public static string CreateTableText() { string rtnVal = string.Empty; TableForm form = new TableForm(); if (form.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { rtnVal = form.TableText; //rtnVal = string.Format("[{0}]({1})", display, linkText); } return(rtnVal); }
public EditorControl() { InitializeComponent(); // // (empty line) // [comment]: # (This actually is the most platform independent comment) // // I didn't implement the Youtube video option operations.Add("H1", "# "); operations.Add("H2", "## "); operations.Add("H3", "### "); operations.Add("H4", "#### "); operations.Add("H5", "##### "); operations.Add("H6", "###### "); operations.Add("Alt-H1", string.Empty, t => { return("\r\n" + new string('=', t.Length)); }); operations.Add("Alt-H2", string.Empty, t => { return("\r\n" + new string('-', t.Length)); }); operations.Add("Italic", "_", "_"); operations.Add("Bold", "**", "**"); operations.Add("Strike", "~~", "~~"); operations.Add("HR", "\r\n----"); operations.Add("Link", t => { return(CreateLinkText()); }, string.Empty); operations.Add("Ordered List", "1. "); operations.Add("Unordered List", "+ "); operations.Add("Image", t => { return(CreateImageText()); }, string.Empty); //operations.Add("Code", t => { return CodeForm.CreateLanguageText(); }, "\n```"); operations.Add("Code", t => { return(CreateLanguageText()); }, "\n```"); operations.Add("Quote", t => { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("\n" + t); sb.Replace("\n", "\n> "); return(sb.ToString().TrimStart().TrimEnd(new char[] { '\n', '>', ' ' })); }, string.Empty); operations["Quote"].KeepOriginal = false; operations.Add("Dictionary", "<dl>\n", "</dl>"); //operations.Add("Definition", t => { return DefinitionForm.CreateDefinitionText(); }, string.Empty); operations.Add("Definition", t => { return(CreateDefinitionText()); }, string.Empty); operations.Add("Header", t => { return(TableForm.CreateTableText()); }, string.Empty); operations.Add("Row", string.Empty, t => { int cols = t.Occurrences('|') + 1; if (t.StartsWith("|")) { cols--; } if (t.TrimEnd().EndsWith("|")) { cols--; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("\n|"); for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++) { sb.Append("value|"); } return(sb.ToString()); }); operations.Add("Task", "- [ ]", string.Empty); }