Exemple #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Performs a simulation step using Symplectic integration.
    /// </summary>
    private void stepSymplectic()
        // TO BE COMPLETED

        VectorXD x    = new DenseVectorXD(m_numDoFs);
        VectorXD v    = new DenseVectorXD(m_numDoFs);
        VectorXD f    = new DenseVectorXD(m_numDoFs);
        MatrixXD Minv = new DenseMatrixXD(m_numDoFs);


        foreach (ISimulable obj in m_objs)

        foreach (ISimulable obj in m_objs)

        v += TimeStep * (Minv * f);
        x += TimeStep * v;

        foreach (ISimulable obj in m_objs)
Exemple #2
        public imageConditionAndData(object inputDenseMatrix, Image <Gray, Byte> binaryMaskImage = null)
            if (inputDenseMatrix.GetType() != typeof(DenseMatrix))
            dmSourceData = (DenseMatrix)((DenseMatrix)inputDenseMatrix).Clone();
            if (binaryMaskImage == null)
                maskImageBinary = new Image <Gray, byte>(dmSourceData.ColumnCount, dmSourceData.RowCount);
                maskImageBinary.SetValue(new Gray(1));
                maskImageBinary = binaryMaskImage.Copy();
            isImageGrayscaled = false;
            //sourceImageBgr = imgPr.tmpImage.Copy();
            //sourceImageGrayscale = null;

            thresholdingUsageTop = false;
            thresholdingUsageBtm = true;
            thresholdingValue    = 255;

            selection = null;

            currentColorScheme = new ColorScheme("");
            dataHasBeenModified = true;

            HighlightMask   = null;
            highlightedArea = 0.0d;
Exemple #3
        //int channelNum - zero-based channel number with B-G-R scheme
        public imageConditionAndData(Bitmap coloredBitmap, int channelNum)
            ImageProcessing imgPr = new ImageProcessing(coloredBitmap, true);

            maskImageBinary = imgPr.significantMaskImageBinary;
            isImageGrayscaled    = true;
            sourceImageGrayscale = new Image <Bgr, Byte>(coloredBitmap)[channelNum];
            sourceImageBgr       = null;
            sourceImageGrayscale = sourceImageGrayscale.Mul(maskImageBinary);

            thresholdingUsageTop = false;
            thresholdingUsageBtm = true;
            thresholdingValue    = 255;

            //Image<Gray, Byte> thresholdedImage = imgPr.getMaskedImageChannelBitmapThresholded(channelNum, thresholdingValue, thresholdingUsageTop, thresholdingUsageBtm);
            dmSourceData = ImageProcessing.DenseMatrixFromImage(sourceImageGrayscale);

            currentColorScheme      = new ColorScheme("");
            currentColorSchemeRuler = new ColorSchemeRuler(this, dataMinValue(), dataMaxValue());
            selection = null;

            dataHasBeenModified = true;

            HighlightMask   = null;
            highlightedArea = 0.0d;
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="imageConditionAndData"/> class.
        /// note: grayscaled, with fixed grayscale ruler 0.0d-255.0d
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="imgPr">The img pr.</param>
        /// <param name="channelNum">The channel number.</param>
        public imageConditionAndData(ImageProcessing imgPr, int channelNum)
            maskImageBinary      = imgPr.significantMaskImageBinary.Copy();
            isImageGrayscaled    = true;
            sourceImageGrayscale = imgPr.getMaskedImageChannelImage(channelNum);
            sourceImageBgr       = null;

            thresholdingUsageTop = false;
            thresholdingUsageBtm = true;
            thresholdingValue    = 255;

            dmSourceData = ImageProcessing.DenseMatrixFromImage(sourceImageGrayscale);

            currentColorScheme      = new ColorScheme("");
            currentColorSchemeRuler = new ColorSchemeRuler(this, dataMinValue(), dataMaxValue());
            selection = null;

            dataHasBeenModified = true;

            HighlightMask   = null;
            highlightedArea = 0.0d;
        public static Matrix<double> CreateDCTMatrix(int n)
            if (dctMatrixes.ContainsKey(n))
                return dctMatrixes[n];

            var matrix = new DenseMatrix(n);
            var val = 1d / Math.Sqrt(n);
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                matrix[0, i] = val;

            var sqrt2 = Math.Sqrt(2d / n);
            for (int x = 0; x < n; x++)
                for (int y = 1; y < n; y++)
                    matrix[x, y] = sqrt2 * Math.Cos((Math.PI / 2 / n) * y * (2 * x + 1));

            dctMatrixes[n] = matrix;
            return matrix;
Exemple #6
        // Return convolution A * B
        // Size of returned matrix = size of A, but
        // elements on boundaries ( of length rows(cols) of B / 2 )
        // are not computed and set to 0
        // Size of B must be odd
        public static Matrix Convolve(Matrix A, Matrix B)
            Matrix conv = new DenseMatrix(A.RowCount, A.ColumnCount);

            int row2 = B.RowCount / 2;
            int col2 = B.ColumnCount / 2;
            int xmax = A.ColumnCount - col2;
            int ymax = A.RowCount - row2;

            int y, x, dx, dy;
            double maskSum;

            for ( y = row2; y < ymax; ++y)
                for ( x = col2; x < xmax; ++x)
                    maskSum = 0.0f;
                    for ( dy = -row2; dy <= row2; ++dy)
                        for ( dx = -col2; dx <= col2; ++dx)
                            maskSum += A[y + dy, x + dx] * B[row2 + dy, col2 + dx];
                    conv[y, x] = maskSum;

            return conv;
Exemple #7
 public SalesmanProblem(DenseMatrix costs, double startRecord, IEnumerable<int> startChain)
     : this(costs)
     Record = startRecord;
     RecordChain = new List<int>(startChain);
     AnswerFound = true;
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new Input from double values.
        /// Note that we store each example as a row in the X matrix. While calculating Theta vector, we need to insert the top column of all ones into the X matrix - this will allow us to treat theta0 as just another feature.
        /// </summary>
        internal Input(double[,] x, double[] y, int skip, int take)
            if (take == 0) {
                X = null;
                Y = null;

            var samples = x.GetLength(0);
            var features = x.GetLength(1);

            //make sure we add first column of ones
            var x1 = new double[take, features + 1];
            var y1 = new double[take];

            for (int sample = 0; sample < samples; sample++) {
                if (sample < skip) {
                for (int feature = 0; feature < features + 1; feature++) {
                    x1[sample - skip, feature] = (feature == 0) ? 1 : x[sample, feature - 1];
                y1[sample - skip] = y[sample];

                if (take == 0) {

            X = new DenseMatrix(x1);
            Y = new DenseVector(y1).ToColumnMatrix();
Exemple #9
 public void FindTransformation(ArrayList kinectCoors, ArrayList projectorCoors)
     PrepareMatrices(kinectCoors, projectorCoors);
     DenseMatrix problem = foundCoordinatesMatrix;
     result = (DenseMatrix) problem.QR().Solve(rightSideMatrix);
Exemple #10
 public void GetMassInverse(MatrixXD massInv)
     massInv.SetSubMatrix(index, index, massInv.SubMatrix(index, 3, index, 3)
                          + 1.0f / Mass * DenseMatrixXD.CreateIdentity(3));
     massInv.SetSubMatrix(index + 3, index + 3, massInv.SubMatrix(index + 3, 3, index + 3, 3)
                          + m_inertiainv);
Exemple #11
        public static void WriteDataToJson(string[] symbols, DateTime[] dateTimes, DenseMatrix data, string filename)
            StringBuilder jsonStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            for (int i = 0; i < data.ColumnCount; i++)
                jsonStringBuilder.Append(dateTimes[i].Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc)).TotalMilliseconds.ToString());
                foreach (double d in data.Column(i))
                    jsonStringBuilder.Append((d.Equals(double.NaN) ? "null" : Math.Round(d, 8).ToString()));
                if (i != data.ColumnCount - 1) jsonStringBuilder.Append(",\n");

            using (var file = new StreamWriter(QSConstants.DEFAULT_DATA_FILEPATH + @filename))

Exemple #12
 public Matrix3d(int NumberOfRows, int NumberOfColumns, int NumberOfLayers)
   _data = new DenseMatrix[NumberOfLayers];
   for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfLayers; i++)
     _data[i] = new DenseMatrix(NumberOfRows, NumberOfColumns);
        public MainWindow()
            Graph = new UserControl1();
            this.Content = Graph;

            var t = Generate();

            //    var s = t.Item1.Svd(true);

            //var nd = t.Item1.Multiply(s.VT().SubMatrix(0, 8, 0, 8));

            var mlp = new MLP(8, 100, 1);

            var r = mlp.Train(t.Item1, t.Item2, null, null, 2500);

            Graph.Set(r.TrainingSquaredError, r.TrainingError);

            DenseMatrix data = new DenseMatrix(new double[,] { { 1, 1 }, { 1, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 1 } });
            DenseMatrix labels = new DenseMatrix(new double[,] { { 1, 0 }, { 0, 1 }, { 1, 0 }, { 0, 1 } });

            //var mlp = new MLP(2, 100, 2);

            //var r = mlp.Train(data, labels, data, labels, 5000);

            //Graph.Set(r.TrainingSquaredError, r.TrainingError);
Exemple #14
        public static DenseMatrix ToMatrix(this object[,] data, int rowStart, int rowEnd, int colStart, int colEnd,
            bool reverseColumns)
            var d = new DenseMatrix(rowEnd - rowStart + 1, colEnd - colStart + 1);

            if (reverseColumns)
                for (int i = rowEnd; i >= rowStart; i--)
                    for (int j = colStart; j <= colEnd; j++)
                        d[rowEnd - i, j - colStart] = (double) data[i, j];
                for (int i = rowStart; i <= rowEnd; i++)
                    for (int j = colStart; j <= colEnd; j++)
                        d[i - rowStart, j - colStart] = (double) data[i, j];

            return d;
        public void Optimize(Dictionary<double, double> values)
            var n = _f.Functions.Count();
              var xs = values.Select(v => v.Key).ToList();
              var ys = values.Select(v => v.Value).ToList();
              var fs = new List<List<double>>(n);

              for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
            fs[i] = _f.Functions[i].Evaluate(xs);

              var matrix = new DenseMatrix(n, n);
              var vector = new DenseVector(n);
              for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
            for (var j = 0; j < n; j++)
              matrix[i, j] = fs[i].ScalarProduct(fs[j]);
            vector[i] = ys.ScalarProduct(fs[i]);

              var matrixInverse = matrix.Inverse();

              var result = matrixInverse * vector;

              for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
            _f.LinearParameters[i].Value = result[i];
Exemple #16
        DenseMatrix[] sigmas; //covariance of the 3D gaussians.

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public CD_HMM(MarkovChain A, DenseVector pi, DenseVector[] mus, DenseMatrix[] sigmas)
            this.A = A;
            this.pi = pi;
            this.mus = mus;
            this.sigmas = sigmas;
Exemple #17
 public void GetMass(MatrixXD mass)
     mass.SetSubMatrix(index, index, mass.SubMatrix(index, 3, index, 3)
                       + Mass * DenseMatrixXD.CreateIdentity(3));
     mass.SetSubMatrix(index + 3, index + 3, mass.SubMatrix(index + 3, 3, index + 3, 3)
                       + m_inertia);
Exemple #18
 private static void GetLinRegArgs(IEnumerable<double[]> items, out DenseMatrix xM, out DenseVector yV)
     var original = items;
       var transformed = original.Select(a => new Tuple<double[], double>(Phi(a), a[2])).ToList();
       xM = DenseMatrix.Create(transformed.Count, transformed[0].Item1.Length, (r, c) => transformed[r].Item1[c]);
       yV = DenseVector.OfEnumerable(transformed.Select(t => t.Item2));
Exemple #19
        public static Matrix<double> CorrelationMatrix(List<List<double>> x)
            Matrix<double> correlM = new DenseMatrix(x.Count, x.Count);

            //off diagonal elements
            for (int i = 0; i < x.Count; i++)
                var rowx = x[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < x.Count; j++)
                    var rowy = x[j];
                    if (i < j)
                        correlM[i, j] = Correlation.Pearson(rowx, rowy);
                    if (i > j)
                        correlM[i, j] = correlM[j, i];
            //Diagonal elements
            for (int i = 0; i < x.Count; i++)
                correlM[i, i] = 1;

            return correlM;
Exemple #20
    public void Load(string FileName)
      using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(FileName))
        string line = sr.ReadLine();
        NumberOfColumns = int.Parse(line.Split(new Char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1]);
        line = sr.ReadLine();
        NumberOfRows = int.Parse(line.Split(new Char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1]);
        line = sr.ReadLine();
        XOrigin = double.Parse(line.Split(new Char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1]);
        line = sr.ReadLine();
        YOrigin = double.Parse(line.Split(new Char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1]);
        line = sr.ReadLine();
        GridSize = double.Parse(line.Split(new Char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1]);
        line = sr.ReadLine();
        DeleteValue = double.Parse(line.Split(new Char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1]);

        Data = new DenseMatrix(NumberOfRows, NumberOfColumns);

        string[] DataRead;
        for (int j = 0; j < NumberOfRows; j++)
          DataRead = sr.ReadLine().Split(new Char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
          for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfColumns; i++)
            Data[NumberOfRows - j - 1, i] = double.Parse(DataRead[i]);
Exemple #21
        public void Compute(DenseMatrix x1, int size)
            //Setting Preparation.....................................................................................................
            _estimationLength = x1.Values.Length;

            //Creation of a Z matrix..................................................................................................
            // ReSharper disable once CSharpWarnings::CS0618
            var z = new DenseMatrix(_estimationLength, size, 1.0);
            for (var i = 0; i <= _estimationLength - 1; i++)
                for (var j = 0; j <= size - 1; j++)
                    z[i, j] = Math.Pow(i,j);

            //Computation of Theta matrix.............................................................................................
            var zt = z.Transpose();
            var ztz = zt * z;
            var theta = ztz.Inverse() * zt * x1;

            // ReSharper disable once CSharpWarnings::CS0618
            _output = new DenseMatrix(_estimationLength, 1, 1.0);

            //Output creation.........................................................................................................
            for (var i = 0; i <= _estimationLength - 1; i++)
               for (var j = 0; j <= size - 1; j++)
                   _output[i, 0] += theta[j,0]*Math.Pow(i,j);
            _estimationDone = true;
        public void Factorize(Matrix meanMatrix)
            int count = 0;
            movieCount = meanMatrix.RowCount;
            userCount = meanMatrix.ColumnCount;
            convergedMovie = DenseMatrix.Build.Dense(K, movieCount, 0);
            convergedUser = DenseMatrix.Build.Dense(userCount, K, 0);

            A = new DenseMatrix(DenseColumnMajorMatrixStorage<double>.OfMatrix(DenseMatrix.Build.Dense(K, movieCount, 0.1).Storage));
            B = new DenseMatrix(DenseColumnMajorMatrixStorage<double>.OfMatrix(DenseMatrix.Build.Dense(userCount, K, 0.1).Storage));

            while (count < 50)
                for (int k = 0; k < K; k++)
                    for (int m = 0; m < movieCount; m++)
                        for (int u = 0; u < userCount; u++)
                            train(k, u, m, meanMatrix[m, u]);
                if (IsConverged())
        /// <summary>
        /// 计算模糊矩阵
        /// </summary>
        private void CalculateFuzzyMatrix()
            MemberShipFun _memeberShipFun = new MemberShipFun();
            for (int i = AHPIndexHierarchyUtil.totalLevelCount - 2; i >= 0; i--)
                List<AHPIndexHierarchy> iLevelAhpIndexs = _ahpIndexUtil.FindbyLevel(i);
                foreach (AHPIndexHierarchy _iLevelAhpIndex in iLevelAhpIndexs)
                    List<string> childrenNames = _iLevelAhpIndex.ChildrenNames;
                    DenseMatrix _iLevelMatrix = new DenseMatrix(childrenNames.Count, MemberShipFun.HealthLevelCount);
                    DenseVector _childrenValue = new DenseVector(childrenNames.Count);
                    for (int j = 0; j < childrenNames.Count; j++)
                        string name = childrenNames[j];
                        AHPIndexHierarchy _ahpIndex = _ahpIndexUtil.FindbyName(name);
                        if (i == AHPIndexHierarchyUtil.totalLevelCount - 2)//是底层
                            _ahpIndex.FuzzyValue = _memeberShipFun.TrapezoiMebership(_ahpIndex.IndexValue);

                        _iLevelMatrix = (DenseMatrix)_iLevelMatrix.InsertRow(j, _ahpIndex.FuzzyValue);
                        _iLevelMatrix = (DenseMatrix)_iLevelMatrix.RemoveRow(j + 1);
                        //_ahpIndex.ChildrenFuzzyMatrix = (DenseMatrix)_iLevelMatrix;
                        _childrenValue[j] = _ahpIndex.IndexValue;
                    _iLevelAhpIndex.ChildrenFuzzyMatrix = _iLevelMatrix;
                    _iLevelAhpIndex.IndexValue = _iLevelAhpIndex.ChildrenWeightVector * _childrenValue;
                    _iLevelAhpIndex.FuzzyValue = FuzzyOperator.WeightedAverage(_iLevelAhpIndex.ChildrenWeightVector, _iLevelAhpIndex.ChildrenFuzzyMatrix);
Exemple #24
        // Returns normalisation matrix : xn = Mx
        // Uses list of points : each point is 3-vector
        // Assusmes that weight of each point is 1
        public static Matrix<double> Normalize2D(List<Vector<double>> points)
            Matrix<double> norm = new DenseMatrix(3, 3);
            int n = points.Count;
            // Compute center of image points
            double xc = 0, yc = 0;
            for(int c = 0; c < n; ++c)
                xc += points[c].At(0);
                yc += points[c].At(1);
            xc /= n;
            yc /= n;
            // Get mean distance of points from center
            double dist = 0;
            for(int c = 0; c < n; ++c)
                dist += Math.Sqrt((points[c].At(0) - xc) * (points[c].At(0) - xc) +
                    (points[c].At(1) - yc) * (points[c].At(1) - yc));
            dist /= n;
            // Normalize in a way that mean dist = sqrt(2)
            double ratio = Math.Sqrt(2) / dist;
            // Noramlize matrix - homonogeus point must be multiplied by it
            norm[0, 0] = ratio;
            norm[1, 1] = ratio;
            norm[0, 2] = -ratio * xc;
            norm[1, 2] = -ratio * yc;
            norm[2, 2] = 1.0;

            return norm;
Exemple #25
 public static DenseVector GetRegularizedWeights(DenseMatrix m, double lambda, DenseVector yV)
     var mt = m.Transpose();
       var what = (mt * m);
       var identity = DenseMatrix.Identity(what.ColumnCount);
       return (DenseVector)((what + lambda * identity).Inverse() * mt * yV);
       //return (DenseMatrix)(what.Inverse() * mt);
Exemple #26
 public FedKF(KF[] filters, DenseMatrix dcm, DenseMatrix covariances)
     _filters = filters;
     _filteredSignals = new DenseMatrix(_filters.Length, 1);
     _dcm = dcm;
     _dcmt = dcm.Transpose();
     _cInv = covariances.Inverse();
Exemple #27
 public PortfolioOptimizer(Portfolio p, double minReturn, DenseMatrix cov, DenseVector returns)
     portfolio = p;
     this.returns = returns;
     covariance = cov;
     this.minReturn = minReturn;
     resultWeights = new DenseVector(returns.Count);
 /// <summary>
 /// ctor with params
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="N">number of rows of each matrix, point count</param>
 /// <param name="L">number of cols of each matrix, it is height of the tree</param>
 public BasicFuncBoxes(int N,int L)
     n = N;
     l = L;
     x = new DenseMatrix(n, l);
     y = new DenseMatrix(n, l);
     z = new DenseMatrix(n, l);
 private void btnTestMatrix_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     DenseMatrix ds = new DenseMatrix(1);
     ds[0, 0] = 1;
     DenseMatrix ds2 = BinaryIO.ReadMatrix();
Exemple #30
 public DenseMatrix ToMatrix()
     var res = new DenseMatrix(3, 1);
     res[0, 0] = this.X;
     res[1, 0] = this.Y;
     res[2, 0] = this.Z;
     return res;
Exemple #31
 public RigidTransform(double[] motionCenter, double[,] transformation)
     this.motionCenter = new DenseVector(motionCenter);
     this.transformation = DenseMatrix.OfArray(transformation);
     List2String l2s = new List2String();
     log.Debug("motionCenter: " + l2s.ToString(this.motionCenter.Values) +
         " platformCenter: " + l2s.ToString(this.platformCenter.Values));
        public override ulong Create(BitmapData image)
            var data = new DenseMatrix(32, 32);
            using (var unmanaged = UnmanagedImage.FromManagedImage(image))
            using (var filtered = ExtractChannel.Apply(unmanaged))
                new Convolution(Filter, 9).ApplyInPlace(filtered);
                using (var imgdata = new ResizeNearestNeighbor(32, 32).Apply(filtered))
                        byte* src = (byte*)imgdata.ImageData.ToPointer();
                        int offset = imgdata.Stride - imgdata.Width;
                        int width = imgdata.Width;
                        int height = imgdata.Height;
                        for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                            for (int x = 0; x < width; x++, src++)
                                data.At(y, x, (float)*src / 255);
                            src += offset;

            var dct = DctMatrix.FastDCT(data);

            int dctsize = 8;
            var vals = new List<double>();
            for (int r = 1; r <= dctsize; r++)
                for (int c = 1; c <= dctsize; c++)
                    vals.Add(dct[r, c]);

            var sorted = new List<double>(vals);
            var mid = dctsize * dctsize / 2;
            double median = (sorted[mid - 1] + sorted[mid]) / 2d;

            ulong index = 1;
            ulong result = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < dctsize * dctsize; i++)
                if (vals[i] > median)
                    result |= index;

                index = index << 1;

            return result;
        public override void ComputeRectificationMatrices()
            //function[T1, T2, Pn1, Pn2] = rectify(Po1, Po2)
            //% RECTIFY: compute rectification matrices
            //% factorize old PPMs
            //[A1, R1, t1] = art(Po1);
            //[A2, R2, t2] = art(Po2);
            //% optical centers(unchanged)
            //c1 = - inv(Po1(:,1:3))*Po1(:,4);
            //        c2 = - inv(Po2(:,1:3))*Po2(:,4);
            //% new x axis(= direction of the baseline)
            //v1 = (c1-c2);
            //% new y axes(orthogonal to new x and old z)
            //v2 = cross(R1(3,:)',v1);
            //% new z axes(orthogonal to baseline and y)
            //v3 = cross(v1, v2);
            //% new extrinsic parameters
            //R = [v1'/norm(v1)
            //% translation is left unchanged
            //% new intrinsic parameters(arbitrary)
            //A = (A1 + A2)./2;
            //A(1,2)=0; % no skew
            //% new projection matrices
            //Pn1 = A*[R - R * c1];
            //Pn2 = A*[R - R * c2];
            //% rectifying image transformation
            //T1 = Pn1(1:3, 1:3) * inv(Po1(1:3, 1:3));
            //T2 = Pn2(1:3,1:3)* inv(Po2(1:3,1:3));
            Vector<double> c1 = CalibrationData.Data.TranslationLeft;
            Vector<double> c2 = CalibrationData.Data.TranslationRight;

            Vector<double> v1 = c1 - c2;
            Vector<double> v2 = CalibrationData.Data.RotationLeft.Row(2).Cross(v1);
            Vector<double> v3 = v1.Cross(v2);

            _R = new DenseMatrix(3, 3);
            _R.SetRow(0, v1.Normalize(2));
            _R.SetRow(1, v2.Normalize(2));
            _R.SetRow(2, v3.Normalize(2));

            Matrix<double> halfRevolve = new DenseMatrix(3, 3);
            RotationConverter.EulerToMatrix(new double[] { 0.0, 0.0, Math.PI }, halfRevolve);
            _R = halfRevolve * _R;

            _K = (CalibrationData.Data.CalibrationLeft + CalibrationData.Data.CalibrationRight).Multiply(0.5);
            _K[0, 1] = 0.0;

            RectificationLeft = (_K * _R) * ((CalibrationData.Data.CalibrationLeft * CalibrationData.Data.RotationLeft).Inverse());
            RectificationRight = (_K * _R) * ((CalibrationData.Data.CalibrationRight * CalibrationData.Data.RotationRight).Inverse());
            ComputeScalingMatrices(ImageWidth, ImageHeight);

            RectificationLeft = _Ht_L * RectificationLeft;
            RectificationLeft = _Ht_R * RectificationRight;
            RectificationLeft_Inverse = RectificationLeft.Inverse();
            RectificationRight_Inverse = RectificationRight.Inverse();
Exemple #34
 public void Execute()
     _normalizedTrainingData = NormalizeData(trainingData);
     _normalizedPredictionData = NormalizeData(predictionData);
     network = CreateNetwork();
     IMLDataSet training = GenerateTraining();
Exemple #35
 public FFT2d(MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Double.DenseMatrix dmReal, MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Double.DenseMatrix dmImag)
     dmInput        = null;
     dmComplexInput = MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Complex.DenseMatrix.Create(dmReal.RowCount,
                                                                                dmReal.ColumnCount, new Func <int, int, Complex>((row, column) =>
         return(new Complex(dmReal[row, column], dmImag[row, column]));
        /// <summary>
        /// Run example
        /// </summary>
        /// <seealso cref="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triangular_matrix">Triangular matrix</seealso>
        public void Run()
            // Format matrix output to console
            var formatProvider = (CultureInfo)CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.Clone();
            formatProvider.TextInfo.ListSeparator = " ";

            // Create square matrix
            var matrix = new DenseMatrix(10);
            var k = 0;
            for (var i = 0; i < matrix.RowCount; i++)
                for (var j = 0; j < matrix.ColumnCount; j++)
                    matrix[i, j] = k++;

            Console.WriteLine(@"Initial square matrix");
            Console.WriteLine(matrix.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider));

            // 1. Retrieve a new matrix containing the lower triangle of the matrix
            var lower = matrix.LowerTriangle();

            // Puts the lower triangle of the matrix into the result matrix.
            Console.WriteLine(@"1. Lower triangle of the matrix");
            Console.WriteLine(lower.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider));

            // 2. Retrieve a new matrix containing the upper triangle of the matrix
            var upper = matrix.UpperTriangle();

            // Puts the upper triangle of the matrix into the result matrix.
            Console.WriteLine(@"2. Upper triangle of the matrix");
            Console.WriteLine(upper.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider));

            // 3. Retrieve a new matrix containing the strictly lower triangle of the matrix
            var strictlylower = matrix.StrictlyLowerTriangle();

            // Puts the strictly lower triangle of the matrix into the result matrix.
            Console.WriteLine(@"3. Strictly lower triangle of the matrix");
            Console.WriteLine(strictlylower.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider));

            // 4. Retrieve a new matrix containing the strictly upper triangle of the matrix
            var strictlyupper = matrix.StrictlyUpperTriangle();

            // Puts the strictly upper triangle of the matrix into the result matrix.
            Console.WriteLine(@"4. Strictly upper triangle of the matrix");
            Console.WriteLine(strictlyupper.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider));
Exemple #37
 public Job_SymbolSet(string[] symbols, string timeframe, int numTicks, AbstractIndicator indicator)
     this.symbols = symbols;
     this.indicator = indicator;
     this.timeframe = timeframe;
     this.numTicks = numTicks;
     mktData = new List<MarketDataEventArg>();
     graphData = new DenseMatrix(symbols.Length, numTicks);
Exemple #38
 public FFT2d(MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Double.DenseMatrix dm2Process)
     dmInput        = (MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Double.DenseMatrix)dm2Process.Clone();
     dmComplexInput = new MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Complex.DenseMatrix(dmInput.RowCount,
     dmComplexInput.MapIndexedInplace(new Func <int, int, Complex, Complex>(
                                          (row, column, val) =>
         return(new Complex(dmInput[row, column], 0.0d));
Exemple #39
    private void HardConstraintsStep()
        // Vectors and matrices to store data
        VectorXD C0 = new DenseVectorXD(m_numcs);
        VectorXD f  = new DenseVectorXD(m_numdofs);
        VectorXD v  = new DenseVectorXD(m_numdofs);
        MatrixXD M  = new DenseMatrixXD(m_numdofs, m_numdofs);
        MatrixXD J  = new DenseMatrixXD(m_numcs, m_numdofs);

        MatrixXD System      = new DenseMatrixXD(m_numcs + m_numdofs, m_numcs + m_numdofs);
        VectorXD Independent = new DenseVectorXD(m_numdofs + m_numcs);

        // Compute forces and retrieve the rigid bodies data
        foreach (ISimulable i in m_objs)


        // Compute and retrieve restrictions and Jacobians
        foreach (Constraint c in m_constraints)

        // Set up left-side system
        System.SetSubMatrix(0, m_numdofs, 0, m_numdofs, M);
        System.SetSubMatrix(m_numdofs, m_numcs, 0, m_numdofs, J);
        System.SetSubMatrix(0, m_numdofs, m_numdofs, m_numcs, J.Transpose());
        System.SetSubMatrix(m_numdofs, m_numcs, m_numdofs, m_numcs, DenseMatrixXD.Create(m_numcs, m_numcs, 0.0));

        // Set up right-side system
        VectorXD b    = M * v + TimeStep * f;
        VectorXD AtC0 = (-1.0f / TimeStep) * C0;

        Independent.SetSubVector(0, m_numdofs, b);
        Independent.SetSubVector(m_numdofs, m_numcs, AtC0);

        // Solve system
        VectorXD newVelocities = System.Solve(Independent);

        // Update bodies
        foreach (ISimulable i in m_objs)
Exemple #40
    /// <summary>
    /// Return the skew-symmetric matrix corresponding to the cross product
    /// </summary>
    public static MatrixXD Skew(Vector3 v)
        MatrixXD mout = new DenseMatrixXD(3, 3);

        mout[0, 1] = -v.z;
        mout[0, 2] = v.y;
        mout[1, 0] = v.z;
        mout[1, 2] = -v.x;
        mout[2, 0] = -v.y;
        mout[2, 1] = v.x;
Exemple #41
    /// <summary>
    /// Warp a matrix M as R * M * R^T
    /// </summary>
    public static MatrixXD WarpMatrix(Quaternion R, MatrixXD M)
        MatrixXD mout = new DenseMatrixXD(3, 3);

        mout.SetRow(0, ToVectorXD(R * ToVector3(M.Row(0))));
        mout.SetRow(1, ToVectorXD(R * ToVector3(M.Row(1))));
        mout.SetRow(2, ToVectorXD(R * ToVector3(M.Row(2))));
        mout.SetColumn(0, ToVectorXD(R * ToVector3(mout.Column(0))));
        mout.SetColumn(1, ToVectorXD(R * ToVector3(mout.Column(1))));
        mout.SetColumn(2, ToVectorXD(R * ToVector3(mout.Column(2))));
    public void GetForce(VectorXD force)
        // TO BE COMPLETED
        Vector3 posA = (bodyA != null) ? bodyA.PointLocalToGlobal(pointA) : pointA;
        Vector3 posB = (bodyB != null) ? bodyB.PointLocalToGlobal(pointB) : pointB;

        ///Calculo de C
        float cx;
        float cy;
        float cz;

        cx = (posA[0] - posB[0]);
        cy = (posA[1] - posB[1]);
        cz = (posA[2] - posB[2]);

        VectorXD c = Utils.ToVectorXD(new Vector3(cx, cy, cz)); //|xa - xb|

        ///Calculo de GradC y F
        MatrixXD identity  = DenseMatrixXD.CreateIdentity(3);
        MatrixXD dcdax     = MatrixXD.Build.Dense(3, 3);
        MatrixXD dcdaTheta = MatrixXD.Build.Dense(3, 3);
        MatrixXD dcdbx     = MatrixXD.Build.Dense(3, 3);
        MatrixXD dcdbTheta = MatrixXD.Build.Dense(3, 3);

        if (bodyA != null)
            dcdax     = identity;
            dcdaTheta = -Utils.Skew(posA - bodyA.m_pos);

            VectorXD fax = -Stiffness *dcdax.Transpose() * c;

            VectorXD faTheta = -Stiffness *dcdaTheta.Transpose() * c;

            force.SetSubVector(bodyA.index, 3, force.SubVector(bodyA.index, 3) + fax);
            force.SetSubVector(bodyA.index + 3, 3, force.SubVector(bodyA.index + 3, 3) + faTheta);
        if (bodyB != null)
            dcdbx     = -identity;
            dcdbTheta = Utils.Skew(posB - bodyB.m_pos);

            VectorXD fbx = -Stiffness *dcdbx.Transpose() * c;

            VectorXD fbTheta = -Stiffness *dcdbTheta.Transpose() * c;

            force.SetSubVector(bodyB.index, 3, force.SubVector(bodyB.index, 3) + fbx);
            force.SetSubVector(bodyB.index + 3, 3, force.SubVector(bodyB.index + 3, 3) + fbTheta);
Exemple #43
    public void GetForceJacobian(MatrixXD dFdx, MatrixXD dFdv)
        // TO BE COMPLETED
        //Derivative of damping on the linear force
        dFdv.SetSubMatrix(index, index, dFdv.SubMatrix(index, 3, index, 3)
                          - Damping * Mass * DenseMatrixXD.CreateIdentity(3));

        //Derivative of damping on the torque and of the quadratic velocity vector
        // T = skew(M * w) * w = - skew(w) * (M * w)
        // dTdw = skew(M * w) - skew(w) * M
        dFdv.SetSubMatrix(index + 3, index + 3, dFdv.SubMatrix(index + 3, 3, index + 3, 3) - Damping * m_inertia
                          + Utils.Skew(Utils.ToVector3(m_inertia * Utils.ToVectorXD(m_omega))) - Utils.Skew(m_omega) * m_inertia);
    /// <summary>
    /// Performs a simulation step using Symplectic integration with constrained dynamics.
    /// The constraints are treated as implicit
    /// </summary>
    private void stepSymplecticConstraints()
        // TO BE COMPLETED
        VectorXD v     = new DenseVectorXD(m_numDoFs);
        VectorXD f     = new DenseVectorXD(m_numDoFs);
        MatrixXD Minv  = new DenseMatrixXD(m_numDoFs);
        MatrixXD J     = new DenseMatrixXD(m_numConstraints, m_numDoFs);
        MatrixXD A     = new DenseMatrixXD(m_numDoFs);
        VectorXD B     = new DenseVectorXD(m_numDoFs);
        VectorXD c     = new DenseVectorXD(m_numConstraints);
        VectorXD b     = new DenseVectorXD(m_numDoFs);
        VectorXD lamda = new DenseVectorXD(m_numConstraints);
        MatrixXD I     = DenseMatrixXD.CreateIdentity(m_numDoFs);

        foreach (ISimulable obj in m_objs)
        foreach (IConstraint constraint in m_constraints)

        foreach (ISimulable obj in m_objs)

        b     = v + TimeStep * Minv * f;
        A     = J * I * J.Transpose();
        B     = J * I * b + (1.0f / TimeStep) * c;
        lamda = A.Solve(B);
        v     = I * (b - J.Transpose() * lamda);

        VectorXD x = TimeStep * v;

        foreach (ISimulable obj in m_objs)
Exemple #45
        /// <summary>
        /// Makes the thresholded image representing the data, using setting like
        /// double thresholdingValue
        /// bool thresholdingUsageTop
        /// bool thresholdingUsageBtm
        /// DEPRECATED - legacy only
        /// </summary>
        public void makeThresholdedDataImage()
            if (currentColorScheme == null)

            MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Double.DenseMatrix tmpDM = (MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Double.DenseMatrix)(dmSourceData.Clone());
            ImageProcessing.maskedImageChannelDenseMatrixThresholdedInplace(tmpDM, maskImageBinary, (double)thresholdingValue, 0.0d, thresholdingUsageTop, thresholdingUsageBtm);

            thresholdedImage = ImageProcessing.grayscaleImageFromDenseMatrix(tmpDM);

            ServiceTools.FlushMemory(null, null);
Exemple #46
    // Compute the velocity and angular velocity derivatives for a body, if exists
    private void getConstraintJacobianForBody(RigidBody body, Vector3 localPoint, MatrixXD J, float sign)
        if (body)
            int vi = body.getSimIndex();
            int wi = vi + 3;

            MatrixXD Jv = DenseMatrixXD.CreateIdentity(3);
            MatrixXD Jw = Utils.Skew(-body.VecLocalToGlobal(localPoint));

            J.SetSubMatrix(m_index, 3, vi, 3, (Jv * sign));
            J.SetSubMatrix(m_index, 3, wi, 3, (Jw * sign));
Exemple #47
    /// <summary>
    /// Performs a simulation step using Verlet integration.
    /// </summary>
    private void stepVerlet()
        // TO BE COMPLETED
        VectorXD x    = new DenseVectorXD(m_numDoFs);
        VectorXD v    = new DenseVectorXD(m_numDoFs);
        VectorXD f    = new DenseVectorXD(m_numDoFs);
        MatrixXD Minv = new DenseMatrixXD(m_numDoFs);


        VectorXD x0 = x;

        //Compute forces at t0
        foreach (ISimulable obj in m_objs)

        foreach (ISimulable obj in m_objs)

        if (first)
            x     = x + TimeStep * v + 0.5f * TimeStep * TimeStep * (Minv * f);
            first = false;
            x = 2 * x - xOld + TimeStep * TimeStep * (Minv * f);

        v = (1.0f / TimeStep) * (x - x0);

        xOld = x0;

        foreach (ISimulable obj in m_objs)
Exemple #48
    /// <summary>
    /// Performs a simulation step using Implicit integration.
    /// </summary>
    private void stepImplicit()
        // TO BE COMPLETED

        VectorXD x  = new DenseVectorXD(m_numDoFs);
        VectorXD v  = new DenseVectorXD(m_numDoFs);
        VectorXD f  = new DenseVectorXD(m_numDoFs);
        MatrixXD M  = new DenseMatrixXD(m_numDoFs);
        MatrixXD Jk = new DenseMatrixXD(m_numDoFs);
        MatrixXD Jd = new DenseMatrixXD(m_numDoFs);
        MatrixXD A  = new DenseMatrixXD(m_numDoFs);
        VectorXD B  = new DenseVectorXD(m_numDoFs);


        foreach (ISimulable obj in m_objs)
            obj.GetForceJacobian(Jk, Jd);

        foreach (ISimulable obj in m_objs)

        A = M + TimeStep * Jd + TimeStep * TimeStep * -Jk;
        B = (M + TimeStep * Jd) * v + TimeStep * f;

        v  = A.Solve(B);
        x += TimeStep * v;

        foreach (ISimulable obj in m_objs)
    public void GetForce(VectorXD force)
        // TO BE COMPLETED
        Vector3 posA = (bodyA != null) ? bodyA.PointLocalToGlobal(pointA) : pointA;
        Vector3 posB = (bodyB != null) ? bodyB.PointLocalToGlobal(pointB) : pointB;

        float cx, cy, cz;

        cx = (posA[0] - posB[0]);
        cy = (posA[1] - posB[1]);
        cz = (posA[2] - posB[2]);

        MatrixXD dcdPosa = MatrixXD.Build.Dense(3, 3);
        MatrixXD dcdPosb = MatrixXD.Build.Dense(3, 3);
        MatrixXD dcdQa   = MatrixXD.Build.Dense(3, 3);
        MatrixXD dcdQb   = MatrixXD.Build.Dense(3, 3);
        MatrixXD I       = DenseMatrixXD.CreateIdentity(3);

        if (bodyA != null)
            dcdPosa = I;
            dcdQa   = -Utils.Skew(posA - bodyA.m_pos);
            VectorXD faPos = -Stiffness *dcdPosa.Transpose() * Utils.ToVectorXD(new Vector3(cx, cy, cz));

            VectorXD faQ = -Stiffness *dcdQa.Transpose() * Utils.ToVectorXD(new Vector3(cx, cy, cz));

            force.SetSubVector(bodyA.index, 3, force.SubVector(bodyA.index, 3) + faPos);
            force.SetSubVector(bodyA.index + 3, 3, force.SubVector(bodyA.index + 3, 3) + faQ);

        if (bodyB != null)
            dcdPosb = -I;
            dcdQb   = Utils.Skew(posB - bodyB.m_pos);
            VectorXD fbPos = -Stiffness *dcdPosb.Transpose() * Utils.ToVectorXD(new Vector3(cx, cy, cz));

            VectorXD fbQ = -Stiffness *dcdQb.Transpose() * Utils.ToVectorXD(new Vector3(cx, cy, cz));

            force.SetSubVector(bodyB.index, 3, force.SubVector(bodyB.index, 3) + fbPos);
            force.SetSubVector(bodyB.index + 3, 3, force.SubVector(bodyB.index + 3, 3) + fbQ);
Exemple #50
        public void FFT2dInverse()
            dmResultComplex = new MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Complex.DenseMatrix(dmComplexInput.RowCount,
                                                                                     dmComplexInput.ColumnCount, new Complex[] { new Complex(0.0d, 0.0d) });

            IEnumerable <Tuple <int, Vector <Complex> > > columnEnumerator =

            foreach (Tuple <int, Vector <Complex> > theColumnTuple in columnEnumerator)
                Vector <Complex> theVector      = theColumnTuple.Item2;
                Complex[]        theVectorArray = theVector.ToArray();
                Vector <Complex> theVectorSpectrum = new MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Complex.DenseVector(theVectorArray);
                dmResultComplex.SetColumn(theColumnTuple.Item1, theVectorSpectrum);

            IEnumerable <Tuple <int, Vector <Complex> > > rowEnumerator =

            foreach (Tuple <int, Vector <Complex> > theRowTuple in rowEnumerator)
                Vector <Complex> theVector      = theRowTuple.Item2;
                Complex[]        theVectorArray = theVector.ToArray();
                Vector <Complex> theVectorSpectrum = new MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Complex.DenseVector(theVectorArray);
                dmResultComplex.SetRow(theRowTuple.Item1, theVectorSpectrum);

            dmOutputReal = MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Double.DenseMatrix.Create(dmResultComplex.RowCount, dmResultComplex.ColumnCount, new Func <int, int, double>(
                                                                                        (row, column) =>
                return(dmResultComplex[row, column].Real);
            dmOutputImaginary = MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Double.DenseMatrix.Create(dmResultComplex.RowCount, dmResultComplex.ColumnCount, new Func <int, int, double>(
                                                                                             (row, column) =>
                return(dmResultComplex[row, column].Imaginary);
Exemple #51
    /// <summary>
    /// Adds the elastic Jacobian corresponding to the string
    /// to the specified global Jacobian matrix at the index
    /// associated with edge nodes. Note |mJSum| = (nDOF,nDOF).
    /// </summary>
    public void addJacobian(MatrixXD mJsum)
        Node a = Edge.Node1;
        Node b = Edge.Node0;

        int index1 = a.SimIdx * 3;
        int index0 = b.SimIdx * 3;

        Vector3 LR3 = a.Xt - b.Xt;
        float   L   = LR3.magnitude;

        float    kLL0 = Ke * (L - L0);
        Vector3  U    = LR3.normalized;
        MatrixXD I    = DenseMatrixXD.CreateIdentity(3);

        MatrixXD uut = DenseMatrixXD.Create(3, 3, 0.0);

        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                uut [i, j] = U [i] * U [j];

        MatrixXD dUdxa = 1.0f / L * (I - uut);

        MatrixXD dFadxa = kLL0 * dUdxa + Ke * uut;

        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                mJsum [index1 + i, index1 + j] += dFadxa[i, j];
                mJsum [index0 + i, index0 + j] += dFadxa[i, j];

                mJsum [index1 + i, index0 + j] += -dFadxa[i, j];
                mJsum [index0 + i, index1 + j] += -dFadxa[i, j];
    public void GetConstraintJacobian(MatrixXD dcdx) //Gradiente de C
        // TO BE COMPLETED
        Vector3  posA    = (bodyA != null) ? bodyA.PointLocalToGlobal(pointA) : pointA;
        Vector3  posB    = (bodyB != null) ? bodyB.PointLocalToGlobal(pointB) : pointB;
        MatrixXD dcdPosa = MatrixXD.Build.Dense(3, 3);
        MatrixXD dcdPosb = MatrixXD.Build.Dense(3, 3);
        MatrixXD dcdQa   = MatrixXD.Build.Dense(3, 3);
        MatrixXD dcdQb   = MatrixXD.Build.Dense(3, 3);
        MatrixXD I       = DenseMatrixXD.CreateIdentity(3);

        float cx, cy, cz;

        cx = (posA[0] - posB[0]);
        cy = (posA[1] - posB[1]);
        cz = (posA[2] - posB[2]);

        if (bodyA != null)
            dcdPosa = I;
            dcdQa   = -Utils.Skew(posA - bodyA.m_pos);
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                dcdx.SetSubMatrix(index, bodyA.index, dcdx.SubMatrix(index, 3, bodyA.index, 3) + dcdPosa);
                dcdx.SetSubMatrix(index, bodyA.index + 3, dcdx.SubMatrix(index, 3, bodyA.index + 3, 3) + dcdQa);
        if (bodyB != null)
            dcdPosb = -I;
            dcdQb   = Utils.Skew(posB - bodyB.m_pos);
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                dcdx.SetSubMatrix(index, bodyB.index, dcdx.SubMatrix(index, 3, bodyB.index, 3) + dcdPosb);
                dcdx.SetSubMatrix(index, bodyB.index + 3, dcdx.SubMatrix(index, 3, bodyB.index + 3, 3) + dcdQb);
        //Esto es gracias a mi explicación super a sucio que voy a pasar a limpio a que sí Nerea? :D
Exemple #53
    public void Initialize(int ind, PhysicsManager m)
        Manager = m;

        index = ind;

        // Initialize inertia. We assume that the object is connected to a Cube mesh.
        Transform xform = GetComponent <Transform>();

        if (xform == null)
            System.Console.WriteLine("[ERROR] Couldn't find any transform to the rigid body");
            System.Console.WriteLine("[TRACE] Succesfully found transform connected to the rigid body");

        if (xform != null)
            m_inertia0 = DenseMatrixXD.CreateIdentity(3);
            double[] vals;
            vals    = new double[3];
            vals[0] = 1.0f / 12.0f * Mass * (xform.localScale.y * xform.localScale.y + xform.localScale.z * xform.localScale.z);
            vals[1] = 1.0f / 12.0f * Mass * (xform.localScale.x * xform.localScale.x + xform.localScale.z * xform.localScale.z);
            vals[2] = 1.0f / 12.0f * Mass * (xform.localScale.x * xform.localScale.x + xform.localScale.y * xform.localScale.y);

        // Initialize kinematics
        m_pos   = xform.position;
        m_rot   = xform.rotation;
        m_vel   = Vector3.zero;
        m_omega = Vector3.zero;

        // Initialize all inertia terms
        m_inertia0inv = m_inertia0.Inverse();
        m_inertia     = Utils.WarpMatrix(m_rot, m_inertia0);
        m_inertiainv  = Utils.WarpMatrix(m_rot, m_inertia0inv);
Exemple #54
    public void getConstraintJacobian(MatrixXD J)

        // Apuntes del día 5 :
        // La jacobiana es un conjunto de V y W formada como
        // V,W,V,W... siendo (V,W) un rigidbody

        // Wa y Wb son matrices 3X3 formadas por (-Ra * ra) * <- Skewed
        // Va y Vb son matrices identidad 3x3

        // Metemos (si hay cuerpo) -> Identidad y después Wa/Wb

        // un truco es meter la identidad en B como negativa y así ya es opuesto a Va
        // Va = -Vb

        MatrixXD IdentityA;
        MatrixXD IdentityB;
        MatrixXD Wa, Wb;

        if (BodyA != null)
            Wa        = Utils.Skew(-(BodyA.Rotation * m_pA));
            IdentityA = DenseMatrixXD.CreateIdentity(3);
            J.SetSubMatrix(m_index, BodyA.getSimIndex(), IdentityA);
            J.SetSubMatrix(m_index, BodyA.getSimIndex() + 3, Wa);

        if (BodyB != null)
            Wb        = Utils.Skew((BodyB.Rotation * m_pB));
            IdentityB = -DenseMatrixXD.CreateIdentity(3);
            J.SetSubMatrix(m_index, BodyB.getSimIndex(), IdentityB);
            J.SetSubMatrix(m_index, BodyB.getSimIndex() + 3, Wb);
Exemple #55
    // Nothing to do here


    #region ISimulable

    public void initialize(int index, PhysicsManager manager)
        m_manager = manager;

        // Initialize indices
        m_index = index;

        // Initialize inertia. We assume that the object is connected to a Cube mesh.
        Transform xform = this.GetComponent <Transform>();

        if (xform == null)
            System.Console.WriteLine("[ERROR] Couldn't find any transform connected to the rigid body");
            System.Console.WriteLine("[TRACE] Succesfully found transform connected to the rigid body");

        if (xform != null)
            this.m_inertia0 = DenseMatrixXD.CreateIdentity(3);
            double[] vals;
            vals    = new double[3];
            vals[0] = 1.0f / 12.0f * mass * (xform.localScale.y * xform.localScale.y + xform.localScale.z * xform.localScale.z);
            vals[1] = 1.0f / 12.0f * mass * (xform.localScale.x * xform.localScale.x + xform.localScale.z * xform.localScale.z);
            vals[2] = 1.0f / 12.0f * mass * (xform.localScale.x * xform.localScale.x + xform.localScale.y * xform.localScale.y);
            this.m_inertia = m_inertia0;

        // Initialize kinematics
        this.m_pos   = xform.position;
        this.m_rot   = xform.rotation;
        this.m_vel   = Vector3.zero;
        this.m_omega = Vector3.zero;
    /// <summary>
    /// Performs a simulation step using Symplectic integration.
    /// </summary>
    private void stepSymplectic()
        // TO BE COMPLETED
        VectorXD v    = new DenseVectorXD(m_numDoFs);
        VectorXD f    = new DenseVectorXD(m_numDoFs);
        MatrixXD Minv = new DenseMatrixXD(m_numDoFs);


        foreach (ISimulable obj in m_objs)
        foreach (IConstraint constraint in m_constraints)

        foreach (ISimulable obj in m_objs)

        v += TimeStep * (Minv * f);
        VectorXD x = TimeStep * v;

        foreach (ISimulable obj in m_objs)
Exemple #57
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="imageConditionAndData"/> class.
        /// note: with the fixed ruler bounds
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="imgPr">The image processing object contains image data and some processing templates.</param>
        public imageConditionAndData(ImageProcessing imgPr)
            maskImageBinary      = imgPr.significantMaskImageBinary.Copy();
            isImageGrayscaled    = false;
            sourceImageBgr       = imgPr.tmpImage.Copy();
            sourceImageGrayscale = null;

            thresholdingUsageTop = false;
            thresholdingUsageBtm = true;
            thresholdingValue    = 255;

            dmSourceData = ImageProcessing.DenseMatrixFromImage(sourceImageBgr.Convert <Gray, Byte>());

            currentColorScheme = new ColorScheme("");
            //currentColorSchemeRuler = new ColorSchemeRuler(currentColorScheme, dataMinValue(), dataMaxValue());
            currentColorSchemeRuler = new ColorSchemeRuler(this, -255.0d, 255.0d);
            selection = null;

            dataHasBeenModified = true;

            HighlightMask   = null;
            highlightedArea = 0.0d;
Exemple #58
 public void getMassMatrix(MatrixXD mmout)
     mmout.SetSubMatrix(m_index, m_index, this.mass * DenseMatrixXD.CreateIdentity(3));
     mmout.SetSubMatrix(m_index + 3, m_index + 3, this.m_inertia);
Exemple #59
        /// <summary>
        /// v1をなるべくv2に近づけるような回転行列を求める。戻り値は、残差の二乗和を個数で割ったもの
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="v1"></param>
        /// <param name="v2"></param>
        /// <param name="result"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static double GetRotationMatrix(Vector3DBase[] v1, Vector3DBase[] v2, ref Matrix3D result, Matrix3D initialRotation = null)
            if (initialRotation == null)
                initialRotation = new Matrix3D();
            var euler = Euler.GetEulerAngle(initialRotation);

            int length = v1.Length;

            double   phi = euler.Phi, theta = euler.Theta, psi = euler.Psi;
            double   phi_New, theta_New, psi_New;
            Matrix3D rot = initialRotation, rot_New;

            Vector3DBase[,] diff = new Vector3DBase[3, length];
            var Alpha = new DMat(3, 3);
            var Beta  = new DMat(3, 1);

            Vector3DBase[] ResidualCurrent = new Vector3DBase[length];
            Vector3DBase[] ResidualNew = new Vector3DBase[length];
            double         ResidualSquareCurrent, ResidualSquareNew = 0;
            int            count = 0;

            ResidualSquareCurrent = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                ResidualCurrent[i]     = rot * v1[i] - v2[i];
                ResidualSquareCurrent += ResidualCurrent[i] * ResidualCurrent[i];

            double lambda = 1;

            while (lambda < 1000000000 && count < 3000)//lambdaが大きくなりすぎた時か、試行回数が一定以上になった時、止める
                double cosPhi = Math.Cos(phi), sinPhi = Math.Sin(phi), cosTheta = Math.Cos(theta), sinTheta = Math.Sin(theta), cosPsi = Math.Cos(psi), sinPsi = Math.Sin(psi);
                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)//偏微分を作る 「回転行列の偏微分」というMathematicaファイルを参照
                    diff[0, i] = new Vector3DBase(
                        v1[i].X * (-cosPsi * sinPhi - cosPhi * cosTheta * sinPsi) + v1[i].Y * (cosPhi * cosPsi * cosTheta - sinPhi * sinPsi) + v1[i].Z * cosPhi * sinTheta,
                        v1[i].Y * (-cosPsi * cosTheta * sinPhi - cosPhi * sinPsi) + v1[i].X * (-cosPhi * cosPsi + cosTheta * sinPhi * sinPsi) - v1[i].Z * sinPhi * sinTheta,
                    diff[1, i] = new Vector3DBase(
                        v1[i].Z * cosTheta * sinPhi - v1[i].Y * cosPsi * sinPhi * sinTheta + v1[i].X * sinPhi * sinPsi * sinTheta,
                        v1[i].Z * cosPhi * cosTheta - v1[i].Y * cosPhi * cosPsi * sinTheta + v1[i].X * cosPhi * sinPsi * sinTheta,
                        -v1[i].Y * cosPsi * cosTheta + v1[i].X * cosTheta * sinPsi - v1[i].Z * sinTheta
                    diff[2, i] = new Vector3DBase(
                        v1[i].X * (-cosPsi * cosTheta * sinPhi - cosPhi * sinPsi) + v1[i].Y * (cosPhi * cosPsi - cosTheta * sinPhi * sinPsi),
                        v1[i].Y * (-cosPsi * sinPhi - cosPhi * cosTheta * sinPsi) + v1[i].X * (-cosPhi * cosPsi * cosTheta + sinPhi * sinPsi),
                        v1[i].X * cosPsi * sinTheta + v1[i].Y * sinPsi * sinTheta

                //行列Alpha, Betaを作る
                for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                    for (int l = 0; l < 3; l++)
                        Alpha[k, l] = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                            Alpha[k, l] += diff[k, i] * diff[l, i];

                        if (k == l)
                            Alpha[k, l] *= (1 + lambda);
                    Beta[k, 0] = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                        Beta[k, 0] += ResidualCurrent[i] * diff[k, i];

                if (!Alpha.TryInverse(out Matrix alphaInv))

                var delta = alphaInv * Beta;

                phi_New   = phi - delta[0, 0];
                theta_New = theta - delta[1, 0];
                psi_New   = psi + delta[2, 0];

                ResidualSquareNew = 0;
                rot_New           = Euler.SetEulerAngle(phi_New, theta_New, psi_New);
                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                    ResidualNew[i]     = rot_New * v1[i] - v2[i];
                    ResidualSquareNew += ResidualNew[i] * ResidualNew[i];

                if (ResidualSquareCurrent > ResidualSquareNew)     //新旧の残差の二乗和を比較
                {                                                  //改善したとき
                    if ((ResidualSquareCurrent - ResidualSquareNew) / ResidualSquareCurrent > 0.0000000001 || count < 15 || lambda > 1)
                    {                                              //改善率が0.0000000001 以上 (まだまだ改善の余地がある)、あるいはcountが15以下 (回数が少ない)、あるいはlambdaが1より大きいとき (まだまだ改善の余地がある)
                        ResidualSquareCurrent = ResidualSquareNew; //残差の二乗和を書き換える
                        lambda *= 0.4;                             //lambdaを小さくする
                        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                            ResidualCurrent[i] = ResidualNew[i];         //残差行列を書き換える
                        phi = phi_New; theta = theta_New; psi = psi_New; //新旧パラメータを書き換える

                    lambda *= 2.5;//lambdaを大きくする

Exemple #60
    /// <summary>
    /// Performs a simulation step using Midpoint integration.
    /// </summary>
    private void stepMidpoint()
        // TO BE COMPLETED
        VectorXD x    = new DenseVectorXD(m_numDoFs);
        VectorXD v    = new DenseVectorXD(m_numDoFs);
        VectorXD f    = new DenseVectorXD(m_numDoFs);
        MatrixXD Minv = new DenseMatrixXD(m_numDoFs);


        VectorXD x0 = x;
        VectorXD v0 = v;

        //Compute forces at t0
        foreach (ISimulable obj in m_objs)

        foreach (ISimulable obj in m_objs)

        //Integrate to h/2
        x += 0.5f * TimeStep * v;
        v += 0.5f * TimeStep * (Minv * f);

        foreach (ISimulable obj in m_objs)

        //Compute forces at h/2
        foreach (ISimulable obj in m_objs)

        foreach (ISimulable obj in m_objs)

        //Integrate to h

        x = x0 + TimeStep * v;
        v = v0 + TimeStep * (Minv * f);

        foreach (ISimulable obj in m_objs)