internal LsErr CreateLine(
            int                 cpFirst, 
            int                 lineLength, 
            int                 maxWidth,
            LineFlags           lineFlags, 
            IntPtr              previousLineBreakRecord,
            out IntPtr          ploline,
            out LsLInfo         plslineInfo,
            out int             maxDepth, 
            out LsLineWidths    lineWidths
            Invariant.Assert(_ploc.Value != System.IntPtr.Zero);
            return UnsafeNativeMethods.LoCreateLine(
                (uint)lineFlags,    // line flags 
                out plslineInfo,
                out ploline, 
                out maxDepth,
                out lineWidths
            private void FormatLine(
                FullTextState           fullText,
                int                     cpFirst,
                int                     lineLength,
                int                     formatWidth,
                int                     finiteFormatWidth,
                int                     paragraphWidth,
                LineFlags               lineFlags,
                FormattedTextSymbols    collapsingSymbol
                _metrics._formatter = fullText.Formatter;
                Debug.Assert(_metrics._formatter != null);

                TextStore store = fullText.TextStore;
                TextStore markerStore = fullText.TextMarkerStore;
                FormatSettings settings = store.Settings;
                ParaProp pap = settings.Pap;

                _paragraphTextDecorations = pap.TextDecorations;
                if (_paragraphTextDecorations != null)
                    if (_paragraphTextDecorations.Count != 0)
                        _defaultTextDecorationsBrush = pap.DefaultTextDecorationsBrush;
                        _paragraphTextDecorations = null;

                // acquiring LS context
                TextFormatterContext context = _metrics._formatter.AcquireContext(fullText, IntPtr.Zero);

                LsLInfo plslineInfo = new LsLInfo();
                LsLineWidths lineWidths = new LsLineWidths();


                int lscpLineLength = 0; // line length in LSCP
                if (lineLength > 0)
                    // line length is previously known (e.g. during optimal paragraph formatting),
                    // prefetch lsruns up to the specified line length.
                    lscpLineLength = PrefetchLSRuns(store, cpFirst, lineLength);

                IntPtr ploline;
                LsErr lserr = context.CreateLine(
                    IntPtr.Zero,    // single-line formatting does not require break record
                    out ploline,
                    out plslineInfo,
                    out _depthQueryMax,
                    out lineWidths

                // Did we exceed the LineServices maximum line width?
                if (lserr == LsErr.TooLongParagraph)
                    // Determine where to insert a fake line break. FullTextState.CpMeasured
                    // is a reasonable estimate since we know the nominal widths up to that
                    // point fit within the margin.
                    int cpLimit = fullText.CpMeasured;
                    int subtract = 1;

                    for (;;)
                        // The line must contain at least one character position.
                        if (cpLimit < 1)
                            cpLimit = 1;


                        lserr = context.CreateLine(
                            IntPtr.Zero,    // single-line formatting does not require break record
                            out ploline,
                            out plslineInfo,
                            out _depthQueryMax,
                            out lineWidths

                        if (lserr != LsErr.TooLongParagraph || cpLimit == 1)
                            // We're done or can't chop off any more text.
                            // Chop off more text and try again. Double the amount of
                            // text we chop off each time so we retry too many times.
                            cpLimit = fullText.CpMeasured - subtract;
                            subtract *= 2;

                _ploline.Value = ploline;

                // get the exception in context before it is released
                Exception callbackException = context.CallbackException;

                // release the context

                if(lserr != LsErr.None)
                    if(callbackException != null)
                        // rethrow exception thrown in callbacks
                        throw WrapException(callbackException);
                        // throw with LS error codes
                        TextFormatterContext.ThrowExceptionFromLsError(SR.Get(SRID.CreateLineFailure, lserr), lserr);

                // keep context alive at least till here

                    // construct text metrics for the line
                        ref lineWidths,

                // keep record for min width as we may be formatting min/max
                _textMinWidthAtTrailing = lineWidths.upMinStartTrailing - _metrics._textStart;

                if (collapsingSymbol != null)
                    _collapsingSymbol = collapsingSymbol;
                    _textMinWidthAtTrailing += TextFormatterImp.RealToIdeal(collapsingSymbol.Width);
                    // overflow detection for potential collapsible line
                    if (_metrics._textStart + _metrics._textWidthAtTrailing > finiteFormatWidth)
                        bool hasOverflowed = true;
                        if (_textFormattingMode == TextFormattingMode.Display)
                            // apply display-mode rounding before checking for overflow
                            double realWidth = Width;
                            double realFormatWidth = _metrics._formatter.IdealToReal(finiteFormatWidth);
                            hasOverflowed = (TextFormatterImp.CompareReal(realWidth, realFormatWidth, _textFormattingMode) > 0);

                        if (hasOverflowed)
                            // line has overflowed
                            _statusFlags |= StatusFlags.HasOverflowed;

                            // let's keep the full text state around. We'll need it later for collapsing
                            _fullText = fullText;

                if (    fullText != null
                    &&  (   fullText.KeepState
                        ||  (_statusFlags & StatusFlags.KeepState) != 0
                    // the state of full text is to be kept after formatting is done
                    _fullText = fullText;

                // retain all line properties for interactive operations
                _ploc = context.Ploc;
                _cpFirst = cpFirst;
                _paragraphWidth = paragraphWidth;

                if (pap.RightToLeft)
                    _statusFlags |= StatusFlags.RightToLeft;

                if (plslineInfo.fForcedBreak != 0)
                    _statusFlags |= StatusFlags.IsTruncated;

                // retain the state of plsruns
                _plsrunVector = store.PlsrunVector;
                _lsrunsMainText = store.LsrunList;

                if (markerStore != null)
                    _lsrunsMarkerText = markerStore.LsrunList;

                // we store the text source in the line in case drawing code calls
                // the TextSource to find out the text effect index.
                _textSource = settings.TextSource;
Exemple #3
        private FullTextBreakpoint(
            FullTextState           fullText,
            int                     firstCharIndex,
            int                     maxLineWidth,
            ref LsBreaks            lsbreaks,
            int                     breakIndex
            ) : this()
            // According to antons: PTS only uses the width of a feasible break to avoid
            // clipping in subpage. At the moment, there is no good solution as of how
            // PTS client would be able to compute this width efficiently using LS. 
            // The work around - although could be conceived would simply be too slow.
            // The width should therefore be set to the paragraph width for the time being.
            // Client of text formatter would simply pass the value of TextBreakpoint.Width
            // back to PTS pfnFormatLineVariants call.
            LsLineWidths lineWidths = new LsLineWidths();
            lineWidths.upLimLine = maxLineWidth;
            lineWidths.upStartMainText = fullText.TextStore.Settings.TextIndent;
            lineWidths.upStartMarker = lineWidths.upStartMainText;
            lineWidths.upStartTrailing = lineWidths.upLimLine;
            lineWidths.upMinStartTrailing = lineWidths.upStartTrailing;

            // construct the correspondent text metrics
                    null,   // collapsingSymbol
                    ref lineWidths,

                _ploline = new SecurityCriticalDataForSet<IntPtr>(lsbreaks.pplolineArray[breakIndex]);

                // keep the line penalty handle
                _penaltyResource = new SecurityCriticalDataForSet<IntPtr>(lsbreaks.plinepenaltyArray[breakIndex]);

                if (lsbreaks.plslinfoArray[breakIndex].fForcedBreak != 0)
                    _isLineTruncated = true;
        internal unsafe void Compute(
            FullTextState           fullText,
            int                     firstCharIndex,
            int                     paragraphWidth,
            FormattedTextSymbols    collapsingSymbol,
            ref LsLineWidths        lineWidths,
            LsLInfo*                plsLineInfo
            _formatter = fullText.Formatter;
            TextStore store = fullText.TextStore;

            // obtain position of important distances
            _textStart = lineWidths.upStartMainText;
            _textWidthAtTrailing = lineWidths.upStartTrailing;
            _textWidth = lineWidths.upLimLine;

            // append line end collapsing symbol if any
            if (collapsingSymbol != null)

            // make all widths relative to text start
            _textWidth -= _textStart;
            _textWidthAtTrailing -= _textStart;

            // keep the newline character count if any
            _cchNewline = store.CchEol;

            // count text and dependant characters
            _lscpLim = plsLineInfo->cpLimToContinue;
            _lastRun = fullText.CountText(_lscpLim, firstCharIndex, out _cchLength);

            Debug.Assert(_cchLength > 0);

            if (  plsLineInfo->endr != LsEndRes.endrEndPara 
               && plsLineInfo->endr != LsEndRes.endrSoftCR)
                // endrEndPara denotes that the line ends at paragraph end. It is a result of submitting Paragraph Separator to LS.
                // endrSoftCR denotes end of line but not end of paragraph. This is a result of submitting Line Separator to LS.
                _cchNewline = 0;

                if (plsLineInfo->dcpDepend >= 0)
                    // According to SergeyGe [2/16/2006], dcpDepend reported from LS cannot made precise when considering
                    // the line ending with hyphenation - this is because LS does not have the knowledge about the amount 
                    // of text, after the hyphenation point, being examined by its client during the process of finding
                    // the right place to hyphenate. LS client must therefore take into account the number of lookahead 
                    // LSCP examined by hyphenator when computing the correct dcpDepend for the line. In our implementation
                    // it would just mean we take the max of the two values. 
                    int lscpFirstIndependence = Math.Max(
                        plsLineInfo->cpLimToContinue + plsLineInfo->dcpDepend,

                    fullText.CountText(lscpFirstIndependence, firstCharIndex, out _cchDepend);
                    _cchDepend -= _cchLength;

            ParaProp pap = store.Pap;

            if (_height <= 0)
                // if height has not been settled, 
                // calculate line height and baseline offset
                if(pap.LineHeight > 0)
                    // Host specifies line height, honor it.
                    _height = pap.LineHeight;
                    _baselineOffset = (int)Math.Round(
                        * pap.DefaultTypeface.Baseline(pap.EmSize, Constants.DefaultIdealToReal, Util.PixelsPerDip, fullText.TextFormattingMode)
                        / pap.DefaultTypeface.LineSpacing(pap.EmSize, Constants.DefaultIdealToReal, Util.PixelsPerDip, fullText.TextFormattingMode)

                if(plsLineInfo->dvrMultiLineHeight == int.MaxValue)
                    // Line is empty so text height and text baseline are based on the default typeface;
                    // it doesn't make sense even for an emtpy line to have zero text height
                    _textAscent = (int)Math.Round(pap.DefaultTypeface.Baseline(pap.EmSize, Constants.DefaultIdealToReal, Util.PixelsPerDip, fullText.TextFormattingMode));
                    _textHeight = (int)Math.Round(pap.DefaultTypeface.LineSpacing(pap.EmSize, Constants.DefaultIdealToReal, Util.PixelsPerDip, fullText.TextFormattingMode));
                    _textAscent = plsLineInfo->dvrAscent;
                    _textHeight = _textAscent + plsLineInfo->dvrDescent;

                    if (fullText.VerticalAdjust)
                        // Line requires vertical repositioning of text runs
                            plsLineInfo->cpLimToContinue - firstCharIndex, 
                            out _textHeight,
                            out _textAscent

                // if the client hasn't specified a line height then the line height and baseline
                // are the same as the text height and text baseline
                if (_height <= 0)
                    _height = _textHeight;
                    _baselineOffset = _textAscent;

            // Text alignment aligns the line to correspondent paragraph alignment start edge
                case TextAlignment.Right: 

                    // alignment rule: 
                    //   "The sum of paragraph start to line start and line width is equal to paragraph width"
                    //        PTL + LW = PW
                    //        (PTT - LTT) + (LTT + TW) = PW
                    // (thus) PTT = PW - TW
                    _paragraphToText = paragraphWidth - _textWidthAtTrailing;

                case TextAlignment.Center: 

                    // alignment rule: 
                    //   "The sum of paragraph start to line start and half the line width is equal to half the paragraph width"
                    //        PTL + 0.5*LW = 0.5*PW
                    //        (PTT - LTT) + 0.5*(LTT + TW) = 0.5*PW
                    // (thus) PTT = 0.5 * (PW + LTT - TW)
                    _paragraphToText = (int)Math.Round((paragraphWidth + _textStart - _textWidthAtTrailing) * 0.5);


                    // alignment rule: 
                    //   "Paragraph start to line start is paragraph indent"
                    //        PTL = PI
                    //        PTT - LTT = PI
                    // (thus) PTT = PI + LTT
                    _paragraphToText = pap.ParagraphIndent + _textStart;
 internal static extern LsErr LoCreateLine(
     IntPtr                  ploc,
     int                     cp,
     int                     ccpLim,
     int                     durColumn,
     uint                    dwLineFlags,
     IntPtr                  pInputBreakRec,
     out LsLInfo             plslinfo,
     out IntPtr              pploline,
     out int                 maxDepth,
     out LsLineWidths        lineWidths