Exemple #1
        public void AddEnvelope(IsotopicEnvelope isotopicEnvelope, int scanIndex, double elutionTime)
            MinScanIndex   = Math.Min(scanIndex, MinScanIndex);
            MaxScanIndex   = Math.Max(scanIndex, MaxScanIndex);
            MinElutionTime = Math.Min(elutionTime, MinElutionTime);
            MaxElutionTime = Math.Max(elutionTime, MaxElutionTime);
            bool added = false;

            foreach (var massGroup in groups)
                if (Math.Abs(massGroup.Mass - isotopicEnvelope.monoisotopicMass) < 0.5)
                    massGroup.AddEnvelope(scanIndex, elutionTime, isotopicEnvelope);
                    added = true;
            if (!added)
                var newMassGroup = new DeconvolutionFeature();
                newMassGroup.AddEnvelope(scanIndex, elutionTime, isotopicEnvelope);

            Mass = groups.OrderBy(b => - b.NumPeaks).First().Mass;
            TotalNormalizedIntensity += isotopicEnvelope.totalIntensity / isotopicEnvelope.charge;

            if (MostIntenseEnvelope == null || MostIntenseEnvelope.totalIntensity < isotopicEnvelope.totalIntensity)
                MostIntenseEnvelope            = isotopicEnvelope;
                MostIntenseEnvelopeElutionTime = elutionTime;
Exemple #2
        // Mass tolerance must account for different isotope spacing!
        public IEnumerable <IsotopicEnvelope> Deconvolute(MzRange theRange, int minAssumedChargeState, int maxAssumedChargeState, double deconvolutionTolerancePpm, double intensityRatioLimit)
            if (Size == 0)
                yield break;

            var isolatedMassesAndCharges = new List <IsotopicEnvelope>();

            foreach (var candidateForMostIntensePeak in ExtractIndices(theRange.Minimum, theRange.Maximum))
                IsotopicEnvelope bestIsotopeEnvelopeForThisPeak = null;

                var candidateForMostIntensePeakMz = XArray[candidateForMostIntensePeak];
                //Console.WriteLine("candidateForMostIntensePeakMz: " + candidateForMostIntensePeakMz);
                var candidateForMostIntensePeakIntensity = YArray[candidateForMostIntensePeak];

                for (int chargeState = minAssumedChargeState; chargeState <= maxAssumedChargeState; chargeState++)
                    //Console.WriteLine(" chargeState: " + chargeState);
                    var testMostIntenseMass = candidateForMostIntensePeakMz.ToMass(chargeState);

                    var massIndex = Array.BinarySearch(mostIntenseMasses, testMostIntenseMass);
                    if (massIndex < 0)
                        massIndex = ~massIndex;
                    if (massIndex == mostIntenseMasses.Length)
                        //Console.WriteLine("Breaking  because mass is too high: " + testMostIntenseMass);
                    //Console.WriteLine("  massIndex: " + massIndex);

                    var listOfPeaks = new List <(double, double)> {
                        (candidateForMostIntensePeakMz, candidateForMostIntensePeakIntensity)
                    var listOfRatios = new List <double> {
                        allIntensities[massIndex][0] / candidateForMostIntensePeakIntensity
                    // Assuming the test peak is most intense...
                    // Try to find the rest of the isotopes!

                    double differenceBetweenTheorAndActual = testMostIntenseMass - mostIntenseMasses[massIndex];
                    double totalIntensity = candidateForMostIntensePeakIntensity;
                    for (int indexToLookAt = 1; indexToLookAt < allIntensities[massIndex].Length; indexToLookAt++)
                        //Console.WriteLine("   indexToLookAt: " + indexToLookAt);
                        double theorMassThatTryingToFind = allMasses[massIndex][indexToLookAt] + differenceBetweenTheorAndActual;
                        //Console.WriteLine("   theorMassThatTryingToFind: " + theorMassThatTryingToFind);
                        //Console.WriteLine("   theorMassThatTryingToFind.ToMz(chargeState): " + theorMassThatTryingToFind.ToMz(chargeState));
                        var closestPeakToTheorMass = GetClosestPeakIndex(theorMassThatTryingToFind.ToMz(chargeState));
                        var closestPeakmz          = XArray[closestPeakToTheorMass.Value];
                        //Console.WriteLine("   closestPeakmz: " + closestPeakmz);
                        var closestPeakIntensity = YArray[closestPeakToTheorMass.Value];
                        if (Math.Abs(closestPeakmz.ToMass(chargeState) - theorMassThatTryingToFind) / theorMassThatTryingToFind * 1e6 <= deconvolutionTolerancePpm &&
                            Peak2satisfiesRatio(allIntensities[massIndex][0], allIntensities[massIndex][indexToLookAt], candidateForMostIntensePeakIntensity, closestPeakIntensity, intensityRatioLimit) &&
                            !listOfPeaks.Contains((closestPeakmz, closestPeakIntensity)))
                            //Found a match to an isotope peak for this charge state!
                            //Console.WriteLine(" *   Found a match to an isotope peak for this charge state!");
                            //Console.WriteLine(" *   chargeState: " + chargeState);
                            //Console.WriteLine(" *   closestPeakmz: " + closestPeakmz);
                            listOfPeaks.Add((closestPeakmz, closestPeakIntensity));
                            totalIntensity += closestPeakIntensity;
                            listOfRatios.Add(allIntensities[massIndex][indexToLookAt] / closestPeakIntensity);
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Shortreed's idea for top-down ms1 deconvolution (Jan. 6, 2020)
        /// Potential utility for non-isotopically resolved envelopes
        /// deconvolute the whole spectrum by treating every peak as charge 1, 2, 3, etc and recording the masses
        /// do a histogram to find which masses have multiple charge states: those with high overlap are the real species
        /// Could possibly avoid doing the whole spectrum by just targeting areas of interest
        /// </summary>
        //public IEnumerable<IsotopicEnvelope> TopDownDeconvolution(int minAssumedChargeState, int maxAssumedChargeState)
        //    //cycle through all charge states


        // Mass tolerance must account for different isotope spacing!
        public IEnumerable <IsotopicEnvelope> Deconvolute(MzRange theRange, int minAssumedChargeState, int maxAssumedChargeState, double deconvolutionTolerancePpm, double intensityRatioLimit)
            //if no peaks, stop
            if (Size == 0)
                yield break;

            var isolatedMassesAndCharges = new List <IsotopicEnvelope>();

            (int start, int end)indexes = ExtractIndices(theRange.Minimum, theRange.Maximum);

            //find the most intense peak in the range
            double maxIntensity = 0;

            for (int index = indexes.start; index < indexes.end; index++)
                if (YArray[index] > maxIntensity)
                    maxIntensity = YArray[index];

            //go through each peak in the selected range and assume it is the most intense peak of its isotopic envelope (if it's not, it will hopefully get a low score)
            //cycle through possible charge states and select the one that has the best score (fit) with the averagine model
            for (int candidateForMostIntensePeakIndex = indexes.start; candidateForMostIntensePeakIndex < indexes.end; candidateForMostIntensePeakIndex++)
                double candidateForMostIntensePeakIntensity = YArray[candidateForMostIntensePeakIndex];
                if (candidateForMostIntensePeakIntensity * 100 >= maxIntensity) //ignore peptides that are over 100 times less intense than the most intense peak in the range (heuristic from Top-Down yeast)
                    IsotopicEnvelope bestIsotopeEnvelopeForThisPeak = null;

                    double candidateForMostIntensePeakMz = XArray[candidateForMostIntensePeakIndex];

                    //Find what charge states this peak might be based on the spacing of nearby peaks (assumes isotopic resolution)
                    HashSet <int> allPossibleChargeStates = new HashSet <int>();
                    for (int i = candidateForMostIntensePeakIndex + 1; i < XArray.Length; i++) //look at peaks of higher m/z
                        double deltaMass = XArray[i] - candidateForMostIntensePeakMz;
                        if (deltaMass < 1.1) //if we're past a Th spacing, we're no longer looking at the closest isotope
                            //get the lower bound charge state
                            int charge = (int)Math.Floor(1 / deltaMass); //e.g. deltaMass = 0.4 Th, charge is now 2 (but might be 3)
                            if (charge >= minAssumedChargeState && charge <= maxAssumedChargeState)
                            //get the upper bound charge state
                            if (charge >= minAssumedChargeState && charge <= maxAssumedChargeState)

                    //investigate the putative charge states
                    foreach (int chargeState in allPossibleChargeStates)
                        //get the mass of this peak assuming it's the charge we're looking at
                        double testMostIntenseMass = candidateForMostIntensePeakMz.ToMass(chargeState);

                        //get the index of the theoretical isotopic envelope for an averagine model that's close in mass
                        int massIndex = Array.BinarySearch(mostIntenseMasses, testMostIntenseMass);
                        if (massIndex < 0)
                            massIndex = ~massIndex;
                        if (massIndex == mostIntenseMasses.Length)
                        if (massIndex != 0 && mostIntenseMasses[massIndex] - testMostIntenseMass > testMostIntenseMass - mostIntenseMasses[massIndex - 1])

                        //create a list for each isotopic peak from this envelope. This is used to fine tune the monoisotopic mass and is populated in "FindIsotopicEnvelope"
                        List <double> monoisotopicMassPredictions = new List <double>();

                        //Look for other isotopes using the assumed charge state
                        IsotopicEnvelope putativeIsotopicEnvelope = FindIsotopicEnvelope(massIndex, candidateForMostIntensePeakMz, candidateForMostIntensePeakIntensity,
                                                                                         testMostIntenseMass, chargeState, deconvolutionTolerancePpm, intensityRatioLimit, monoisotopicMassPredictions);

                        if (putativeIsotopicEnvelope.Peaks.Count >= 2) //if there are at least two isotopes
                            //look for other charge states, using them for scoring and monoisotopic mass estimates
                            //need to use this method before comparing scores because it changes the score of the test envelope
                            int numOtherChargeStatesObserved = ObserveAdjacentChargeStates(putativeIsotopicEnvelope, candidateForMostIntensePeakMz, massIndex, deconvolutionTolerancePpm, intensityRatioLimit, minAssumedChargeState, maxAssumedChargeState, monoisotopicMassPredictions);

                            //is this the best charge state for this peak?
                            if ((bestIsotopeEnvelopeForThisPeak == null || putativeIsotopicEnvelope.Score > bestIsotopeEnvelopeForThisPeak.Score) && //and the score is better for this charge state than others
                                (putativeIsotopicEnvelope.Charge / 5 <= numOtherChargeStatesObserved))                                               //and if we suspect there to be multiple charge states and there are (higher the charge, more states expected, z=5, need 2 charge states, z=10, need 3 charge states, etc
                                putativeIsotopicEnvelope.SetMedianMonoisotopicMass(monoisotopicMassPredictions);                                     //take the median mass from all of the isotopes (this is fine tuning!)
                                bestIsotopeEnvelopeForThisPeak = putativeIsotopicEnvelope;
                    if (bestIsotopeEnvelopeForThisPeak != null) //add this envelope (it might be wrong, but hopefully it has a low score and gets outscored later by the right thing)

            HashSet <double> seen = new HashSet <double>();

            foreach (var ok in isolatedMassesAndCharges.OrderByDescending(b => b.Score))
                if (seen.Overlaps(ok.Peaks.Select(b => b.mz)))
                foreach (var ah in ok.Peaks.Select(b => b.mz))
                yield return(ok);