void _server_ClientMessageReceivedEvent(SocketMessageServer server, SocketCommunicatorEx client, object message)
            ServerAccessControl accessControl = AccessControl;
            // Check security first.
            if (accessControl != null && message is AccessMessage == false)
                if (accessControl.IsAllowed(ObtainClientAccessControl(client.Id)) == false)
            #if Matrix_Diagnostics
                    InstanceMonitor.Info("Message [" + message.ToString()  +"] from client [" + client.ToString() + "] not allowed due to access control.", TracerItem.PriorityEnum.Medium);

            if (message is EnvelopeMessage)
            {// Envelope user message.

                EnvelopeMessage envelopeMessage = (EnvelopeMessage)message;

                // Remove the remote message bus index association.
                envelopeMessage.Sender.LocalMessageBusIndex = ClientId.InvalidMessageBusClientIndex;

                foreach (ClientId id in envelopeMessage.Receivers)
                    // Assign the id as local id, if it is, otherwise skip it.
                    id.LocalMessageBusIndex = base.GetClientIndexByGuid(id.Guid);
                    if (id.IsMessageBusIndexValid)
                        id.MessageBus = this;
                        if (DoSendToClient(envelopeMessage.Sender, id, envelopeMessage.Envelope, null) != SendToClientResultEnum.Success)
            #if Matrix_Diagnostics
                            InstanceMonitor.OperationError(string.Format("Failed to accept envelope message [{0}].", envelopeMessage.ToString()));
            #if Matrix_Diagnostics
                        InstanceMonitor.OperationError(string.Format("Failed to accept envelope message [{0}] due unrecognized receiver id.", envelopeMessage.ToString()));

            else if (message is ClientsListMessage)
            {// Message bus system message.

                ClientsListMessage updateMessage = (ClientsListMessage)message;
                for (int i = 0; i < updateMessage.Ids.Count; i++)
                    RegisterClientId(client.Id, updateMessage.Ids[i], updateMessage.Types[i], updateMessage.SourcesTypes[i]);

            else if (message is RequestClientListUpdateMessage)
            else if (message is ClientUpdateMessage)
                ClientUpdateMessage updateMessage = (ClientUpdateMessage)message;

                bool validClient;
                lock (_syncRoot)
                    validClient = _remoteClientNetId.ContainsKey(updateMessage.ClientId);

                if (validClient)
            #if Matrix_Diagnostics
                    InstanceMonitor.OperationError(string.Format("Failed to raise update event for client [{0}], since client not found.", updateMessage.ClientId.ToString()));
            else if (message is AccessMessage)
                ClientAccessControl control = ObtainClientAccessControl(client.Id);
                if (control != null)
                    control.Update(message as AccessMessage);
            else if (message is StateUpdateMessage)
                RaiseCounterPartyUpdateEvent("Client:" + client.Id.ToString(), ((StateUpdateMessage)message).State.ToString());
            #if Matrix_Diagnostics
                InstanceMonitor.Warning(string.Format("Message [{0}] not recognized.", message.GetType().Name));
        void _server_ClientConnectedEvent(SocketMessageServer server, SocketCommunicatorEx client)
            // The client expects is, so activate keep alive.
            client.KeepAlive = true;

            // Send local bus clients info to connected element.
            // Important - this will also be sent even to clients that do not have verified access control.
            if (SendClientsUpdate(client.Id) == false)
            #if Matrix_Diagnostics
                InstanceMonitor.OperationError("Failed to send clients update to client [" + client.ToString() + ", " + client.Id + "].");