public void SizeUpdater_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
     Location = new Point(-8, -31);
     if (open)
         RECT size = new RECT();
         InGameUser32.GetWindowRect(Data.mcWindow, ref size);
         Size = new Size(
             (size.Right - size.Left),
             (size.Bottom - size.Top));
         Size = new Size(0, 0);
        Bitmap GetMCWindowImage()
            IntPtr processId = Data.mcWindow;
            IntPtr src       = InGameUser32.GetWindowDC(processId);

            RECT rct = new RECT();

            InGameUser32.GetWindowRect(processId, ref rct);

            int w, h;

            w = rct.Right - rct.Left;
            h = rct.Bottom - rct.Top;

            IntPtr destPtr = InGameGdi32.CreateCompatibleDC(src);
            IntPtr bmPtr   = InGameGdi32.CreateCompatibleBitmap(src, w, h);
            IntPtr oldW    = InGameGdi32.SelectObject(destPtr, bmPtr);

            InGameGdi32.BitBlt(destPtr, 0, 0, w, h, src, 0, 0, 13369376 /*SRCCOPY*/);
            InGameGdi32.SelectObject(destPtr, oldW);
            InGameUser32.ReleaseDC(processId, src);

            Bitmap temp = Image.FromHbitmap(bmPtr);


            var gb  = new GaussianBlur(temp);
            var res = gb.Process(5, darken);

            /* If you're an internet user looking through the src for MarsClient, I guess I should explain why I'm
             * calling GC.Collect(). You should never call this function unless you think you know better than the
             * Auto-GC, which in most cases you don't, but here the GaussianBlur object takes up about 4x-5x the
             * memory of a typical Bitmap object which, if not IMMEDIATELY collected will cause a crash on worse
             * systems. Therefore in this specific case it IS valid to call GC.Collect() on the GaussianBlur object. */
            gb = null;
