public async Task SendChatMessage(ChatItem chatItem)
            var msg = new Message(true, true)
                Text     = chatItem.ComposeMessage,
                Nickname = account?.Nickname ?? "Foo",
                IsSelf   = true

            var toJid = new Matrix.Jid(chatItem.Contact.Jid);

            if (chatItem.Contact.MessageResource != null)
                toJid.Resource = chatItem.Contact.MessageResource;

            var xmppMsg = new MatrixMessage
                Type = MatriXMessageType.Chat,
                To   = toJid,
                Id   = msg.Id,
                Body = chatItem.ComposeMessage

            await xmppClient.SendAsync(xmppMsg);


            // clear the textbox
            chatItem.ComposeMessage = string.Empty;
        public async Task Connect(Account account)
                this.account = account;

                var jid = new MatrixJid(account.XmppId);

                // set username, xmpp domain and password
                xmppClient.Username   = jid.User;
                xmppClient.XmppDomain = jid.Server;
                xmppClient.Password   = account.Password;
                xmppClient.Resource   = account.Resource;
                //xmppClient.Priority = 10;

                if (!account.SpecifyHostnameAndPort)
                    xmppClient.HostnameResolver = new MatrixSrvResolver();
                    xmppClient.HostnameResolver = new StaticNameResolver(account.Hostname, account.Port);

                await SetConnectionStatus("Connecting...");

                // Connect the XMPP session
                await xmppClient.ConnectAsync();

                await SetConnectionStatus("Getting contacts...");

                // request the contact list from the server
                await RequestRosterAsync();

                await SetConnectionStatus("Setting presence...");

                // send our presence to the server
                await presenceManager.SendPresenceAsync();

                await ResetConnectionStatus();
            catch (Exception ex)