Exemple #1
        private void ButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            mButton clickedButton = sender as mButton;

            clickedButton.Text = clickedButton.gameText;

            switch (numClick)
            case 1: ids[0] = clickedButton.ID;
                prev       = clickedButton;

            case 2:
                ids[1] = clickedButton.ID;
                curr   = clickedButton;

                if (ids[0] == ids[1])    //match found
                    prev.Enabled = false; clickedButton.Enabled = false; --winCounter;
                }                      //no match found

                numClick = 0;
            if (winCounter == 0)
                label1.Text = "You found all the matches!";
        private void ButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            mButton clickedButton = sender as mButton;
            clickedButton.Text = clickedButton.gameText;

            switch (numClick)
                case 1: ids[0] = clickedButton.ID;
                    prev = clickedButton;
                case 2:
                    ids[1] = clickedButton.ID;
                    curr = clickedButton;

                    if (ids[0] == ids[1])//match found
                    { prev.Enabled = false; clickedButton.Enabled = false; --winCounter; }
                    { timer1.Start();} //no match found

                    numClick = 0;
            if (winCounter == 0)
            { label1.Text = "You found all the matches!"; }
Exemple #3
        private void MemoryTrivia_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //appears to have fixed casting issue
            foreach (Control c in this.Controls)
                if (c is mButton)
                    c.Text = "";

            //connect to DB

            //load from database in random order
            dataApt = new SQLiteDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM TriviaQuestions ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 10", connection);//change table to proper table name

            //Holds question data
            string[] qArr = new string[10];

            //Holds answer data
            string[] ansArr = new string[10];

            //Holds row id data
            int[] intArr = new int[10];

            int arrayCounter = 0;

            //Storing data from DB into arrays
            foreach (DataRow row in tbl.Rows)
                if (arrayCounter < 10)//only 10 questions, don't want to go over limit
                    int id = Convert.ToInt32(row["id"]);
                    intArr[arrayCounter] = id;

                    string question = row["question"].ToString();
                    qArr[arrayCounter] = question;

                    string ans = row["answer"].ToString();
                    ansArr[arrayCounter] = ans;
            arrayCounter = 0; //resetting arrayCounter

            for (int i = 1; i < 21; ++i)
                string  name = "mButton" + i;
                Control b    = this.Controls.Find(name, true).FirstOrDefault() as mButton;
                mButton btn  = (mButton)b;
                if (i <= 10)
                    btn.gameText = qArr[i - 1]; btn.ID = intArr[i - 1];
                if (i > 10)
                    btn.gameText = ansArr[i - 11]; btn.ID = intArr[i - 11];