settings _xs           = (x264Settings)settings;

                    if (strResolution.Equals("720x480"))
                        _xs.SampleAR = 4;
                        _log.LogEvent("Set --sar to 10:11 as only 40:33 or 10:11 are supported with a resolution of " +
                                      strResolution + " as required for " + xTargetDevice.Name + ".");
                    else if (strResolution.Equals("720x576"))
                        _xs.SampleAR = 5;
                        _log.LogEvent("Set --sar to 12:11 as only 16:11 or 12:11 are supported with a resolution of "
                                      + strResolution + " as required for " + xTargetDevice.Name + ".");
                    else if (strResolution.Equals("1280x720") || strResolution.Equals("1920x1080"))
                        _xs.SampleAR = 1;
                        _log.LogEvent("Set --sar to 1:1 as only 1:1 is supported with a resolution of "
                                      + strResolution + " as required for " + xTargetDevice.Name + ".");
                    else if (strResolution.Equals("1440x1080"))
                        _xs.SampleAR = 2;
                        _log.LogEvent("Set --sar to 4:3 as only 4:3 is supported with a resolution of "
                                      + strResolution + " as required for " + xTargetDevice.Name + ".");

            _log.LogValue("Generated AviSynth script", newScript);
            string strOutputAVSFile;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(indexFile))
                strOutputAVSFile = Path.ChangeExtension(Path.Combine(job.PostprocessingProperties.WorkingDirectory, Path.GetFileName(inputFile)), ".avs");
                strOutputAVSFile = Path.ChangeExtension(indexFile, ".avs");

                StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(strOutputAVSFile, false, System.Text.Encoding.Default);
            catch (Exception i)
                _log.LogValue("Error saving AviSynth script", i, ImageType.Error);

            JobUtil.GetAllInputProperties(strOutputAVSFile, out ulong numberOfFrames, out double fps, out int fps_n, out int fps_d, out int hres, out int vres, out Dar d, out AviSynthColorspace colorspace);
            _log.LogEvent("resolution: " + hres + "x" + vres);
            _log.LogEvent("frame rate: " + fps_n + "/" + fps_d);
            _log.LogEvent("frames: " + numberOfFrames);
            TimeSpan oTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds((double)numberOfFrames / fps);

            _log.LogEvent("length: " + string.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}.{3:000}",
                                                     (int)(oTime.TotalHours), oTime.Minutes, oTime.Seconds, oTime.Milliseconds));
            _log.LogValue("aspect ratio", d);
            _log.LogValue("color space", colorspace.ToString());

            if (IsJobStopped())

            // create qpf file if necessary and possible
            if (job.PostprocessingProperties.ChapterInfo.HasChapters && useChaptersMarks && settings != null && settings is x264Settings)
                fps = (double)fps_n / fps_d;
                string strChapterFile = Path.ChangeExtension(strOutputAVSFile, ".qpf");
                if (job.PostprocessingProperties.ChapterInfo.SaveQpfile(strChapterFile))
                    _log.LogValue("qpf file created", strChapterFile);
                    x264Settings xs = (x264Settings)settings;
                    xs.UseQPFile = true;
                    xs.QPFile    = strChapterFile;

            // check if a timestamp file has to be used
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(job.PostprocessingProperties.TimeStampFile) && settings != null && settings is x264Settings)
                x264Settings xs = (x264Settings)settings;
                xs.TCFile = job.PostprocessingProperties.TimeStampFile;

Exemple #15
 public static string GetCropLine(bool crop, CropValues cropValues)
     return(GetCropLine(crop, cropValues.left, cropValues.top, cropValues.right, cropValues.bottom));
Exemple #16
        /// <summary>
        /// opens a dgindex script
        /// if the file can be properly opened, auto-cropping is performed, then depending on the AR settings
        /// the proper resolution for automatic resizing, taking into account the derived cropping values
        /// is calculated, and finally the avisynth script is written and its name returned
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">dgindex script</param>
        /// <param name="aspectRatio">aspect ratio selection to be used</param>
        /// <param name="customDAR">custom display aspect ratio for this source</param>
        /// <param name="horizontalResolution">desired horizontal resolution of the output</param>
        /// <param name="settings">the codec settings (used only for x264)</param>
        /// <param name="sarX">pixel aspect ratio X</param>
        /// <param name="sarY">pixel aspect ratio Y</param>
        /// <param name="height">the final height of the video</param>
        /// <param name="signalAR">whether or not ar signalling is to be used for the output
        /// (depending on this parameter, resizing changes to match the source AR)</param>
        /// <returns>the name of the AviSynth script created, empty of there was an error</returns>
        private string openVideo(string path, Dar?AR, int horizontalResolution,
                                 bool signalAR, LogItem log, AviSynthSettings avsSettings, bool autoDeint,
                                 VideoCodecSettings settings, out Dar?dar)
            dar = null;
            IMediaFile   d2v    = new d2vFile(path);
            IVideoReader reader = d2v.GetVideoReader();

            if (reader.FrameCount < 1)
                log.Error("DGDecode reported 0 frames in this file. This is a fatal error. Please recreate the DGIndex project");

            CropValues final = Autocrop.autocrop(reader);

            if (signalAR)
                if (avsSettings.Mod16Method == mod16Method.overcrop)
                    ScriptServer.overcrop(ref final);
                else if (avsSettings.Mod16Method == mod16Method.mod4Horizontal)
                    ScriptServer.cropMod4Horizontal(ref final);
                else if (avsSettings.Mod16Method == mod16Method.undercrop)
                    ScriptServer.undercrop(ref final);

            bool error = (final.left == -1);

            if (!error)
                log.LogValue("Autocrop values", final);
                log.Error("Autocrop failed, aborting now");

            decimal customDAR;

            log.LogValue("Auto-detect aspect ratio now", AR == null);
            //Check if AR needs to be autodetected now
            if (AR == null) // it does
                customDAR = d2v.Info.DAR.ar;
                if (customDAR > 0)
                    log.LogValue("Aspect ratio", customDAR);
                    customDAR = Dar.ITU16x9PAL.ar;
                    log.Warn(string.Format("No aspect ratio found, defaulting to {0}.", customDAR));
                customDAR = AR.Value.ar;

            // Minimise upsizing
            int sourceHorizontalResolution = (int)d2v.Info.Width - final.right - final.left;

            if (horizontalResolution > sourceHorizontalResolution)
                if (avsSettings.Mod16Method == mod16Method.resize)
                    while (horizontalResolution > sourceHorizontalResolution + 16)
                        horizontalResolution -= 16;
                    horizontalResolution = sourceHorizontalResolution;

            //Suggest a resolution (taken from AvisynthWindow.suggestResolution_CheckedChanged)
            int scriptVerticalResolution = Resolution.suggestResolution(d2v.Info.Height, d2v.Info.Width, (double)customDAR,
                                                                        final, horizontalResolution, signalAR, mainForm.Settings.AcceptableAspectErrorPercent, out dar);

            log.LogValue("Output resolution", horizontalResolution + "x" + scriptVerticalResolution);

            if (settings != null && settings is x264Settings) // verify that the video corresponds to the chosen avc level, if not, change the resolution until it does fit
                x264Settings xs = (x264Settings)settings;
                if (xs.Level != 15)
                    AVCLevels al = new AVCLevels();
                    log.LogValue("AVC level", al.getLevels()[xs.Level]);

                    int compliantLevel = 15;
                    while (!this.al.validateAVCLevel(horizontalResolution, scriptVerticalResolution, d2v.Info.FPS, xs, out compliantLevel))
                    { // resolution not profile compliant, reduce horizontal resolution by 16, get the new vertical resolution and try again
                        string levelName = al.getLevels()[xs.Level];
                        horizontalResolution    -= 16;
                        scriptVerticalResolution = Resolution.suggestResolution(d2v.Info.Height, d2v.Info.Width, (double)customDAR,
                                                                                final, horizontalResolution, signalAR, mainForm.Settings.AcceptableAspectErrorPercent, out dar);
                    log.LogValue("Resolution adjusted for AVC Level", horizontalResolution + "x" + scriptVerticalResolution);

            //Generate the avs script based on the template
            string inputLine        = "#input";
            string deinterlaceLines = "#deinterlace";
            string denoiseLines     = "#denoise";
            string cropLine         = "#crop";
            string resizeLine       = "#resize";

            inputLine = ScriptServer.GetInputLine(path, false, PossibleSources.d2v,
                                                  false, false, false, 0);

            log.LogValue("Automatic deinterlacing", autoDeint);
            if (autoDeint)
                string         d2vPath = path;
                SourceDetector sd      = new SourceDetector(inputLine, d2vPath, false,
                                                            new UpdateSourceDetectionStatus(analyseUpdate),
                                                            new FinishedAnalysis(finishedAnalysis));
                finished = false;
                deinterlaceLines = filters[0].Script;
                log.LogValue("Deinterlacing used", deinterlaceLines);

            inputLine = ScriptServer.GetInputLine(path, interlaced, PossibleSources.d2v, avsSettings.ColourCorrect, avsSettings.MPEG2Deblock, false, 0);

            cropLine     = ScriptServer.GetCropLine(true, final);
            denoiseLines = ScriptServer.GetDenoiseLines(avsSettings.Denoise, (DenoiseFilterType)avsSettings.DenoiseMethod);
            resizeLine   = ScriptServer.GetResizeLine(!signalAR || avsSettings.Mod16Method == mod16Method.resize, horizontalResolution, scriptVerticalResolution, (ResizeFilterType)avsSettings.ResizeMethod);

            string newScript = ScriptServer.CreateScriptFromTemplate(avsSettings.Template, inputLine, cropLine, resizeLine, denoiseLines, deinterlaceLines);

            if (dar.HasValue)
                newScript = string.Format("global MeGUI_darx = {0}\r\nglobal MeGUI_dary = {1}\r\n{2}", dar.Value.X, dar.Value.Y, newScript);

            log.LogValue("Generated Avisynth script", newScript);
                StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(Path.ChangeExtension(path, ".avs"));
            catch (IOException i)
                log.LogValue("Error saving AviSynth script", i, ImageType.Error);
            return(Path.ChangeExtension(path, ".avs"));
        /// <summary>
        /// creates the AVS Script file
        /// if the file can be properly opened, auto-cropping is performed, then depending on the AR settings
        /// the proper resolution for automatic resizing, taking into account the derived cropping values
        /// is calculated, and finally the avisynth script is written and its name returned
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">dgindex script</param>
        /// <param name="aspectRatio">aspect ratio selection to be used</param>
        /// <param name="customDAR">custom display aspect ratio for this source</param>
        /// <param name="desiredOutputWidth">desired horizontal resolution of the output</param>
        /// <param name="settings">the codec settings (used only for x264)</param>
        /// <param name="sarX">pixel aspect ratio X</param>
        /// <param name="sarY">pixel aspect ratio Y</param>
        /// <param name="height">the final height of the video</param>
        /// <param name="signalAR">whether or not ar signalling is to be used for the output
        /// (depending on this parameter, resizing changes to match the source AR)</param>
        /// <param name="autoCrop">whether or not autoCrop is used for the input</param>
        /// <returns>the name of the AviSynth script created, empty if there was an error</returns>
        private string createAVSFile(string indexFile, string inputFile, Dar?AR, int desiredOutputWidth,
                                     bool signalAR, LogItem _log, AviSynthSettings avsSettings, bool autoDeint,
                                     VideoCodecSettings settings, out Dar?dar, bool autoCrop, bool keepInputResolution, bool useChaptersMarks)
            dar = null;
            Dar             customDAR;
            IMediaFile      iMediaFile = null;
            IVideoReader    reader;
            PossibleSources oPossibleSource;
            x264Device      xTargetDevice = null;
            CropValues      cropValues    = new CropValues();

            int outputWidthIncludingPadding  = 0;
            int outputHeightIncludingPadding = 0;
            int outputWidthCropped           = 0;
            int outputHeightCropped          = 0;

            // open index file to retrieve information
            if (job.PostprocessingProperties.IndexType == FileIndexerWindow.IndexType.DGI)
                iMediaFile      = new dgiFile(indexFile);
                oPossibleSource = PossibleSources.dgi;
            else if (job.PostprocessingProperties.IndexType == FileIndexerWindow.IndexType.D2V)
                iMediaFile      = new d2vFile(indexFile);
                oPossibleSource = PossibleSources.d2v;
            else if (job.PostprocessingProperties.IndexType == FileIndexerWindow.IndexType.DGA)
                iMediaFile      = new dgaFile(indexFile);
                oPossibleSource = PossibleSources.dga;
            else if (job.PostprocessingProperties.IndexType == FileIndexerWindow.IndexType.FFMS)
                iMediaFile      = new ffmsFile(inputFile, indexFile);
                oPossibleSource = PossibleSources.ffindex;
            else if (job.PostprocessingProperties.IndexType == FileIndexerWindow.IndexType.LSMASH)
                iMediaFile      = new lsmashFile(inputFile, indexFile);
                oPossibleSource = PossibleSources.lsmash;
            else if (job.PostprocessingProperties.IndexType == FileIndexerWindow.IndexType.AVISOURCE)
                string tempAvs = "AVISource(\"" + inputFile + "\", audio=false)" + VideoUtil.getAssumeFPS(0, inputFile);
                iMediaFile      = AvsFile.ParseScript(tempAvs);
                oPossibleSource = PossibleSources.directShow;
                iMediaFile      = AvsFile.OpenScriptFile(inputFile);
                oPossibleSource = PossibleSources.avs;
            reader = iMediaFile.GetVideoReader();

            // abort if the index file is invalid
            if (reader.FrameCount < 1)
                _log.Error("There are " + reader.FrameCount + " frames in the index file. Aborting...");

            if (AR == null)
                // AR needs to be detected automatically now
                _log.LogValue("Auto-detect aspect ratio", AR == null);
                customDAR = iMediaFile.VideoInfo.DAR;
                if (customDAR.AR <= 0)
                    customDAR = Dar.ITU16x9PAL;
                    _log.Warn(string.Format("No aspect ratio found, defaulting to {0}.", customDAR));
                customDAR = AR.Value;
            _log.LogValue("Aspect ratio", customDAR);

            // check x264 settings (target device, chapter file)
            if (settings != null && settings is x264Settings)
                x264Settings xs = (x264Settings)settings;
                xTargetDevice = xs.TargetDevice;
                _log.LogValue("Target device", xTargetDevice.Name);

                // create qpf file if necessary
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(job.PostprocessingProperties.ChapterFile) && useChaptersMarks)
                    qpfile = job.PostprocessingProperties.ChapterFile;
                    if ((Path.GetExtension(qpfile).ToLowerInvariant()) == ".txt")
                        qpfile = VideoUtil.convertChaptersTextFileTox264QPFile(job.PostprocessingProperties.ChapterFile, iMediaFile.VideoInfo.FPS);
                    if (File.Exists(qpfile))
                        xs.UseQPFile = true;
                        xs.QPFile    = qpfile;

            // get mod value for resizing
            int mod = Resolution.GetModValue(avsSettings.ModValue, avsSettings.Mod16Method, signalAR);

            // crop input as it may be required (autoCrop && !keepInputResolution or Blu-Ray)
            if (Autocrop.autocrop(out cropValues, reader, signalAR, avsSettings.Mod16Method, avsSettings.ModValue) == false)
                _log.Error("Autocrop failed. Aborting...");

            Dar?suggestedDar = null;

            if (desiredOutputWidth == 0)
                desiredOutputWidth = outputWidthIncludingPadding = (int)iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Width;
            else if (!avsSettings.Upsize && desiredOutputWidth > (int)iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Width)
                outputWidthIncludingPadding = (int)iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Width;
                outputWidthIncludingPadding = desiredOutputWidth;
            CropValues paddingValues;

            bool resizeEnabled;
            int  outputWidthWithoutUpsizing = outputWidthIncludingPadding;

            if (avsSettings.Upsize)
                resizeEnabled = !keepInputResolution;
                CropValues cropValuesTemp = cropValues.Clone();
                int        outputHeightIncludingPaddingTemp = 0;
                Resolution.GetResolution((int)iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Width, (int)iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Height, customDAR,
                                         ref cropValuesTemp, autoCrop && !keepInputResolution, mod, ref resizeEnabled, false, signalAR, true,
                                         avsSettings.AcceptableAspectError, xTargetDevice, Convert.ToDouble(iMediaFile.VideoInfo.FPS_N) / iMediaFile.VideoInfo.FPS_D,
                                         ref outputWidthWithoutUpsizing, ref outputHeightIncludingPaddingTemp, out paddingValues, out suggestedDar, _log);

            resizeEnabled = !keepInputResolution;
            Resolution.GetResolution((int)iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Width, (int)iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Height, customDAR,
                                     ref cropValues, autoCrop && !keepInputResolution, mod, ref resizeEnabled, avsSettings.Upsize, signalAR, true,
                                     avsSettings.AcceptableAspectError, xTargetDevice, Convert.ToDouble(iMediaFile.VideoInfo.FPS_N) / iMediaFile.VideoInfo.FPS_D,
                                     ref outputWidthIncludingPadding, ref outputHeightIncludingPadding, out paddingValues, out suggestedDar, _log);
            keepInputResolution = !resizeEnabled;
            if ((keepInputResolution || signalAR) && suggestedDar.HasValue)
                dar = suggestedDar;

            // log calculated output resolution
            outputWidthCropped  = outputWidthIncludingPadding - paddingValues.left - paddingValues.right;
            outputHeightCropped = outputHeightIncludingPadding - paddingValues.bottom - paddingValues.top;
            _log.LogValue("Input resolution", iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Width + "x" + iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Height);
            _log.LogValue("Desired maximum width", desiredOutputWidth);
            if (!avsSettings.Upsize && outputWidthIncludingPadding < desiredOutputWidth)
                _log.LogEvent("Desired maximum width not reached. Enable upsizing in the AviSynth profile if you want to force it.");
            if (avsSettings.Upsize && outputWidthIncludingPadding > outputWidthWithoutUpsizing)
                _log.LogValue("Desired maximum width reached with upsizing. Target width without upsizing", outputWidthWithoutUpsizing);
            if (cropValues.isCropped())
                _log.LogValue("Autocrop values", cropValues);
                _log.LogValue("Cropped output resolution", outputWidthCropped + "x" + outputHeightCropped);
                _log.LogValue("Output resolution", outputWidthCropped + "x" + outputHeightCropped);
            if (paddingValues.isCropped())
                _log.LogValue("Padded output resolution", outputWidthIncludingPadding + "x" + outputHeightIncludingPadding);

            // generate the avs script based on the template
            string inputLine        = "#input";
            string deinterlaceLines = "#deinterlace";
            string denoiseLines     = "#denoise";
            string cropLine         = "#crop";
            string resizeLine       = "#resize";

            inputLine = ScriptServer.GetInputLine(inputFile, indexFile, false, oPossibleSource, false, false, false, 0, avsSettings.DSS2);
            if (!inputLine.EndsWith(")"))
                inputLine += ")";

            _log.LogValue("Automatic deinterlacing", autoDeint);
            if (autoDeint)
                raiseEvent("Automatic deinterlacing...   ***PLEASE WAIT***");
                string d2vPath = indexFile;
                _sourceDetector = new SourceDetector(inputLine, d2vPath, false,
                                                     new UpdateSourceDetectionStatus(analyseUpdate),
                                                     new FinishedAnalysis(finishedAnalysis));
                finished = false;
                _sourceDetector  = null;
                deinterlaceLines = filters[0].Script;
                if (interlaced)
                    _log.LogValue("Deinterlacing used", deinterlaceLines, ImageType.Warning);
                    _log.LogValue("Deinterlacing used", deinterlaceLines);

            raiseEvent("Finalizing preprocessing...   ***PLEASE WAIT***");
            inputLine = ScriptServer.GetInputLine(inputFile, indexFile, interlaced, oPossibleSource, avsSettings.ColourCorrect, avsSettings.MPEG2Deblock, false, 0, avsSettings.DSS2);
            if (!inputLine.EndsWith(")"))
                inputLine += ")";

            if (!keepInputResolution && autoCrop)
                cropLine = ScriptServer.GetCropLine(true, cropValues);

            denoiseLines = ScriptServer.GetDenoiseLines(avsSettings.Denoise, (DenoiseFilterType)avsSettings.DenoiseMethod);

            if (!keepInputResolution)
                resizeLine = ScriptServer.GetResizeLine(!signalAR || avsSettings.Mod16Method == mod16Method.resize || outputWidthIncludingPadding > 0 || (int)iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Width != outputWidthCropped,
                                                        outputWidthCropped, outputHeightCropped, outputWidthIncludingPadding, outputHeightIncludingPadding, (ResizeFilterType)avsSettings.ResizeMethod,
                                                        autoCrop, cropValues, (int)iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Width, (int)iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Height);

            string newScript = ScriptServer.CreateScriptFromTemplate(avsSettings.Template, inputLine, cropLine, resizeLine, denoiseLines, deinterlaceLines);

            if (dar.HasValue)
                newScript = string.Format("global MeGUI_darx = {0}\r\nglobal MeGUI_dary = {1}\r\n{2}", dar.Value.X, dar.Value.Y, newScript);
                if (xTargetDevice != null && xTargetDevice.BluRay)
                    string       strResolution = outputWidthIncludingPadding + "x" + outputHeightIncludingPadding;
                    x264Settings _xs           = (x264Settings)settings;

                    if (strResolution.Equals("720x480"))
                        _xs.SampleAR = 4;
                        _log.LogEvent("Set --sar to 10:11 as only 40:33 or 10:11 are supported with a resolution of " +
                                      strResolution + " as required for " + xTargetDevice.Name + ".");
                    else if (strResolution.Equals("720x576"))
                        _xs.SampleAR = 5;
                        _log.LogEvent("Set --sar to 12:11 as only 16:11 or 12:11 are supported with a resolution of "
                                      + strResolution + " as required for " + xTargetDevice.Name + ".");
                    else if (strResolution.Equals("1280x720") || strResolution.Equals("1920x1080"))
                        _xs.SampleAR = 1;
                        _log.LogEvent("Set --sar to 1:1 as only 1:1 is supported with a resolution of "
                                      + strResolution + " as required for " + xTargetDevice.Name + ".");
                    else if (strResolution.Equals("1440x1080"))
                        _xs.SampleAR = 2;
                        _log.LogEvent("Set --sar to 4:3 as only 4:3 is supported with a resolution of "
                                      + strResolution + " as required for " + xTargetDevice.Name + ".");

            _log.LogValue("Generated Avisynth script", newScript);
            string strOutputAVSFile;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(indexFile))
                strOutputAVSFile = Path.ChangeExtension(Path.Combine(job.PostprocessingProperties.WorkingDirectory, Path.GetFileName(inputFile)), ".avs");
                strOutputAVSFile = Path.ChangeExtension(indexFile, ".avs");

                StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(strOutputAVSFile, false, System.Text.Encoding.Default);
            catch (IOException i)
                _log.LogValue("Error saving AviSynth script", i, ImageType.Error);
        /// <summary>
        /// creates the AVS Script file
        /// if the file can be properly opened, auto-cropping is performed, then depending on the AR settings
        /// the proper resolution for automatic resizing, taking into account the derived cropping values
        /// is calculated, and finally the avisynth script is written and its name returned
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">dgindex script</param>
        /// <param name="aspectRatio">aspect ratio selection to be used</param>
        /// <param name="customDAR">custom display aspect ratio for this source</param>
        /// <param name="desiredOutputWidth">desired horizontal resolution of the output</param>
        /// <param name="settings">the codec settings (used only for x264)</param>
        /// <param name="sarX">pixel aspect ratio X</param>
        /// <param name="sarY">pixel aspect ratio Y</param>
        /// <param name="height">the final height of the video</param>
        /// <param name="signalAR">whether or not ar signalling is to be used for the output
        /// (depending on this parameter, resizing changes to match the source AR)</param>
        /// <param name="autoCrop">whether or not autoCrop is used for the input</param>
        /// <returns>the name of the AviSynth script created, empty if there was an error</returns>
        private string createAVSFile(string indexFile, string inputFile, Dar?AR, int desiredOutputWidth,
                                     bool signalAR, LogItem _log, AviSynthSettings avsSettings, bool autoDeint,
                                     VideoCodecSettings settings, out Dar?dar, bool autoCrop, bool keepInputResolution, bool useChaptersMarks)
            dar = null;
            Dar             customDAR;
            IMediaFile      iMediaFile = null;
            IVideoReader    reader;
            PossibleSources oPossibleSource;
            x264Device      xTargetDevice = null;

            int outputWidthIncludingPadding  = 0;
            int outputHeightIncludingPadding = 0;
            int outputWidthCropped           = 0;
            int outputHeightCropped          = 0;

            CropValues cropValues        = new CropValues();
            bool       bAdjustResolution = false;
            bool       bCropped          = false;

            // open index file to retrieve information
            if (job.PostprocessingProperties.IndexType == FileIndexerWindow.IndexType.DGI)
                iMediaFile      = new dgiFile(indexFile);
                oPossibleSource = PossibleSources.dgi;
            else if (job.PostprocessingProperties.IndexType == FileIndexerWindow.IndexType.D2V)
                iMediaFile      = new d2vFile(indexFile);
                oPossibleSource = PossibleSources.d2v;
            else if (job.PostprocessingProperties.IndexType == FileIndexerWindow.IndexType.DGA)
                iMediaFile      = new dgaFile(indexFile);
                oPossibleSource = PossibleSources.dga;
            else if (job.PostprocessingProperties.IndexType == FileIndexerWindow.IndexType.FFMS)
                iMediaFile      = new ffmsFile(inputFile, indexFile);
                oPossibleSource = PossibleSources.ffindex;
            else if (job.PostprocessingProperties.IndexType == FileIndexerWindow.IndexType.AVISOURCE)
                string tempAvs = "AVISource(\"" + inputFile + "\", audio=false)" + VideoUtil.getAssumeFPS(0, inputFile);
                iMediaFile      = AvsFile.ParseScript(tempAvs);
                oPossibleSource = PossibleSources.directShow;
                iMediaFile      = AvsFile.OpenScriptFile(inputFile);
                oPossibleSource = PossibleSources.avs;
            reader = iMediaFile.GetVideoReader();

            // abort if the index file is invalid
            if (reader.FrameCount < 1)
                _log.Error("There are 0 frames in the index file. Aborting...");

            if (AR == null)
                // AR needs to be detected automatically now
                _log.LogValue("Auto-detect aspect ratio", AR == null);
                customDAR = iMediaFile.VideoInfo.DAR;
                if (customDAR.ar <= 0)
                    customDAR = Dar.ITU16x9PAL;
                    _log.Warn(string.Format("No aspect ratio found, defaulting to {0}.", customDAR));
                customDAR = AR.Value;
            _log.LogValue("Aspect ratio", customDAR);

            // check x264 settings (target device, chapter file)
            if (settings != null && settings is x264Settings)
                x264Settings xs = (x264Settings)settings;
                xTargetDevice = xs.TargetDevice;

                // create qpf file if necessary
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(job.PostprocessingProperties.ChapterFile) && useChaptersMarks)
                    qpfile = job.PostprocessingProperties.ChapterFile;
                    if ((Path.GetExtension(qpfile).ToLower(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) == ".txt")
                        qpfile = VideoUtil.convertChaptersTextFileTox264QPFile(job.PostprocessingProperties.ChapterFile, iMediaFile.VideoInfo.FPS);
                    if (File.Exists(qpfile))
                        xs.UseQPFile = true;
                        xs.QPFile    = qpfile;

            // if encoding for a specific device select the appropriate resolution setting
            if (xTargetDevice != null && xTargetDevice.Width > 0 && xTargetDevice.Height > 0)
                if (keepInputResolution)
                    // resolution should not be changed - use input resolution
                    outputWidthCropped  = (int)iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Width;
                    outputHeightCropped = (int)iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Height;
                    // crop input video if selected
                    if (autoCrop)
                        if (Autocrop.autocrop(out cropValues, reader, signalAR, avsSettings.Mod16Method) == false)
                            _log.Error("Autocrop failed. Aborting...");
                        bCropped = true;

                    outputWidthCropped  = desiredOutputWidth;
                    outputHeightCropped = Resolution.suggestResolution(iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Height, iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Width,
                                                                       (double)customDAR.ar, cropValues, outputWidthCropped, signalAR,
                                                                       mainForm.Settings.AcceptableAspectErrorPercent, out dar);
                    dar = null;

                if (xTargetDevice.Width < outputWidthCropped)
                    // width must be lowered to be target conform
                    bAdjustResolution = true;
                    if (keepInputResolution)
                        keepInputResolution = false;
                        _log.LogEvent("Disabling \"Keep Input Resolution\" as " + xTargetDevice.Name + " does not support a resolution width of "
                                      + outputWidthCropped + ". The maximum value is " + xTargetDevice.Width + ".");
                else if (xTargetDevice.Height < outputHeightCropped)
                    // height must be lowered to be target conform
                    bAdjustResolution = true;
                    if (keepInputResolution)
                        keepInputResolution = false;
                        _log.LogEvent("Disabling \"Keep Input Resolution\" as " + xTargetDevice.Name + " does not support a resolution height of "
                                      + outputHeightCropped + ". The maximum value is " + xTargetDevice.Height + ".");
                else if (xTargetDevice.BluRay)
                    string strResolution = outputWidthCropped + "x" + outputHeightCropped;
                    if (!strResolution.Equals("1920x1080") &&
                        !strResolution.Equals("1440x1080") &&
                        !strResolution.Equals("1280x720") &&
                        !strResolution.Equals("720x576") &&
                        bAdjustResolution = true;
                        if (keepInputResolution)
                            keepInputResolution = false;
                            _log.LogEvent("Disabling \"Keep Input Resolution\" as " + xTargetDevice.Name + " does not support a resolution of "
                                          + outputWidthCropped + "x" + outputHeightCropped
                                          + ". Supported are 1920x1080, 1440x1080, 1280x720, 720x576 and 720x480.");
                        outputWidthIncludingPadding  = outputWidthCropped;
                        outputHeightIncludingPadding = outputHeightCropped;

                if (bAdjustResolution)
                    if (!autoCrop)
                        autoCrop = true;
                        _log.LogEvent("Enabling \"AutoCrop\"");
                outputWidthCropped = desiredOutputWidth;

            if (!keepInputResolution && autoCrop && !bCropped)
                // crop input video if required
                if (Autocrop.autocrop(out cropValues, reader, signalAR, avsSettings.Mod16Method) == false)
                    _log.Error("Autocrop failed. Aborting...");
                bCropped = true;

            if (bAdjustResolution)
                // adjust horizontal resolution as width or height are too large
                if (xTargetDevice.BluRay)
                    if (outputWidthCropped >= 1920)
                        outputWidthCropped           = 1920;
                        outputHeightIncludingPadding = 1080;
                        _log.LogEvent("Force resolution of 1920x1080 as required for " + xTargetDevice.Name);
                    else if (outputWidthCropped >= 1280)
                        outputWidthCropped           = 1280;
                        outputHeightIncludingPadding = 720;
                        _log.LogEvent("Force resolution of 1280x720 as required for " + xTargetDevice.Name);
                        outputWidthCropped = 720;
                        Double dfps = Convert.ToDouble(iMediaFile.VideoInfo.FPS_N) / iMediaFile.VideoInfo.FPS_D;
                        if (dfps == 25)
                            outputHeightIncludingPadding = 576;
                            _log.LogEvent("Force resolution of 720x576 as required for " + xTargetDevice.Name);
                            outputHeightIncludingPadding = 480;
                            _log.LogEvent("Force resolution of 720x480 as required for " + xTargetDevice.Name);
                    outputWidthIncludingPadding = outputWidthCropped;
                else if (outputWidthCropped > xTargetDevice.Width)
                    outputWidthCropped = xTargetDevice.Width;
                    _log.LogEvent("Set resolution width to " + outputWidthCropped + " as required for " + xTargetDevice.Name);

                // adjust cropped vertical resolution
                outputHeightCropped = Resolution.suggestResolution(iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Height, iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Width, (double)customDAR.ar,
                                                                   cropValues, outputWidthCropped, signalAR, mainForm.Settings.AcceptableAspectErrorPercent, out dar);
                while (outputHeightCropped > xTargetDevice.Height || (xTargetDevice.BluRay && outputHeightCropped > outputHeightIncludingPadding))
                    outputWidthCropped -= 16;
                    outputHeightCropped = Resolution.suggestResolution(iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Height, iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Width, (double)customDAR.ar,
                                                                       cropValues, outputWidthCropped, signalAR, mainForm.Settings.AcceptableAspectErrorPercent, out dar);

            if (keepInputResolution)
                outputWidthCropped  = outputWidthIncludingPadding = (int)iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Width;
                outputHeightCropped = outputHeightIncludingPadding = (int)iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Height;
                dar = customDAR;
            else if (xTargetDevice == null || (xTargetDevice != null && !xTargetDevice.BluRay))
                // Minimise upsizing
                int sourceHorizontalResolution = (int)iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Width - cropValues.right - cropValues.left;
                if (autoCrop)
                    sourceHorizontalResolution = (int)iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Width;

                if (outputWidthCropped > sourceHorizontalResolution)
                    if (avsSettings.Mod16Method == mod16Method.resize)
                        while (outputWidthCropped > sourceHorizontalResolution + 16)
                            outputWidthCropped -= 16;
                        outputWidthCropped = sourceHorizontalResolution;

            // calculate height
            if (!keepInputResolution)
                outputHeightCropped = Resolution.suggestResolution(iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Height, iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Width, (double)customDAR.ar,
                                                                   cropValues, outputWidthCropped, signalAR, mainForm.Settings.AcceptableAspectErrorPercent, out dar);

            // set complete padding if required
            if (outputHeightIncludingPadding == 0 && outputWidthIncludingPadding > 0)
                outputHeightIncludingPadding = outputHeightCropped;
            if (outputWidthIncludingPadding == 0 && outputHeightIncludingPadding > 0)
                outputWidthIncludingPadding = outputWidthCropped;

            // write calculated output resolution into the log
            _log.LogValue("Input resolution", iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Width + "x" + iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Height);
            if (autoCrop && !keepInputResolution && cropValues.isCropped())
                _log.LogValue("Autocrop values", cropValues);
                _log.LogValue("Cropped output resolution", outputWidthCropped + "x" + outputHeightCropped);
                _log.LogValue("Output resolution", outputWidthCropped + "x" + outputHeightCropped);
            if (outputWidthIncludingPadding > 0 && (outputWidthIncludingPadding != outputWidthCropped || outputHeightIncludingPadding != outputHeightCropped))
                _log.LogValue("Padded output resolution", outputWidthIncludingPadding + "x" + outputHeightIncludingPadding);

            if (outputWidthCropped <= 0 || outputHeightCropped <= 0)
                _log.Error("Error in detection of output resolution");

            //Generate the avs script based on the template
            string inputLine        = "#input";
            string deinterlaceLines = "#deinterlace";
            string denoiseLines     = "#denoise";
            string cropLine         = "#crop";
            string resizeLine       = "#resize";

            inputLine = ScriptServer.GetInputLine(inputFile, indexFile, false, oPossibleSource, false, false, false, 0, avsSettings.DSS2);
            if (!inputLine.EndsWith(")"))
                inputLine += ")";

            _log.LogValue("Automatic deinterlacing", autoDeint);
            if (autoDeint)
                raiseEvent("Automatic deinterlacing...   ***PLEASE WAIT***");
                string         d2vPath = indexFile;
                SourceDetector sd      = new SourceDetector(inputLine, d2vPath, false,
                                                            new UpdateSourceDetectionStatus(analyseUpdate),
                                                            new FinishedAnalysis(finishedAnalysis));
                finished = false;
                deinterlaceLines = filters[0].Script;
                if (interlaced)
                    _log.LogValue("Deinterlacing used", deinterlaceLines, ImageType.Warning);
                    _log.LogValue("Deinterlacing used", deinterlaceLines);

            raiseEvent("Finalizing preprocessing...   ***PLEASE WAIT***");
            inputLine = ScriptServer.GetInputLine(inputFile, indexFile, interlaced, oPossibleSource, avsSettings.ColourCorrect, avsSettings.MPEG2Deblock, false, 0, avsSettings.DSS2);
            if (!inputLine.EndsWith(")"))
                inputLine += ")";

            if (!keepInputResolution && autoCrop)
                cropLine = ScriptServer.GetCropLine(true, cropValues);

            denoiseLines = ScriptServer.GetDenoiseLines(avsSettings.Denoise, (DenoiseFilterType)avsSettings.DenoiseMethod);

            if (!keepInputResolution)
                resizeLine = ScriptServer.GetResizeLine(!signalAR || avsSettings.Mod16Method == mod16Method.resize || outputWidthIncludingPadding > 0 || (int)iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Width != outputWidthCropped,
                                                        outputWidthCropped, outputHeightCropped, outputWidthIncludingPadding, outputHeightIncludingPadding, (ResizeFilterType)avsSettings.ResizeMethod,
                                                        autoCrop, cropValues, (int)iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Width, (int)iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Height);

            string newScript = ScriptServer.CreateScriptFromTemplate(avsSettings.Template, inputLine, cropLine, resizeLine, denoiseLines, deinterlaceLines);

            if (dar.HasValue)
                newScript = string.Format("global MeGUI_darx = {0}\r\nglobal MeGUI_dary = {1}\r\n{2}", dar.Value.X, dar.Value.Y, newScript);
                if (xTargetDevice != null && xTargetDevice.BluRay)
                    string       strResolution = outputWidthIncludingPadding + "x" + outputHeightIncludingPadding;
                    x264Settings _xs           = (x264Settings)settings;

                    if (strResolution.Equals("720x480"))
                        _xs.SampleAR = 4;
                        _log.LogEvent("Set --sar to 10:11 as only 40:33 or 10:11 are supported with a resolution of " +
                                      strResolution + " as required for " + xTargetDevice.Name + ".");
                    else if (strResolution.Equals("720x576"))
                        _xs.SampleAR = 5;
                        _log.LogEvent("Set --sar to 12:11 as only 16:11 or 12:11 are supported with a resolution of "
                                      + strResolution + " as required for " + xTargetDevice.Name + ".");
                    else if (strResolution.Equals("1280x720") || strResolution.Equals("1920x1080"))
                        _xs.SampleAR = 1;
                        _log.LogEvent("Set --sar to 1:1 as only 1:1 is supported with a resolution of "
                                      + strResolution + " as required for " + xTargetDevice.Name + ".");
                    else if (strResolution.Equals("1440x1080"))
                        _xs.SampleAR = 2;
                        _log.LogEvent("Set --sar to 4:3 as only 4:3 is supported with a resolution of "
                                      + strResolution + " as required for " + xTargetDevice.Name + ".");

            _log.LogValue("Generated Avisynth script", newScript);
            string strOutputAVSFile;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(indexFile))
                strOutputAVSFile = Path.ChangeExtension(Path.Combine(job.PostprocessingProperties.WorkingDirectory, Path.GetFileName(inputFile)), ".avs");
                strOutputAVSFile = Path.ChangeExtension(indexFile, ".avs");

                StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(strOutputAVSFile, false, System.Text.Encoding.Default);
            catch (IOException i)
                _log.LogValue("Error saving AviSynth script", i, ImageType.Error);
Exemple #19
 public void crop(CropValues cropping)
     crop(cropping.left, cropping.top, cropping.right, cropping.bottom);