Exemple #1
 public void BreakTile(WorldPosition Position, int direction)
     WorldPosition TileToSwitch = new WorldPosition();
     switch (direction)
         case 0://none
         case 1://up
             TileToSwitch.X = (Position.X / Constants.Tile.Width);
             TileToSwitch.Y = (Position.Y / Constants.Tile.Height) - 1;
         case 2://down
             TileToSwitch.X = (Position.X / Constants.Tile.Width);
             TileToSwitch.Y = (Position.Y / Constants.Tile.Height) + 1;
         case 3://left
             TileToSwitch.X = (Position.X / Constants.Tile.Width) - 1;
             TileToSwitch.Y = (Position.Y / Constants.Tile.Height);
         case 4://right
             TileToSwitch.X = (Position.X / Constants.Tile.Width) + 1;
             TileToSwitch.Y = (Position.Y / Constants.Tile.Height);
     if (TileToSwitch.X >= _width || TileToSwitch.Y >= _height || TileToSwitch.X < 0 || TileToSwitch.Y < 0)
         return;//do nothing if tile is out of bounds
     if (mazeTiles[TileToSwitch.Y, TileToSwitch.X].TileType == MazeTile.ETileType.No)
         mazeTiles[TileToSwitch.Y, TileToSwitch.X].TileType = MazeTile.ETileType.Yes;
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Allows the game component to perform any initialization it needs to before starting
        /// to run.  This is where it can query for any required services and load content.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Initialize()

            // TODO: Add your initialization code here
            mazeDigits = new int[_width, _height];//initializes all positions to 0!

            // Initialize the Maze Tiles, all with the "No" texture, specifying each of their positions.
            mazeTiles = new MazeTile[_width, _height];
            for (int col = 0; col < mazeTiles.GetLength(0); col++)
                for (int row = 0; row < mazeTiles.GetLength(1); row++)
                    mazeTiles[row, col] = new MazeTile(base.Game, new Point(col * Constants.Tile.Width, row * Constants.Tile.Height));

            Random rnd = new Random(_width * _height * DateTime.Now.Millisecond);//seed for some reason
            Point startPosition = new Point(rnd.Next(0, _width), rnd.Next(0, _height));//creates the randomized start position (between 0-width and 0-height)
            Point endPosition = new Point(rnd.Next(0, _width), rnd.Next(0, _height));//creates the randomized start position (between 0-width and 0-height)
            while (IsFirstTooCloseToSecond(startPosition, endPosition, 2))
                endPosition = new Point(rnd.Next(0, _width), rnd.Next(0, _height));//create a new ending position because this one is too close!

            // We have a good start and end position, so go create the maze from start to finish!
                var startLeftOfEnd = (startPosition.X < endPosition.X);
                int delta = (startLeftOfEnd) ? 1 : -1;
                Func<int, bool> condition = (startLeftOfEnd) ? (Func<int, bool>)((x) => x <= endPosition.X) : (Func<int, bool>)((x) => x >= endPosition.X);
                for (int x = startPosition.X; condition(x); x += delta)
                    // Make all tiles from Start to End walkable for now, as a straight line.
                    mazeTiles[startPosition.Y, x].TileType = MazeTile.ETileType.Yes;

                var startAboveEnd = (startPosition.Y < endPosition.Y);
                int delta = (startAboveEnd) ? 1 : -1;
                Func<int, bool> condition = (startAboveEnd) ? (Func<int, bool>)((y) => y <= endPosition.Y) : (Func<int, bool>)((y) => y >= endPosition.Y);
                for (int y = startPosition.Y; condition(y); y += delta)
                    // Make all tiles from Start to End walkable for now, as a straight line.
                    mazeTiles[y, endPosition.X].TileType = MazeTile.ETileType.Yes;

            mazeTiles[startPosition.Y, startPosition.X].TileSubType = MazeTile.ETileSubType.Start;
            mazeTiles[endPosition.Y, endPosition.X].TileSubType = MazeTile.ETileSubType.End;

            // Inform the outside world of the real-world coordiantes (pixels) for the Start/End tiles.
            StartPosition = new WorldPosition(startPosition.Inflate(Constants.Tile.Width, Constants.Tile.Height));
            EndPosition = new WorldPosition(endPosition.Inflate(Constants.Tile.Width, Constants.Tile.Height));

Exemple #3
 public int IsThisCollided(WorldPosition pos)
     float xFloat = ((float)pos.Left / (float)Constants.Tile.Width);
     float yFloat = ((float)pos.Top / (float)Constants.Tile.Height);
     int x = (pos.Left / Constants.Tile.Width) -1;//get the closest width row
     int y = (pos.Top / Constants.Tile.Height) -1;//get the closest height row
     int xEnd = x + 3;
     int yEnd = y + 3;
     if(x < 0)
         x = 0;
     if(xEnd > mazeTiles.GetLength(0))
         xEnd = mazeTiles.GetLength(0);
     if(y < 0)
         y = 0;
     if(yEnd > mazeTiles.GetLength(1))
         yEnd = mazeTiles.GetLength(1);
     for (int col = y; col < yEnd; col++)
         for (int row = x; row < xEnd; row++)
             MazeTile currentTile = mazeTiles[col, row];
             Rectangle mazeRect = new Rectangle(currentTile.Position.X, currentTile.Position.Y, currentTile.Position.Right - currentTile.Position.Left, currentTile.Position.Bottom - currentTile.Position.Top);
             Rectangle playerRect = new Rectangle(pos.X, pos.Y, pos.RightP - pos.Left, pos.BottomP - pos.Top);
             if (currentTile.TileType == MazeTile.ETileType.No)
                 if (playerRect.Intersects(mazeRect))
                     return 1;
             else if (currentTile.TileType == MazeTile.ETileType.Yes && currentTile.TileSubType == MazeTile.ETileSubType.End)
                 if (playerRect.Intersects(mazeRect))
                     return 2;
     return 0;
Exemple #4
 public MazeTile(Game game, Point position)
     : base(game)
     TileType = ETileType.No;
     Position = new WorldPosition(position);