public static void NewGame() { string pcName = "SCiENiDE_TESTING"; //for testing purposes we set the char name manually; //else use the bottom row. //string pcName = UIElements.PromptForName(); UIElements.InGameUI(); messageLog = new MessageLog(0, Globals.CONSOLE_HEIGHT - 1, Globals.GAME_FIELD_BOTTOM_RIGHT.X, (Globals.CONSOLE_HEIGHT - (Globals.GAME_FIELD_BOTTOM_RIGHT.Y + 1)), true); MessageLog.SendMessage("~w13!Message ~W2!log ~l11!i~l3!n~s11!itialized."); MessageLog.DeleteLog(); Units.Clear(); gameField = SaveLoadTools.LoadMap(); //load map; change it to generate map! MapFileName = @"../../maps/0.wocm"; Item.LastItemID = SaveLoadTools.LastItemID(); Flags pcFlags = Flags.IsCollidable | Flags.IsMovable | Flags.IsPlayerControl; Unit pc = new Unit(10, 10, pcFlags, '@', ConsoleColor.White, pcName, new UnitAttributes()); Units.Add(pc); GameTime = new GameTime(); Initialize(pc); }
public static void LoadGame() { UIElements.InGameUI(); messageLog = new MessageLog(0, Globals.CONSOLE_HEIGHT - 1, Globals.GAME_FIELD_BOTTOM_RIGHT.X, (Globals.CONSOLE_HEIGHT - (Globals.GAME_FIELD_BOTTOM_RIGHT.Y + 1)), true); MessageLog.SendMessage("Message log initialized."); Units.Clear(); SaveLoadTools.LoadGame(); foreach (var unit in Units) if (unit.Flags.HasFlag(Flags.IsPlayerControl)) { Initialize(unit); break; } }