/// <summary>
        /// sets the GUI to a minimal mode allowing to configure audio track languages, configure subtitles, and chapters
        /// the rest of the options are deactivated
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="videoInput">the video input</param>
        /// <param name="framerate">the framerate of the video input</param>
        /// <param name="audioStreams">the audio streams whose languages have to be assigned</param>
        /// <param name="output">the output file</param>
        /// <param name="splitSize">the output split size</param>
        public void setMinimizedMode(string videoInput, VideoEncoderType videoType, double framerate, MuxStream[] audioStreams, AudioEncoderType[] audioTypes, string output,
            FileSize? splitSize, ContainerType cft)
            base.setConfig(videoInput, (decimal)framerate, audioStreams, new MuxStream[0], null, output, splitSize, null, null);

            minimizedMode = true;
            knownVideoType = videoType;
            knownAudioTypes = audioTypes;

            // disable everything
            videoGroupbox.Enabled = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < audioStreams.Length; ++i)
                audioTracks[i].Enabled = false;

            this.output.Filename = output;
            this.splitting.Value = splitSize;
            this.muxButton.Text = "Go";
            if (this.cbContainer.Items.Contains(cft))
                cbContainer.SelectedItem = cft;
Exemple #2
 private void setConfig(string videoInput, string muxedInput, decimal? framerate, MuxStream[] audioStreams,
     MuxStream[] subtitleStreams, string chapterFile, string output, FileSize? splitSize, Dar? dar, string deviceType)
     base.setConfig(videoInput, framerate, audioStreams, subtitleStreams, chapterFile, output, splitSize, dar, deviceType);
     this.muxedInput.Filename = muxedInput;
 public void getAdditionalStreams(out MuxStream[] audio, out MuxStream[] subtitles, out string chapters, out string output, out ContainerType cot)
     cot = (cbContainer.SelectedItem as ContainerType);
     output = this.output.Filename;
     base.getAdditionalStreams(out audio, out subtitles, out chapters);
 /// <summary>
 /// gets the additionally configured stream configuration from this window
 /// this method is used when the muxwindow is created from the AutoEncodeWindow in order to configure audio languages
 /// add subtitles and chapters
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="aStreams">the configured audio streams(language assignments)</param>
 /// <param name="sStreams">the newly added subtitle streams</param>
 /// <param name="chapterFile">the assigned chapter file</param>
 public void getAdditionalStreams(out MuxStream[] aStreams, out MuxStream[] sStreams, out string chapterFile)
     aStreams = getStreams(audioTracks);
     sStreams = getStreams(subtitleTracks);
     chapterFile = chapters.Filename;
        /// <summary>
        /// sets the configuration of the GUI
        /// used when a job is loaded (jobs have everything already filled out)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="videoInput">the video input (raw or mp4)</param>
        /// <param name="framerate">framerate of the input</param>
        /// <param name="audioStreams">the audiostreams</param>
        /// <param name="subtitleStreams">the subtitle streams</param>
        /// <param name="output">name of the output</param>
        /// <param name="splitSize">split size of the output</param>
        public void setConfig(string videoInput, decimal? framerate, MuxStream[] audioStreams, MuxStream[] subtitleStreams, string chapterFile, string output, FileSize? splitSize, Dar? dar, string deviceType)
            this.dar = dar;
            vInput.Filename = videoInput;
            fps.Value = framerate;

            int index = 0;
            foreach (MuxStream stream in audioStreams)
                if (audioTracks.Count == index)
                audioTracks[index].Stream = stream;

            index = 0;
            foreach (MuxStream stream in subtitleStreams)
                if (subtitleTracks.Count == index)
                subtitleTracks[index].Stream = stream;

            chapters.Filename = chapterFile;
            this.output.Filename = output;
            this.splitting.Value = splitSize;
            this.muxButton.Text = "Update";
            this.cbType.Text = deviceType;
        public LogItem postprocess()
            audioFiles = vUtil.getAllDemuxedAudio(job.AudioTracks, job.Output, 8);


            log.LogValue("Desired size", job.PostprocessingProperties.OutputSize);
            log.LogValue("Split size", job.PostprocessingProperties.Splitting);

            VideoCodecSettings videoSettings = job.PostprocessingProperties.VideoSettings;

            string videoOutput = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(job.Output),
                Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(job.Output) + "_Video");
            string muxedOutput = job.PostprocessingProperties.FinalOutput;

            //Open the video
            Dar? dar;
            string videoInput = openVideo(job.Output, job.PostprocessingProperties.DAR,
                job.PostprocessingProperties.HorizontalOutputResolution, job.PostprocessingProperties.SignalAR, log,
                job.PostprocessingProperties.AvsSettings, job.PostprocessingProperties.AutoDeinterlace, videoSettings, out dar,
                job.PostprocessingProperties.AutoCrop, job.PostprocessingProperties.KeepInputResolution,

            VideoStream myVideo = new VideoStream();
            ulong length;
            double framerate;
            JobUtil.getInputProperties(out length, out framerate, videoInput);
            myVideo.Input = videoInput;
            myVideo.Output = videoOutput;
            myVideo.NumberOfFrames = length;
            myVideo.Framerate = (decimal)framerate;
            myVideo.DAR = dar;
            myVideo.VideoType = new MuxableType((new VideoEncoderProvider().GetSupportedOutput(videoSettings.EncoderType))[0], videoSettings.Codec);
            myVideo.Settings = videoSettings;
            List<string> intermediateFiles = new List<string>();
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(qpfile))

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(videoInput))
                //Create empty subtitles for muxing (subtitles not supported in one click mode)
                MuxStream[] subtitles = new MuxStream[0];
                JobChain c = vUtil.GenerateJobSeries(myVideo, muxedOutput, job.PostprocessingProperties.AudioJobs, subtitles,
                    job.PostprocessingProperties.ChapterFile, job.PostprocessingProperties.OutputSize,
                    job.PostprocessingProperties.Splitting, job.PostprocessingProperties.Container,
                    job.PostprocessingProperties.PrerenderJob, job.PostprocessingProperties.DirectMuxAudio, log, job.PostprocessingProperties.DeviceOutputType);
                if (c == null)
                    log.Warn("Job creation aborted");
                    return log;

                c = CleanupJob.AddAfter(c, intermediateFiles);
            return log;
 /// <summary>
 /// separates encodable from muxable audio streams
 /// in addition to returning the two types separately an array of SubStreams is returned
 /// which is plugged into the muxer.. it contains the names of all the audio files
 /// that have to be muxed
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="encodable">encodeable audio streams</param>
 /// <param name="muxable">muxable Audio Streams with the path filled out and a blank language</param>
 private void separateEncodableAndMuxableAudioStreams(out AudioJob[] encodable, out MuxStream[] muxable, out AudioEncoderType[] muxTypes)
     encodable = this.getConfiguredAudioJobs(); // discards improperly configured ones
     // the rest of the job is all encodeable
     muxable = new MuxStream[encodable.Length];
     muxTypes = new AudioEncoderType[encodable.Length];
     int j = 0;
     foreach (AudioJob stream in encodable)
         muxable[j] = stream.ToMuxStream();
         muxTypes[j] = stream.Settings.EncoderType;
 /// <summary>
 /// Reallocates the audio array so that it only has the files to be muxed and not the files to be encoded, then muxed
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="audio">All files to be muxed (including the ones which will be encoded first)</param>
 /// <param name="aStreams">All files being encoded (these will be removed from the audio array)</param>
 private void removeStreamsToBeEncoded(ref MuxStream[] audio, AudioJob[] aStreams)
     List<MuxStream> newAudio = new List<MuxStream>();
     foreach (MuxStream stream in audio)
         bool matchFound = false;
         foreach (AudioJob a in aStreams)
             if (stream.path == a.Output)
                 matchFound = true; // In this case we have found a file which needs to be encoded
         if (!matchFound) // in this case we have not found any files which will be encoded first to produce this file
     audio = newAudio.ToArray();
        /// <summary>
        /// handles the go button for automated encoding
        /// checks if we're in automated 2 pass video mode and that we're not using the snow codec
        /// then the video and audio configuration is checked, and if it checks out
        /// the audio job, video jobs and muxing job are generated, audio and video job are linked
        /// and encoding is started
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void queueButton_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.muxedOutput.Filename))

                FileSize? desiredSize = targetSize.Value;
                FileSize? splitSize = splitting.Value;

                if (FileSizeRadio.Checked)
                    log.LogValue("Desired Size ", desiredSize);
                else if (averageBitrateRadio.Checked)
                    log.LogValue("Projected Bitrate ", string.Format("{0}kbps", projectedBitrateKBits.Text));

                log.LogValue("Split Size ", splitSize);

                MuxStream[] audio;
                AudioJob[] aStreams;
                AudioEncoderType[] muxTypes;
                separateEncodableAndMuxableAudioStreams(out aStreams, out audio, out muxTypes);
                MuxStream[] subtitles = new MuxStream[0];
                string chapters = "";
                string videoInput = vInfo.VideoInput;
                string videoOutput = vInfo.VideoOutput;
                string muxedOutput = this.muxedOutput.Filename;
                ContainerType cot = this.container.SelectedItem as ContainerType;

                if (addSubsNChapters.Checked)
                    AdaptiveMuxWindow amw = new AdaptiveMuxWindow(mainForm);
                    amw.setMinimizedMode(videoOutput, videoStream.Settings.EncoderType, jobUtil.getFramerate(videoInput), audio,
                        muxTypes, muxedOutput, splitSize, cot);
                    if (amw.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                        amw.getAdditionalStreams(out audio, out subtitles, out chapters, out muxedOutput, out cot);
                    else // user aborted, abort the whole process
                removeStreamsToBeEncoded(ref audio, aStreams);
                mainForm.Jobs.addJobsWithDependencies(vUtil.GenerateJobSeries(this.videoStream, muxedOutput, aStreams, subtitles, chapters,
                    desiredSize, splitSize, cot, this.prerender, audio, log, this.device.Text));
Exemple #10
        public JobChain GenerateMuxJobs(VideoStream video, decimal? framerate, MuxStream[] audioStreamsArray, MuxableType[] audioTypes,
            MuxStream[] subtitleStreamsArray, MuxableType[] subTypes,
            string chapterFile, MuxableType chapterInputType, ContainerType container, string output, FileSize? splitSize, List<string> inputsToDelete, string deviceType, MuxableType deviceOutputType)
            Debug.Assert(splitSize == null || splitSize.Value != FileSize.Empty);

            MuxProvider prov = mainForm.MuxProvider;
            List<MuxableType> allTypes = new List<MuxableType>();
            if (chapterInputType != null)
            if (deviceOutputType != null)
            MuxPath muxPath = prov.GetMuxPath(container, splitSize.HasValue, allTypes.ToArray());
            List<MuxJob> jobs = new List<MuxJob>();
            List<MuxStream> subtitleStreams = new List<MuxStream>(subtitleStreamsArray);
            List<MuxStream> audioStreams = new List<MuxStream>(audioStreamsArray);
            int index = 0;
            int tempNumber = 1;
            string previousOutput = null;
            foreach (MuxPathLeg mpl in muxPath)
                List<string> filesToDeleteThisJob = new List<string>();

                MuxJob mjob = new MuxJob();

                if (previousOutput != null)
                    mjob.Settings.MuxedInput = previousOutput;

                mjob.NbOfFrames = video.NumberOfFrames;
                mjob.NbOfBFrames = video.Settings.NbBframes;
                mjob.Codec = video.Settings.Codec.ToString();
                string fpsFormated = String.Format("{0:##.###}", framerate); // this formating is required for mkvmerge at least to avoid fps rounding error
                mjob.Settings.Framerate = Convert.ToDecimal(fpsFormated);
                mjob.Settings.VideoName = video.Settings.VideoName;

                string tempOutputName = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(output),
                    Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(output) + tempNumber + ".");
                foreach (MuxableType o in mpl.handledInputTypes)
                    if (o.outputType is VideoType)
                        mjob.Settings.VideoInput = video.Output;
                        if (inputsToDelete.Contains(video.Output))
                        mjob.Settings.DAR = video.DAR;
                    else if (o.outputType is AudioType)
                        MuxStream stream = audioStreams.Find(delegate(MuxStream m)
                            return (VideoUtil.guessAudioType(m.path) == o.outputType);

                        if (stream != null)

                            if (inputsToDelete.Contains(stream.path))
                    else if (o.outputType is SubtitleType)
                        MuxStream stream = subtitleStreams.Find(delegate(MuxStream m)
                            return (VideoUtil.guessSubtitleType(m.path) == o.outputType);

                        if (stream != null)

                            if (inputsToDelete.Contains(stream.path))
                    else if (o.outputType is ChapterType)
                        if ((VideoUtil.guessChapterType(chapterFile) == o.outputType))
                            mjob.Settings.ChapterFile = chapterFile;
                        if (inputsToDelete.Contains(chapterFile))
                    else if (o.outputType is DeviceType)
                        if ((VideoUtil.guessDeviceType(deviceType) == o.outputType))
                            mjob.Settings.DeviceType = deviceType;
                foreach (MuxStream s in mjob.Settings.AudioStreams)
                foreach (MuxStream s in mjob.Settings.SubtitleStreams)
                if (index == muxPath.Length - 1)
                    mjob.Settings.MuxedOutput = output;
                    mjob.Settings.SplitSize = splitSize;
                    mjob.Settings.DAR = video.DAR;
                    mjob.ContainerType = container;
                    ContainerType cot = mpl.muxerInterface.GetContainersInCommon(muxPath[index + 1].muxerInterface)[0];
                    mjob.Settings.MuxedOutput = tempOutputName + cot.Extension;
                    mjob.ContainerType = cot;
                previousOutput = mjob.Settings.MuxedOutput;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mjob.Settings.VideoInput))
                    mjob.Input = mjob.Settings.MuxedInput;
                    mjob.Input = mjob.Settings.VideoInput;
                mjob.Output = mjob.Settings.MuxedOutput;
                mjob.MuxType = mpl.muxerInterface.MuxerType;

            return new SequentialChain(jobs.ToArray());