static void Main(string[] args) { string botName = ""; string channelName = ""; string authToken = ""; string folder = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location) + @"\botinfo.txt"; using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(folder)) { botName = sr.ReadLine().ToLower(); channelName = sr.ReadLine().ToLower(); authToken = sr.ReadLine().ToLower(); sr.Close(); } DateTime lastPostTime = DateTime.Now; List <string> pastmessages = new List <string>(); // Initialize and connect to Twitch chat IrcClient irc = new IrcClient("", 6667, botName, authToken, channelName); // Ping to the server to make sure this bot stays connected to the chat // Server will respond back to this bot with a PONG (without quotes): // Example: " PONG" PingSender ping = new PingSender(irc); ping.Start(); // Listen to the chat until program exits while (true) { // Read any message from the chat room string message = irc.ReadMessage(); Console.WriteLine(message); // Print raw irc messages if (message.Contains("PRIVMSG")) { // Messages from the users will look something like this // Format: ":[user]![user]@[user] PRIVMSG #[channel] :[message]" // Modify message to only retrieve user and message int intIndexParseSign = message.IndexOf('!'); string userName = message.Substring(1, intIndexParseSign - 1); // parse username from specific section (without quotes) // Format: ":[user]!" // Get user's message intIndexParseSign = message.IndexOf(" :"); message = message.Substring(intIndexParseSign + 2); //Console.WriteLine(message); // Print parsed irc message (debugging only) pastmessages.Add(message); if (pastmessages.Count > 3) { pastmessages.RemoveAt(0); } //check last 5 messages have been !play if (!pastmessages.Any(m => !m.StartsWith("!play")) && lastPostTime.AddMinutes(2) <= DateTime.Now) { //only post once every 2 minutes lastPostTime = DateTime.Now; irc.SendPublicChatMessage("!play"); } } } }
// Empty constructor makes instance of Thread public PingSender(IrcClient irc) { _irc = irc; pingSender = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.Run)); }