public static void CreateManifest(Mod mod) { try { ModsManifest mm = new ModsManifest { modID = mod.ID, version = mod.Version, description = "", sign = FileHash(mod.fileName), sid_sign = ChecksumCalculator(ModLoader.steamID + mod.ID), type = 0 }; string path = ModLoader.GetMetadataFolder($"{mod.ID}.json"); if (File.Exists(path)) { ModConsole.Error("Metadata file already exists, to update use update command"); return; } File.WriteAllText(path, Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(mm, Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented)); ModConsole.Print("<color=green>Raw metadata file created successfully</color>"); } catch (Exception e) { ModConsole.Error(e.Message); System.Console.WriteLine(e); } }
public static void CreateManifest(Mod mod) { string steamID; if (ModLoader.CheckSteam()) { steamID = Steamworks.SteamUser.GetSteamID().ToString(); } try { ModsManifest mm = new ModsManifest { modID = mod.ID, version = mod.Version, description = "<i>No description provided...</i>", sign = AzjatyckaMatematyka(mod.fileName), type = 0 }; string path = ModLoader.GetMetadataFolder(string.Format("{0}.json", mod.ID)); if (File.Exists(path)) { ModConsole.Error("Metadata file already exists"); return; } string serializedData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(mm, Formatting.Indented); File.WriteAllText(path, serializedData); ModConsole.Print("<color=green>Raw metadata file created successfully</color>"); } catch (Exception e) { ModConsole.Error(e.Message); } }
public static void UpdateManifest(Mod mod) { if (!File.Exists(ModLoader.GetMetadataFolder(string.Format("{0}.json", mod.ID)))) { ModConsole.Error("Metadata file doesn't exists, to create use create command"); return; } if (mod.RemMetadata == null) { ModConsole.Error(string.Format("Your metadata file doesn't seem to be public, you need to upload first before you can update file.{0}If you want to just recreate metadata, delete old file and use create command", Environment.NewLine)); return; } string steamID; if (ModLoader.CheckSteam()) { steamID = Steamworks.SteamUser.GetSteamID().ToString(); if (mod.RemMetadata.sid_sign != ModLoader.MurzynskaMatematyka(steamID + mod.ID)) { ModConsole.Error("This mod doesn't belong to you, can't continue"); return; } try { ModsManifest umm = mod.metadata; Version v1 = new Version(mod.Version); Version v2 = new Version(mod.metadata.version); switch (v1.CompareTo(v2)) { case 0: ModConsole.Error(string.Format("Mod version {0} is same as current metadata version {1}, nothing to update.", mod.Version, mod.metadata.version)); break; case 1: umm.version = mod.Version; umm.sign = AzjatyckaMatematyka(mod.fileName); string msad = ModLoader.GetMetadataFolder(string.Format("{0}.json", mod.ID)); string serializedData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(umm, Formatting.Indented); File.WriteAllText(msad, serializedData); ModConsole.Print("<color=green>Metadata file updated successfully, you can upload it now!</color>"); break; case -1: ModConsole.Error(string.Format("Mod version {0} is <b>earlier</b> than current metadata version {1}, cannot update.", mod.Version, mod.metadata.version)); break; } } catch (Exception e) { ModConsole.Error(e.Message); UnityEngine.Debug.Log(e); } } else { ModConsole.Error("No valid steam detected"); } }
public static void CreateManifest(Mod mod) { string steamID; if (ModLoader.CheckSteam()) { try { new Version(mod.Version); } catch { ModConsole.Error(string.Format("Invalid version: {0}{1}Please use proper version format: (0.0 or 0.0.0 or", mod.Version, Environment.NewLine)); return; } steamID = Steamworks.SteamUser.GetSteamID().ToString(); try { ModsManifest mm = new ModsManifest { modID = mod.ID, version = mod.Version, description = "<i>No description provided...</i>", sign = AzjatyckaMatematyka(mod.fileName), sid_sign = ModLoader.MurzynskaMatematyka(steamID + mod.ID), type = 0 }; string path = ModLoader.GetMetadataFolder(string.Format("{0}.json", mod.ID)); if (File.Exists(path)) { ModConsole.Error("Metadata file already exists, to update use update command"); return; } string serializedData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(mm, Formatting.Indented); File.WriteAllText(path, serializedData); ModConsole.Print("<color=green>Raw metadata file created successfully</color>"); } catch (Exception e) { ModConsole.Error(e.Message); System.Console.WriteLine(e); } } else { ModConsole.Error("No valid steam detected"); } }
public static void UpdateManifest(Mod mod) { if (!File.Exists(ModLoader.GetMetadataFolder(string.Format("{0}.json", mod.ID)))) { ModConsole.Error("Metadata file doesn't exists, to create use create command"); } else if (mod.RemMetadata == null) { ModConsole.Error(string.Format("Your metadata file doesn't seem to be public, you need to upload first before you can update file.{0}If you want to just recreate metadata, delete old file and use create command", Environment.NewLine)); } else if (mod.RemMetadata.sid_sign != ChecksumCalculator(ModLoader.steamID + mod.ID)) { ModConsole.Error("This mod doesn't belong to you, can't continue"); } else { try { ModsManifest metadata = mod.metadata; switch (new Version(mod.Version).CompareTo(new Version(mod.metadata.version))) { case 0: ModConsole.Error(string.Format("Mod version {0} is same as current metadata version {1}, nothing to update.", mod.Version, mod.metadata.version)); break; case 1: metadata.version = mod.Version; metadata.sign = FileHash(mod.fileName); File.WriteAllText(ModLoader.GetMetadataFolder(string.Format("{0}.json", mod.ID)), Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(metadata, Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented)); ModConsole.Print("<color=green>Metadata file updated successfully, you can upload it now!</color>"); break; case -1: ModConsole.Error(string.Format("Mod version {0} is <b>earlier</b> than current metadata version {1}, cannot update.", mod.Version, mod.metadata.version)); break; } } catch (Exception e) { ModConsole.Error(e.Message); System.Console.WriteLine(e); } } }