Exemple #1
        public static IntermediateDevice GetCompleteIntermediateDevice(Device device)
            if (device == null)
                return null;
            IntermediateDevice intermediateDevice = new IntermediateDevice();

            intermediateDevice.identifier = device.Identifier;
            intermediateDevice.orientation = device.Orientation;
            intermediateDevice.location = device.Location;

            // We only want to return devices for which all of the properties are known
            if (intermediateDevice.isComplete)
                return intermediateDevice;
                return null;
Exemple #2
        public void ZeroDeviceOrientationTest()
            Tracker tracker = new Tracker() {Location = new System.Windows.Point(2,4)};
            Device device = new Device() {Location = new System.Windows.Point(7,7)};


            device.Location = new System.Windows.Point(-7, 7);

            device.Location = new System.Windows.Point(-7, -7);

            device.Location = new System.Windows.Point(7, -7);
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the position of all 4 corners of a device using size and orientation of a device.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="device"></param>
        /// <returns>A list of points of all 4 corners of a device.</returns>
        public List<Point> getCornersOfShape(Device device)
            List<Point> returnPoints = new List<Point>();
            List<Point> intPoints = new List<Point>();
            Point deviceLocation = device.Location.Value;

            intPoints.Add(new Point((double)(deviceLocation.X + device.Width / 2), (double)(deviceLocation.Y + device.Height / 2)));
            intPoints.Add(new Point((double)(deviceLocation.X + device.Width / 2), (double)(deviceLocation.Y - device.Height / 2)));
            intPoints.Add(new Point((double)(deviceLocation.X - device.Width / 2), (double)(deviceLocation.Y - device.Height / 2)));
            intPoints.Add(new Point((double)(deviceLocation.X - device.Width / 2), (double)(deviceLocation.Y + device.Height / 2)));

            double angle;
            // Check if the device's orientation is not null
            if (device.Orientation != null)
                // This will help when we consider sending to moving devices that change its
                // orientation dynamically. The choice of 270 is for consistency with the
                // current code that handles the special case of a tabletop facing away
                // from the kinect
                angle = ((Double)device.Orientation - 90);
                angle = angle * Math.PI / 180;

                // No changes neccessary
                return intPoints;

            foreach (Point point in intPoints)
                double xValue = (point.X - deviceLocation.X) * Math.Cos(angle) - (point.Y - deviceLocation.Y) * Math.Sin(angle) + deviceLocation.X;
                double yValue = (point.Y - deviceLocation.Y) * Math.Cos(angle) + (point.X - deviceLocation.X) * Math.Sin(angle) + deviceLocation.Y;

                Point newPoint = new Point(xValue, yValue);

            return returnPoints;
        public void GetDeviceInfoTest()
            //Server.Route(Routes.GetDeviceInfoRoute, delegate(IARequest request, IAResponse response)
            //    if(request.Parameters["identifier"].Equals(Client.OwnIdentifier))
            //    {
            //        // This string derived from the actual MSEAPI JSON serializer. Use real data for all tests!
            //        response.SetBodyWithString("{\"identifier\":\"" + Client.OwnIdentifier + "\",\"orientation\":99.55555,\"location\":\"2.22716139629483,3.0686103105545\"}");
            //    }

            Device testDevice = new Device
            { Identifier = "testDevice",
                Location = new Point(2.227, 3.0686),
                Orientation = 99.55555


            Client.Locator.locate(new MSEDevice() { Identifier= "testDevice"}, delegate(MSEDevice successDevice)
                Assert.AreEqual(testDevice.Orientation.Value, successDevice.Orientation.Value, 0.001, "Orientation not equal");
                Assert.AreEqual(testDevice.Location.Value, successDevice.Location.Value, "Location not equal");
                Assert.AreEqual(testDevice.Identifier, successDevice.Identifier, "Identifier not equal");

                doneWaitingForResponse = true;
            delegate(Exception exception)

 public void onFOVChanged(Device device)
     Tracker tracker = (Tracker)device;
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the device's orientation in the locator's coordinate space, under the assumption that the device is pointed toward the tracker.
        /// For use with a calibration button/function on the device, that the user will trigger while holding the device so that it faces the tracker. 
        /// Also sets the device's orientation to the calculated value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="device"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public double ZeroDeviceOrientation(Device device)
            if (!device.Location.HasValue)
                throw new ArgumentException("Tracker.ZeroDeviceOrientation : device Location was null. ");

            // find the device's orientation with respect to the tracker's location
            // i.e., find the angle formed by two lines: x axis and the line between the tracker and the device
            device.Orientation = Math.Atan2(device.Location.Value.Y - this.Location.Value.Y, device.Location.Value.X - this.Location.Value.X) * 180/Math.PI;
            return device.Orientation.Value;
Exemple #7
 // To use data received from the Kinect, or other tracker, the coordinates need to be translated from the Kinect's coordinate space, to the tracker's coordinate space, to the locator's coordinate space.
 // In the Locator's coordinate space, the tracker is at the position and orientation stored in the tracker's instance variables
 // In the Tracker's coordinate space, it is at the origin and with orientation 0 (facing down the X axis).
 // In the Kinect's coordinate space, it is at the origin, and faces down the Z axis.
 // Left-right movement in front of the camera is mapped to the X axis, and vertical movement is mapped to the Y axis.
 // So, the Kinect's Z axis corresponds to the Tracker's X axis, and the Kinect's X axis corresponds to the Tracker's Y axis.
 // To translate from the Kinect's coordinate space to the Tracker's coordinate space, you can create a Vector(SkeletonPoint.Z, SkeletonPoint.X).
 // To translate from the Tracker's coordinate space to the locator's coordinate space, use this class's methods.
 /// <summary>
 /// Accepts a point in the Tracker's coordinate space, translates it into the room's coordinate space using the Tracker's position and orientation, and updates the location of the device with it. 
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="device"></param>
 /// <param name="vector"></param>
 public void UpdatePositionForDevice(Device device, Vector vector)
     Vector updatedPosition = Util.TranslateFromCoordinateSpace(vector, Orientation, new Vector(Location.Value.X, Location.Value.Y));
     device.Location = new Point(updatedPosition.X, updatedPosition.Y);
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the devices within the field of view of the observer alongside the intersection point 
        /// with each of these devices. Returns an empty dictionary if FieldOfView or Location are null on the observer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="observer"></param>
        /// <returns>Devices in the field of view of the observer and their intersection points.</returns>
        public List<Device> GetDevicesInView(Device observer)
            List<Device> returnDevices = new List<Device>();

            Line obseverLineOfSight = new Line(observer.Location, observer.Orientation);

            List<Device> devicesInView = GetDevicesInFront(observer);

            foreach (Device target in devicesInView)
                if (target.Width == null || target.Width == null)

                List<Line> sides = getLinesOfShape(target);
                List<Point?> intersectionPoints = new List<Point?>();

                foreach (Line side in sides)
                    Point? intPoint = Line.getIntersectionPoint(obseverLineOfSight, side);
                    if (intPoint != null)

                if (intersectionPoints.Count == 0)

                Point? nearestPoint = intersectionPoints[0];
                double shortestDistance = Line.getDistanceBetweenPoints((Point)observer.Location, (Point)nearestPoint);

                foreach (Point point in intersectionPoints)
                    double distance = Line.getDistanceBetweenPoints((Point)observer.Location, point);
                    if (distance < shortestDistance)
                        nearestPoint = point;
                        shortestDistance = distance;

                Point ratioOnScreen = GetRatioPositionOnScreen(target, (Point)nearestPoint);

                target.intersectionPoint["x"] = ratioOnScreen.X;
                target.intersectionPoint["y"] = ratioOnScreen.Y;

            return returnDevices;
Exemple #9
 public bool Equals(Device d)
     return (d.Identifier == this.Identifier);
Exemple #10
        private static Device FindNearestDevice(Device observer, List<Device> deviceList)
            if (deviceList.Count == 0)
                return null;
                Device nearest = null;

                //First, find a device with a location to compare against
                foreach (Device device in deviceList)
                    if (device != observer && device.Location.HasValue)
                        nearest = device;
                if (nearest == null)
                    return null;

                //Find the device with the least distance to the observer
                foreach (Device device in deviceList)
                    if (device != observer && device.Location.HasValue &&
                        Util.DistanceBetweenPoints(device.Location.Value, observer.Location.Value) < Util.DistanceBetweenPoints(nearest.Location.Value, observer.Location.Value))
                        nearest = device;
                return nearest;

Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        /// This function takes a point located in the room and turns it into an intersection point on the target device.
        /// For example if an intersection point is on the bottom left corner of a device, this function will return (0,0) or if 
        /// the intersection point is on the top right corner, it will return (1,1).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        /// <param name="intersection"></param>
        /// <returns>A point </returns>
        public Point GetRatioPositionOnScreen(Device target, Point intersection)
            List<Point> cornersOfShape = getCornersOfShape(target);

            Double distance1 = Line.getDistanceBetweenPoints(intersection,cornersOfShape[0]);
            Double distance2 = Line.getDistanceBetweenPoints(intersection,cornersOfShape[1]);
            Double distance3 = Line.getDistanceBetweenPoints(cornersOfShape[0],cornersOfShape[1]);
            if (Math.Abs(distance3 - (distance1 + distance2)) < 0.01)
                Double xRatio = 1;
                Double yRatio = distance1 / distance3;
                //Double xRatio = distance1 / distance3;
                //Double yRatio = 0;
                return new Point(xRatio, yRatio);

            distance1 = Line.getDistanceBetweenPoints(intersection, cornersOfShape[2]);
            distance2 = Line.getDistanceBetweenPoints(intersection, cornersOfShape[1]);
            distance3 = Line.getDistanceBetweenPoints(cornersOfShape[1], cornersOfShape[2]);
            if (Math.Abs(distance3 - (distance1 + distance2)) < 0.01)
                Double yRatio = 1;
                Double xRatio = distance1 / distance3;
                //Double xRatio = 1;
                //Double yRatio = distance2 / distance3;
                return new Point(xRatio, yRatio);

            distance1 = Line.getDistanceBetweenPoints(intersection, cornersOfShape[3]);
            distance2 = Line.getDistanceBetweenPoints(intersection, cornersOfShape[2]);
            distance3 = Line.getDistanceBetweenPoints(cornersOfShape[2], cornersOfShape[3]);
            if (Math.Abs(distance3 - (distance1 + distance2)) < 0.01)
                Double xRatio = 0;
                Double yRatio = distance1 / distance3;
                //Double xRatio = distance1 / distance3;
                //Double yRatio = 1;
                return new Point(xRatio, yRatio);

            distance1 = Line.getDistanceBetweenPoints(intersection, cornersOfShape[3]);
            distance2 = Line.getDistanceBetweenPoints(intersection, cornersOfShape[0]);
            distance3 = Line.getDistanceBetweenPoints(cornersOfShape[3], cornersOfShape[0]);
            if (Math.Abs(distance3 - (distance1 + distance2)) < 0.01)
                Double yRatio = 0;
                Double xRatio = distance1 / distance3;
                //Double xRatio = 0;
                //Double yRatio = distance2 / distance3;
                return new Point(xRatio, yRatio);

            return new Point(-1, -1);
Exemple #12
 public Device GetNearestDeviceWithinRange(Device observer, double distance)
     List<Device> devicesInView = GetDevicesWithinRange(observer, distance);
     return FindNearestDevice(observer, devicesInView);
Exemple #13
 public Device GetNearestDeviceInView(Device observer)
     List<Device> devicesInView = GetDevicesInView(observer);
     return FindNearestDevice(observer, devicesInView);
Exemple #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Uses the the size and orientation of the device to compute all 4 line equations a device.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="device"></param>
        /// <returns>The line euqations of all 4 sides of a device</returns>
        public List<Line> getLinesOfShape(Device device)
            List<Line> returnLines = new List<Line>();
            List<Point> corners = getCornersOfShape(device);

            Line topSide = new Line(corners[0], corners[1]);
            Line rightSide = new Line(corners[1], corners[2]);
            Line bottomSide = new Line(corners[2], corners[3]);
            Line leftSide = new Line(corners[3], corners[0]);


            return returnLines;
Exemple #15
        public List<Device> GetDevicesWithinRange(Device observer, double distance)
            List<Device> returnDevices = new List<Device>();

            if (!observer.Location.HasValue)
                return returnDevices;

            foreach (Device device in _devices)
                if (device == observer)
                else if (device.Location.HasValue && Util.DistanceBetweenPoints(observer.Location.Value, device.Location.Value) < distance)

            return returnDevices;
Exemple #16
        public void onLocationChanged(Device device)
            if (device.Location.HasValue)

                this.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(delegate()
                    Point newPoint = DrawingResources.ConvertFromMetersToDisplayCoordinates(device.Location.Value, MainWindow.SharedCanvas);
                    Canvas.SetLeft(this, newPoint.X);
                    Canvas.SetTop(this, newPoint.Y);
Exemple #17
        public void onOrientationChanged(Device device)
            if (device.Orientation != null)

                this.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(delegate()
                    // We are using RotateTransform now to make things easier. Everything should be drawn pointing downwards (270 degrees);
                    LeftLine.RenderTransform = new RotateTransform((device.Orientation.Value * -1) + 270, 50, 15);
                    RightLine.RenderTransform = new RotateTransform((device.Orientation.Value * -1) + 270, 50, 15);
                    NearTriangle.RenderTransform = new RotateTransform((device.Orientation.Value * -1) + 270, 50, 15);
                    FarLine.RenderTransform = new RotateTransform((device.Orientation.Value * -1) + 270, 50, 15);

Exemple #18
        public void onLocationChanged(Device device)
            PairableDevice pairableDevice = (PairableDevice)device;

            //Dispatch UI Changes to Main Thread
            Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
                if (pairableDevice.Location.HasValue)
                    if (iaDevice.SupportedRoutes.Contains(Routes.GetLocationRoute))
                        MyDisplayState = DisplayState.LocatedAndOnStackPanel;

                    Point newPoint = DrawingResources.ConvertFromMetersToDisplayCoordinates(pairableDevice.Location.Value, MainWindow.SharedCanvas);

                    // InnerBorder.Width / 2 is to make it so that the point that the DeviceControl is drawn at is actually the center of the Border
                    Canvas.SetLeft(this, newPoint.X - (InnerBorder.Width / 2));
                    Canvas.SetTop(this, newPoint.Y - (InnerBorder.Height / 2));
                else if (iaDevice.SupportedRoutes.Contains(Routes.GetLocationRoute))
                    MyDisplayState = DisplayState.UnlocatedAndOnStackPanel;
Exemple #19
        public void onOrientationChanged(Device device)
            PairableDevice pairableDevice = (PairableDevice)device;
            // Draw two lines to serve as field of view indicators
            double topAngle = Util.NormalizeAngle(pairableDevice.Orientation.Value + pairableDevice.FieldOfView.Value);
            double topX = Math.Cos(topAngle * Math.PI / 180);
            double topY = Math.Sin(topAngle * Math.PI / 180);

            double bottomAngle = Util.NormalizeAngle(pairableDevice.Orientation.Value - pairableDevice.FieldOfView.Value);
            double bottomX = Math.Cos(bottomAngle * Math.PI / 180);
            double bottomY = Math.Sin(bottomAngle * Math.PI / 180);

            Point newLeft = DrawingResources.ConvertPointToProperLength(new Point(topX, topY), DrawingResources.DEVICE_FOV_LENGTH);
            Point newRight = DrawingResources.ConvertPointToProperLength(new Point(bottomX, bottomY), DrawingResources.DEVICE_FOV_LENGTH);

            //Dispatch UI Changes to Main Thread
            Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
                LeftLine.X2 = newLeft.X;
                LeftLine.Y2 = -newLeft.Y;

                RightLine.X2 = newRight.X;
                RightLine.Y2 = -newRight.Y;

                if (pairableDevice.PairingState == PairingState.Paired)
                    LeftLine.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
                    RightLine.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;

Exemple #20
        /* Depricated!!!
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the devices within the field of view of the observer. Returns an empty list if FieldOfView or Location are null on the observer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="observer"></param>
        /// <returns>Devices in the field of view of the observer.</returns>
        public List<Device> GetDevicesInView(Device observer)
            List<Device> returnDevices = new List<Device>();

            //(CB - Should we throw an exception here? Rather then just returning an empty list?)
            if (observer.Location == null || observer.Orientation == null)
                return returnDevices;
            if (observer.FieldOfView == 0.0)
                return returnDevices;

            // We imagine the field of view as two vectors, pointing away from the observing device. Targets between the vectors are in view.
            // We will use angles to represent these vectors.
            double leftFieldOfView = Util.NormalizeAngle(observer.Orientation.Value + observer.FieldOfView.Value / 2);
            double rightFieldOfView = Util.NormalizeAngle(observer.Orientation.Value - observer.FieldOfView.Value / 2);

            foreach (Device target in _devices)
                if (target == observer || !target.Location.HasValue)

                // Atan2 is the inverse tangent function, given lengths for the opposite and adjacent legs of a right triangle, it returns the angle
                double angle = Util.NormalizeAngle(Math.Atan2(target.Location.Value.Y - observer.Location.Value.Y, target.Location.Value.X - observer.Location.Value.X) * 180 / Math.PI);

                // Ordinarily, the angle defining the left boundary of the field of view will be larger than the angle for the right.
                // For example, if our device has an orientation of 90.0 and a field of view of 15 degrees, then the left and right FoV vectors are at 97.5 and 82.5 degrees.
                // In this case, the target must be at an angle between left and right to be in view.
                if (leftFieldOfView > rightFieldOfView && angle < leftFieldOfView && angle > rightFieldOfView)
                // If the field of view includes the X axis, then the left field of view will be smaller than the right field of view.
                // For example, if our device has an orientation of 0.0 and a field of view of 15 degrees, then the left FoV vector will be at 7.5 degrees,
                // and the right FoV will be at 352.5 degrees.
                else if (leftFieldOfView < rightFieldOfView)
                    if (angle < leftFieldOfView || angle > rightFieldOfView)


            return returnDevices;

         * */
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the devices that are in front of the observer device. Returns an empty list if FieldOfView or Location are null on the observer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="observer"></param>
        /// <returns>Devices in the field of view of the observer.</returns>
        public List<Device> GetDevicesInFront(Device observer)
            List<Device> returnDevices = new List<Device>();

            //(CB - Should we throw an exception here? Rather then just returning an empty list?)
            if (observer.Location == null || observer.Orientation == null)
                return returnDevices;
            if (observer.FieldOfView == 0.0)
                return returnDevices;

            // We imagine the field of view as two vectors, pointing away from the observing device. Targets between the vectors are in view.
            // We will use angles to represent these vectors.
            double leftFieldOfView = Util.NormalizeAngle(observer.Orientation.Value + 30);
            double rightFieldOfView = Util.NormalizeAngle(observer.Orientation.Value - 30);

            foreach (Device target in _devices)
                if (target == observer || !target.Location.HasValue)

                // Atan2 is the inverse tangent function, given lengths for the opposite and adjacent legs of a right triangle, it returns the angle
                double angle = Util.NormalizeAngle(Math.Atan2(target.Location.Value.Y - observer.Location.Value.Y, target.Location.Value.X - observer.Location.Value.X) * 180 / Math.PI);

                // Ordinarily, the angle defining the left boundary of the field of view will be larger than the angle for the right.
                // For example, if our device has an orientation of 90.0 and a field of view of 15 degrees, then the left and right FoV vectors are at 97.5 and 82.5 degrees.
                // In this case, the target must be at an angle between left and right to be in view.
                if (leftFieldOfView > rightFieldOfView && angle < leftFieldOfView && angle > rightFieldOfView)
                // If the field of view includes the X axis, then the left field of view will be smaller than the right field of view.
                // For example, if our device has an orientation of 0.0 and a field of view of 15 degrees, then the left FoV vector will be at 7.5 degrees,
                // and the right FoV will be at 352.5 degrees.
                else if (leftFieldOfView < rightFieldOfView)
                    if (angle < leftFieldOfView || angle > rightFieldOfView)


            return returnDevices;