/// <summary>
        /// Thread to hold the dialog that hosts the eSignal ActiveX control
        /// </summary>
        private static void RealTimePriceThread()
            if (eSignal != null)
                MarkThree.EventLog.Information("Real Time Price service is already started... ignoring Start request.");

            // create an instance of eSignal and set delegates for events
            eSignal = new ESignal();
            eSignal.OnConnectChangeDM += new ESignal.DMConnectHandler(RealTimePricing.OnConnectionChangeDM);
            eSignal.OnUpdateSymbolDM  += new ESignal.DMUpdateSymbolHandler(RealTimePricing.OnUpdateSymbolDM);

            // connect to the local eSignal data manager
            // If connect succeeds, then we add the symbols to the data manager from the connect
            // handler.
            eSignal.Connect(dataManager.Username, dataManager.Password);

            // by this point, we've loaded all of the symbols into the data manager.
            // if we have an esignal, then we run the form to allow the event loop to start
            if (eSignal != null)
                // NOTE: I don't think this does anything, because the application
                // will display the form in the run method
                eSignal.Visible = false;

                // RealTimePricing will now just wait for connect/update events.
                // *** the thread blocks here
        /// <summary>
        /// Terminates the simulation of a price feed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="transaction">Used to commit or reject one or more operations as a unit.</param>
        /// <param name="remoteMethod">A metadata description of the method to be executed.</param>
        public static void Stop(ParameterList parameters)
            MarkThree.EventLog.Information("Stopping Real Time Price service.");

            // stop the local eSignal data manager (if we started it)

            // if we have a running thread, abort it
            if (priceThread != null)
                // disconnect from the local eSignal data manager
                if (eSignal != null)

                // exit the application - this will stop the thread blocked at
                // Application.Run() from RealTimePricing.Start()
                MarkThree.EventLog.Information("Real Time Price service stopped.");
                MarkThree.EventLog.Information("Real Time Price can NOT stop because the service is not running.");

            // nullify the eSignal and thread objects... so it can be started again
            symbolToSecurityIdTable.Clear(); // empty the symbol list mapping
            eSignal     = null;
            priceThread = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a DataSet from the XML file defined by symbolFilepath.  Iterates through each (configurationId, equityId) pair
        /// and adds the ticker symbol to the eSignal Data Manager watch list.
        /// </summary>
        private static void LoadSymbols()
                // Lock the tables.
                // Acquire the configuration and object locks for the securityId lookup

                // initialize the dataset from the XMl file
                DataSet dataSetFromXML = new DataSet("SP500");
                dataSetFromXML.ReadXml(symbolFilepath, XmlReadMode.InferSchema);
                foreach (DataRow dataRow in dataSetFromXML.Tables["method"].Rows)
                    // extract the configurationId and the externalEquityId from the dataset
                    object configurationId  = dataRow["configurationId"];
                    string externalEquityId = (string)dataRow["equityId"];
                        // look up the equityId
                        int equityId = (int)Security.FindOptionalKey(configurationId, "equityId", externalEquityId);

                        // get the equity row
                        ServerMarketData.EquityRow equityRow = ServerMarketData.Equity.FindByEquityId(equityId);
                        if (equityRow != null)
                            // Get the security row from the equity row
                            ServerMarketData.SecurityRow securityRow = equityRow.SecurityRowBySecurityEquityEquityId;

                            // attempt to add the symbol to the eSignal data manager
                            if (eSignal.AddRealTimeSymbol(securityRow.Symbol))
                                symbolToSecurityIdTable[securityRow.Symbol] = securityRow.SecurityId;
                                MarkThree.EventLog.Warning("Market Data Service has no data for ticker {0}", externalEquityId);
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        // Write the error to the log.
                        MarkThree.EventLog.Error("{0}, {1}", exception.Message, exception.StackTrace);

                // Mark the time that the real-time updates started.
                MarkThree.EventLog.Information("Real Time Symbols Loaded");
            catch (Exception exception)
                eSignal = null;

                // Write the error and stack trace out to the debug listener
                MarkThree.EventLog.Warning(String.Format("{0}, {1}", exception.Message, exception.StackTrace));
                // Release the global tables.
                //if (ServerMarketData.PriceLock.IsWriterLockHeld) ServerMarketData.PriceLock.ReleaseWriterLock();
                if (ServerMarketData.SecurityLock.IsReaderLockHeld)
                if (ServerMarketData.EquityLock.IsReaderLockHeld)
                if (ServerMarketData.ObjectLock.IsReaderLockHeld)
                if (ServerMarketData.ConfigurationLock.IsReaderLockHeld)