private void TestParseParentListArgumentException(String props, int offset) { try { HmdParser.ParseParentList(props, ref offset); Assert.Fail("Expected an ArgumentException, but didn't get one"); } catch (ArgumentException e) { Console.WriteLine("Expected Exception: \"{0}\"", e.Message); } }
private void TestParseParentList(String props, int offset, params String[] expectedParents) { int parentLength = expectedParents.Length; HmdParentReference[] actualParents = HmdParser.ParseParentList(props, ref offset); Assert.AreEqual(actualParents.Length, parentLength); Boolean [] actualParentalreadyMatchd = new Boolean[parentLength]; int lowestNonMatchedParent = 0; for (int i = 0; i < parentLength; i++) { Boolean expectedParentFound = false; for (int j = lowestNonMatchedParent; j < parentLength; j++) { if (actualParents[j].IDLowerCase.Equals(expectedParents[i], StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { if (actualParentalreadyMatchd[j]) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Found the same parent twice...what??"); } actualParentalreadyMatchd[j] = true; if (j == lowestNonMatchedParent) { lowestNonMatchedParent++; while (lowestNonMatchedParent < parentLength && actualParentalreadyMatchd[lowestNonMatchedParent]) { lowestNonMatchedParent++; } } expectedParentFound = true; break; } } if (!expectedParentFound) { Assert.Fail(String.Format("The expected parent \"{0}\" was not found in the actual parents", expectedParents[i])); } } }
private static void ParsePropertiesFile(HmdBlockIDProperties propertyBlockRoot, HmdProperties hmdProperties, HmdTokenizer tokenizer, String importPath, Boolean isPImportFile) { TextWriter debugOutput = HmdDebug.DebugOutput; if (debugOutput == null) { debugOutput = TextWriter.Null; } if (propertyBlockRoot == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("propertyBlockRoot"); } // // TODO: What about pimport files? Should they require a %props block? If not, then can they put it anyways? I'll need to add another argument to this argument list // that will say whether or not it is a PImport so it can gracefully end on EOF instead of '}' (close brace) // // // TODO: MAKE SURE YOU DISALLOW SPECIFYING %PROPS VALUE ID in a BLOCK TWICE!!! // // HmdBlockIDProperties currentParent = propertyBlockRoot; Stack <HmdBlockIDProperties> parentStack = new Stack <HmdBlockIDProperties>(); while (true) { HmdGlobalToken token = tokenizer.NextGlobalToken(); // // Check for EOF // if (token.type == HmdGlobalTokenType.EOF) { if (isPImportFile && parentStack.Count <= 0) { return; } else { throw new FormatException("Reached EOF inside a %props block directive"); } } if (token.type == HmdGlobalTokenType.ID) { String idString = token.text; Boolean isBlockID; Boolean isEmptyID = tokenizer.NextIDType(out isBlockID); if (isEmptyID) { // this just means the value ID has all the defaults debugOutput.WriteLine("EmptyProp ID: {0}", idString); HmdValueIDProperties valueIDProperties = new HmdValueIDProperties(idString, hmdProperties.defaultCountProperty, hmdProperties.defaultHmdType, null, currentParent, null); if (!valueIDProperties.DirectParentIsOverriden) { currentParent.AddDirectChildWithNoParentOverrideList(valueIDProperties); } hmdProperties.AddPropertiesFromDefinition(valueIDProperties); } else if (!isBlockID) { debugOutput.WriteLine("ValProp ID: {0}", idString); String nextValue = tokenizer.NextValue(); debugOutput.WriteLine("ValProp : {0}", nextValue); HmdValueIDProperties valueIDProperties = HmdParser.ParseValueProperties(idString, nextValue, currentParent, hmdProperties); if (!valueIDProperties.DirectParentIsOverriden) { currentParent.AddDirectChildWithNoParentOverrideList(valueIDProperties); } hmdProperties.AddPropertiesFromDefinition(valueIDProperties); } else { debugOutput.WriteLine("BlkProp ID: {0}", idString); HmdBlockIDProperties blockIDProperties = new HmdBlockIDProperties(idString, hmdProperties.defaultCountProperty, currentParent); // wait to add this child to the current parent so we know whether or not it's default parent is overriden hmdProperties.AddPropertiesFromDefinition(blockIDProperties); parentStack.Push(currentParent); currentParent = blockIDProperties; } } else if (token.type == HmdGlobalTokenType.Directive) { String directiveID = token.text; Boolean isBlockID; Boolean isEmptyID = tokenizer.NextIDType(out isBlockID); if (isEmptyID) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } else if (!isBlockID) { // // TODO: Props Blocks should not allow %import directives, they should only allow %pimport directives // if (token.text.Equals("import", StringComparison.CurrentCulture)) { throw new FormatException("%import directive not allowed inside a %prop block"); } else if (token.text.Equals("pimport", StringComparison.CurrentCulture)) { String nextValue = tokenizer.NextValue(); debugOutput.WriteLine("%PImport : {0}", nextValue); String importFileAndPathName = Path.Combine(importPath, nextValue); using (FileStream importStream = new FileStream(importFileAndPathName, FileMode.Open)) { debugOutput.WriteLine("File Start: {0}", importFileAndPathName); ParsePropertiesFile(currentParent, hmdProperties, new HmdTokenizer(new StreamReader(importStream), 1), importPath, false); debugOutput.WriteLine("File End : {0}", importFileAndPathName); } } else if (token.text.Equals("enum", StringComparison.CurrentCulture)) { String nextValue = tokenizer.NextValue(); debugOutput.WriteLine("%Enum : {0}", nextValue); hmdProperties.AddEnum(new HmdEnum(nextValue)); } else if (token.text.Equals("props", StringComparison.CurrentCulture)) { if (parentStack.Count <= 0) { throw new FormatException("You can't specify a %props value on the root"); } String nextValue = tokenizer.NextValue(); debugOutput.WriteLine("%Props : {0}", nextValue); HmdParser.ParseAndOverrideBlockProperties(currentParent, nextValue); } else { throw new Exception(String.Format("Parser (line {0}): Unrecognized value directive \"{1}\"", token.line, token.text)); } } else { if (token.text.Equals("props", StringComparison.CurrentCulture)) { throw new FormatException("Right now this is just weird, why do you have a %props block inside a props block (Maybe I'll let this slide later)?"); debugOutput.WriteLine("Block ID : %props Directive"); if (hmdProperties == null) { debugOutput.WriteLine("Not Parsing %props Directive Block ID..."); throw new NotImplementedException("Haven't implemented the feature to parse without doing the props block"); } else { ParsePropertiesFile(hmdProperties.root, hmdProperties, tokenizer, importPath, false); } } else if (token.text.Equals("group", StringComparison.CurrentCulture)) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } else { throw new Exception(String.Format("Parser (line {0}): Unrecognized block directive \"{1}\"", token.line, token.text)); } } } else if (token.type == HmdGlobalTokenType.CloseBrace) { if (parentStack.Count <= 0) { debugOutput.WriteLine("%Props End:"); return; } debugOutput.WriteLine("Block End : {0}", currentParent.idOriginalCase); HmdBlockIDProperties temp = currentParent; currentParent = parentStack.Pop(); if (!temp.DirectParentIsOverriden) { currentParent.AddDirectChildWithNoParentOverrideList(temp); } } else { throw new FormatException(String.Format("Parser (line {0}): Unexpected token {1}", token.line, token)); } } }
private static HmdValueIDProperties CallParserWithDefaults(String propertyString, HmdProperties hmdProperties) { return(HmdParser.ParseValueProperties(String.Empty, propertyString, hmdProperties.root, hmdProperties)); }