public void sendActionRealisationMessage(ActionNode action, ProcedureExecution procInfo) { Agent agt = (Agent)(this.Host); ACLMessage procMsg = new ACLMessage(ACLPerformative.INFORM); //we inform at wich time the action start TimeExpression timestamp = action.CurrentExecution.Start; procMsg.Timestamp = timestamp; //set ACLMessage content string content = "((action "; content +=; content += " "; content += "(" + clean( + ")"; content += "))"; procMsg.Content = content; //send message to other agents List <AID> agents = procInfo.getOtherAgents(); for (int iA = 0; iA < agents.Count; iA++) { procMsg.Receivers.Add(agents[iA]); } agt.send(procMsg); }
public void sendActionDoneMessage(ActionNode action, ProcedureExecution procInfo) { Agent agt = (Agent)(this.Host); ACLMessage procMsg = new ACLMessage(ACLPerformative.INFORM); //we inform at wich time the action finished TimeExpression timestamp = action.CurrentExecution.Finish; procMsg.Timestamp = timestamp; //set ACLMessage content string content = "((done (action "; content +=; content += " "; content += "(" + clean( + ")"; content += ")))"; procMsg.Content = content; //MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log(content); //send message to other agents List <AID> agents = procInfo.getOtherAgents(); for (int iA = 0; iA < agents.Count; iA++) { procMsg.Receivers.Add(agents[iA]); } agt.send(procMsg); }
public override void action() { Agent agt = (Agent)(this.Host); ACLMessage msg = agt.receive(); if (msg != null) { MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("Communication Behavior"); MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("Conversation-ID: " + msg.ConversationID); /*if (msg.Performative == ACLPerformative.REQUEST) * { * manageRequest(msg); * } * else */ if (msg.Performative == ACLPerformative.INFORM) { manageInform(msg); } else if (msg.Performative == ACLPerformative.QUERY_REF) { manageQueryRef(msg); } } }
public void stopAllProcedures() { foreach (RoleAssignement currentRA in roleAssignement) { ACLMessage message = new ACLMessage(ACLPerformative.REQUEST); message.Content = "STOP ALL"; message.Receivers.Add(currentRA.Agent); MascaretApplication.Instance.AgentPlateform.sendMessage(message); } }
protected void manageInform(ACLMessage msg) { Agent agt = (Agent)(this.Host); string content = msg.Content; FIPASLParserResult result = parseFipaSLExpression(content); if (result.isAction) { if (result.success) { AgentBehaviorExecution be = agt.getBehaviorExecutingByName("ProceduralBehavior"); if (be != null) { ProceduralBehavior pbe = (ProceduralBehavior)(be); AID aid = new AID(result.action.performer, agt.Aid.PlateformName, agt.Aid.PlateformPort); if (result.isDone) { aid = new AID(result.action.performer, agt.Aid.PlateformName, agt.Aid.PlateformPort); pbe.onActionDone(aid, result.action.actionName); } else { pbe.onActionRunning(aid, result.action.actionName); } } } } else if (result.isEqual) { string entityName = result.iota.paramName[2]; string slotName = result.iota.paramName[0]; string value = result.iota.value; MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log(entityName + "." + slotName + "=" + value); KnowledgeBase kb = ((Agent)(this.Host)).KnowledgeBase; Mascaret.Environment envKB = kb.Environment; List <Entity> entities = envKB.getEntities(); foreach (Entity entity in entities) { if ( == entityName) { MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("ENTITY ..."); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Slot> s in entity.Slots) { if ( == slotName) { s.Value.addValueFromString(value); } } } } } }
protected void manageInform(ACLMessage msg) { Agent agt = (Agent)(this.Host); string content = msg.Content; FIPASLParserResult result = parseFipaSLExpression(content); if (result.isAction) { if (result.success) { AgentBehaviorExecution be = agt.getBehaviorExecutingByName("ProceduralBehavior"); if (be != null) { ProceduralBehavior pbe = (ProceduralBehavior)(be); AID aid = new AID(result.action.performer, agt.Aid.PlateformName, agt.Aid.PlateformPort); if (result.isDone) { aid = new AID(result.action.performer, agt.Aid.PlateformName, agt.Aid.PlateformPort); pbe.onActionDone(aid, result.action.actionName); } else { pbe.onActionRunning(aid, result.action.actionName); } } } } else if (result.isEqual) { string entityName = result.iota.paramName[2]; string slotName = result.iota.paramName[0]; string value = result.iota.value; MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log(entityName + "." + slotName + "=" + value); KnowledgeBase kb = ((Agent)(this.Host)).KnowledgeBase; Mascaret.Environment envKB = kb.Environment; List<Entity> entities = envKB.getEntities(); foreach (Entity entity in entities) { if ( == entityName) { MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("ENTITY ..."); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Slot> s in entity.Slots) { if ( == slotName) { s.Value.addValueFromString(value); } } } } } }
public ACLMessage check() { ACLMessage msg = null; if (messagesQueue.Count != 0) { msg = messagesQueue[0]; messagesQueue.RemoveRange(0, 1); messagesChecked.Add(msg); } return(msg); }
protected void manageRequest(ACLMessage msg) { Agent agt = (Agent)(this.Host); string content = msg.Content; System.Console.WriteLine(content); if (content == "Model") { sendModel(msg); } else if (content == "Organisation") { sendOrganisation(msg); } else if (content == "Actions") { sendActions(msg); } else if (content == "Entities") { sendEntities(msg); // Renvoi les attributs et etats de chaque entités appartenant a la procedure et abonne aux messages de modifications d'attributs } else { string[] words = content.Split(' '); if (words[0] == "STOP") { //string procName = words[1]; //ProceduralBehavior be=(ProceduralBehavior)(agt.getBehaviorExecutingByName("ProceduralBehavior")); /*if (procName =="ALL") * if (be) be.stopstopAll(); * else * if (be) be.stop(procName); */ } else { manageRequestAction(msg); } } }
protected void manageQueryRef(ACLMessage msg) { string content = msg.Content; FIPASLParserResult result = parseFipaSLExpression(content); Dictionary <string, Agent> agents = VRApplication.Instance.AgentPlateform.Agents; if (result.isIota) { FIPAIota iota = result.iota; if (iota.predicate == "slot") { string fml; string res = getSlot(iota.paramName); MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("IOTA : " + iota.predicate + " " + iota.result + " == " + res); if (res != "") { // give the intention ACLMessage aclMsg = new ACLMessage(ACLPerformative.INFORM); aclMsg.Sender = ((Agent)Host).Aid; aclMsg.Receivers.Add(msg.Sender); aclMsg.Content = "((= (iota ?" + iota.paramName[0] + " (" + iota.predicate + " ?" + iota.paramName[1] + " ?" + iota.paramName[2] + ")) " + res + "))"; aclMsg.ConversationID = msg.ConversationID; ((Agent)Host).send(aclMsg); MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("Inform message: " + aclMsg.Content); //bilal 19-10-15 fml = "<FML><Performative>Inform</Performative><Receivers><Receiver>" + msg.Sender + "</Receiver></Receivers><Content>" + /* "the " + iota.paramName[1] + " of " + iota.paramName[2] + "is" +*/ res + "</Content><Emotion>Neutral</Emotion><Ressources><Ressource>" + "" + "</Ressource></Ressources></FML>"; } //bilal 19-10-15 else { fml = "<FML><Performative>Inform</Performative><Receivers><Receiver>" + msg.Sender + "</Receiver></Receivers><Content>" + "I don't know" + /*" the value of the " + iota.paramName[1] + " of " + iota.paramName[2] +*/ "</Content><Emotion>Neutral</Emotion><Ressources><Ressource>" + "" + "</Ressource></Ressources></FML>"; } if (fml != null) { ((EmbodiedAgent)(Host)).addIntention(fml); } //bilal 19-10-15 } } }
//non implémentée pour le moment public void sendMessage(ACLMessage message) { List <AID> receivers = message.Receivers; for (int i = 0; i < receivers.Count; i++) { if (receivers[i].PlateformName == "localhost") { receivers[i].PlateformName =; } if (isLocalAgent(receivers[i])) { if (this.Agents.ContainsKey(receivers[i].toString())) { Agent receiver = this.Agents[receivers[i].toString()]; receiver.postMessage(message); receiver.wakeup(); } } } }
public override void action() { Agent agt = (Agent)(this.Host); ACLMessage msg = agt.receive(); if (msg != null) { if (msg.Performative == ACLPerformative.REQUEST) { manageRequest(msg); } else if (msg.Performative == ACLPerformative.INFORM) { manageInform(msg); } else if (msg.Performative == ACLPerformative.QUERY_REF) { manageQueryRef(msg); } } }
public void sendProcedureDoneMessage(ProcedureExecution procInfo) { Agent agt = (Agent)(this.Host); ACLMessage procMsg = new ACLMessage(ACLPerformative.INFORM); //we inform at wich time the procedure finish TimeExpression timestamp = BehaviorScheduler.Instance.getCurrentVirtualTime(); procMsg.Timestamp = timestamp; string content = "((done (action "; content +=; content += " "; content += "(" + clean( + ")"; content += ")))"; procMsg.Content = content; procMsg.Receivers.Add(MascaretApplication.Instance.Agent.Aid); agt.send(procMsg); }
public void postMessage(ACLMessage message) { messagesQueue.Add(message); }
public void postMessage(ACLMessage message) { this.mailbox.postMessage(message); }
public void sendActionRealisationMessage(ActionNode action, ProcedureExecution procInfo) { Agent agt = (Agent)(this.Host); ACLMessage procMsg = new ACLMessage(ACLPerformative.INFORM); //we inform at wich time the action start TimeExpression timestamp = action.CurrentExecution.Start; procMsg.Timestamp = timestamp; //set ACLMessage content string content = "((action "; content +=; content += " "; content += "(" + clean( + ")"; content += "))"; procMsg.Content = content; //send message to other agents List<AID> agents = procInfo.getOtherAgents(); for (int iA = 0; iA < agents.Count; iA++) { procMsg.Receivers.Add(agents[iA]); } agt.send(procMsg); }
protected void manageInform(ACLMessage msg) { Agent agt = (Agent)(this.Host); string content = msg.Content; FIPASLParserResult result = parseFipaSLExpression(content); if (result.isAction) { if (result.success) { AgentBehaviorExecution be = agt.getBehaviorExecutingByName("ProceduralBehavior"); if (be != null) { ProceduralBehavior pbe = (ProceduralBehavior)(be); AID aid = new AID(result.action.performer, agt.Aid.PlateformName, agt.Aid.PlateformPort); if (result.isDone) { aid = new AID(result.action.performer, agt.Aid.PlateformName, agt.Aid.PlateformPort); pbe.onActionDone(aid, result.action.actionName); } else { pbe.onActionRunning(aid, result.action.actionName); } } } } else { /* //cerr << result.variable << " of entity : " << result.entity << " == " << result.value << endl; Agent agt = (Agent)(Host); KnowledgeBase kb = agt.KnowledgeBase; Environment env = kb.Environment; if (env != null) { InstanceSpecification entity; entity = env.getInstance(result.entity); if (entity) { shared_ptr<Slot> variable; variable = entity->getProperty(result.variable); if (variable) { variable->addValueFromString(result.value); } else { shared_ptr<ACLMessage> reponse = shared_ptr<ACLMessage>(new ACLMessage(NOT_UNDERSTOOD)); reponse->setContent(content); reponse->addReceiver(msg->getSender()); agt->send(reponse); } } else { shared_ptr<ACLMessage> reponse = shared_ptr<ACLMessage>(new ACLMessage(NOT_UNDERSTOOD)); reponse->setContent(content); reponse->addReceiver(msg->getSender()); agt->send(reponse); } } else { shared_ptr<ACLMessage> reponse = shared_ptr<ACLMessage>(new ACLMessage(NOT_UNDERSTOOD)); reponse->setContent(content); reponse->addReceiver(msg->getSender()); agt->send(reponse); }*/ } /* if (msg->getXMLContent()) { shared_ptr<XmlParser> newParser = shared_ptr<XmlParser>(new XmlParser()); newParser->createFile("parser"); shared_ptr<XmlNode> newRoot_node = newParser->getRoot(); newRoot_node->addChild(msg->getXMLContent(), false); cerr << newParser->writeString() << endl; }*/ }
protected void sendModel(ACLMessage msg) { }
protected void sendOrganisation(ACLMessage msg) { }
protected void manageQueryRef(ACLMessage msg) { /* * Dictionary<string, Agent> agents = VRApplication.Instance.AgentPlateform.Agents; * * string agentName = msg.Sender.toString(); * //MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("Sender : " + agentName + " - Host: "; * if (agents.ContainsKey(agentName)) * { * Mascaret.Agent agt = agents[agentName]; * * ProceduralBehavior pbehavior = (ProceduralBehavior)(agt.getBehaviorExecutingByName("ProceduralBehavior")); * List<ProcedureExecution> procedures = pbehavior.runningProcedures; * //MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("M-Procedures : " + procedures.Count); * foreach (ProcedureExecution proc in procedures) * MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log(proc.procedure.getFullName()); * * List<KeyValuePair<ProcedureExecution, ActionNode>> actionNodes = pbehavior.actionsToDo; * //MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("M-Action Nodes Count: " + actionNodes.Count); * * for (int atd = 0; atd < actionNodes.Count; ++atd) * { * if (actionNodes[atd].Value.Action.GetType().ToString() == "Mascaret.CallOperationAction") * { * //MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("Action Node Description: "+actionNodes[atd].Value.Description); * string fml=null; * if (msg.Content == "action") * { * fml = "<FML><Performative>Inform</Performative><Receivers><Receiver>" + agentName + "</Receiver></Receivers><Content>" + actionNodes[atd].Value.Description + "</Content><Emotion>Neutral</Emotion><Ressources><Ressource>" + "" + "</Ressource></Ressources></FML>"; * } * else if (msg.Content == "object") * { * CallOperationAction coa = (CallOperationAction)(actionNodes[atd].Value.Action); * List<InputPin> pins = coa.InputPins; * if (pins.Count >= 1) * { * InputPin ip = pins[0]; * List<ObjectNode> nObjNode = ip.getIncomingObjectNode(); * * if (nObjNode.Count >= 1) * { * ObjectNode on = nObjNode[0]; * foreach (ProcedureExecution pe in procedures) * { * Dictionary<string, InstanceSpecification> affect = pe.getAffectations(); * if (affect.ContainsKey( * { * InstanceSpecification instance = affect[]; * fml = "<FML><Performative>Point</Performative><Receivers><Receiver>" + agentName + "</Receiver></Receivers><Content>" + "" + "</Content><Emotion>Neutral</Emotion><Ressources><Ressource>" + + "</Ressource></Ressources></FML>"; * } * } * } * } * } * * if(fml != null) ((EmbodiedAgent)(Host)).addIntention(fml); * } * } * }*/ //////////////////////////////////////////////////bilal Sep2015//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// string content = msg.Content; FIPASLParserResult result = parseFipaSLExpression(content); Dictionary <string, Agent> agents = VRApplication.Instance.AgentPlateform.Agents; if (result.isIota) { FIPAIota iota = result.iota; if (iota.predicate == "slot") { string res = getSlot(iota.paramName); MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("IOTA : " + iota.predicate + " " + iota.result + " == " + res); if (res != "") { // give the intention ACLMessage aclMsg = new ACLMessage(ACLPerformative.INFORM); aclMsg.Sender = ((Agent)Host).Aid; aclMsg.Receivers.Add(msg.Sender); aclMsg.Content = "((= (iota ?" + iota.paramName[0] + " (" + iota.predicate + " ?" + iota.paramName[1] + " ?" + iota.paramName[2] + ")) " + res + "))"; ((Agent)Host).send(aclMsg); MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("Inform message: " + aclMsg.Content); } } } /*string agentName = msg.Sender.toString(); * MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("Sender : " + agentName + " - Host: "; * if (agents.ContainsKey(agentName)) * { * Mascaret.Agent agt = agents[agentName]; * KnowledgeBase kb = agt.KnowledgeBase; * Mascaret.Environment envKB = kb.Environment; * List<Entity> entitiesKB = envKB.getEntities(); * foreach (Entity entity in entitiesKB) * { * MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log(entity.getFullName()); * if (entity.Slots.Count > 0) * { * foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Slot> s in entity.Slots) * { * if (s.Value.getValue() != null) * MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log(s.Key + " = " + s.Value.getValue().getStringFromValue()); * } * } * } * * }*/ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// }
public override void manageRequest(HttpRequest req) { string procName = req.parameters["alias"]; string orgName = req.parameters["org"]; req.response.write("<html>"); req.response.write("<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\">"); req.response.write("<body>"); OrganisationalEntity org = null; List <OrganisationalEntity> orgs = MascaretApplication.Instance.AgentPlateform.Organisations; bool found = false; int i = 0; while (!found && i < orgs.Count) { if (orgs[i].name == orgName) { found = true; } else { i++; } } if (found) { org = orgs[i]; } OrganisationalStructure struc = org.Structure; List <Procedure> procs = struc.Procedures; Procedure proc = null; found = false; i = 0; while (!found && i < procs.Count) { if (procs[i].name == procName) { found = true; } else { i++; } } if (found) { proc = procs[i]; } Environment env = MascaretApplication.Instance.getEnvironment(); List <Parameter> parameters = new List <Parameter>(); List <ActivityNode> nodes = proc.Activity.Nodes; for (int iNode = 0; iNode < nodes.Count; iNode++) { if (nodes[iNode].Kind == "parameter") { parameters.Add(((ActivityParameterNode)(nodes[iNode])).Parameter); } } string paramString = ""; Dictionary <string, ValueSpecification> param = new Dictionary <string, ValueSpecification>(); for (int iParam = 0; iParam < parameters.Count; iParam++) { string strVal = req.parameters[parameters[iParam].name]; strVal.Replace("+", " "); //Debug.Log (strVal); param.Add(parameters[iParam].name, parameters[iParam].Type.createValueFromString(strVal)); paramString += " :" + parameters[iParam].name + " " + strVal; } List <RoleAssignement> assignements = org.RoleAssignement; for (int iA = 0; iA < assignements.Count; iA++) { ACLMessage procMsg = new ACLMessage(ACLPerformative.REQUEST); procMsg.Receivers.Add(assignements[iA].Agent); AID agentAID = MascaretApplication.Instance.Agent.Aid; procMsg.Sender = agentAID; string content = "((action "; content += assignements[iA]; content += " "; content += "(" +; content += paramString; content += ")))"; procMsg.Content = content; MascaretApplication.Instance.AgentPlateform.sendMessage(procMsg); if ( == assignements[iA] { req.response.write("<H2>Vous jouez le role "); req.response.write(assignements[iA]; req.response.write("</H2>"); req.response.write("<H3>Vous pouvez faire les actions suivantes : </H3>"); req.response.write("<ul>"); Activity act = proc.Activity; List <ActivityPartition> partitions = act.Partitions; for (int iPart = 0; iPart < partitions.Count; iPart++) { if (partitions[iPart].name == assignements[iA] { nodes = partitions[iPart].Node; for (int iNode = 0; iNode < nodes.Count; iNode++) { if (nodes[iNode].Kind == "action") { req.response.write("<li>"); req.response.write("<a href=\"Actions?alias="); req.response.write(nodes[iNode].name); req.response.write("&org="); req.response.write(; req.response.write("&role="); req.response.write(assignements[iA]; req.response.write("&proc="); req.response.write(; req.response.write("\" target = \"Body\">"); req.response.write(nodes[iNode].name); req.response.write("</a></li>"); } } } } req.response.write("</ul>"); } } req.response.write("</body>"); req.response.write("</html>"); }
protected void sendActions(ACLMessage msg) { }
protected void sendEntities(ACLMessage msg) { }
protected void manageRequestAction(ACLMessage msg) { Agent agt = (Agent)(this.Host); string content = msg.Content; FIPASLParserResult result = parseFipaSLExpression(content); if (result.success) { if (result.isAction) { bool done = false; AgentBehavior behavior = agt.getBehaviorByBame(result.action.actionName); if (behavior != null) { Dictionary <string, ValueSpecification> parameters = new Dictionary <string, ValueSpecification>(); if (result.action.paramName.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < result.action.paramName.Count; i++) { LiteralString stringValue = new LiteralString(result.action.paramValue[i]); parameters.Add(result.action.paramName[i], (ValueSpecification)(stringValue)); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < result.action.paramName.Count; i++) { LiteralString stringValue = new LiteralString(result.action.paramValue[i]); parameters.Add("param" + i + '0', (ValueSpecification)(stringValue)); } } BehaviorScheduler.Instance.executeBehavior(behavior, agt, parameters, false); ACLMessage reponse = new ACLMessage(ACLPerformative.AGREE); reponse.Content = msg.Content; reponse.Receivers.Add(msg.Sender); agt.send(reponse); done = true; } Class classifier = agt.Classifier; Operation operation = null; if (classifier != null && classifier.Operations.ContainsKey(result.action.actionName)) { operation = classifier.Operations[result.action.actionName]; //System.Console.WriteLine("Operation:" + operation.getFullName()); } if (operation != null) { Dictionary <string, ValueSpecification> param = new Dictionary <string, ValueSpecification>(); List <Parameter> parameters = operation.Parameters; List <string> paramValue = result.action.paramValue; List <string> paramName = result.action.paramName; if (parameters.Count == paramValue.Count) { for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Count; i++) { // Pour tous les parametres issus de l'operation string parameterName = parameters[i].name; // Cherche l'indice de ce parameter dans paramsName int indice = 0; bool found = false; while (!found && indice < paramName.Count) { if (paramName[indice] == parameterName) { found = true; } else { indice++; } } if (found) { string strVal = paramValue[indice]; System.Console.Write("Type : " + parameters[i].Type.getFullName()); System.Console.Write(" - Name: " + parameters[i].name); System.Console.WriteLine(" - Value: " + strVal); string typeName = parameters[i].Type.getFullName(); if (typeName == "boolean" || typeName == "integer" || typeName == "real" || typeName == "string") { param.Add(parameters[i].name, parameters[i].Type.createValueFromString(strVal.ToLower())); } else { try { InstanceSpecification inst = MascaretApplication.Instance.getEnvironment().getInstance(strVal.ToLower()); param.Add(parameters[i].name, new InstanceValue(inst)); } catch (NullReferenceException e) { } } } } //BehaviorScheduler.Instance.executeBehavior(operation.Method, agt, param, false); /* * List<ActionNode> possibleTranslation = _translateOperationToActions(operation); * * shared_ptr<AgentBehaviorExecution> abe = agt->getBehaviorExecutionByName("ProceduralBehavior"); //hasslich... ja... * shared_ptr<ProceduralBehavior> pbe = shared_dynamic_cast<ProceduralBehavior> (abe); * * if (possibleTranslation.size() && pbe) * { * //add actionNode in ProceduralBehavior * * pbe->pushActionToDo(possibleTranslation[0]); * } * else * { * //call method */ BehaviorExecution be = BehaviorScheduler.Instance.executeBehavior(operation.Method, agt, param, false); /* * if (be != null) * { * be.addCallbackOnBehaviorStop(bind(&SimpleCommunicationBehavior::_onBehaviorStop,this,_1)); * * _requestedAction[be->getSpecification()->getName()].push_back(msg->getSender()); * }*/ // } ACLMessage reponse = new ACLMessage(ACLPerformative.AGREE); reponse.Content = msg.Content; System.Console.WriteLine("Content-Sent: " + reponse.Content); reponse.Receivers.Add(msg.Sender); agt.send(reponse); } else { ACLMessage reponse = new ACLMessage(ACLPerformative.NOT_UNDERSTOOD); string contentRep = ""; contentRep += content; reponse.Content = contentRep; reponse.Receivers.Add(msg.Sender); agt.send(reponse); } } else { string procName = result.action.actionName; bool found = false; OrganisationalEntity askedOrg = null; Procedure askedProc = null; Role askedRole = null; List <OrganisationalEntity> orgs = agt.Plateform.Organisations; for (int iOrg = 0; iOrg < orgs.Count; iOrg++) { List <RoleAssignement> assigns = orgs[iOrg].RoleAssignement; for (int iAss = 0; iAss < assigns.Count; iAss++) { if (assigns[iAss].Agent.toString() == agt.Aid.toString()) { OrganisationalStructure os = orgs[iOrg].Structure; List <Procedure> procs = os.Procedures; for (int iP = 0; iP < procs.Count; iP++) { System.Console.WriteLine(procName + " / " + procs[iP].name); if (procs[iP].name == procName) { askedProc = procs[iP]; askedOrg = orgs[iOrg]; askedRole = assigns[iAss].Role; found = true; } } } } } if (found) { ACLMessage reponse = new ACLMessage(ACLPerformative.AGREE); reponse.Content = msg.Content; reponse.Receivers.Add(msg.Sender); agt.send(reponse); // Recherche du comportement procedural // UGGLY //System.Console.WriteLine("1"); AgentBehaviorExecution pbehavior = agt.getBehaviorExecutingByName("ProceduralBehavior"); //AgentBehaviorExecution> behavior2 = agt->getBehaviorExecutionByName("ActionListenerBehavior"); //System.Console.WriteLine("2"); if (pbehavior != null) { ProceduralBehavior procBehave = (ProceduralBehavior)(pbehavior); Dictionary <string, ValueSpecification> procParams = new Dictionary <string, ValueSpecification>(); for (int i = 0; i < result.action.paramName.Count; i++) { LiteralString stringValue = new LiteralString(result.action.paramValue[i]); procParams.Add(result.action.paramName[i], stringValue); } //System.Console.WriteLine("3"); Activity act = askedProc.Activity; //List<ActivityNode> nodes = act.Nodes; procBehave.pushProcedureToDo(askedProc, askedOrg, askedRole, procParams); //procBehave.restart(); ACLMessage reponse2 = new ACLMessage(ACLPerformative.AGREE); reponse2.Content = msg.Content; reponse2.Receivers.Add(msg.Sender); agt.send(reponse2); } /* * else if (behavior2) * { * shared_ptr<ActionListenerBehavior> procBehave = shared_dynamic_cast<ActionListenerBehavior> (behavior2); * * procBehave->pushProcedureToDo(askedProc, askedOrg, askedRole, Parameters()); * procBehave->restart(); * * shared_ptr<ACLMessage> reponse = make_shared<ACLMessage>(AGREE); * reponse->setContent(msg->getContent()); * reponse->addReceiver(msg->getSender()); * agt->send(reponse); * }*/ else { if (!done) { ACLMessage reponse3 = new ACLMessage(ACLPerformative.NOT_UNDERSTOOD); string contentRep = ""; contentRep += result.action.actionName; reponse3.Content = contentRep; reponse3.Receivers.Add(msg.Sender); agt.send(reponse3); } } } else { if (!done) { ACLMessage reponse = new ACLMessage(ACLPerformative.NOT_UNDERSTOOD); string contentRep = ""; contentRep += result.action.actionName; reponse.Content = contentRep; reponse.Receivers.Add(msg.Sender); agt.send(reponse); } } } } else { // Proposition Non encore traite.... } } else { System.Console.WriteLine("[SimpleCommunicationBehavior Warning] Parsing error. Message content parsing error: " + content); ACLMessage reponse = new ACLMessage(ACLPerformative.NOT_UNDERSTOOD); string contentRep = ""; contentRep += content; reponse.Content = contentRep; reponse.Receivers.Add(msg.Sender); agt.send(reponse); } }
protected void manageQueryRef(ACLMessage msg) { string content = msg.Content; FIPASLParserResult result = parseFipaSLExpression(content); Dictionary<string, Agent> agents = VRApplication.Instance.AgentPlateform.Agents; if (result.isIota) { FIPAIota iota = result.iota; if (iota.predicate == "slot") { string fml; string res = getSlot(iota.paramName); MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("IOTA : " + iota.predicate + " " + iota.result + " == " + res); if (res != "") { // give the intention ACLMessage aclMsg = new ACLMessage(ACLPerformative.INFORM); aclMsg.Sender = ((Agent)Host).Aid; aclMsg.Receivers.Add(msg.Sender); aclMsg.Content = "((= (iota ?" + iota.paramName[0] + " (" + iota.predicate + " ?" + iota.paramName[1] + " ?" + iota.paramName[2] + ")) " + res + "))"; aclMsg.ConversationID = msg.ConversationID; ((Agent)Host).send(aclMsg); MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("Inform message: " + aclMsg.Content); //bilal 19-10-15 fml = "<FML><Performative>Inform</Performative><Receivers><Receiver>" + msg.Sender + "</Receiver></Receivers><Content>" +/* "the " + iota.paramName[1] + " of " + iota.paramName[2] + "is" +*/ res + "</Content><Emotion>Neutral</Emotion><Ressources><Ressource>" + "" + "</Ressource></Ressources></FML>"; } //bilal 19-10-15 else fml = "<FML><Performative>Inform</Performative><Receivers><Receiver>" + msg.Sender + "</Receiver></Receivers><Content>" + "I don't know" + /*" the value of the " + iota.paramName[1] + " of " + iota.paramName[2] +*/ "</Content><Emotion>Neutral</Emotion><Ressources><Ressource>" + "" + "</Ressource></Ressources></FML>"; if (fml != null) ((EmbodiedAgent)(Host)).addIntention(fml); //bilal 19-10-15 } } }
public override bool sendDistantMessage(AID aid, ACLMessage msg) { return(true); }
public void sendActionDoneMessage(ActionNode action, ProcedureExecution procInfo) { Agent agt = (Agent)(this.Host); ACLMessage procMsg = new ACLMessage(ACLPerformative.INFORM); //we inform at wich time the action finished TimeExpression timestamp = action.CurrentExecution.Finish; procMsg.Timestamp = timestamp; //set ACLMessage content string content = "((done (action "; content +=; content += " "; content += "(" + clean( + ")"; content += ")))"; procMsg.Content = content; //MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log(content); //send message to other agents List<AID> agents = procInfo.getOtherAgents(); for (int iA = 0; iA < agents.Count; iA++) { procMsg.Receivers.Add(agents[iA]); } agt.send(procMsg); }
public void send(ACLMessage message) { messagesSent.Add(message); }
//non implémentée pour le moment public void sendMessage(ACLMessage message) { List<AID> receivers = message.Receivers; for (int i = 0; i < receivers.Count; i++) { if (receivers[i].PlateformName == "localhost") receivers[i].PlateformName =; if (isLocalAgent(receivers[i])) { if (this.Agents.ContainsKey(receivers[i].toString())) { Agent receiver = this.Agents[receivers[i].toString()]; receiver.postMessage(message); receiver.wakeup(); } } } }
public override void manageRequest(HttpRequest req) { string procName = req.parameters["alias"]; string orgName = req.parameters["org"]; req.response.write("<html>"); req.response.write("<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\">"); req.response.write("<body>"); OrganisationalEntity org = null; List<OrganisationalEntity> orgs = MascaretApplication.Instance.AgentPlateform.Organisations; bool found = false; int i = 0; while (!found && i < orgs.Count) { if (orgs[i].name == orgName) found = true; else i++; } if (found) org = orgs[i]; OrganisationalStructure struc = org.Structure; List<Procedure> procs = struc.Procedures; Procedure proc = null; found = false; i = 0; while (!found && i < procs.Count) { if (procs[i].name == procName) found = true; else i++; } if (found) proc = procs[i]; Environment env = MascaretApplication.Instance.getEnvironment(); List<Parameter> parameters = new List<Parameter>(); List<ActivityNode> nodes = proc.Activity.Nodes; for (int iNode = 0; iNode < nodes.Count; iNode++) { if (nodes[iNode].Kind == "parameter") parameters.Add(((ActivityParameterNode)(nodes[iNode])).Parameter); } string paramString = ""; Dictionary<string, ValueSpecification> param = new Dictionary<string, ValueSpecification>(); for (int iParam = 0; iParam < parameters.Count; iParam++) { string strVal = req.parameters[parameters[iParam].name]; strVal.Replace("+", " "); //Debug.Log (strVal); param.Add(parameters[iParam].name, parameters[iParam].Type.createValueFromString(strVal)); paramString += " :" + parameters[iParam].name + " " + strVal; } List<RoleAssignement> assignements = org.RoleAssignement; for (int iA = 0; iA < assignements.Count; iA++) { ACLMessage procMsg = new ACLMessage(ACLPerformative.REQUEST); procMsg.Receivers.Add(assignements[iA].Agent); AID agentAID = MascaretApplication.Instance.Agent.Aid; procMsg.Sender = agentAID; string content = "((action "; content += assignements[iA]; content += " "; content += "(" +; content += paramString; content += ")))"; procMsg.Content = content; MascaretApplication.Instance.AgentPlateform.sendMessage(procMsg); if ( == assignements[iA] { req.response.write("<H2>Vous jouez le role "); req.response.write(assignements[iA]; req.response.write("</H2>"); req.response.write("<H3>Vous pouvez faire les actions suivantes : </H3>"); req.response.write("<ul>"); Activity act = proc.Activity; List<ActivityPartition> partitions = act.Partitions; for (int iPart = 0; iPart < partitions.Count; iPart++) { if (partitions[iPart].name == assignements[iA] { nodes = partitions[iPart].Node; for (int iNode = 0; iNode < nodes.Count; iNode++) { if (nodes[iNode].Kind == "action") { req.response.write("<li>"); req.response.write("<a href=\"Actions?alias="); req.response.write(nodes[iNode].name); req.response.write("&org="); req.response.write(; req.response.write("&role="); req.response.write(assignements[iA]; req.response.write("&proc="); req.response.write(; req.response.write("\" target = \"Body\">"); req.response.write(nodes[iNode].name); req.response.write("</a></li>"); } } } } req.response.write("</ul>"); } } req.response.write("</body>"); req.response.write("</html>"); }
public void send(ACLMessage message) { message.Sender = this.aid; this.plateform.sendMessage(message); this.mailbox.send(message); }
public override void manageRequest(HttpRequest req) { string id = req.parameters["alias"]; Environment env = MascaretApplication.Instance.getEnvironment(); if (!env.InstanceSpecifications.ContainsKey(id)) { req.response.write("<html>"); req.response.write("<body>"); req.response.write("Can't find entity: " + id); req.response.write("</body>"); req.response.write("</html>"); return; } InstanceSpecification entity = env.InstanceSpecifications[id]; VirtualHuman human = null; try { human = (VirtualHuman)(entity); } catch (InvalidCastException e) { req.response.write("<html>"); req.response.write("<body>"); req.response.write("Entity: " + id + " is not an agent"); req.response.write("</body>"); req.response.write("</html>"); return; } req.response.write("<html>"); req.response.write("<body>"); req.response.write("<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Refresh\" CONTENT=\"30\">"); req.response.write("<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\">"); req.response.write("<link href=\"doxygen.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\">"); req.response.write("<link href=\"tabs.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\">"); req.response.write("<H2>Description</H2>"); req.response.write("<ul>"); req.response.write("<li>"); req.response.write(; req.response.write("</li>"); req.response.write("<li>"); req.response.write(human.getFullName()); req.response.write("</li>"); req.response.write("<li>"); req.response.write(human.Description); req.response.write("</li>"); req.response.write("<li>"); req.response.write(" <a href=\"Class?alias="); req.response.write(; req.response.write("\" target = \"Body\">"); req.response.write("</a>"); req.response.write("</li>"); req.response.write("</ul>"); string setControlled = req.parameters["setControlled"]; if (setControlled == "true") { human.ControlledByHuman = true; } else if (setControlled == "false") { human.ControlledByHuman = false; } req.response.write("<HR>"); req.response.write("<H2>Toggle controlled by human</H2>"); req.response.write("<FORM METHOD=POST action=\"Agent?alias=" + id + "\">"); req.response.write("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"alias\" value=\"" + id + "\" />"); if (human.ControlledByHuman) { req.response.write("<font color=\"darkred\">This agent is currently controlled. (will not follow procedure automatically)</font><br />"); req.response.write("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"setControlled\" value=\"false\" />"); req.response.write("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"control\" value=\"Release control of this agent\" />"); } else { req.response.write("<font color=\"darkgreen\">This agent is currently automatic. (will automatically follow procedures)</font><br />"); req.response.write("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"setControlled\" value=\"true\" />"); req.response.write("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"control\" value=\"Take control of this agent\" />"); } req.response.write("</FORM>"); req.response.write("<HR>"); req.response.write("<H2>Knowledge base</H2>"); KnowledgeBase kb = human.KnowledgeBase; if (kb != null) { req.response.write(" <a href=\"KnowledgeBase?alias="); req.response.write(; req.response.write("\" target = \"_blank\">"); req.response.write(; req.response.write("</a>"); } req.response.write("<HR>"); req.response.write("<H2>Parler</H2>"); req.response.write("<FORM METHOD=GET action=\"speak\">"); req.response.write("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"alias\" value=\""); req.response.write(id); req.response.write("\" />"); req.response.write("Texte : \t <INPUT name=\"text\">"); req.response.write("<INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" VALUE=\"Dire\">"); req.response.write("</FORM>"); req.response.write("<HR>"); req.response.write("<H2>Attributs</H2>"); req.response.write("<FORM METHOD=GET action=\"changeAttributes\">"); req.response.write("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"alias\" value=\""); req.response.write(id); req.response.write("\" />"); req.response.write("<ul>"); Dictionary <string, Slot> attributes = human.Slots; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Slot> attr in attributes) { req.response.write("<li>"); req.response.write(attr.Key); req.response.write(" = "); //string value = it->second->getValue().getStringFromValue(); string value = ""; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ValueSpecification> val in attr.Value.Values) { value += "'" + val.Value.getStringFromValue() + "' "; } req.response.write(value); req.response.write("</li>"); } req.response.write("</ul>"); req.response.write("<INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" VALUE=\"Modifier\">"); req.response.write("</FORM>"); //req.response.flushBuffer(); req.response.write("<HR>"); req.response.write("<H2>Operations</H2>"); req.response.write("<ul>"); Class classifier = human.Classifier; Dictionary <string, Operation> operations = classifier.Operations; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Operation> operation in operations) { req.response.write("<li>"); req.response.write(" <a href=\"Operation?alias="); req.response.write(; req.response.write("&oper="); req.response.write(operation.Key); req.response.write("\" target = \"Body\">"); req.response.write(operation.Key); req.response.write("</a>"); req.response.write("</li>"); } req.response.write("</ul>"); //req.response.flushBuffer(); req.response.write("<HR>"); req.response.write("<H2>Signaux</H2>"); req.response.write("<ul>"); Dictionary <string, Behavior> behaviors = classifier.OwnedBehavior; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Behavior> behavior in behaviors) { StateMachine stateMachine = (StateMachine)(behavior.Value); Region region = stateMachine.Region[0]; if (region != null) { List <Transition> transitions = region.Transitions; for (int iTrans = 0; iTrans < transitions.Count; iTrans++) { List <Trigger> triggers = transitions[iTrans].Trigger; for (int iTrig = 0; iTrig < triggers.Count; iTrig++) { MascaretEvent evt = triggers[iTrig].MEvent; if (evt != null) { if (evt.Type == "SignalEvent") { SignalEvent signalEvent = (SignalEvent)(evt); req.response.write("<li>"); req.response.write(" <a href=\"Signal?alias="); req.response.write(; req.response.write("&signal="); req.response.write(((SignalEvent)(evt)); req.response.write("\" target = \"Body\">"); req.response.write(((SignalEvent)(evt)); req.response.write("</a>"); req.response.write("</li>"); } } } } } } req.response.write("</ul>"); req.response.write("</ul>"); req.response.write("<HR>"); req.response.write("<H2>Messages</H2>"); req.response.write(" AID : "); req.response.write(human.Aid.toString()); req.response.write("<H3>"); req.response.write(" <a href=\"createMessage?alias="); req.response.write(; req.response.write("\" target = \"Body\">"); req.response.write("Envoyer un message"); req.response.write("</a>"); req.response.write("</H3>"); req.response.write("<H3>Non lus</H3>"); List <ACLMessage> nl = human.Mailbox.MessagesQueue; req.response.write("<TABLE BORDER=1>"); req.response.write("<TR>"); req.response.write("<TD>De </TD>"); req.response.write("<TD>Performative </TD>"); req.response.write("<TD>Contenu </TD>"); req.response.write("</TR>"); for (int inl = 0; inl < nl.Count; inl++) { ACLMessage msg = nl[inl]; //nl.erase(nl.begin()); req.response.write("<TR>"); req.response.write("<TD>"); req.response.write(msg.Sender.toString()); req.response.write("</TD>"); req.response.write("<TD>"); req.response.write(msg.getPerformativeText()); req.response.write("</TD>"); req.response.write("<TD>"); req.response.write(msg.Content); req.response.write("</TD>"); req.response.write("</TR>"); } req.response.write("</TABLE>"); req.response.write("<H3>Lus</H3>"); List <ACLMessage> l = human.Mailbox.MessagesChecked; req.response.write("<TABLE BORDER=1>"); req.response.write("<TR>"); req.response.write("<TD>De </TD>"); req.response.write("<TD>Performative </TD>"); req.response.write("<TD>Contenu </TD>"); req.response.write("</TR>"); for (int il = 0; il < l.Count; il++) { ACLMessage msg = l[il]; req.response.write("<TR>"); req.response.write("<TD>"); req.response.write(msg.Sender.toString()); req.response.write("</TD>"); req.response.write("<TD>"); req.response.write(msg.getPerformativeText()); req.response.write("</TD>"); req.response.write("<TD>"); req.response.write(msg.Content); req.response.write("</TD>"); req.response.write("</TR>"); } req.response.write("</TABLE>"); req.response.write("<H3>Envoyes</H3>"); List <ACLMessage> me = human.Mailbox.MessagesSent; req.response.write("<TABLE BORDER=1>"); req.response.write("<TR>"); req.response.write("<TD>A </TD>"); req.response.write("<TD>Performative </TD>"); req.response.write("<TD>Contenu </TD>"); req.response.write("</TR>"); for (int ie = 0; ie < me.Count; ie++) { ACLMessage msg = me[ie]; req.response.write("<TR>"); req.response.write("<TD>"); List <AID> receivers = msg.Receivers; for (int ir = 0; ir < receivers.Count; ir++) { req.response.write(receivers[ir].toString()); } req.response.write("</TD>"); req.response.write("<TD>"); req.response.write(msg.getPerformativeText()); req.response.write("</TD>"); req.response.write("<TD>"); req.response.write(msg.Content); req.response.write("</TD>"); req.response.write("</TR>"); } }
protected void manageQueryRef(ACLMessage msg) { }
public abstract bool sendDistantMessage(AID aid, ACLMessage msg);
protected void manageRequest(ACLMessage msg) { Agent agt = (Agent)(this.Host); string content = msg.Content; System.Console.WriteLine(content); if (content == "Model") sendModel(msg); else if (content == "Organisation") sendOrganisation(msg); else if (content == "Actions") sendActions(msg); else if (content == "Entities") sendEntities(msg); // Renvoi les attributs et etats de chaque entités appartenant a la procedure et abonne aux messages de modifications d'attributs else { string[] words = content.Split(' '); if (words[0] == "STOP") { //string procName = words[1]; //ProceduralBehavior be=(ProceduralBehavior)(agt.getBehaviorExecutingByName("ProceduralBehavior")); /*if (procName =="ALL") if (be) be.stopstopAll(); else if (be) be.stop(procName); */ } else manageRequestAction(msg); } }
protected void manageRequestAction(ACLMessage msg) { Agent agt = (Agent)(this.Host); string content = msg.Content; FIPASLParserResult result = parseFipaSLExpression(content); if (result.success) { if (result.isAction) { bool done = false; AgentBehavior behavior = agt.getBehaviorByBame(result.action.actionName); if (behavior != null) { Dictionary<string, ValueSpecification> parameters = new Dictionary<string, ValueSpecification>(); if (result.action.paramName.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < result.action.paramName.Count; i++) { LiteralString stringValue = new LiteralString(result.action.paramValue[i]); parameters.Add(result.action.paramName[i], (ValueSpecification)(stringValue)); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < result.action.paramName.Count; i++) { LiteralString stringValue = new LiteralString(result.action.paramValue[i]); parameters.Add("param" + i + '0', (ValueSpecification)(stringValue)); } } BehaviorScheduler.Instance.executeBehavior(behavior, agt, parameters, false); ACLMessage reponse = new ACLMessage(ACLPerformative.AGREE); reponse.Content = msg.Content; reponse.Receivers.Add(msg.Sender); agt.send(reponse); done = true; } Class classifier = agt.Classifier; Operation operation = null; if (classifier != null && classifier.Operations.ContainsKey(result.action.actionName)) { operation = classifier.Operations[result.action.actionName]; //System.Console.WriteLine("Operation:" + operation.getFullName()); } if (operation != null) { Dictionary<string, ValueSpecification> param = new Dictionary<string, ValueSpecification>(); List<Parameter> parameters = operation.Parameters; List<string> paramValue = result.action.paramValue; List<string> paramName = result.action.paramName; if (parameters.Count == paramValue.Count) { for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Count; i++) { // Pour tous les parametres issus de l'operation string parameterName = parameters[i].name; // Cherche l'indice de ce parameter dans paramsName int indice = 0; bool found = false; while (!found && indice < paramName.Count) { if (paramName[indice] == parameterName) { found = true; } else { indice++; } } if (found) { string strVal = paramValue[indice]; System.Console.Write("Type : " + parameters[i].Type.getFullName()); System.Console.Write(" - Name: " + parameters[i].name); System.Console.WriteLine(" - Value: " + strVal); string typeName = parameters[i].Type.getFullName(); if (typeName == "boolean" || typeName == "integer" || typeName == "real" || typeName == "string") param.Add(parameters[i].name, parameters[i].Type.createValueFromString(strVal.ToLower())); else { try { InstanceSpecification inst = MascaretApplication.Instance.getEnvironment().getInstance(strVal.ToLower()); param.Add(parameters[i].name, new InstanceValue(inst)); } catch (NullReferenceException) { } } } } //BehaviorScheduler.Instance.executeBehavior(operation.Method, agt, param, false); /* List<ActionNode> possibleTranslation = _translateOperationToActions(operation); shared_ptr<AgentBehaviorExecution> abe = agt->getBehaviorExecutionByName("ProceduralBehavior"); //hasslich... ja... shared_ptr<ProceduralBehavior> pbe = shared_dynamic_cast<ProceduralBehavior> (abe); if (possibleTranslation.size() && pbe) { //add actionNode in ProceduralBehavior pbe->pushActionToDo(possibleTranslation[0]); } else { //call method */ BehaviorExecution be = BehaviorScheduler.Instance.executeBehavior(operation.Method, agt, param, false); /* if (be != null) { be.addCallbackOnBehaviorStop(bind(&SimpleCommunicationBehavior::_onBehaviorStop,this,_1)); _requestedAction[be->getSpecification()->getName()].push_back(msg->getSender()); }*/ // } ACLMessage reponse = new ACLMessage(ACLPerformative.AGREE); reponse.Content = msg.Content; System.Console.WriteLine("Content-Sent: " + reponse.Content); reponse.Receivers.Add(msg.Sender); agt.send(reponse); } else { ACLMessage reponse = new ACLMessage(ACLPerformative.NOT_UNDERSTOOD); string contentRep = ""; contentRep += content; reponse.Content = contentRep; reponse.Receivers.Add(msg.Sender); agt.send(reponse); } } else { string procName = result.action.actionName; bool found = false; OrganisationalEntity askedOrg = null; Procedure askedProc = null; Role askedRole = null; List<OrganisationalEntity> orgs = agt.Plateform.Organisations; for (int iOrg = 0; iOrg < orgs.Count; iOrg++) { List<RoleAssignement> assigns = orgs[iOrg].RoleAssignement; for (int iAss = 0; iAss < assigns.Count; iAss++) { if (assigns[iAss].Agent.toString() == agt.Aid.toString()) { OrganisationalStructure os = orgs[iOrg].Structure; List<Procedure> procs = os.Procedures; for (int iP = 0; iP < procs.Count; iP++) { System.Console.WriteLine(procName + " / " + procs[iP].name); if (procs[iP].name == procName) { askedProc = procs[iP]; askedOrg = orgs[iOrg]; askedRole = assigns[iAss].Role; found = true; } } } } } if (found) { ACLMessage reponse = new ACLMessage(ACLPerformative.AGREE); reponse.Content = msg.Content; reponse.Receivers.Add(msg.Sender); agt.send(reponse); // Recherche du comportement procedural // UGGLY //System.Console.WriteLine("1"); AgentBehaviorExecution pbehavior = agt.getBehaviorExecutingByName("ProceduralBehavior"); //AgentBehaviorExecution> behavior2 = agt->getBehaviorExecutionByName("ActionListenerBehavior"); //System.Console.WriteLine("2"); if (pbehavior != null) { ProceduralBehavior procBehave = (ProceduralBehavior)(pbehavior); Dictionary<string, ValueSpecification> procParams = new Dictionary<string, ValueSpecification>(); for (int i = 0; i < result.action.paramName.Count; i++) { LiteralString stringValue = new LiteralString(result.action.paramValue[i]); procParams.Add(result.action.paramName[i], stringValue); } //System.Console.WriteLine("3"); Activity act = askedProc.Activity; //List<ActivityNode> nodes = act.Nodes; procBehave.pushProcedureToDo(askedProc, askedOrg, askedRole, procParams); //procBehave.restart(); ACLMessage reponse2 = new ACLMessage(ACLPerformative.AGREE); reponse2.Content = msg.Content; reponse2.Receivers.Add(msg.Sender); agt.send(reponse2); } /* else if (behavior2) { shared_ptr<ActionListenerBehavior> procBehave = shared_dynamic_cast<ActionListenerBehavior> (behavior2); procBehave->pushProcedureToDo(askedProc, askedOrg, askedRole, Parameters()); procBehave->restart(); shared_ptr<ACLMessage> reponse = make_shared<ACLMessage>(AGREE); reponse->setContent(msg->getContent()); reponse->addReceiver(msg->getSender()); agt->send(reponse); }*/ else { if (!done) { ACLMessage reponse3 = new ACLMessage(ACLPerformative.NOT_UNDERSTOOD); string contentRep = ""; contentRep += result.action.actionName; reponse3.Content = contentRep; reponse3.Receivers.Add(msg.Sender); agt.send(reponse3); } } } else { if (!done) { ACLMessage reponse = new ACLMessage(ACLPerformative.NOT_UNDERSTOOD); string contentRep = ""; contentRep += result.action.actionName; reponse.Content = contentRep; reponse.Receivers.Add(msg.Sender); agt.send(reponse); } } } } else { // Proposition Non encore traite.... } } else { System.Console.WriteLine("[SimpleCommunicationBehavior Warning] Parsing error. Message content parsing error: " + content); ACLMessage reponse = new ACLMessage(ACLPerformative.NOT_UNDERSTOOD); string contentRep = ""; contentRep += content; reponse.Content = contentRep; reponse.Receivers.Add(msg.Sender); agt.send(reponse); } }
public override bool sendDistantMessage(AID aid, ACLMessage msg) { return true; }