private static void WeldDraftToMain(TerrainTile reference, TerrainTile welded, Coord weldDir)
        /// Lowers edges on welding to main tile
            if (welded.draft.edges.heightEdges.IsEmpty)
                welded.draft.edges.heightEdges.ReadFloats2D(welded.draft.terrain.terrainData.GetHeights(0, 0, welded.draft.terrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution, welded.draft.terrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution));
            //for an unknown reason ready chunks in scene do not have their edges (generated or saved). Leads to "Empty weld array" error. Forcing to read from terrain.

            EdgesSet refEdges  = reference.main.edges;
            EdgesSet weldEdges = welded.draft.edges;

            //loading saved edges big array
            float[] refArr = refEdges.heightEdges.GetArr(weldDir);

            //duplicating neig saved edges short array
            float[] weldArr     = weldEdges.heightEdges.GetArr(-weldDir);
            float[] weldArrCopy = new float[weldArr.Length];
            //Array.Copy(weldArr, weldArrCopy, weldArr.Length); //will be re-filled anyways

            //welding and apply to terrain
            Weld.WeldArrays(refArr, weldArrCopy, lowerOnMismatch: true);

            Weld.ApplyToTerrain(welded.draft.terrain.terrainData, weldArrCopy, -weldDir);
Exemple #2
        private static void RestoreDraftWeld(TerrainTile welded, Coord weldDir)
        /// Restoring height edges if they were lowered by welding with main
            EdgesSet edges = welded.draft.edges;

            float[] arr = edges.heightEdges.GetArr(weldDir);
            Weld.ApplyToTerrain(welded.draft.terrain.terrainData, arr, weldDir);
        public static void WeldEdgesInThread(EdgesSet thisEdges, TerrainTileManager tileManager, Coord coord, bool isDraft = false)
        /// Welds edges (does not affect data)
            if (tileManager == null)

            for (int d = 0; d < weldDirections.Length; d++)
                TerrainTile neigTile = tileManager[coord + weldDirections[d]];
                if (neigTile == null ||
                    (isDraft && neigTile.draft == null) || (isDraft && !neigTile.draft.generateReady) ||
                    (!isDraft && neigTile.main == null) || (!isDraft && !neigTile.main.generateReady))
                //if null or not generate-ready

                EdgesSet neigEdges = isDraft ? neigTile.draft?.edges : neigTile.main?.edges;
                if (neigEdges == null || !neigEdges.ready)

                if (neigEdges.heightEdges != null && neigEdges.heightEdges.SizeX == thisEdges.heightEdges.SizeX)
                    Weld.WeldEdges(neigEdges.heightEdges, neigTile.coord, thisEdges.heightEdges, coord);

                if (neigEdges.splatEdges != null && thisEdges.splatEdges != null && thisEdges.splatEdges.Length == neigEdges.splatEdges.Length)
                    for (int i = 0; i < thisEdges.splatEdges.Length; i++)
                        if (thisEdges.splatEdges[i].SizeX == neigEdges.splatEdges[i].SizeX)
                            Weld.WeldEdges(neigEdges.splatEdges[i], neigTile.coord, thisEdges.splatEdges[i], coord);

                if (neigEdges.controlEdges != null && thisEdges.controlEdges != null && thisEdges.controlEdges.Length == neigEdges.controlEdges.Length)
                    for (int i = 0; i < thisEdges.controlEdges.Length; i++)
                        if (thisEdges.controlEdges[i].SizeX == neigEdges.controlEdges[i].SizeX)
                            Weld.WeldEdges(neigEdges.controlEdges[i], neigTile.coord, thisEdges.controlEdges[i], coord);
        public static void ReadEdges(TileData thisData, EdgesSet thisEdges)
        /// Reads apply data and converts to edges. Edges are ready to use after this stage.
            HeightOutput200.ApplySetData heightDataFull = thisData.ApplyOfType <HeightOutput200.ApplySetData>();
            if (heightDataFull != null)

            HeightOutput200.ApplySplitData heightSplitData = thisData.ApplyOfType <HeightOutput200.ApplySplitData>();
            if (heightSplitData != null)

                                #if UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER
            HeightOutput200.ApplyTexData heightTexData = thisData.ApplyOfType <HeightOutput200.ApplyTexData>();
            if (heightTexData != null)

            TexturesOutput200.ApplyData texturesData = thisData.ApplyOfType <TexturesOutput200.ApplyData>();
            if (texturesData != null && texturesData.splats != null)
                int numChs = texturesData.splats.GetLength(2);
                if (thisEdges.splatEdges == null || thisEdges.splatEdges.Length != numChs)
                    Array.Resize(ref thisEdges.splatEdges, numChs);

                for (int ch = 0; ch < numChs; ch++)
                    if (thisEdges.splatEdges[ch] == null)
                        thisEdges.splatEdges[ch] = new Edges(0, 0);

                    thisEdges.splatEdges[ch].ReadSplats(texturesData.splats, ch);

            ReadEdgesCustom?.Invoke(thisData, thisEdges);

            thisEdges.ready = true;
Exemple #5
        private static void WeldDraftToMain(TerrainTile reference, TerrainTile welded, Coord weldDir)
        /// Lowers edges on welding to main tile
            EdgesSet refEdges  = reference.main.edges;
            EdgesSet weldEdges = welded.draft.edges;

            //loading saved edges big array
            float[] refArr = refEdges.heightEdges.GetArr(weldDir);

            //duplicating neig saved edges short array
            float[] weldArr     = weldEdges.heightEdges.GetArr(-weldDir);
            float[] weldArrCopy = new float[weldArr.Length];
            //Array.Copy(weldArr, weldArrCopy, weldArr.Length); //will be re-filled anyways

            //welding and apply to terrain
            Weld.WeldArrays(refArr, weldArrCopy, lowerOnMismatch: true);

            Weld.ApplyToTerrain(welded.draft.terrain.terrainData, weldArrCopy, -weldDir);
        public static void WriteEdges(TileData thisData, EdgesSet thisEdges)
        /// Writes edges back to apply data after they have been changed
            HeightOutput200.ApplySetData heightDataFull = thisData.ApplyOfType <HeightOutput200.ApplySetData>();
            if (heightDataFull != null)

            HeightOutput200.ApplySplitData heightSplitData = thisData.ApplyOfType <HeightOutput200.ApplySplitData>();
            if (heightSplitData != null)

                                #if UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER
            HeightOutput200.ApplyTexData heightTexData = thisData.ApplyOfType <HeightOutput200.ApplyTexData>();
            if (heightTexData != null)

            TexturesOutput200.ApplyData texturesData = thisData.ApplyOfType <TexturesOutput200.ApplyData>();
            if (texturesData != null && texturesData.splats != null)
                int numChs = texturesData.splats.GetLength(2);
                if (thisEdges.splatEdges == null || thisEdges.splatEdges.Length != numChs)
                    Array.Resize(ref thisEdges.splatEdges, numChs);

                for (int ch = 0; ch < numChs; ch++)
                    thisEdges.splatEdges[ch].WriteSplats(texturesData.splats, ch);

            WriteEdgesCustom?.Invoke(thisData, thisEdges);