private void manager_UpdateInfo(object sender, PrinterEventArgs e) { PrinterInfo info = e.Info; _lastInfo = info; UpdateInfo(info); }
public void UpdatePrinterInfo() { if (Properties.Settings.Default.PrinterType.Equals("Magicard")) { OnDebug(new DebugEventArgs("", "Updating magicard printer info")); try { _printerInfo = magi_api.GetPrinterInfoA(); _printerInfo.status = magi_api.GetStatus(); OnPrinterUpdate(new PrinterEventArgs(null, "Update", _printerInfo)); } catch (Exception ex) { OnDebug(new DebugEventArgs("", "Magicard UpdatePrinterInfo Error: " + ex.Message)); } } else { _printerInfo = new PrinterInfo(); _printerInfo.sModel = Properties.Settings.Default.LocalPrinter.ToCharArray(); _printerInfo.bPrinterConnected = true; OnPrinterUpdate(new PrinterEventArgs(null, "Update", _printerInfo)); } }
public PrinterInfo GetPrinterInfoA() { byte[] rBytes = new byte[501]; //for a total length of 192 IntPtr pPrinterInfo = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(500); int res = GetPrinterInfo(hSession, pPrinterInfo); Marshal.Copy(pPrinterInfo, rBytes, 0, 500); Marshal.FreeHGlobal(pPrinterInfo); if (!(res == ERROR_SUCCESS)) { ThrowException("GetPrinterInfoA", res); } PrinterInfo pInfo = new PrinterInfo(rBytes); pInfo.LastEnduroMessage = this.GetLastEnduroMessage(); return(pInfo); }
private void UpdateInfo(PrinterInfo p) { if (tbPrinterStatus.InvokeRequired == false) { //tbPrinterStatus.Text = (p.bPrinterConnected) ? "Connected" : "Not Connected"; String printerStatus = ""; switch (p.status) { case MagiCardStatus.STATUS_READY: printerStatus = "Ready"; break; case MagiCardStatus.STATUS_BUSY: printerStatus = "BUSY"; break; case MagiCardStatus.STATUS_ERROR: printerStatus = "ERROR"; break; case MagiCardStatus.STATUS_OFFLINE: printerStatus = "Offline"; break; default: printerStatus = "Unknown"; break; } tbPrinterStatus.Text = printerStatus; tbPrinterName.Text = new String(p.sModel); tbPrinterLastMessage.Text = p.LastEnduroMessage; } else { UpdateInfoDelegate updateInfo = new UpdateInfoDelegate(UpdateInfo); this.BeginInvoke(updateInfo, new object[] { p }); } }
public MabelPrinterInfo(PrinterInfo _info) { model = StripString(new String(_info.sModel).TrimEnd('\0')); modelId = _info.eModel; connected = _info.bPrinterConnected; printerSerial = StripString(new String(_info.sPrinterSerial)); printHeadSerial = StripString(new String(_info.sPrintheadSerial)); PCBSerial = StripString(new String(_info.sPCBSerial)); firmwareVersion = StripString(new String(_info.sFirmwareVersion)); esDensity = _info.iES_Density; handFeed = _info.iHandFeed; cardsPrinted = _info.iCardsPrinted; cardsOnPrintHead = _info.iCardsOnPrinthead; dyePanelsPrinted = _info.iDyePanelsPrinted; cleansSinceShipped = _info.iCleansSinceShipped; dyePanelsSinceCleaned = _info.iDyePanelsSinceClean; cardsSinceCleaned = _info.iCardsSinceClean; cardsBetweenCleans = _info.iCardsBetweenCleans; printHeadPosition = _info.iPrintHeadPosn; imageStartPosition = _info.iImageStartPosn; imageEndPosition = _info.iImageEndPosn; tagUID = StripString(new String(_info.sTagUID)); shotsOnFilm = _info.iShotsOnFilm; shotsUsed = _info.iShotsUsed; filmType = StripString(new String(_info.sDyeFilmType)); colourLength = _info.iColourLength; resinLength = _info.iResinLength; overcoatLength = _info.iOvercoatLength; dyeFlags = _info.eDyeFlags; dob = _info.iDOB; dyeFilmMfrId = _info.eDyeFilmManuf; dyeFilmProgId = _info.eDyeFilmProg; if (_info.LastEnduroMessage != null) { lastMessage = StripString(_info.LastEnduroMessage); } }
public PrinterEventArgs(MabelCard _card, String _status, PrinterInfo _info) { this.Card = _card; this.Status = _status; this.Info = _info; }
// API Functions // /// <summary> /// Registers the printer /// </summary> /// <param name="printerId">The printer ID to register</param> /// <param name="printerName">The "name" of the printer (as in windows)</param> /// <param name="printerLocation">The location of the printer</param> /// <param name="printerModel">The model of the printer</param> /// <returns></returns> public MabelResponse RegisterPrinter(int printerId, string printerName, string printerLocation, PrinterInfo info) { MabelResponse response = MakeRequest( new MabelRequest( this, "cardPrinter.register", new MabelPrinterRegisterParams(printerId, printerName, printerLocation, new MabelPrinterInfo(info)) ) ); return(response); }
public void UpdateInfo(PrinterInfo info) { this._info = info; }
public ViewPrinterInfo(PrinterInfo info) { InitializeComponent(); _info = info; }