public static MidiMappingRules LoadFromXml(string fileName) { MidiMappingRules mappingRules = new MidiMappingRules(); XmlDocument xmlDocument = new XmlDocument(); xmlDocument.Load(fileName); if (xmlDocument.DocumentElement.Name != RootElementName) { // this is some other type of XML file return(null); } foreach (XmlNode ruleNode in xmlDocument.DocumentElement.ChildNodes) { if (ruleNode.Name == "NoteMap") { NoteMap mappingRule = NoteMap.LoadFromXmlNode(ruleNode); mappingRules.noteRules.Add(mappingRule); } else if (ruleNode.Name == "Exclude") { ExcludeRule excludeRule = ExcludeRule.LoadFromXmlNode(ruleNode); mappingRules.excludeRules.Add(excludeRule); } else if (ruleNode.Name == "ControllerMap") { ControllerMap controllerMap = ControllerMap.LoadFromXmlNode(ruleNode); mappingRules.eventRules.Add(controllerMap); } else if (ruleNode.Name == "AfterTouchMap") { AfterTouchMap afterTouchMap = AfterTouchMap.LoadFromXmlNode(ruleNode); mappingRules.eventRules.Add(afterTouchMap); } else if (ruleNode.Name == "PitchWheelMap") { PitchWheelMap pitchWheelMap = PitchWheelMap.LoadFromXmlNode(ruleNode); mappingRules.eventRules.Add(pitchWheelMap); } else if (ruleNode.Name == "TextMap") { TextMap map = TextMap.LoadFromXmlNode(ruleNode); mappingRules.eventRules.Add(map); } else if (ruleNode.Name == "Insert") { InsertRule insertRule = InsertRule.LoadFromXmlNode(ruleNode); mappingRules.insertEvents.Add(insertRule.Apply(null)); } else if (ruleNode.Name == GeneralSettingsElementName) { foreach (XmlAttribute attribute in ruleNode.Attributes) { mappingRules.generalProperties.Add(attribute.Name, attribute.Value); } // TODO: could check that property names are as expected and validate any // non-string ones } } return(mappingRules); }
public static MidiMappingRules LoadFromCubaseDrumMap(string fileName) { MidiMappingRules mappingRules = new MidiMappingRules(); XmlDocument xmlDocument = new XmlDocument(); xmlDocument.Load(fileName); if (xmlDocument.DocumentElement.Name != "DrumMap") { // this is some other type of XML file return(null); } foreach (XmlNode mapNode in xmlDocument.DocumentElement.ChildNodes) { if (mapNode.Name == "list" && mapNode.Attributes["name"].Value == "Map") { foreach (XmlNode itemNode in mapNode.ChildNodes) { if (itemNode.Name == "item") { NoteMap mappingRule = new NoteMap(); foreach (XmlNode node in itemNode.ChildNodes) { string name = node.Attributes["name"].Value; if (name == "INote") { mappingRule.InNotes = new InputValueParameters(node.Attributes["value"].Value); } else if (name == "Channel") { mappingRule.OutChannel = new NoteEventOutputParameters((Int32.Parse(node.Attributes["value"].Value) + 1).ToString(), 1, 16); } else if (name == "ONote") { mappingRule.OutNote = new NoteEventOutputParameters(node.Attributes["value"].Value, 0, 127); } else if (name == "Name") { mappingRule.Name = node.Attributes["value"].Value; } // TODO: consider support for: // Length (float) not exactly sure what this is - 200 a common value // Mute - mutes this note? // DisplayNote - ? // HeadSymbol // Voice // PortIndex // QuantizeIndex } mappingRules.noteRules.Add(mappingRule); } } } } return(mappingRules); }
//private NoteEventOutputParameters outStartTime; public static NoteMap LoadFromXmlNode(XmlNode mappingNode) { NoteMap mappingRule = new NoteMap(); = XmlUtils.GetAttribute(mappingNode, "Name", ""); mappingRule.inNotes = new InputValueParameters(XmlUtils.GetAttribute(mappingNode, "InNote", "*")); mappingRule.inChannels = new InputValueParameters(XmlUtils.GetAttribute(mappingNode, "InChannel", "*")); mappingRule.inVelocity = new InputValueParameters(XmlUtils.GetAttribute(mappingNode, "InVelocity", "*")); mappingRule.outNote = new NoteEventOutputParameters(XmlUtils.GetAttribute(mappingNode, "OutNote", "*"), 0, 127); mappingRule.outChannel = new NoteEventOutputParameters(XmlUtils.GetAttribute(mappingNode, "OutChannel", "*"), 1, 16); mappingRule.outVelocity = new NoteEventOutputParameters(XmlUtils.GetAttribute(mappingNode, "OutVelocity", "*"), 1, 127); mappingRule.outDuration = new NoteEventOutputParameters(XmlUtils.GetAttribute(mappingNode, "OutDuration", "*"), 0, Int32.MaxValue); // TODO: disable absolute value setting //mappingRule.outStartTime = new NoteEventOutputParameters(mappingNode.Attributes["OutStartTime"].Value ?? "*", 0, Int32.MaxValue); return(mappingRule); }
public static MidiMappingRules LoadFromCakewalkDrumMap(string fileName) { MidiMappingRules mappingRules = new MidiMappingRules(); CakewalkMapFile map = new CakewalkMapFile(fileName); foreach (CakewalkDrumMapping mapping in map.DrumMappings) { NoteMap mappingRule = new NoteMap(); mappingRule.Name = mapping.NoteName; mappingRule.InNotes = new InputValueParameters(mapping.InNote); mappingRule.OutChannel = new NoteEventOutputParameters(mapping.Channel); mappingRule.OutNote = new NoteEventOutputParameters(mapping.OutNote); mappingRule.OutVelocity = new NoteEventOutputParameters(mapping.VelocityAdjust, (int)mapping.VelocityScale, 0, 127); // TODO: support out velocity scaling mappingRules.noteRules.Add(mappingRule); } return(mappingRules); }