public static Flag ReadFlag(this BinaryReader reader)
            Flag f = new Flag()
                Complex = false, Global = false, Logical = false

            f.Tag = reader.ReadTag();
            UInt32 flagsClass = reader.ReadUInt32();
            byte   flags      = (byte)(flagsClass >> 8);

            if ((flags & 0x08) == 0x08)
                f.Complex = true;
            if ((flags & 0x04) == 0x04)
                f.Global = true;
            if ((flags & 0x02) == 0x02)
                f.Logical = true;
            f.dataClass = MatfileHelper.parseArrayType((byte)flagsClass);
            reader.ReadUInt32();//unused flags
            //Flag f = matrixStream.ReadFlag();

Exemple #2
        private static void ReadMatrix(ref Variable vi, UInt32 length, BinaryReader matrixStream)
            Tag  t;
            long offset = matrixStream.BaseStream.Position;

            //Array flags
            //Will always be too large to be in small data format, so not checking
            t = MatfileHelper.ReadTag(matrixStream);
            UInt32 flagsClass = matrixStream.ReadUInt32();
            byte   flags      = (byte)(flagsClass >> 8);

            if ((flags & 0x80) == 0x80)
                throw new IOException("Complex numbers not supported");
            vi.dataType = MatfileHelper.parseArrayType((byte)flagsClass);
            matrixStream.ReadUInt32();//unused flags

            //Dimensions - There are always 2 dimensions, so this
            //tag will never be of small data format, i.e. not checking for
            t = MatfileHelper.ReadTag(matrixStream);
            int[] arrayDimensions = new int[t.length / MatfileHelper.MatlabBytesPerType(t.dataType)];
            int   elements        = 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < arrayDimensions.Length; i++)
                int dimension = (int)matrixStream.ReadUInt32();
                arrayDimensions[arrayDimensions.Length - i - 1] = dimension;
                elements *= dimension;
            //Don't keep single dimensions
            arrayDimensions = arrayDimensions.Where(x => x > 1).ToArray();
            //If by doing this, we end up without dimensions, it means we had a 1x...x1 array.
            //We need at least 1 dimension to instantiate the final array, so...
            if (arrayDimensions.Length == 0)
                arrayDimensions = new int[1] {

            //Array name
            t = MatfileHelper.ReadTag(matrixStream);
            if ( != null)
                sbyte[] varname = as sbyte[];
       = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Array.ConvertAll(varname, x => (byte)x));
                byte[] varname = matrixStream.ReadBytes((int)t.length);
       = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(varname);

            //Read and reshape data
            t = MatfileHelper.ReadTag(matrixStream);
            //if (t.length / MatfileHelper.MatlabBytesPerType(t.dataType) != elements)
            // throw new IOException("Read dimensions didn't correspond to header dimensions");

            Array readBytes;

            if ( == null)
                readBytes = MatfileHelper.CastToMatlabType(vi.dataType, matrixStream.ReadBytes((int)t.length));
                readBytes = (Array);

            Array reshapedData = Array.CreateInstance(vi.dataType, arrayDimensions);

            if (t.dataType != vi.dataType) //This happens when matlab choses to store the data in a smaller datatype when the values permit it
                Array linearData = Array.CreateInstance(vi.dataType, readBytes.Length);
                Array.Copy(readBytes, linearData, readBytes.Length);
                Buffer.BlockCopy(linearData, 0, reshapedData, 0, linearData.Length * MatfileHelper.MatlabBytesPerType(vi.dataType));
                vi.dataType = t.dataType;
            else //Readbytes is already in the correct type
                Buffer.BlockCopy(readBytes, 0, reshapedData, 0, readBytes.Length * MatfileHelper.MatlabBytesPerType(vi.dataType));

            if (reshapedData.Length == 1)
       = reshapedData.GetValue(0);
       = reshapedData;

            //Move on in case the data didn't end on a 64 byte boundary
            matrixStream.BaseStream.Seek(offset + length, SeekOrigin.Begin);