public static MarkdownDeep.Markdown CreateRenderer() { var result = new MarkdownDeep.Markdown {SafeMode = true, ExtraMode = true}; result.FormatCodeBlock += FormatCodeBlock; return result; }
public static string ResolveMarkdown(this string content, IDocsOutput output, string currentSlug) { // var md = new Markdown { AutoHeadingIDs = true, ExtraMode = true, NoFollowLinks = false, SafeMode = false, HtmlClassTitledImages = "figure", UrlRootLocation = output.RootUrl, }; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(output.RootUrl)) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(currentSlug) && !currentSlug.Equals("index")) md.UrlBaseLocation = output.RootUrl + "/" + currentSlug.Replace('\\', '/'); else md.UrlBaseLocation = output.RootUrl; } ////if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(output.ImagesPath)) // md.QualifyUrl = delegate(string image) { return output.ImagesPath + "/" + image; }; md.PrepareImage = (tag, titledImage) => PrepareImage(output.ImagesPath, tag); return md.Transform(content); }
public static string Markdown(string text) { if (text == null) return ""; var md = new Markdown(); return md.Transform(text.Trim()); }
private Negotiator GetDocument(IDocumentFolder documentFolder, string path) { var markdown = documentFolder.ReadAllText(path); var converter = new Markdown(); var html = converter.Transform(markdown); return View["Index", new { Title = path, Content = html }]; }
public static string FormatCodePrettyPrint(Markdown m, string code) { var match = rxExtractLanguage.Match(code); string language = null; if (match.Success) { // Save the language var g=(Group)match.Groups[2]; language = g.ToString(); // Remove the first line code = code.Substring(match.Groups[1].Length); } if (language == null) { var d = m.GetLinkDefinition("default_syntax"); if (d!=null) language = d.title; } if (language == "C#") language = "csharp"; if (language == "C++") language = "cpp"; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(language)) return string.Format("<pre><code>{0}</code></pre>\n", code); else return string.Format("<pre class=\"prettyprint lang-{0}\"><code>{1}</code></pre>\n", language.ToLowerInvariant(), code); }
public static IHtmlString CompiledContent(this IDynamicContent contentItem, bool trustContent = false) { if (contentItem == null) return NonEncodedHtmlString.Empty; switch (contentItem.ContentType) { case DynamicContentType.Markdown: var md = new Markdown { AutoHeadingIDs = true, ExtraMode = true, NoFollowLinks = !trustContent, SafeMode = false, NewWindowForExternalLinks = true, }; var contents = contentItem.Content; // TODO contents = CodeBlockFinder.Replace(contents, match => GenerateCodeBlock(match.Groups[1].Value.Trim(), match.Groups[2].Value)); contents = md.Transform(contents); return new NonEncodedHtmlString(contents); case DynamicContentType.Html: return trustContent ? new NonEncodedHtmlString(contentItem.Content) : NonEncodedHtmlString.Empty; } return NonEncodedHtmlString.Empty; }
public static MvcHtmlString CompiledContent(this IDynamicContent contentItem, bool trustContent) { if (contentItem == null) return MvcHtmlString.Empty; switch (contentItem.ContentType) { case DynamicContentType.Markdown: var md = new Markdown { AutoHeadingIDs = true, ExtraMode = true, NoFollowLinks = !trustContent, SafeMode = false, NewWindowForExternalLinks = true, }; var contents = contentItem.Body; contents = CodeBlockFinder.Replace(contents, match => GenerateCodeBlock(match.Groups[1].Value.Trim(), match.Groups[2].Value)); try { contents = md.Transform(contents); } catch (Exception) { contents = string.Format("<pre>{0}</pre>", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(contents)); } return MvcHtmlString.Create(contents); case DynamicContentType.Html: return trustContent ? MvcHtmlString.Create(contentItem.Body) : MvcHtmlString.Empty; } return MvcHtmlString.Empty; }
public ActionResult Show(string page) { if (page == "" || page == null) page = "README"; string path = string.Concat(HttpContext.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath, "\\Docs\\", page, ".md"); string contents; try { using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(path)) { Markdown md = new Markdown(); contents = md.Transform(sr.ReadToEnd()); } ViewBag.ConvertedMarkdown = contents; return View(); } catch (Exception ex) { this.Response.StatusCode = 404; ViewBag.ConvertedMarkdown = "File not found."; return View(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Markdown m = new Markdown(); m.SafeMode = false; m.ExtraMode = true; m.AutoHeadingIDs = true; // m.SectionHeader = "<div class=\"header\">{0}</div>\n"; // m.SectionHeadingSuffix = "<div class=\"heading\">{0}</div>\n"; // m.SectionFooter = "<div class=\"footer\">{0}</div>\n\n"; // m.SectionHeader = "\n<div class=\"section_links\"><a href=\"/edit?section={0}\">Edit</a></div>\n"; // m.HtmlClassTitledImages = "figure"; // m.DocumentRoot = "C:\\users\\bradr\\desktop"; // m.DocumentLocation = "C:\\users\\bradr\\desktop\\100D5000"; // m.MaxImageWidth = 500; string markdown=FileContents("input.txt"); string str = m.Transform(markdown); Console.Write(str); var sections = MarkdownDeep.Markdown.SplitSections(markdown); for (int i = 0; i < sections.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine("---- Section {0} ----", i); Console.Write(sections[i]); Console.WriteLine("\n"); } Console.WriteLine("------------------"); }
public StaticContentServiceImpl(string baseLocalPath, Markdown markdownRender, ShopifyLiquidThemeEngine liquidEngine, ICacheManager<object> cacheManager) { _baseLocalPath = baseLocalPath; _markdownRender = markdownRender; _liquidEngine = liquidEngine; _fileSystemWatcher = MonitorContentFileSystemChanges(); _cacheManager = cacheManager; }
public MarkdownProcessor() { _processor = new Markdown { ExtraMode = true, NewWindowForExternalLinks = true }; }
public PostController(IRepository<Post> postRepo) { Posts = postRepo; Markdown = new Markdown() { ExtraMode = true }; }
public DALMunicipiosRepository(string connectionString) { objMarkDown = new Markdown(); objMarkDown.ExtraMode = true; objMarkDown.SafeMode = true; _connectionString = connectionString; }
/// <summary> /// Converts the markdown to HTML. /// </summary> /// <param name="toConvert">The markdown string to convert.</param> /// <param name="destinationDocumentPath">The document path (without the document filename).</param> /// <param name="siteRoot">The site root.</param> /// <param name="sourceDocumentFilename">the filename of the source markdown file</param> /// <param name="createdAnchorCollector">The created anchor collector, for ToC sublinks for H2 headers.</param> /// <param name="convertLocalLinks">if set to <c>true</c>, convert local links to md files to target files.</param> /// <param name="navigationContext">The navigation context.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static string ConvertMarkdownToHtml(string toConvert, string destinationDocumentPath, string siteRoot, string sourceDocumentFilename, List <Heading> createdAnchorCollector, bool convertLocalLinks, NavigationContext navigationContext) { var localLinkProcessor = new Func <string, string>(s => { var result = s; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(result)) { switch (navigationContext.PathSpecification) { case PathSpecification.Full: break; case PathSpecification.Relative: break; case PathSpecification.RelativeAsFolder: // Step 1: we need to move up 1 additional folder (get out of current subfolder) var relativeAsFolderIndex = result.StartsWith("./") ? 2 : 0; result = result.Insert(relativeAsFolderIndex, "../"); // Step 2: we need an additional layer to go into (filename is now a folder) result = ResolveTargetURL(result, false, navigationContext); // Step 3: get the final url result = result.GetFinalTargetUrl(navigationContext); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(navigationContext.PathSpecification), navigationContext.PathSpecification, null); } } return(result); }); var parser = new MarkdownDeep.Markdown { ExtraMode = true, GitHubCodeBlocks = true, AutoHeadingIDs = true, NewWindowForExternalLinks = true, DocNetMode = true, ConvertLocalLinks = convertLocalLinks, LocalLinkProcessor = localLinkProcessor, DestinationDocumentLocation = destinationDocumentPath, DocumentRoot = siteRoot, SourceDocumentFilename = sourceDocumentFilename, HtmlClassTitledImages = "figure", }; var toReturn = parser.Transform(toConvert); createdAnchorCollector.AddRange(parser.Headings.ConvertToHierarchy()); return(toReturn); }
public API_MarkdownSharp(string text) { AfterTransform = new List<Action>(); Text = text; Markdown = new Markdown() { SafeMode = true }; }
/// <summary> /// Transforms a string of Markdown into HTML. /// </summary> /// <param name="text">The Markdown that should be transformed.</param> /// <returns>The HTML representation of the supplied Markdown.</returns> public static IHtmlString Markdown(string text) { // Transform the supplied text (Markdown) into HTML. var markdownTransformer = new Markdown(); var html = markdownTransformer.Transform(text); // Wrap the html in an MvcHtmlString otherwise it'll be HtmlEncoded and displayed to the user as HTML :( return html.ToHtmlString(); }
private void ShowReleaseNotesDialog_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string contents = File.ReadAllText(_path); var md = new Markdown(); _temp = TempFile.WithExtension("htm"); //enhance: will leek a file to temp File.WriteAllText(_temp.Path, md.Transform(contents)); _browser.Url = new Uri(_temp.Path); }
public void Simple() { var markdown = new Markdown { NewWindowForExternalLinks = true }; Console.WriteLine(markdown.Transform("##Header")); Console.WriteLine(markdown.Transform("`<T>`")); Console.WriteLine(markdown.Transform("[a](")); }
private void ShowReleaseNotesDialog_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string contents = File.ReadAllText(_path); var md = new Markdown(); // Disposed of during dialog Dispose() _temp = TempFile.WithExtension("htm"); File.WriteAllText(_temp.Path, GetBasicHtmlFromMarkdown(md.Transform(contents))); _browser.Url = new Uri(_temp.Path); }
private static Markdown GetMarkdownTransformer() { var md = new Markdown(); md.ExtraMode = true; md.SafeMode = true; md.NoFollowLinks = true; md.NewWindowForExternalLinks = true; md.MarkdownInHtml = false; return md; }
public static string Markdown(this string txt) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txt)) return string.Empty; // spaces in urls will not work with MarkdownDeep txt = Regex.Replace(txt, @"\(http(.*)\)", match => match.ToString().Replace(" ", "%20")); // single linebreaks become double linebreaks to conform LeTour markdown var md = new Markdown(); txt = md.Transform(txt); txt = Regex.Replace(txt, @"(?<!(</p>))\n(?!\n)", match => "<br/>"); return txt; }
public void TransformMarkdown() { var markdownEngine = new Markdown { ExtraMode = true, AutoHeadingIDs = true, CodeBlockLanguageAttr = " data-language=\"{0}\"" }; this.Body = markdownEngine.Transform(this.Body); }
public DocumentationViewer() { InitializeComponent(); _markdown = new Markdown(); _markdown.ExtraMode = true; var uri = new Uri("/ECalc.Docs;component/Documentation/template.html", UriKind.Relative); using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(Application.GetResourceStream(uri).Stream)) { _template = sr.ReadToEnd(); } }
public void Render(Document input, Document output) { output.Extension = ".html"; var mark = new Markdown(); //set preferences of your markdown mark.SafeMode = true; mark.ExtraMode = true; string mdtext = input.Text; output.Text = mark.Transform(mdtext); }
public CommentProcessor( [Named("Email")] string email, [Named("SiteName")] string siteName, [Named("BaseUrl")] string baseUrl, string apiKey, [Named("Safe")] Markdown transformer, ISession session) { = email; this.siteName = siteName; this.restUrl = String.Format("http://{0}", apiKey); this.baseUrl = baseUrl; this.transformer = transformer; this.session = session; }
public KnowledgeBase() { string code = Helpers.GlobalHelper.RequestParam("code"); string appDataPath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/assets"); string readFilePath = ""; string input = "Something went wrong"; if (code == "pptpwindows") { readFilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(appDataPath, "knowledgebase", "pptp", ""); input = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(readFilePath); } else if (code == "pptpandroid") { readFilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(appDataPath, "knowledgebase", "pptp", ""); input = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(readFilePath); } else if (code == "pptpubuntu") { readFilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(appDataPath, "knowledgebase", "pptp", ""); input = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(readFilePath); } else if (code == "openvpnubuntu") { readFilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(appDataPath, "knowledgebase", "openvpn", ""); input = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(readFilePath); } else if (code == "openvpnwindows") { readFilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(appDataPath, "knowledgebase", "openvpn", ""); input = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(readFilePath); } else if (code == "openvpnandroid") { readFilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(appDataPath, "knowledgebase", "openvpn", ""); input = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(readFilePath); } var md = new MarkdownDeep.Markdown(); md.ExtraMode = true; md.SafeMode = false; _output = md.Transform(input); }
public override void Render(Context context, StreamReader reader, StreamWriter writer) { var mark = new Markdown(); //set preferences of your markdown mark.SafeMode = true; mark.ExtraMode = true; string mdtext = reader.ReadToEnd(); string htmlmd = mark.Transform(mdtext); writer.Write(htmlmd); }
public static string FormatMessage(String originalMessage, bool processContent = true) { //Test changes to this code against this markdown thread content: // if (processContent && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(originalMessage)) { originalMessage = ContentProcessor.Instance.Process(originalMessage, ProcessingStage.Outbound, null); } var newWindow = false; if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current != null && System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { newWindow = UserHelper.LinksInNewWindow(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name); } var m = new Markdown { PrepareLink = new Func<HtmlTag, bool>(x => { //Remove [Title](javascript:alter('hello')) exploit string href = x.attributes["href"]; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(href)) { //I think it needs the javascript: prefix to work at all but there might be more holes as this is just a simple check. if (href.ToLower().Trim().StartsWith("javascript:")) { x.attributes["href"] = "#"; //add it to the output for verification? x.attributes.Add("data-ScriptStrip", String.Format("/* script detected: {0} */", href)); } } return true; }), ExtraMode = true, SafeMode = true, NewWindowForExternalLinks = newWindow, NewWindowForLocalLinks = newWindow }; try { return m.Transform(originalMessage); } catch (Exception ex) { return "Content contains unsafe or unknown tags."; } }
public KnowledgeBase(string code, string appDataPath) { string readFilePath = ""; string input = "Something went wrong"; if (code == "pptpwindows") { readFilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(appDataPath, "knowledgebase", "pptp", ""); input = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(readFilePath); } else if (code == "pptpandroid") { readFilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(appDataPath, "knowledgebase", "pptp", ""); input = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(readFilePath); } else if (code == "pptpubuntu") { readFilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(appDataPath, "knowledgebase", "pptp", ""); input = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(readFilePath); } else if (code == "openvpnubuntu") { readFilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(appDataPath, "knowledgebase", "openvpn", ""); input = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(readFilePath); } else if (code == "openvpnwindows") { readFilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(appDataPath, "knowledgebase", "openvpn", ""); input = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(readFilePath); } else if (code == "openvpnandroid") { readFilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(appDataPath, "knowledgebase", "openvpn", ""); input = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(readFilePath); } var md = new MarkdownDeep.Markdown(); md.ExtraMode = true; md.SafeMode = false; _output = md.Transform(input); }
public static MvcHtmlString CompiledMarkdownContent(this string str, bool trustContent = false) { if (str == null) return MvcHtmlString.Empty; var md = new Markdown { AutoHeadingIDs = true, ExtraMode = true, NoFollowLinks = !trustContent, SafeMode = false, NewWindowForExternalLinks = true, }; var contents = md.Transform(str); return MvcHtmlString.Create(contents); }
private static string FormatMarkdown(string content) { var md = new Markdown(); string result; try { result = md.Transform(content); } catch (Exception) { result = string.Format("<pre>{0}</pre>", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(content)); } return result; }
static void Main(string[] args) { Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en"); var layout = File.ReadAllText("../layout.html"); layout = layout.Replace("{{description}}", "RedBeanPHP-inspired data access layer for .NET"); layout = layout.Replace("{{updated_on}}", DateTime.Now.ToString("MMM d, yyyy")); var headerIdList = new List<string>(); var body = new Markdown().Transform(PreprocessBody()); body = AddHeaderAnchors(body, headerIdList); layout = layout.Replace("{{body}}", body); ValidateHeaderAnchors(headerIdList, layout); File.WriteAllText("../www/index.html", layout); }
public string DoTransformation() { if (File.Exists(_filePath)) { string text = File.ReadAllText(_filePath); var clean = Regex.Replace(text, MarkdownLogic.RegEx, new MatchEvaluator(match => LinkEvaluator(match, PrefixLinks)), RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace); Markdown md = new Markdown(); string transform = md.Transform(clean); return transform; } return "<h2>Not Found</h2>"; }
static void TestMarkdownDeep() { var result = new Result { Name = "MarkdownDeep" }; var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var warmup = new MarkdownDeep.Markdown { ExtraMode = true, MarkdownInHtml = true, SafeMode = false, }; stopwatch.Stop(); result.WarmUp = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; warmup.Transform(testTexts.First()); stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var markdownify = new MarkdownDeep.Markdown { ExtraMode = true, MarkdownInHtml = true, SafeMode = false, }; stopwatch.Stop(); result.Construction = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); markdownify.Transform(testTexts.First()); stopwatch.Stop(); result.FirstRun = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); foreach (var text in testTexts) { markdownify.Transform(text); } stopwatch.Stop(); result.BulkRun = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; result.Average = GetAverage(stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds); results.Add(result); }
public static string FormatCodePrettyPrint(MarkdownDeep.Markdown m, string code) { code = code.TrimEnd(); // Try to extract the language from the first line var match = rxExtractLanguage.Match(code); string language = null; if (match.Success) { // Save the language var g = match.Groups[2]; language = g.ToString(); // Remove the first line code = code.Substring(match.Groups[1].Length); } // If not specified, look for a link definition called "default_syntax" and // grab the language from its title if (language == null) { var d = m.GetLinkDefinition("default_syntax"); if (d != null) { language = d.title; } } // Common replacements if (language == "C#") { language = "csharp"; } if (language == "C++") { language = "cpp"; } // Wrap code in pre/code tags and add PrettyPrint attributes if necessary if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(language)) { return($"<pre><code>{code}</code></pre>\n"); } return($"<textarea class='code code-sample' data-lang='{language.ToLowerInvariant()}'>{code}</textarea>\n"); }
public ActionResult Edit(GameViewModel gamevm) { Game game = gamevm.Game; if (ModelState.IsValid) { Markdown md = new MarkdownDeep.Markdown(); game.Report = md.Transform(game.ReportMarkdown); gamedao.Update(game); return(RedirectToAction("Details", "Game", new { id = game.Id })); } else { Game g = gamedao.GetById(game.Id); gamevm.Stats = g.Stats.ToList(); gamevm.PlayerStats = g.PlayerStats.ToList(); ViewBag.PeriodsItems = listItems.UnsetPeriods(g.Stats.ToList <GameStats>()); ViewBag.PlayersItems = listItems.UnsetPlayers(g.PlayerStats.ToList <PlayerStats>()); ViewBag.PlaceItems = listItems.Places(); return(View(gamevm)); } }
/// <summary> /// Converts the markdown to HTML. /// </summary> /// <param name="toConvert">The markdown string to convert.</param> /// <param name="destinationDocumentPath">The document path (without the document filename).</param> /// <param name="siteRoot">The site root.</param> /// <param name="sourceDocumentFilename">the filename of the source markdown file</param> /// <param name="createdAnchorCollector">The created anchor collector, for ToC sublinks for H2 headers.</param> /// <param name="convertLocalLinks">if set to <c>true</c>, convert local links to md files to target files.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static string ConvertMarkdownToHtml(string toConvert, string destinationDocumentPath, string siteRoot, string sourceDocumentFilename, List <Heading> createdAnchorCollector, bool convertLocalLinks) { var parser = new MarkdownDeep.Markdown { ExtraMode = true, GitHubCodeBlocks = true, AutoHeadingIDs = true, NewWindowForExternalLinks = true, DocNetMode = true, ConvertLocalLinks = convertLocalLinks, DestinationDocumentLocation = destinationDocumentPath, DocumentRoot = siteRoot, SourceDocumentFilename = sourceDocumentFilename, HtmlClassTitledImages = "figure", }; var toReturn = parser.Transform(toConvert); createdAnchorCollector.AddRange(parser.Headings.ConvertToHierarchy()); return(toReturn); }
internal void RenderLink(Markdown m, StringBuilder b, string link_text, List <string> specialAttributes) { if (this.Url.StartsWith("mailto:")) { b.Append("<a href=\""); Utils.HtmlRandomize(b, this.Url); b.Append('\"'); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Title)) { b.Append(" title=\""); Utils.SmartHtmlEncodeAmpsAndAngles(b, this.Title); b.Append('\"'); } b.Append('>'); Utils.HtmlRandomize(b, link_text); b.Append("</a>"); } else { HtmlTag tag = new HtmlTag("a"); var url = this.Url; if (m.DocNetMode && m.ConvertLocalLinks) { // A few requirements before we can convert local links: // 1. Link contains .md // 2. Link is relative // 3. Link is included in the index var index = url.LastIndexOf(".md", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); if (index >= 0) { var linkProcessor = m.LocalLinkProcessor; if (linkProcessor != null) { url = linkProcessor(url); } else { Uri uri; if (Uri.TryCreate(url, UriKind.Relative, out uri)) { url = String.Concat(url.Substring(0, index), ".htm", url.Substring(index + ".md".Length)); } } } } // encode url StringBuilder sb = m.GetStringBuilder(); Utils.SmartHtmlEncodeAmpsAndAngles(sb, url); tag.attributes["href"] = sb.ToString(); // encode title if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Title)) { sb.Length = 0; Utils.SmartHtmlEncodeAmpsAndAngles(sb, this.Title); tag.attributes["title"] = sb.ToString(); } if (specialAttributes.Any()) { LinkDefinition.HandleSpecialAttributes(specialAttributes, sb, tag); } // Do user processing m.OnPrepareLink(tag); // Render the opening tag tag.RenderOpening(b); b.Append(link_text); // Link text already escaped by SpanFormatter b.Append("</a>"); } }
public void RenderPlain(Markdown m, StringBuilder b, Action <Block, Token, string> customProcess) { if (customProcess != null) { customProcess(this, null, null); } switch (blockType) { case BlockType.Blank: return; case BlockType.p: case BlockType.span: m.SpanFormatter.FormatPlain(b, buf, contentStart, contentLen, customProcess); b.Append(" "); break; case BlockType.h1: case BlockType.h2: case BlockType.h3: case BlockType.h4: case BlockType.h5: case BlockType.h6: m.SpanFormatter.FormatPlain(b, buf, contentStart, contentLen, customProcess); b.Append(" - "); break; case BlockType.ol_li: case BlockType.ul_li: b.Append("* "); m.SpanFormatter.FormatPlain(b, buf, contentStart, contentLen, customProcess); b.Append(" "); break; case BlockType.dd: if (children != null) { b.Append("\n"); RenderChildrenPlain(m, b, customProcess); } else { m.SpanFormatter.FormatPlain(b, buf, contentStart, contentLen, customProcess); } break; case BlockType.dt: { if (children == null) { foreach (var l in Content.Split('\n')) { var str = l.Trim(); m.SpanFormatter.FormatPlain(b, str, 0, str.Length, customProcess); } } else { RenderChildrenPlain(m, b, customProcess); } break; } case BlockType.dl: RenderChildrenPlain(m, b, customProcess); return; case BlockType.codeblock: foreach (var line in children) { b.Append(line.buf, line.contentStart, line.contentLen); b.Append(" "); } return; case BlockType.quote: RenderChildrenPlain(m, b, customProcess); if (customProcess != null) { customProcess(new Block(BlockType.quote_end), null, null); } return; case RenderChildrenPlain(m, b, customProcess); if (customProcess != null) { customProcess(new Block(BlockType.li_end), null, null); } return; case BlockType.ol: RenderChildrenPlain(m, b, customProcess); if (customProcess != null) { customProcess(new Block(BlockType.ol_end), null, null); } return; case BlockType.ul: RenderChildrenPlain(m, b, customProcess); if (customProcess != null) { customProcess(new Block(BlockType.ul_end), null, null); } return; case BlockType.HtmlTag: RenderChildrenPlain(m, b, customProcess); if (customProcess != null) { customProcess(new Block(BlockType.HtmlTag_end), null, null); } return; } }
public void RenderImage(Markdown m, StringBuilder sb) { this.Definition.RenderImg(m, sb, this.LinkText, this.SpecialAttributes); }
// Constructor // A reference to the owning markdown object is passed incase // we need to check for formatting options public SpanFormatter(Markdown m) { m_Markdown = m; }
internal void Render(Markdown m, StringBuilder b) { switch (BlockType) { case BlockType.Blank: return; case BlockType.p: m.SpanFormatter.FormatParagraph(b, Buf, ContentStart, ContentLen); break; case BlockType.span: m.SpanFormatter.Format(b, Buf, ContentStart, ContentLen); b.Append("\n"); break; case BlockType.h1: case BlockType.h2: case BlockType.h3: case BlockType.h4: case BlockType.h5: case BlockType.h6: string id = string.Empty; bool insertPermalink = false; if (m.ExtraMode && !m.SafeMode) { b.Append("<" + BlockType.ToString()); id = ResolveHeaderID(m); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { b.Append(" id=\""); b.Append(id); b.Append("\">"); insertPermalink = true; } else { b.Append(">"); } } else { b.Append("<" + BlockType.ToString() + ">"); } if (m.DocNetMode && BlockType == BlockType.h2 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(id)) { // collect h2 id + text in collector var h2ContentSb = new StringBuilder(); m.SpanFormatter.Format(h2ContentSb, Buf, ContentStart, ContentLen); var h2ContentAsString = h2ContentSb.ToString(); b.Append(h2ContentAsString); m.CreatedH2IdCollector.Add(new Tuple <string, string>(id, h2ContentAsString)); } else { m.SpanFormatter.Format(b, Buf, ContentStart, ContentLen); } if (insertPermalink) { // append header permalink link b.Append("<a class=\"headerlink\" href=\"#"); b.Append(id); b.Append("\" title=\"Permalink to this headline\"><i class=\"fa fa-link\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i></a>"); } b.Append("</" + BlockType.ToString() + ">\n"); break; case b.Append("<hr />\n"); return; case BlockType.user_break: return; case BlockType.ol_li: case BlockType.ul_li: b.Append("<li>"); m.SpanFormatter.Format(b, Buf, ContentStart, ContentLen); b.Append("</li>\n"); break; case BlockType.dd: b.Append("<dd>"); if (Children != null) { b.Append("\n"); RenderChildren(m, b); } else { m.SpanFormatter.Format(b, Buf, ContentStart, ContentLen); } b.Append("</dd>\n"); break; case BlockType.dt: { if (Children == null) { foreach (var l in Content.Split('\n')) { b.Append("<dt>"); m.SpanFormatter.Format(b, l.Trim()); b.Append("</dt>\n"); } } else { b.Append("<dt>\n"); RenderChildren(m, b); b.Append("</dt>\n"); } break; } case BlockType.dl: b.Append("<dl>\n"); RenderChildren(m, b); b.Append("</dl>\n"); return; case BlockType.html: b.Append(Buf, ContentStart, ContentLen); return; case BlockType.unsafe_html: m.HtmlEncode(b, Buf, ContentStart, ContentLen); return; case BlockType.codeblock: if (m.FormatCodeBlockFunc == null) { var dataArgument = this.Data as string ?? string.Empty; string tagSuffix = "</code></pre>\n\n"; if (m.GitHubCodeBlocks && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dataArgument)) { if (dataArgument == "nohighlight") { b.Append("<pre class=\"nocode\">"); tagSuffix = "</pre>"; } else { b.AppendFormat("<pre><code class=\"{0}\">", dataArgument); } } else { b.Append("<pre><code>"); } foreach (var line in Children) { m.HtmlEncodeAndConvertTabsToSpaces(b, line.Buf, line.ContentStart, line.ContentLen); b.Append("\n"); } b.Append(tagSuffix); } else { var sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var line in Children) { m.HtmlEncodeAndConvertTabsToSpaces(sb, line.Buf, line.ContentStart, line.ContentLen); sb.Append("\n"); } b.Append(m.FormatCodeBlockFunc(m, sb.ToString())); } return; case BlockType.quote: b.Append("<blockquote>\n"); RenderChildren(m, b); b.Append("</blockquote>\n"); return; case b.Append("<li>\n"); RenderChildren(m, b); b.Append("</li>\n"); return; case BlockType.ol: b.Append("<ol>\n"); RenderChildren(m, b); b.Append("</ol>\n"); return; case BlockType.ul: b.Append("<ul>\n"); RenderChildren(m, b); b.Append("</ul>\n"); return; case BlockType.HtmlTag: var tag = (HtmlTag)Data; // Prepare special tags var name =; if (name == "a") { m.OnPrepareLink(tag); } else if (name == "img") { m.OnPrepareImage(tag, m.RenderingTitledImage); } tag.RenderOpening(b); b.Append("\n"); RenderChildren(m, b); tag.RenderClosing(b); b.Append("\n"); return; case BlockType.Composite: case BlockType.footnote: RenderChildren(m, b); return; case BlockType.table_spec: ((TableSpec)Data).Render(m, b); break; case BlockType.p_footnote: b.Append("<p>"); if (ContentLen > 0) { m.SpanFormatter.Format(b, Buf, ContentStart, ContentLen); b.Append(" "); } b.Append((string)Data); b.Append("</p>\n"); break; // DocNet Extensions case BlockType.font_awesome: if (m.DocNetMode) { b.Append("<i class=\"fa fa-"); b.Append(this.Data as string ?? string.Empty); b.Append("\"></i>"); } break; case BlockType.alert: if (m.DocNetMode) { RenderAlert(m, b); } break; case BlockType.tabs: if (m.DocNetMode) { RenderTabs(m, b); } break; // End DocNet Extensions default: b.Append("<" + BlockType.ToString() + ">"); m.SpanFormatter.Format(b, Buf, ContentStart, ContentLen); b.Append("</" + BlockType.ToString() + ">\n"); break; } }
internal void RenderPlain(Markdown m, StringBuilder b) { switch (BlockType) { case BlockType.Blank: return; case BlockType.p: case BlockType.span: m.SpanFormatter.FormatPlain(b, Buf, ContentStart, ContentLen); b.Append(" "); break; case BlockType.h1: case BlockType.h2: case BlockType.h3: case BlockType.h4: case BlockType.h5: case BlockType.h6: m.SpanFormatter.FormatPlain(b, Buf, ContentStart, ContentLen); b.Append(" - "); break; case BlockType.ol_li: case BlockType.ul_li: b.Append("* "); m.SpanFormatter.FormatPlain(b, Buf, ContentStart, ContentLen); b.Append(" "); break; case BlockType.dd: if (Children != null) { b.Append("\n"); RenderChildrenPlain(m, b); } else { m.SpanFormatter.FormatPlain(b, Buf, ContentStart, ContentLen); } break; case BlockType.dt: { if (Children == null) { foreach (var l in Content.Split('\n')) { var str = l.Trim(); m.SpanFormatter.FormatPlain(b, str, 0, str.Length); } } else { RenderChildrenPlain(m, b); } break; } case BlockType.dl: RenderChildrenPlain(m, b); return; case BlockType.codeblock: foreach (var line in Children) { b.Append(line.Buf, line.ContentStart, line.ContentLen); b.Append(" "); } return; case BlockType.quote: case case BlockType.ol: case BlockType.ul: case BlockType.HtmlTag: RenderChildrenPlain(m, b); return; } }
internal void Render(Markdown m, StringBuilder b) { switch (BlockType) { case BlockType.Blank: return; case BlockType.p: m.SpanFormatter.FormatParagraph(b, Buf, ContentStart, ContentLen); break; case BlockType.span: m.SpanFormatter.Format(b, Buf, ContentStart, ContentLen); b.Append("\n"); break; case BlockType.h1: case BlockType.h2: case BlockType.h3: case BlockType.h4: case BlockType.h5: case BlockType.h6: if (m.ExtraMode && !m.SafeMode) { b.Append("<" + BlockType); var id = ResolveHeaderID(m); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { b.Append(" id=\""); b.Append(id); b.Append("\">"); } else { b.Append(">"); } } else { b.Append("<" + BlockType + ">"); } m.SpanFormatter.Format(b, Buf, ContentStart, ContentLen); b.Append("</" + BlockType + ">\n"); break; case b.Append("<hr />\n"); return; case BlockType.user_break: return; case BlockType.ol_li: case BlockType.ul_li: b.Append("<li>"); m.SpanFormatter.Format(b, Buf, ContentStart, ContentLen); b.Append("</li>\n"); break; case BlockType.dd: b.Append("<dd>"); if (Children != null) { b.Append("\n"); RenderChildren(m, b); } else { m.SpanFormatter.Format(b, Buf, ContentStart, ContentLen); } b.Append("</dd>\n"); break; case BlockType.dt: { if (Children == null) { foreach (var l in Content.Split('\n')) { b.Append("<dt>"); m.SpanFormatter.Format(b, l.Trim()); b.Append("</dt>\n"); } } else { b.Append("<dt>\n"); RenderChildren(m, b); b.Append("</dt>\n"); } break; } case BlockType.dl: b.Append("<dl>\n"); RenderChildren(m, b); b.Append("</dl>\n"); return; case BlockType.html: b.Append(Buf, ContentStart, ContentLen); return; case BlockType.unsafe_html: m.HtmlEncode(b, Buf, ContentStart, ContentLen); return; case BlockType.codeblock: if (m.FormatCodeBlock != null) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var line in Children) { m.HtmlEncodeAndConvertTabsToSpaces(sb, line.Buf, line.ContentStart, line.ContentLen); sb.Append("\n"); } b.Append(m.FormatCodeBlock(m, sb.ToString())); } else { b.Append("<pre><code>"); foreach (var line in Children) { m.HtmlEncodeAndConvertTabsToSpaces(b, line.Buf, line.ContentStart, line.ContentLen); b.Append("\n"); } b.Append("</code></pre>\n\n"); } return; case BlockType.quote: b.Append("<blockquote>\n"); RenderChildren(m, b); b.Append("</blockquote>\n"); return; case b.Append("<li>\n"); RenderChildren(m, b); b.Append("</li>\n"); return; case BlockType.ol: b.Append("<ol>\n"); RenderChildren(m, b); b.Append("</ol>\n"); return; case BlockType.ul: b.Append("<ul>\n"); RenderChildren(m, b); b.Append("</ul>\n"); return; case BlockType.HtmlTag: var tag = (HtmlTag)Data; // Prepare special tags var name = tag.Name.ToLowerInvariant(); if (name == "a") { m.OnPrepareLink(tag); } else if (name == "img") { m.OnPrepareImage(tag, m.RenderingTitledImage); } tag.RenderOpening(b); b.Append("\n"); RenderChildren(m, b); tag.RenderClosing(b); b.Append("\n"); return; case BlockType.Composite: case BlockType.footnote: RenderChildren(m, b); return; case BlockType.table_spec: ((TableSpec)Data).Render(m, b); break; case BlockType.p_footnote: b.Append("<p>"); if (ContentLen > 0) { m.SpanFormatter.Format(b, Buf, ContentStart, ContentLen); b.Append(" "); } b.Append((string)Data); b.Append("</p>\n"); break; default: b.Append("<" + BlockType + ">"); m.SpanFormatter.Format(b, Buf, ContentStart, ContentLen); b.Append("</" + BlockType + ">\n"); break; } }