Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Get next word.  If the next natural word does not obey given predicate, throw exception
        /// If we reach the end of the list get random key matching end condition passed in Reset
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="condition"> Predicate next word must obey </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string GetNextWord(Predicate <string> condition)
            //If word generator has never been reset, reset with default values
            if (!SubchainsInitialized)

            Predicate <string> realCondition = condition;

            if (realCondition == null)
                realCondition = _alwaysTrueCondition.WordCondition;

            ChainKey currKey  = _currKey;
            string   currWord = CurrentWord;

            string[] newChainKeyVals = new string[currKey.Words.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < currKey.Words.Length - 1; i++)
                newChainKeyVals[i] = currKey.Words[i + 1];
            newChainKeyVals[currKey.Words.Length - 1] = currWord;
            currKey = new ChainKey(newChainKeyVals);

            List <string> potentialWords = null;

                potentialWords = _chains.GetValues(currKey);
            catch (Exceptions.InvalidKey)
                //if we get here that means we hit the end of the list
                newChainKeyVals = GetRandomKey(_onEndSubChains, ck => !ck.Equals(currKey)).Words;
                currKey         = new ChainKey(newChainKeyVals);
                potentialWords  = _chains.GetValues(currKey);

            bool candidateFound = GetCandidate(potentialWords, condition, out currWord);

            if (!candidateFound)
                throw new Exceptions.NoPossibleElements("Unable to find a state matching given conditions");

            _currKey    = currKey;
            CurrentWord = currWord;
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Reset using currently existing initialCondition and onEndCondition
        /// This should be a low cpu usage operation
        /// </summary>
        public void ResetReadOnly()
            //verify if reset has never been called
            if (!SubchainsInitialized)
                throw new Exceptions.InitializationRequired("ResetReadOnly should be called after a regular reset");

            //All chains and words should match condition so we can just get random
            ChainKey currKey = GetRandomKey(_initialConditionSubKeys);
            string   currWord;

            GetCandidate(_initialConditionSubChains.GetValues(currKey), null, out currWord);
            CurrentWord = currWord;
            _currKey    = currKey;
Exemple #3
        private ChainKey[] CreateKeysArray(ChainMap map, Predicate <ChainKey> keyCondition)
            List <ChainKey> newKeys  = new List <ChainKey>();
            List <ChainKey> origKeys = map.GetAllKeys();

            foreach (ChainKey origKey in origKeys)
                if (keyCondition.Invoke(origKey))
                    //Add key multiple times to ensure probability of picking it is proportional to the
                    //number of values
                    foreach (string val in map.GetValues(origKey))
Exemple #4
 public static Dictionary<ChainKey, List<string>> GetUnderlyingDictionary(ChainMap inputChainMap)
     Dictionary<ChainKey, List<string>> retValues = new Dictionary<ChainKey, List<string>>() ;
     List<ChainKey> keys = inputChainMap.GetAllKeys() ;
     foreach(ChainKey key in keys)
         retValues.Add(key, inputChainMap.GetValues(key)) ;
     return retValues;
Exemple #5
 private ChainKey[] CreateKeysArray(ChainMap map, Predicate<ChainKey> keyCondition)
     List<ChainKey> newKeys = new List<ChainKey>() ;
     List<ChainKey> origKeys = map.GetAllKeys() ;
     foreach(ChainKey origKey in origKeys)
             //Add key multiple times to ensure probability of picking it is proportional to the
             //number of values
             foreach(string val in map.GetValues(origKey))
                 newKeys.Add(origKey) ;
     return newKeys.ToArray() ;