Exemple #1
		 * private ctor used for fit'ing
		private HorizontalArea(Area[] content, Area source) : base(content, source)
			// calulate bounding box
			BoundingBox box = BoundingBox.New();
			foreach(Area a in content) box.Append(a.BoundingBox);
			this.box = box;
Exemple #2
		 * private ctor used for fit operation
		private TableArea(MathMLTableElement e, Area[] cells, BoundingBox box, PointF[] solidLines, 
			PointF[] dashedLines, Area source) : base(cells, source)
			this.element = e;
			this.dashedLines = dashedLines;
			this.solidLines = solidLines;
			this.box = box;			
Exemple #3
		public GlyphArea(IFontHandle fontHandle, ref GlyphAttributes attributes)
			this.font = fontHandle;
			this.leftEdge = attributes.Left;
			this.rightEdge = attributes.Right;
			this.box = attributes.Box;
			this.index = (ushort)attributes.Index;
Exemple #4
		 * create a box area.
		public TableCellArea(MathMLElement element, Area area, BoundingBox box, 
			PointF cellShift, PointF areaShift) : base(area)
			this.cellShift = cellShift;
			this.areaShift = areaShift;
			this.box = box;
			this.element = element;
Exemple #5
    /// <summary>
    /// Draw the current mathml equation to an image object.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="type">The type of image to return, currently this can be
    /// either Bitmap or Metafile</param>
    /// <param name="gr">The graphics context in which this bitmap should be created.</param>
    /// <returns>A new image, null if an invalid type is given or there is no current element</returns>
    public Image GetImage(Type type, Graphics gr)

      if (mathElement == null)
        return null;

        gr.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Pixel;

      // build the formatting tree
        MathMLFormatter formatter = new MathMLFormatter();
        WinFormattingContext ctx = new WinFormattingContext(gr, fontSize);
        format = formatter.Format(mathElement, ctx);

        // build the are tree
        box = format.BoundingBox;
        area = format.Fit(box);

      Image image = null;
      int height = (int)Math.Ceiling(2+box.VerticalExtent);
      int width = (int)Math.Ceiling(2+box.HorizontalExtent);

        image = new Bitmap(width, height);
      else if(type.Equals(typeof(Metafile)))
        IntPtr dc = gr.GetHdc();
        image = new Metafile(new MemoryStream(), dc, EmfType.EmfOnly);

      if(image != null && area != null)

        using (Graphics gi = Graphics.FromImage(image))
          gi.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Pixel;
          gi.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
          DrawWithoutFormatting(gi, width, height, 1, 1);

      return image;
Exemple #6
		 * private consturctor
		private VerticalArea(Area[] areas, int baseline, Area source) 
			: base(areas, source)
			this.baseline = baseline;

            BoundingBox bbox = content[baseline].BoundingBox;

			for(int i = 0; i < content.Length; i++)
				if(i < baseline)
				else if(i > baseline)

			this.box = bbox;
Exemple #7
		 * create a string area
		public StringArea(IFormattingContext context, string content)
			this.font = context.GetFont();
			this.content = content;
			box = BoundingBox.New();

			float left = 0, right = 0;

			for(int i = 0; i < content.Length; i++)
				BoundingBox tmp = BoundingBox.New();
				context.MeasureGlyph(font, content[i], out tmp, out left, out right);

				// left edge of first char
				if(i == 0)
					leftEdge = left;

			// right edge of last char
			rightEdge = right;
		 * find or calculate an area that will fill the requested cell 
		 * height. The returned area may be either a single glyph, or a
		 * compound set of glyphs.
		 * @param pointSize the evaluated font size
		 * @param desiredSize the desired stretch size (for either vertical or 
		 * horizontal stretchy glyphs.
		 * @param c the character to find a glyph for.
		 * @param lineThickness a value that get populated with the thickness of the 
		 * repated or stretched sections.
    public static Area GetStretchyGlyph(IFormattingContext context, float pointSize, char c, BoundingBox desiredSize, out float lineThickness)
      GlyphFactory gf = Instance;

			Area result = null;
			lineThickness = 0;
			for(int i = 0; i < gf.maps.Length; i++)
                if((result = gf.maps[i].GetStretchyGlyph(context, pointSize, c, desiredSize, out lineThickness)) != null)
					return result;

			if(result == null)
				Debug.WriteLine("no stretchy glyph found, returning standard glyph area");
				result = GetGlyph(context, pointSize, c);          
			return result;
Exemple #9
		 * initialize the dashed and solid lines
		 * pre-req verticalExtent is set
		 * The general idea behind this line layout algorighm is that from just 
		 * a grid of cells, with some null and other not, it is impossible to know
		 * where to place lines. If we have 2 adjacent cells, both null, we do
		 * not know to place a line between them as the left cell could be from
		 * a column spanning cell, and the right could be from a row spanning cell.
		 * So, we need to know spanning numbers. 
		private void CreateLines(BoundingBox[][] extents, MathMLTableCellElement[][] cells, 
			Row[] rows, Column[] columns, LineStyle[] columnLines, LineStyle[] rowLines, LineStyle frame)
			// TODO change these to arrays
			ArrayList dashedLineList = new ArrayList();
			ArrayList solidLineList = new ArrayList();

				// max number of TABLE columns
				int maxColCount = (columns.Length - 1) / 2;
				int[] rowSpan = new int[maxColCount];

				float top = 0;
				float vLen = 0;
				float hLen = 0;
				float left = 0;

				// outer loop rows
				for(int i = 0, row = 1; i < cells.Length; i++, row += 2)
					if(i == 0)
						top = rows[0].VerticalExtent;
						vLen = rows[1].VerticalExtent + rows[2].VerticalExtent / 2.0f;
						top = top + vLen;
						vLen = rows[row - 1].VerticalExtent / 2.0f + rows[row].VerticalExtent + rows[row + 1].VerticalExtent / 2.0f;

					// spaning column length of next row, if a cell spans rows, then it needs a line
					//int currColSpan = (cells.Length && 0 < cells[i].Length && cells[i][0] != null) ?
					//	cells[i][0].ColumnSpan : 0;
					//i//nt nextColSpan = (i + 1 < cells.Length && 0 < cells[i + 1].Length && cells[i + 1][0] != null) ?
					//	cells[i + 1][0].ColumnSpan : 0;

					// inner loop columns
					for(int j = 0, col = 1; j < maxColCount; j++, col += 2)
						if(j == 0)
							left = columns[0].Width;
							hLen = columns[1].Width + columns[2].Width / 2.0f;
							left = left + hLen;
							hLen = columns[col - 1].Width / 2.0f + columns[col].Width + columns[col + 1].Width / 2.0f;

						// do the vertical line at end of cell
						if((j + 1 < cells[i].Length && cells[i][j + 1] != null) ||
							(j == cells[i].Length - 1 && cells[i].Length < maxColCount))
							if(columnLines[j] == LineStyle.Solid)
								solidLineList.Add(new PointF(left + hLen, top));
								solidLineList.Add(new PointF(left + hLen, top + vLen));
							else if(columnLines[j] == LineStyle.Dashed)
								dashedLineList.Add(new PointF(left + hLen, top));
								dashedLineList.Add(new PointF(left + hLen, top + vLen));

						// horz line at bottom of cell, only do if we are not the last row
						if(i + 1 < cells.Length)
							// if a span count is 0, this means that the end of a cell was encountered, so
							// we need to read the span count from the current cell. Otherwise, we are in the
							// middle of a row spanning colum and we need to decrement the count indicating that
							// we used up that cell
							if(rowSpan[j] == 0)
								rowSpan[j] = j < cells[i].Length && cells[i][j] != null ? cells[i][j].RowSpan - 1 : 0;

							if(rowSpan[j] == 0)
								if(rowLines[i] == LineStyle.Solid)
									solidLineList.Add(new PointF(left, top + vLen));
									solidLineList.Add(new PointF(left + hLen, top + vLen));
								else if(rowLines[i] == LineStyle.Dashed)
									dashedLineList.Add(new PointF(left, top + vLen));
									dashedLineList.Add(new PointF(left + hLen, top + vLen));

				// draw the frame
				if(frame == LineStyle.Solid)
					solidLineList.Add(new PointF(0, 0));
					solidLineList.Add(new PointF(0, box.VerticalExtent));

					solidLineList.Add(new PointF(0, 0));
					solidLineList.Add(new PointF(box.Width, 0));

					solidLineList.Add(new PointF(box.Width, box.VerticalExtent));
					solidLineList.Add(new PointF(box.Width, 0));

					solidLineList.Add(new PointF(box.Width, box.VerticalExtent));
					solidLineList.Add(new PointF(0, box.VerticalExtent));

				else if(frame == LineStyle.Dashed)
					dashedLineList.Add(new PointF(0, 0));
					dashedLineList.Add(new PointF(0, box.VerticalExtent));

					dashedLineList.Add(new PointF(0, 0));
					dashedLineList.Add(new PointF(box.Width, 0));

					dashedLineList.Add(new PointF(box.Width, box.VerticalExtent));
					dashedLineList.Add(new PointF(box.Width, 0));

					dashedLineList.Add(new PointF(box.Width, box.VerticalExtent));
					dashedLineList.Add(new PointF(0, box.VerticalExtent));
			catch(Exception ex)
				throw new Exception("error creating table lines, table should still display, error: " +

			dashedLines = (PointF[])dashedLineList.ToArray(typeof(PointF));
			solidLines = (PointF[])solidLineList.ToArray(typeof(PointF));
Exemple #10
		 * fit the child areas into a box.
		 * Essentially, each child area is given an availible space which is proportional
		 * to its' strength with respect to the overall strength of the overall array. Areas
		 * that can not be re-sized in the width direction (have zero width strenght) simply
		 * get re-sized to thier natural width.
		 * NOTE: Derived classes must override this method (compound glyphs) because this returns
		 * a new HorzArea, not a derived type.
		public override Area Fit(BoundingBox box)
			// the strength and un-adjusted size of the total array.
			Strength s = Strength;
			BoundingBox b = BoundingBox;
			Area[] areas = new Area[content.Length];

			// new width of each child area
			float width;

			// availible space for exanding filler areas in the width direction
			// use max here, because width may be negative if we are asked to size into
			// a smaller area.
			float availibleSpace = Math.Max(0, box.Width - b.Width);

			for(int i = 0; i < content.Length; i++)
				Strength sa = content[i].Strength;
				BoundingBox ba = content[i].BoundingBox;

				if(s.Width == 0 || sa.Width == 0)
					// no re-sizing strength, so re-size to natural width
					width = ba.Width;								
					// re-size to natural width + % of availible space
					width = ba.Width + availibleSpace * sa.Width / s.Width;					
				areas[i] = content[i].Fit(BoundingBox.New(width, box.Height, box.Depth));
			return new HorizontalArea(areas, this);
Exemple #11
		 * create a new box area
		public static Area Box(BoundingBox box, Area area) 
			return new BoxArea(area, box);
Exemple #12
		 * fit this area to a bounding box. This just
		 * creates a new vertical space area that is the height and depth
		 * of the bounding box
		public override Area Fit(BoundingBox box)
			return new VerticalSpaceArea(box.Height, box.Depth);
Exemple #13
		 * fit all child area to thier own bounding box.
		public override Area Fit(BoundingBox box)
			Area[] areas = new Area[content.Length];

			for(int i = 0; i < content.Length; i++)
				areas[i] = content[i].Fit(content[i].BoundingBox);

			// TODO optimize if all areas are the same as this
			return new TableArea(element, areas, box, solidLines, dashedLines, this);
Exemple #14
		public TableArea(MathMLTableElement e, Area[] cells, BoundingBox box, PointF[] solidLines, 
			PointF[] dashedLines) : this(e, cells, box, solidLines, dashedLines, null)
Exemple #15
		 * initialize the shift and vertical extent vars
		 * The final shift is calcuated by the formatter because it requires information
		 * about the formatted size of the cell area.
		private static void CalculateShiftAndSize(IFormattingContext ctx, MathMLTableElement table, Row[] rows, 
			Column[] columns, ref BoundingBox box, ref float shift)
			shift = 0;
			TableAlign align = table.Align;
			float verticalExtent = 0;
			float width = 0;
			for(int i = 0; i < rows.Length; i++)
				verticalExtent += rows[i].VerticalExtent;

			for(int i = 0; i < columns.Length; i++)
				width += columns[i].Width;

			shift = -verticalExtent;

			box = BoundingBox.New(width, verticalExtent, 0);
Exemple #16
		/// <summary>
		/// set this box to the area that is the overlap of this box, 
		/// and the given box.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="box"></param>
		public void Overlap(BoundingBox box)
            Width = Math.Max(Width, box.Width);
            if (!box.Defined)
            else if (Defined)
                Height = Math.Max(Height, box.Height);
                Depth = Math.Max(Depth, box.Depth);
                Height = box.Height;
                Depth = box.Depth;
Exemple #17
		/// <summary>
		/// add the contents of the given bounding box to this bounding box
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="box"></param>
		public void Append(BoundingBox box)
			Width += box.Width;
			Depth = Math.Max(Depth, box.Depth);
			Height = Math.Max(Height, box.Height);
Exemple #18
		/// <summary>
		/// set this size to a region made by placing this box
		/// over the given box, e.g add the vertical extent of the
		/// given box to the depth this box.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="box"></param>
		public void Over(BoundingBox box)
			Width = Math.Max(Width, box.Width);
			if (!box.Defined)
			else if (Defined)
				Depth += box.Height + box.Depth;
				Height = 0;
				Depth = box.Height + box.Depth;
    public static Area GetStretchyGlyph(IFormattingContext context, float pointSize, char c, BoundingBox desiredSize)
			float lineThickness;
			return GetStretchyGlyph(context, pointSize, c, desiredSize, out lineThickness);
Exemple #20
		 * Default behavior is for a container area not to change any 
		 * properties of the bounding box, and simply fit the child
		 * to this box.
		public override Area Fit(BoundingBox box)
			BinContainerArea area = (BinContainerArea)Clone();
			Debug.Assert(area != null, "result of Clone() is null in BinContainerArea.Fit");
			area.child = child.Fit(box);
			area.source = this;
			return area;
Exemple #21
		 * re-size all child nodes to the given width, and a height
		 * and depth proportional 
		public override Area Fit(BoundingBox box)
			// new content area where fitted area are written to
			Area[] newContent = new Area[content.Length];

			// bounding box (natural size), and strength of the array
			// as a whole
			BoundingBox b = BoundingBox;
			Strength s = Strength;

			// availible height and depth distance to stretch
			float aHeight = Math.Max(0, box.Height - b.Height);
			float aDepth = Math.Max(0, box.Depth - b.Depth);

			for(int i = 0; i < content.Length; i++)
				// strength and size of the current child area
				Strength ps = content[i].Strength;
				BoundingBox pb = content[i].BoundingBox;

				// above baseline
				if(i > baseline && s.Height > 0)
					pb.Height += (aHeight * ps.Height) / s.Height;
					pb.Depth += (aHeight * ps.Depth) / s.Height;
				// below baseline
				else if(i < baseline && s.Depth > 0)
					pb.Height += (aDepth * ps.Height) / s.Depth;
					pb.Depth += (aDepth * ps.Depth) / s.Depth;
				// is baseline
				else if(i == baseline && s.Height + s.Depth > 0)
					if (s.Height > 0) pb.Height += (aHeight * ps.Height) / s.Height;
					if (s.Depth > 0) pb.Depth += (aDepth * ps.Depth) / s.Depth;

				newContent[i] = content[i].Fit(BoundingBox.New(box.Width, pb.Height, pb.Depth));
			return new VerticalArea(newContent, baseline, this);
Exemple #22
		public BoundingBox[] MeasureElements(IFormattingContext ctx, MathMLElement[] elements)
			BoundingBox[] boxes = new BoundingBox[elements.Length];
			for(int i = 0; i < elements.Length; i++)
				if(elements[i] != null)
					boxes[i] = MeasureElement(ctx, elements[i]);
					boxes[i] = BoundingBox.New();
			return boxes;
Exemple #23
		private static void CreateCellSizesAndShifts(MathMLTableCellElement[][] cells, 
			Row[] rows, Column[] columns, ref BoundingBox[][] sizes, ref PointF[][] shifts)
			sizes = new BoundingBox[cells.Length][];
			shifts = new PointF[cells.Length][];

			// init to 1 to skip over first spacing row for frame 
			int rowIndex = 1;

			// y shift, start with upper frame space
			float y = rows[0].VerticalExtent;

			// outer loop - rows
			for(int i = 0; i < cells.Length; i++)
				// init to 1 to skip over first spacing column for frame
				int colIndex = 1;
				// start x shift with frame space
				float x = columns[0].Width;

				sizes[i] = new BoundingBox[cells[i].Length];
				shifts[i] = new PointF[cells[i].Length];		

				// inner loop - columns
				for(int j = 0; j < cells[i].Length; j++)
					if(cells[i][j] != null)
						BoundingBox box = BoundingBox.New();
						for(int k = 0, k2 = 0; k < cells[i][j].ColumnSpan; k++, k2 += 2)
							if(colIndex + k2 < columns.Length)
								if(k2 == 0)
									box.Width = columns[colIndex].Width;
									// add content column
									box.Append(BoundingBox.New(columns[colIndex + k].Width, 0, 0));
									// add space column
									box.Append(BoundingBox.New(columns[colIndex + k + 1].Width, 0, 0));
								Debug.WriteLine("warning, insuffcient columns for spanning");
						for(int k = 0, k2 = 0; k < cells[i][j].RowSpan; k++, k2 += 2)
							if(rowIndex + k2 < rows.Length)
								if(k2 == 0)
									box.Height = rows[rowIndex].Height;
									box.Depth = rows[rowIndex].Depth;
									// add content row
									box.Over(BoundingBox.New(0, rows[rowIndex + k2].Height, rows[rowIndex + k].Depth));
									// add space row
									box.Over(BoundingBox.New(0, rows[rowIndex + k2 + 1].Height, rows[rowIndex + k + 1].Depth));							

						Debug.Assert(box.Height == rows[rowIndex].Height);

						sizes[i][j] = box;
						shifts[i][j] = new PointF(x, y + box.Height);

					// add width of current column and next column which is a spaceing column 
					// and set index to next non space column
					x += columns[colIndex++].Width;
					x += columns[colIndex++].Width;
				// add vertical extent of current row and next row which is a spaceing row 
				// and set index to next non space row
				y += rows[rowIndex++].VerticalExtent;
				y += rows[rowIndex++].VerticalExtent;
Exemple #24
		private static void AdjustSpanningCells(MathMLTableCellElement[][] cells, 
			BoundingBox[][] minCellSizes, Row[] rows, Column[] columns)
			// init to 1 to skip over first spacing row for frame 
			// outer loop - rows
			for(int i = 0, rowIndex = 1; i < cells.Length; i++, rowIndex += 2)
				// init to 1 to skip over first spacing column for frame
				// inner loop - columns
				for(int j = 0, colIndex = 1; j < cells[i].Length; j++, colIndex += 2)
					if(cells[i][j] != null)
						int rowSpan = cells[i][j].RowSpan;
						if(rowSpan > 1)
							float rowSpanVertExt = 0;
							for(int k = 0, k2 = 0; k < rowSpan; k++, k2 += 2)
								if(rowIndex + k2 < rows.Length)
									// content row
									rowSpanVertExt += rows[rowIndex + k2].VerticalExtent;

									// only add inner space rows 
									if(k < rowSpan - 1)
										rowSpanVertExt += rows[rowIndex + k2 + 1].VerticalExtent;	
									Debug.WriteLine("warning, row span exceeds row count");
							float reqVertExt = minCellSizes[i][j].VerticalExtent - rowSpanVertExt;
							if(reqVertExt > 0)
								Debug.WriteLine("need " + reqVertExt + " to accomdate spanning row");
								float newSpace = reqVertExt / (float)rowSpan;
								for(int k = 0, k2 = 0; k < rowSpan; k++, k2 += 2)
									if(rowIndex + k2 < rows.Length)
										rows[rowIndex + k2].Depth += newSpace / 2.0f;
										rows[rowIndex + k2].Height += newSpace / 2.0f;
										Debug.WriteLine("warning, row span exceeds row count");
Exemple #25
		 * calculate the default amout the script the baseline of the
		 * script rows. this ignores (for now anyway) the min shift values
		 * specified in the DOM
		private static void CalculateScriptShift(IFormattingContext context, 
			BoundingBox baseBox, BoundingBox subBox, Length subMinSize, 
			BoundingBox superBox, Length superMinSize, 
			out float subShift, out float superShift) 

			CalculateScriptShift(context, baseBox, subBox, superBox, 
				out subShift, out superShift);
Exemple #26
		 * calculate a table shift
		 * the initially consists of entierly height, this is a value given to the 
		 * TableArea object to determine the vertical location of a table. 
		 * This value is also used to modify the bounding box that is returned from this 
		 * class that is used for the TableArea
		private static float GetTableShift(IFormattingContext ctx, MathMLTableElement table, BoundingBox tableExtent)
			float shift = 0;
			// orient the row in the vertical direction, can be one of the following
			// (top | bottom | center | baseline | axis) [ rownumber ]
			// TODO rownumver is currently ignored
				case Align.Top:
					shift = tableExtent.VerticalExtent;
				} break;
				case Align.Bottom:
					shift = 0;
				} break;
				case Align.Center:
					shift = tableExtent.VerticalExtent / 2.0f;					
				} break;
				case Align.Axis:
					// shift to the axis (shift up in the negative direction)
					shift = (tableExtent.VerticalExtent / 2.0f) -ctx.Axis;
				} break;
					shift = tableExtent.VerticalExtent / 2.0f;
				} break;

			return shift;
Exemple #27
		public BoundingBox[][] MeasureElements(IFormattingContext ctx, MathMLElement[][] elements)
			BoundingBox[][] boxes = new BoundingBox[elements.Length][];
			for(int i = 0; i < elements.Length; i++)
				boxes[i] = MeasureElements(ctx, elements[i]);
			return boxes;
Exemple #28
		 * calculate the default amout the script the baseline of the
		 * script rows. this ignores (for now anyway) the min shift values
		 * specified in the DOM.
		private static void CalculateScriptShift(IFormattingContext context, 
			BoundingBox baseBox, BoundingBox subBox, BoundingBox superBox, 
			out float subShift, out float superShift) 

			float ex = context.Ex;
			float axis = context.Axis;
			float rule = context.DefaultLineThickness;

			superShift = Math.Max(ex, baseBox.Height - axis);
			subShift = Math.Max(axis, baseBox.Depth + axis);

				superShift = 0;
				subShift = Math.Max(subShift, subBox.Height - (ex * 4.0f) / 5);
				superShift = Math.Max(superShift, superBox.Depth + ex / 4.0f);
					subShift = 0;
					if((superShift - superBox.Depth) - (subBox.Height - superShift) < 4.0f * rule) 
						subShift = 4.0f * rule - superShift + superBox.Depth + subBox.Height;
						float psi = (4.0f * ex) / 5.0f - (superShift - superBox.Depth);
						if(psi > 0.0f) 
							subShift -= psi;
							superShift += psi;
Exemple #29
		/// <summary>
		/// fit this area to a bounding box
		/// create a new horizontal space area with the width of
		/// the given bounding box
		/// </summary>
		public override Area Fit(BoundingBox box)
			return new HorizontalSpaceArea(box.Width);
Exemple #30
		/// <summary>
		/// create a space area that occupies the given size.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="size">the size to make a space area</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public static Area Space(BoundingBox size)
			return new BoxArea(new IgnoreArea(), size);