void helper_SendAsyncCompleteEvent(SocketCommunicator helper, SocketCommunicator.AsyncMessageSendInfo info)
     AsyncMessageSendUpdateDelegate del = ClientAsyncMessageSendEvent;
     if (del != null)
         del(this, helper as SocketCommunicatorEx, info);
 void _server_ClientAsyncMessageSendEvent(SocketMessageServer server, SocketCommunicatorEx client, SocketCommunicator.AsyncMessageSendInfo info)
     // A message has been successfully sent to client.
        void helper_DisconnectedEvent(SocketCommunicator client)
            //Monitor.ReportImportant("Client [" + client.Id + "] disconnected.");

            ServerClientUpdateDelegate delegateInstance = ClientDisconnectedEvent;
            if (delegateInstance != null)
                delegateInstance(this, client as SocketCommunicatorEx);
 void helper_MessageReceivedEvent(SocketCommunicator helper, object message)
     MessageUpdateDelegate del = ClientMessageReceivedEvent;
     if (del != null)
         del(this, (SocketCommunicatorEx)helper, message);
 void helper_ConnectedEvent(SocketCommunicator helper)
     // This is never invoked, since we create the helpers directly on the connected sockets.
 void _messageClient_SendAsyncCompleteEvent(SocketCommunicator helper, SocketCommunicator.AsyncMessageSendInfo info)
     // Message sent to server.
     MessageUpdateDelegate del = MessageUpdateEvent;
     if (del != null)
         del(this, info.Message);
        void _messageClient_MessageReceivedEvent(SocketCommunicator helper, object message)
            if (message is EnvelopeMessage)
                EnvelopeMessage envelopeMessage = (EnvelopeMessage)message;

                // Remove the remote message bus index association.
                envelopeMessage.Sender.LocalMessageBusIndex = ClientId.InvalidMessageBusClientIndex;

                foreach (ClientId id in envelopeMessage.Receivers)
                    // Decode the id.
                    id.LocalMessageBusIndex = base.GetClientIndexByGuid(id.Guid);

                    if (id.IsMessageBusIndexValid)
                        // Assign as a part of the local bus.
                        id.MessageBus = this;
                        if (DoSendToClient(envelopeMessage.Sender, id, envelopeMessage.Envelope, null) != SendToClientResultEnum.Success)
            #if Matrix_Diagnostics
                            InstanceMonitor.OperationError(string.Format("Failed to accept envelope message [{0}].", envelopeMessage.ToString()));
            #if Matrix_Diagnostics
                        InstanceMonitor.OperationError(string.Format("Failed to accept envelope message [{0}] due to unrecognized receiver id.", envelopeMessage.ToString()));

            else if (message is ClientsListMessage)
            {// Received client update from server.

                ClientsListMessage listMessage = (ClientsListMessage)message;

                int jef = 0;
                foreach(var client in listMessage.Ids)
                    Console.WriteLine("Incoming client id: "+client+" Source type: "+listMessage.SourcesTypes[jef]);

                List<ClientId> existingIds = new List<ClientId>();
                lock (_syncRoot)


                    // Preprocess Ids, by assigning them new indeces and adding to the local message bus register.
                    for (int i = 0; i < listMessage.Ids.Count; i++)
                        // Add an original copy to the list.
                        _originalServerClientsHotSwap.Add(listMessage.Ids[i].Guid, listMessage.Ids[i]);

                        _originalServerClientsTypesHotSwap.Add(listMessage.Ids[i].Guid, listMessage.Types[i]);
                        _originalServerClientsSourcesTypesHotNamesSwap.Add(listMessage.Ids[i].Guid, listMessage.SourcesTypes[i]);

                        // Add the client to a new spot.
                        //int messageBusIndex = _clientsHotSwap.Count - 1;

                        // This type of assignment will also work with multiple entries.
                        // This performs an internal hotswap.
                        //_guidToIndexHotSwap[id.Guid] = messageBusIndex;

                        // Also add to this classes collection.
                        //_localToRemoteId[messageBusIndex] = id;

                foreach (ClientId id in listMessage.Ids)

                // Raise for any that were removed.
                foreach (ClientId id in existingIds)
                    RaiseClientRemovedEvent(id, true);
            else if (message is RequestClientListUpdateMessage)
            else if (message is ClientUpdateMessage)
                ClientUpdateMessage updateMessage = (ClientUpdateMessage)message;

                if (_originalServerClientsHotSwap.ContainsKey(updateMessage.ClientId.Guid))
            #if Matrix_Diagnostics
                    InstanceMonitor.OperationError(string.Format("Failed to raise update event for client [{0}], since client not found.", updateMessage.ClientId.ToString()));
            else if (message is StateUpdateMessage)
                RaiseCounterPartyUpdateEvent("Server", ((StateUpdateMessage)message).State.ToString());
            #if Matrix_Diagnostics
                InstanceMonitor.Warning(string.Format("Message [{0}] not recognized.", message.GetType().Name));
        void _messageClient_DisconnectedEvent(SocketCommunicator helper)
            ICollection<ClientId> ids = _originalServerClientsHotSwap.Values;

            //lock (_syncRoot)
            //    _localToRemoteId.Clear();

            // Removing all server clients.
            foreach (ClientId id in ids)
                // Notify of clients removal, with non permanent remove, since they may later be restored.
                RaiseClientRemovedEvent(id, false);
        void _messageClient_ConnectedEvent(SocketCommunicator helper)
            // Send an update of the clients to server.
            if (_socketClient == helper)
