Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the enemy location depending on AI logic and play sound effects
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gameTime">Snapshot of game timing state</param>
        /// <param name="maze">The maze the enemy is in</param>
        /// <param name="listener">The listener to enemy's footstep sound effect and music</param>
        /// <param name="music">The music that the enemy objec will be effecting depends on distance to the listener</param>
        public void Update(GameTime gameTime, Maze maze, AudioListener listener, SoundEffectInstance music)
            float elapsedTime = (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;
            Vector3 moveAmount = Vector3.Zero;

            // first we looking into future time so that enemy won't walk into walls
            moveAmount.Z += MOVE_SCALE * elapsedTime * PREVIEW_FRAMES;
            Vector3 newLocation = PreviewMove(moveAmount);

            willCollide = false;
            foreach (BoundingBox box in maze.GetBoundsForCell((int)newLocation.X, (int)newLocation.Z))
                if (box.Contains(newLocation) == ContainmentType.Contains)
                    willCollide = true;

            // if walking stright will collide with wall, try turning left
            if ( willCollide )
                // try turn left
                Direction = (Direction + 1) % 4;
                moveAmount = Vector3.Zero;
                moveAmount.Z += MOVE_SCALE * elapsedTime * PREVIEW_FRAMES;
                newLocation = PreviewMove(moveAmount);

                willCollide = false;
                foreach (BoundingBox box in maze.GetBoundsForCell((int)newLocation.X, (int)newLocation.Z))
                    if (box.Contains(newLocation) == ContainmentType.Contains)
                        willCollide = true;

            // if turn left fails, try opposite direction (turn right from original direction)
            if ( willCollide )
                // try turn right
                Direction = (Direction + 2) % 4;
                moveAmount = Vector3.Zero;
                moveAmount.Z += MOVE_SCALE * elapsedTime * PREVIEW_FRAMES;
                newLocation = PreviewMove(moveAmount);

                willCollide = false;
                foreach (BoundingBox box in maze.GetBoundsForCell((int)newLocation.X, (int)newLocation.Z))
                    if (box.Contains(newLocation) == ContainmentType.Contains)
                        willCollide = true;

            // if still going to collide, make a u-turn
            if ( willCollide )
                // try walk backward
                Direction = (Direction + 3) % 4;
                moveAmount = Vector3.Zero;
                moveAmount.Z += MOVE_SCALE * elapsedTime * PREVIEW_FRAMES;
                newLocation = PreviewMove(moveAmount);

                willCollide = false;
                foreach (BoundingBox box in maze.GetBoundsForCell((int)newLocation.X, (int)newLocation.Z))
                    if (box.Contains(newLocation) == ContainmentType.Contains)
                        willCollide = true;

            // Animate legs movement
            if (isLeftLegForward)
                leftLegRotation -= LEG_ROTATION_SCALE;
                rightLegRotation += LEG_ROTATION_SCALE;
                rightLegRotation -= LEG_ROTATION_SCALE;
                leftLegRotation += LEG_ROTATION_SCALE;

            // reset move amount to just timing the elapsed time instead of a future time
            moveAmount = Vector3.Zero;
            moveAmount.Z += MOVE_SCALE * elapsedTime;
            newLocation = PreviewMove(moveAmount);

            Apply3DAudio(listener, newLocation, music);

            position = newLocation;
Exemple #2
        public void Update(GameTime gameTime, Maze maze, AudioListener listener)
            float elapsedTime = (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;
            wallCollisionElapsedTime += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;
            footStepElapsedTime += (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalMilliseconds;

            // Restrain movement to the maze width and height
            if (moveAmount.Z != 0 || moveAmount.X != 0)
                Vector3 newLocation = PreviewMove(moveAmount);
                bool moveOk = true;

                if (newLocation.X < 0 || newLocation.X > Maze.MAZE_WIDTH)
                    moveOk = false;
                if (newLocation.Z < 0 || newLocation.Z > Maze.MAZE_HEIGHT)
                    moveOk = false;

                // Handle Collision based on bounding box
                if (collision)
                    foreach (BoundingBox box in maze.GetBoundsForCell((int)newLocation.X, (int)newLocation.Z))
                        if (box.Contains(newLocation) == ContainmentType.Contains)
                            moveOk = false;

                            // check to play wall sounds if wallsound is true and there is a delap. dealys stops constant looping
                            if (wallSound && wallCollisionElapsedTime > WALL_COLLISION_DELAY)
                                wallSound = false;

                                // reset elapsedTime to provide a delay
                                wallCollisionElapsedTime = 0;

                            // enable sounds again
                            wallSound = true;

                // if no collision and ok to move the move and play footstep sound
                if (moveOk)
                    listener.Velocity = (newLocation - position) / elapsedTime;

                    // Play footstep sounds
                    if (footStepElapsedTime > FOOT_STEP_DELAY)
                        if (footsteps)
                        footsteps = !footsteps;

                        footStepElapsedTime = 0;

                    listener.Velocity = Vector3.Zero;

                listener.Velocity = Vector3.Zero;

            listener.Position = Position;
            listener.Up = View.Up;
            listener.Forward = View.Forward;