private DataTable BindProchklistMapPackage(DateTime DOE)
     db = new SQL();
     DateTime ChkDate = new DateTime();
     ChkDate = Convert.ToDateTime(DOE);
     string SQL = "SELECT  UID, PatientScheduleOrderUID,ItemName,BillPackageUID,PatientUID FROM [BDMSPatientScheduleOrderDetail] where StartDttm = '" + ChkDate + "' and StatusFlag = 'A'";
     return db.FindDataTable(SQL);
        private void btFindRepeat_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string DateFrom = dtpDateFrom.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " " + dtpTimeFrom.Value.ToString("HH:mm");
            string DateTo = dtpDateTo.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " " + dtpTimeTo.Value.ToString("HH:mm");
            db = new SQL();

            string SQL = "SELECT  UID, PatientScheduleOrderUID,ItemName,BillPackageUID,PatientUID FROM [BDMSPatientScheduleOrderDetail] where StartDttm BETWEEN '" + DateFrom + "' and '" + DateTo + "' and StatusFlag = 'A'";

            gvPatient.DataSource = db.FindDataTable(SQL);
            gvPatient.Columns["UID"].Width = 100;
            gvPatient.Columns["PatientScheduleOrderUID"].Width = 100;
            gvPatient.Columns["ItemName"].Width = 300;
            gvPatient.Columns["BillPackageUID"].Width = 100;
            gvPatient.Columns["PatientUID"].Width = 100;

            lblCountPT.Text = gvPatient.Rows.Count.ToString();
            txtFilterPayor.Enabled = false;
            btLoad.Enabled = false;
 private string FindPatientUID(string ForeName, string SurName, DateTime DOE)
     string PatientUID = "";
     //string SQL = "select UID from Patient where Forename = N'" + ForeName + "' and Surname = N'" + SurName + "' and StatusFlag = 'A'";
     string SQL = "select p.UID from patient p inner join patientscheduleorder ps on p.uid = ps.patientuid where p.forename = N'" + ForeName + "' and p.surname = N'" + SurName + "' and p.statusflag = 'A' and ps.statusflag = 'A' and ScheduledDttm = '" + DOE + "'";
     //exc = new ExcData();
     db = new SQL();
     DataTable dt = new DataTable();
     dt = db.FindDataTable(SQL);
     if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
         PatientUID = dt.Rows[0]["UID"].ToString();
     return PatientUID;
 private string FindPatientScheduleOrderUID(string PatientUID, DateTime DOE)
     DateTime ChkDate = new DateTime();
     ChkDate = Convert.ToDateTime(DOE);
     string PatientScheduleOrderUID = "0";
     string SQL = "select UID,ScheduleOrderNumber from PatientScheduleOrder where PatientUID = '" + PatientUID + "' and ScheduledDttm = '" + ChkDate + "' and StatusFlag = 'A'";
     //exc = new ExcData();
     db = new SQL();
     DataTable dt = new DataTable();
     dt = db.FindDataTable(SQL);
     if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
         PatientScheduleOrderUID = dt.Rows[0]["UID"].ToString();
     return PatientScheduleOrderUID;
 private DataTable FindPackage(string PackageCode)
     DataTable dt = new DataTable();
     string SQL = "select UID , PackageName from BillPackage where Code = '" + PackageCode + "' and StatusFlag = 'A'";
     //exc = new ExcData();
     db = new SQL();
     dt = db.FindDataTable(SQL);
     return dt;
 private int CheckRepeat(string PatientUID, int PatientSchedulOrderUID, int PackageUID, DateTime DOE)
     int UID = 0;
     string SQL = string.Empty;
     SQL = "select UID from BDMSPatientScheduleOrderDetail "
         + "where PatientUID = " + PatientUID + " and PatientScheduleOrderUID = " + PatientSchedulOrderUID + " and BillPackageUID = " + PackageUID + " and StartDttm = '" + DOE + "' and StatusFlag = 'A'";
     DataTable dt = new DataTable();
     db = new SQL();
     dt = db.FindDataTable(SQL);
     if (dt.Rows.Count > 0 && dt != null)
         UID = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["UID"]);
     return UID;