        //  PTS callbacks 
        #region PTS callbacks

        // -----------------------------------------------------------------
        // UpdGetParaChange 
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        internal override void UpdGetParaChange( 
            out PTS.FSKCHANGE fskch,            // OUT: kind of change 
            out int fNoFurtherChanges)          // OUT: no changes after?
            fskch = PTS.FSKCHANGE.fskchNew;
            fNoFurtherChanges = PTS.FromBoolean(_stopAsking);
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // UpdGetParaChange - Floater paragraph is always new
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        internal override void UpdGetParaChange(
            out PTS.FSKCHANGE fskch,            // OUT: kind of change
            out int fNoFurtherChanges)          // OUT: no changes after?
            base.UpdGetParaChange(out fskch, out fNoFurtherChanges);

            fskch = PTS.FSKCHANGE.fskchNew;
        //  PTS callbacks

        #region PTS callbacks

        // GetParaProperties
        internal override void GetParaProperties(
            ref PTS.FSPAP fspap)                // OUT: paragraph properties
            GetParaProperties(ref fspap, false);
            fspap.idobj = PtsHost.SubpageParagraphId;
            // Create the main text segment
            if (_mainTextSegment == null)
                _mainTextSegment = new ContainerParagraph(_element, _structuralCache);
Exemple #4
 internal ColumnResult(FlowDocumentPage page, ref PTS.FSTRACKDESCRIPTION trackDesc, Vector contentOffset) 
     _page = page;
     _columnHandle = trackDesc.pfstrack;
     _layoutBox = new Rect( 
         TextDpi.FromTextDpi(trackDesc.fsrc.u),  TextDpi.FromTextDpi(trackDesc.fsrc.v),
         TextDpi.FromTextDpi(trackDesc.fsrc.du), TextDpi.FromTextDpi(trackDesc.fsrc.dv)); 
     _layoutBox.X += contentOffset.X; 
     _layoutBox.Y += contentOffset.Y;
     _columnOffset = new Vector(TextDpi.FromTextDpi(trackDesc.fsrc.u), TextDpi.FromTextDpi(trackDesc.fsrc.v)); 
     _hasTextContent = false;
Exemple #5
 internal ColumnResult(BaseParaClient subpage, ref PTS.FSTRACKDESCRIPTION trackDesc, Vector contentOffset)
     // Subpage must be figure, floater or subpage paraclient 
     Invariant.Assert(subpage is SubpageParaClient || subpage is FigureParaClient || subpage is FloaterParaClient);
     _subpage = subpage; 
     _columnHandle = trackDesc.pfstrack;
     _layoutBox = new Rect(
         TextDpi.FromTextDpi(trackDesc.fsrc.u),  TextDpi.FromTextDpi(trackDesc.fsrc.v),
         TextDpi.FromTextDpi(trackDesc.fsrc.du), TextDpi.FromTextDpi(trackDesc.fsrc.dv)); 
     _layoutBox.X += contentOffset.X;
     _layoutBox.Y += contentOffset.Y; 
     _columnOffset = new Vector(TextDpi.FromTextDpi(trackDesc.fsrc.u), TextDpi.FromTextDpi(trackDesc.fsrc.v)); 
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        //  PTS callbacks
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------

        #region PTS callbacks

        /// <summary>
        /// UpdGetParaChange
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fskch">
        /// OUT: kind of change
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="fNoFurtherChanges">
        /// OUT: no changes after?
        /// </param>
        internal virtual void UpdGetParaChange(
            out PTS.FSKCHANGE fskch,             
            out int fNoFurtherChanges)           
            fskch = _changeType;
            fNoFurtherChanges = PTS.FromBoolean(_stopAsking);

            if (StructuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.IncrementalUpdate)
                TextPanelDebug.Log("Para.UpdGetParaChange, Para=" + this.GetType().Name + " Change=" + _changeType.ToString(), TextPanelDebug.Category.ContentChange);
        internal void Arrange(IntPtr pfspara, PTS.FSRECT rcPara, int dvrTopSpace, uint fswdirParent)
            // Make sure that paragraph handle (PFSPARA) is set. It is required to query paragraph content.
            Debug.Assert(_paraHandle.Value == IntPtr.Zero || _paraHandle.Value == pfspara);
            _paraHandle.Value = pfspara;

            // Set paragraph rectangle (relative to the page)
            _rect = rcPara;

            // Cache dvrTopSpace
            // Note: currently used only by tight geometry bound calculation code
            _dvrTopSpace = dvrTopSpace;

            // Current page context (used for mirroring and offsets)
            _pageContext = Paragraph.StructuralCache.CurrentArrangeContext.PageContext;

            // Cache flow directions
            _flowDirectionParent = PTS.FswdirToFlowDirection(fswdirParent);
            _flowDirection = (FlowDirection)Paragraph.Element.GetValue(FrameworkElement.FlowDirectionProperty);

            // Do paragraph specifc arrange
Exemple #8
        internal override void UpdateViewport(ref PTS.FSRECT viewport)
            Debug.Assert(   TableParagraph.Table != null
                        &&  CalculatedColumns != null  );

            PTS.FSTABLEROWDESCRIPTION[] arrayTableRowDesc;
            PTS.FSKUPDATE fskupdTable;
            PTS.FSRECT rectTable;

            if (QueryTableDetails(out arrayTableRowDesc, out fskupdTable, out rectTable))
                for (int iR = 0; iR < arrayTableRowDesc.Length; ++iR)
                    PTS.FSKUPDATE[] arrayUpdate;
                    IntPtr[] arrayFsCell;
                    PTS.FSTABLEKCELLMERGE[] arrayTableCellMerge;

                        out arrayFsCell,
                        out arrayUpdate,
                        out arrayTableCellMerge);

                    for (int iC = 0; iC < arrayFsCell.Length; ++iC)
                        if (arrayFsCell[iC] == IntPtr.Zero)
                            //  paginated case - cell may be null

                        CellParaClient cellParaClient = (CellParaClient)(PtsContext.HandleToObject(arrayFsCell[iC]));
                        cellParaClient.UpdateViewport(ref viewport);
Exemple #9
        internal override void ValidateVisual(PTS.FSKUPDATE fskupdInherited)
            Invariant.Assert( fskupdInherited != PTS.FSKUPDATE.fskupdInherited );
            Invariant.Assert( TableParagraph.Table != null && CalculatedColumns != null );

            PTS.FSTABLEROWDESCRIPTION[] arrayTableRowDesc;
            PTS.FSKUPDATE fskupdTable;
            PTS.FSRECT rect;
            Table table = TableParagraph.Table;

            Visual.Clip = new RectangleGeometry(_columnRect.FromTextDpi());

            if (!QueryTableDetails(out arrayTableRowDesc, out fskupdTable, out rect))
                //  table has no rows thus no cell to validate

            MbpInfo mbpInfo = MbpInfo.FromElement(TableParagraph.Element);
            if (ThisFlowDirection != PageFlowDirection)

            if (fskupdTable == PTS.FSKUPDATE.fskupdInherited)
                fskupdTable = fskupdInherited;

            if (fskupdTable == PTS.FSKUPDATE.fskupdNoChange)
                //  no need to arrange because nothing changed

            if (fskupdTable == PTS.FSKUPDATE.fskupdShifted)
                fskupdTable = PTS.FSKUPDATE.fskupdNew;

            VisualCollection rowVisualsCollection = _visual.Children;
            if (fskupdTable == PTS.FSKUPDATE.fskupdNew)

            // Draw border and background info.
            Brush backgroundBrush = (Brush)Paragraph.Element.GetValue(TextElement.BackgroundProperty);

            using (DrawingContext dc = _visual.RenderOpen())
                Rect tableContentRect = GetTableContentRect(mbpInfo).FromTextDpi();

                _visual.DrawBackgroundAndBorderIntoContext(dc, backgroundBrush, mbpInfo.BorderBrush, mbpInfo.Border, _rect.FromTextDpi(), IsFirstChunk, IsLastChunk);

                DrawColumnBackgrounds(dc, tableContentRect);
                DrawRowGroupBackgrounds(dc, arrayTableRowDesc, tableContentRect, mbpInfo);
                DrawRowBackgrounds(dc, arrayTableRowDesc, tableContentRect, mbpInfo);

            TableRow rowPrevious = null;

            for (int iR = 0; iR < arrayTableRowDesc.Length; ++iR)
                PTS.FSKUPDATE fskupdRow;
                RowParagraph rowParagraph;
                TableRow row;

                fskupdRow = (arrayTableRowDesc[iR].fsupdinf.fskupd != PTS.FSKUPDATE.fskupdInherited)
                    ? arrayTableRowDesc[iR].fsupdinf.fskupd
                    : fskupdTable;

                rowParagraph = (RowParagraph)(PtsContext.HandleToObject(arrayTableRowDesc[iR].fsnmRow));
                row = rowParagraph.Row;

                //  STEP 1 SYNCHRONIZATION
                //  ---------------------------------------------------------
                //  synchronize rowVisualCollection.
                //  for newly created rows visual is inserted;
                //  otherwise for removed rows (if any) corresponding visuals are removed
                if (fskupdRow == PTS.FSKUPDATE.fskupdNew)
                    RowVisual rowVisual = new RowVisual(row);
                    rowVisualsCollection.Insert(iR, rowVisual);
                    SynchronizeRowVisualsCollection(rowVisualsCollection, iR, row);

                Invariant.Assert(((RowVisual)rowVisualsCollection[iR]).Row == row);

                //  STEP 2 CELL VISUALS VALIDATION
                //  ---------------------------------------------------------
                //  for new or changed rows go inside and validate cells
                if (    fskupdRow == PTS.FSKUPDATE.fskupdNew
                    ||  fskupdRow == PTS.FSKUPDATE.fskupdChangeInside   )
                    // paginated case - if first row of a given rowgroup for this para client has foreign cells, they need to
                    // be rendered regardless of merge state
                    if(rowParagraph.Row.HasForeignCells && (rowPrevious == null || rowPrevious.RowGroup != row.RowGroup))

                rowPrevious = row;

            //  STEP 4 

            if (rowVisualsCollection.Count > arrayTableRowDesc.Length)
                    rowVisualsCollection.Count - arrayTableRowDesc.Length);
Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates actual row height, subtracting what was previously reported as dvrBeforeTopRow and dvrAfterBottomRow
        /// </summary>
        private double GetActualRowHeight(PTS.FSTABLEROWDESCRIPTION[] arrayTableRowDesc, int rowIndex, MbpInfo mbpInfo)
            int dvAdjustment = 0;

            if(IsFirstChunk && rowIndex == 0)
                dvAdjustment = -mbpInfo.BPTop;

            if(IsLastChunk && rowIndex == arrayTableRowDesc.Length - 1)
                dvAdjustment = -mbpInfo.BPBottom;

            return TextDpi.FromTextDpi(arrayTableRowDesc[rowIndex].u.dvrRow + dvAdjustment);
Exemple #11
        private void ValidateRowVisualSimple(
            RowVisual rowVisual,
            IntPtr pfstablerow,
            PTS.FSKUPDATE fskupdRow,
            CalculatedColumn[] calculatedColumns)
            PTS.FSKUPDATE[] arrayUpdate;
            IntPtr[] arrayFsCell;
            PTS.FSTABLEKCELLMERGE[] arrayTableCellMerge;
            VisualCollection cellVisualsCollection;
            int sourceIndex;

                out arrayFsCell,
                out arrayUpdate,
                out arrayTableCellMerge);

            cellVisualsCollection = rowVisual.Children;
            sourceIndex = 0;

            for (int iC = 0; iC < arrayFsCell.Length; ++iC)
                CellParaClient cellParaClient;
                double urCellOffset;
                PTS.FSKUPDATE fskupdCell;

                if (    //  paginated case - cell may be null
                        arrayFsCell[iC] == IntPtr.Zero
                        //  exclude hanging cells
                    ||  arrayTableCellMerge[iC] == PTS.FSTABLEKCELLMERGE.fskcellmergeMiddle
                    ||  arrayTableCellMerge[iC] == PTS.FSTABLEKCELLMERGE.fskcellmergeLast   )

                fskupdCell = (arrayUpdate[iC] != PTS.FSKUPDATE.fskupdInherited)
                    ? arrayUpdate[iC]
                    : fskupdRow;

                if (fskupdCell != PTS.FSKUPDATE.fskupdNoChange)
                    cellParaClient = (CellParaClient)(PtsContext.HandleToObject(arrayFsCell[iC]));
                    urCellOffset = calculatedColumns[cellParaClient.ColumnIndex].UrOffset;


                    if (    fskupdCell == PTS.FSKUPDATE.fskupdNew
                        //  PTS bug is a suspect here - this is a temp workaround:
                        ||  VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(cellParaClient.Visual) == null   )
                        Visual currentParent = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(cellParaClient.Visual) as Visual;
                        if(currentParent != null)
                            ContainerVisual parent = currentParent as ContainerVisual;
                            Invariant.Assert(parent != null, "parent should always derives from ContainerVisual");
                        cellVisualsCollection.Insert(sourceIndex, cellParaClient.Visual);
                        Debug.Assert(   cellParaClient.Visual != null
                                    //  If the check below fails, then PTS cheats by reporting "ChangInside" for
                                    //  a cell that in fact was re-Formatted.
                                    &&  VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(cellParaClient.Visual) != null   );

                        SynchronizeCellVisualsCollection(cellVisualsCollection, sourceIndex, cellParaClient.Visual);

            if (cellVisualsCollection.Count > sourceIndex)
                    cellVisualsCollection.Count - sourceIndex);

            #if DEBUGDEBUG
            for (int iC = 0, sourceIndex = 0; iC < arrayFsCell.Length; ++iC)
                if (    arrayFsCell[iC] != IntPtr.Zero
                    &&  arrayTableCellMerge[iC] != PTS.FSTABLEKCELLMERGE.fskcellmergeMiddle
                    &&  arrayTableCellMerge[iC] != PTS.FSTABLEKCELLMERGE.fskcellmergeLast   )
                    CellParaClient cellParaClient = (CellParaClient)(PtsContext.HandleToObject(arrayFsCell[iC]));
                    Debug.Assert(rowVisual.Children.IndexOf(cellParaClient.Visual) == sourceIndex);
            #endif // DEBUGDEBUG
Exemple #12
        private unsafe bool QueryTableDetails(
            out PTS.FSTABLEROWDESCRIPTION[] arrayTableRowDesc,
            out PTS.FSKUPDATE fskupdTable,
            out PTS.FSRECT rect)
            PTS.FSTABLEOBJDETAILS tableObjDetails;
            PTS.FSTABLEDETAILS tableDetails;

                out tableObjDetails));
            Debug.Assert(TableParagraph == (TableParagraph)(PtsContext.HandleToObject(tableObjDetails.fsnmTable)));

            fskupdTable = tableObjDetails.fskupdTableProper;
            rect = tableObjDetails.fsrcTableObj;

                out tableDetails));

            if (tableDetails.cRows == 0)
                //  table has no rows (thus no content)
                arrayTableRowDesc = null;
                return (false);

            arrayTableRowDesc = new PTS.FSTABLEROWDESCRIPTION[tableDetails.cRows];

            fixed (PTS.FSTABLEROWDESCRIPTION * rgTableRowDesc = arrayTableRowDesc)
                int cRowsActual;

                    out cRowsActual));

                Debug.Assert(tableDetails.cRows == cRowsActual);

            return (true);
        private void ArrangeSection(ref PTS.FSSECTIONDESCRIPTION sectionDesc)
            // Get section details
            PTS.FSSECTIONDETAILS sectionDetails;
            PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQuerySectionDetails(PtsContext.Context, sectionDesc.pfssection, out sectionDetails));

            // There are 2 types of sections:
            // (1) with page notes - footnotes in section treated as endnotes
            // (2) with column notes - footnotes in section treated as column notes
            if (PTS.ToBoolean(sectionDetails.fFootnotesAsPagenotes))
                // (1) with page notes - footnotes in section treated as endnotes
                ErrorHandler.Assert(sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.cEndnoteColumns == 0, ErrorHandler.NotSupportedFootnotes);


                Debug.Assert(sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.cSegmentDefinedColumnSpanAreas == 0);
                Debug.Assert(sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.cHeightDefinedColumnSpanAreas == 0);

                // cBasicColumns == 0, means that section content is empty.
                // In such case there is nothing to render.
                if (sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.cBasicColumns != 0)
                    // Retrieve description for each column.
                    PTS.FSTRACKDESCRIPTION [] arrayColumnDesc;
                    PtsHelper.TrackListFromSection(PtsContext, sectionDesc.pfssection, ref sectionDetails, out arrayColumnDesc);

                    // Arrange each column
                    for (int index = 0; index < arrayColumnDesc.Length; index++)
                        // Exceptions don't need to pop, as the top level arrange context will be nulled out if thrown.
                        _section.StructuralCache.CurrentArrangeContext.PushNewPageData(_pageContextOfThisPage, arrayColumnDesc[index].fsrc, _finitePage);

                        PtsHelper.ArrangeTrack(PtsContext, ref arrayColumnDesc[index], sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.fswdir);

                // (2) with column notes - footnotes in section treated as column notes
                ErrorHandler.Assert(false, ErrorHandler.NotSupportedCompositeColumns);
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------
        // Arrange floater 
        //      rcFloater - rectangle of the floater
        //      rcHostPara - rectangle of the host text paragraph. 
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        internal override void ArrangeFloater(PTS.FSRECT rcFloater, PTS.FSRECT rcHostPara, uint fswdirParent, PageContext pageContext)
            // If alignment is set to Stretch and floater width is less than para width, center it 
            if (IsFloaterHorizontallyCentered(rcFloater, rcHostPara))
                rcFloater.u = rcHostPara.u + (rcHostPara.du - rcFloater.du) / 2; 
            // Set paragraph rectangle (relative to the page)
            _rect = rcFloater;

            // Adjust rect to account for margins 
            // Add margin values to rect offsets and subtract them from rect widths
            MbpInfo mbp = MbpInfo.FromElement(Paragraph.Element); 
            _rect.v += mbp.MarginTop; 
            _rect.dv -= mbp.MarginTop + mbp.MarginBottom;
            _rect.u += mbp.MarginLeft; 
            _rect.du -= mbp.MarginLeft + mbp.MarginRight;

            _flowDirectionParent = PTS.FswdirToFlowDirection(fswdirParent);
            _flowDirection = (FlowDirection)Paragraph.Element.GetValue(FrameworkElement.FlowDirectionProperty); 
            _pageContext = pageContext;
            if(ThisFlowDirection != PageFlowDirection) 

            _contentRect.u = _rect.u + mbp.BPLeft;
            _contentRect.du = Math.Max(TextDpi.ToTextDpi(TextDpi.MinWidth), _rect.du - mbp.BPRight - mbp.BPLeft); 
            _contentRect.v = _rect.v + mbp.BPTop;
            _contentRect.dv = Math.Max(TextDpi.ToTextDpi(TextDpi.MinWidth), _rect.dv - mbp.BPBottom - mbp.BPTop); 
            _paddingRect.u = _rect.u + mbp.BorderLeft;
            _paddingRect.du = Math.Max(TextDpi.ToTextDpi(TextDpi.MinWidth), _rect.du - mbp.BorderRight - mbp.BorderLeft); 
            _paddingRect.v = _rect.v + mbp.BorderTop;
            _paddingRect.dv = Math.Max(TextDpi.ToTextDpi(TextDpi.MinWidth), _rect.dv - mbp.BorderBottom - mbp.BorderTop);

            // Do paragraph specifc arrange 
        internal override void UpdateViewport(ref PTS.FSRECT viewport)
            // Query subpage details 
            PTS.FSSUBPAGEDETAILS subpageDetails;
            PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQuerySubpageDetails(PtsContext.Context, _paraHandle.Value, out subpageDetails)); 

            PTS.FSRECT viewportSubpage = new PTS.FSRECT();

            viewportSubpage.u = viewport.u - ContentRect.u; 
            viewportSubpage.v = viewport.v - ContentRect.v;
            viewportSubpage.du = viewport.du; 
            viewportSubpage.dv = viewport.dv; 

            // Subpage content may be simple or complex - 
            // depending of set of features used in the content of the subpage.
            // (1) simple subpage (contains only one track)
            // (2) complex subpage (contains columns)
            if (PTS.ToBoolean(subpageDetails.fSimple)) 
                PtsHelper.UpdateViewportTrack(PtsContext, ref subpageDetails.u.simple.trackdescr, ref viewportSubpage); 
                // (2) complex page (contains columns)
                // cBasicColumns == 0, means that subpage content is empty
                bool emptySubpage = (subpageDetails.u.complex.cBasicColumns == 0);
                if (!emptySubpage) 
                    // Retrieve description for each column. 
                    PTS.FSTRACKDESCRIPTION[] arrayColumnDesc; 
                    PtsHelper.TrackListFromSubpage(PtsContext, _paraHandle.Value, ref subpageDetails, out arrayColumnDesc);
                    emptySubpage = (arrayColumnDesc.Length == 0);
                    if (!emptySubpage)
                        for (int index = 0; index < arrayColumnDesc.Length; index++) 
                            PtsHelper.UpdateViewportTrack(PtsContext, ref arrayColumnDesc[index], ref viewportSubpage); 
        private List<Rect> GetRectanglesInSection(
            ContentElement e,
            int start,
            int length,
            ref PTS.FSSECTIONDESCRIPTION sectionDesc)
            // Get section details
            PTS.FSSECTIONDETAILS sectionDetails;
            PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQuerySectionDetails(PtsContext.Context, sectionDesc.pfssection, out sectionDetails));

            // Declare ArrayList to be returned
            List<Rect> rectangles = new List<Rect>();

            // There are 2 types of sections:
            // (1) with page notes - footnotes in section treated as endnotes
            // (2) with column notes - footnotes in section treated as column notes
            if (PTS.ToBoolean(sectionDetails.fFootnotesAsPagenotes))
                // (1) with page notes - footnotes in section treated as endnotes
                ErrorHandler.Assert(sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.cEndnoteColumns == 0, ErrorHandler.NotSupportedFootnotes);


                Debug.Assert(sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.cSegmentDefinedColumnSpanAreas == 0);
                Debug.Assert(sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.cHeightDefinedColumnSpanAreas == 0);

                // cBasicColumns == 0, means that section content is empty.
                // In such case there is nothing to hit-test.
                if (sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.cBasicColumns != 0)
                    // Retrieve description for each column.
                    PTS.FSTRACKDESCRIPTION[] arrayColumnDesc;
                    PtsHelper.TrackListFromSection(PtsContext, sectionDesc.pfssection, ref sectionDetails, out arrayColumnDesc);

                    // Check each column for element or part of element - element may span multiple
                    // columns/tracks
                    for (int index = 0; index < arrayColumnDesc.Length; index++)
                        // See if any rectangles for the element are found in this track
                        List<Rect> trackRectangles = PtsHelper.GetRectanglesInTrack(PtsContext, e, start, length, ref arrayColumnDesc[index]);
                        // For consistency, rectangles collection is never null, only empty
                        Invariant.Assert(trackRectangles != null);
                        if (trackRectangles.Count != 0)
                            // Add rectangles found in this track to rectangles for element
                // (2) with column notes - footnotes in section treated as column notes
                ErrorHandler.Assert(false, ErrorHandler.NotSupportedCompositeColumns);

            return rectangles;
        internal void UpdateViewport(ref PTS.FSRECT viewport)
            if (!IsEmpty)
                // Get page details
                PTS.FSPAGEDETAILS pageDetails;
                PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryPageDetails(PtsContext.Context, _ptsPage.Value, out pageDetails));

                // Arrange page content. Page content may be simple or complex -
                // depending of set of features used in the content of the page.
                // (1) simple page (contains only one track)
                // (2) complex page (contains header, page body (list of sections), footnotes and footer)
                if (PTS.ToBoolean(pageDetails.fSimple))
                    // (1) simple page (contains only one track)

                    PtsHelper.UpdateViewportTrack(PtsContext, ref pageDetails.u.simple.trackdescr, ref viewport);
                    // (2) complex page (contains header, page body (list of sections), footnotes and footer)
                    //     NOTE: only page body (list of sections is currently supported).
                    //ErrorHandler.Assert(!PTS.ToBoolean(pageDetails.u.complex.fTopBottomHeaderFooter), ErrorHandler.NotSupportedHeadersFooters);
                    //ErrorHandler.Assert(!PTS.ToBoolean(pageDetails.u.complex.fJustified), ErrorHandler.NotSupportedVerticalJustify);
                    ErrorHandler.Assert(pageDetails.u.complex.cFootnoteColumns == 0, ErrorHandler.NotSupportedFootnotes);

                    // cSections == 0, means that page body content is empty.
                    if (pageDetails.u.complex.cSections != 0)
                        // Retrieve description for each section.
                        PTS.FSSECTIONDESCRIPTION[] arraySectionDesc;
                        PtsHelper.SectionListFromPage(PtsContext, _ptsPage.Value, ref pageDetails, out arraySectionDesc);

                        // Arrange each section
                        for (int index = 0; index < arraySectionDesc.Length; index++)
                            UpdateViewportSection(ref arraySectionDesc[index], ref viewport);
        internal override IInputElement InputHitTest(PTS.FSPOINT pt)
            IInputElement ie = null; 

            if(_pageContextOfThisPage.FloatingElementList != null) 
                for(int index = 0; index < _pageContextOfThisPage.FloatingElementList.Count && ie == null; index++) 
                    BaseParaClient floatingElement = _pageContextOfThisPage.FloatingElementList[index];

                    ie = floatingElement.InputHitTest(pt); 
            if(ie == null)
                // Query subpage details
                PTS.FSSUBPAGEDETAILS subpageDetails;
                PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQuerySubpageDetails(PtsContext.Context, _paraHandle.Value, out subpageDetails));
                        pt = new PTS.FSPOINT(pt.u - ContentRect.u, pt.v - ContentRect.v); 

                        // Hittest subpage content. Subpage content may be simple or complex -
                        // depending of set of features used in the content of the page.
                        // (1) simple subpage (contains only one track) 
                        // (2) complex subpage (contains columns)
                        if (PTS.ToBoolean(subpageDetails.fSimple)) 
                            ie = PtsHelper.InputHitTestTrack(PtsContext, pt, ref subpageDetails.u.simple.trackdescr);
                            // (2) complex page (contains columns)
                            // cBasicColumns == 0, means that subpage content is empty 
                            if (subpageDetails.u.complex.cBasicColumns != 0)
                                // Retrieve description for each column. 
                                PTS.FSTRACKDESCRIPTION[] arrayColumnDesc;
                                PtsHelper.TrackListFromSubpage(PtsContext, _paraHandle.Value, ref subpageDetails, out arrayColumnDesc); 

                                // Arrange each track
                                for (int index = 0; index < arrayColumnDesc.Length && ie == null; index++)
                                    ie = PtsHelper.InputHitTestTrack(PtsContext, pt, ref arrayColumnDesc[index]);

                    if(ie == null)
                        ie = Paragraph.Element as IInputElement; 

            return ie; 
Exemple #19
        private unsafe void UpdateChunkInfo(PTS.FSTABLEROWDESCRIPTION[] arrayTableRowDesc)
            PTS.FSTABLEROWDETAILS tableRowDetails;

            RowParagraph rowParagraph = (RowParagraph)(PtsContext.HandleToObject(arrayTableRowDesc[0].fsnmRow));
            TableRow row = rowParagraph.Row;

                out tableRowDetails));

            _isFirstChunk = (tableRowDetails.fskboundaryAbove == PTS.FSKTABLEROWBOUNDARY.fsktablerowboundaryOuter) &&
                (row.Index == 0) && Table.IsFirstNonEmptyRowGroup(row.RowGroup.Index);

            row = ((RowParagraph)(PtsContext.HandleToObject(arrayTableRowDesc[arrayTableRowDesc.Length - 1].fsnmRow))).Row;

                arrayTableRowDesc[arrayTableRowDesc.Length - 1].pfstablerow,
                out tableRowDetails));

            _isLastChunk = (tableRowDetails.fskboundaryBelow == PTS.FSKTABLEROWBOUNDARY.fsktablerowboundaryOuter) &&
                (row.Index == row.RowGroup.Rows.Count - 1) && Table.IsLastNonEmptyRowGroup(row.RowGroup.Index);
        internal override void ValidateVisual(PTS.FSKUPDATE fskupdInherited) 
            // Floater is always reported as NEW. Override PTS inherited value.
            fskupdInherited = PTS.FSKUPDATE.fskupdNew; 

            // Query subpage details
            PTS.FSSUBPAGEDETAILS subpageDetails;
            PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQuerySubpageDetails(PtsContext.Context, _paraHandle.Value, out subpageDetails)); 

            // Obtain all mbd info 
            MbpInfo mbp = MbpInfo.FromElement(Paragraph.Element); 

            if(ThisFlowDirection != PageFlowDirection) 
            Brush backgroundBrush = (Brush)Paragraph.Element.GetValue(TextElement.BackgroundProperty);
            Visual.DrawBackgroundAndBorder(backgroundBrush, mbp.BorderBrush, mbp.Border, _rect.FromTextDpi(), IsFirstChunk, IsLastChunk); 

            ContainerVisual pageContentVisual; 
            ContainerVisual floatingElementsVisual;

            if(_visual.Children.Count != 2)
                _visual.Children.Add(new ContainerVisual()); 
                _visual.Children.Add(new ContainerVisual()); 
            pageContentVisual = (ContainerVisual)_visual.Children[0];
            floatingElementsVisual = (ContainerVisual)_visual.Children[1];

            // Subpage content may be simple or complex - 
            // depending of set of features used in the content of the subpage.
            // (1) simple subpage (contains only one track) 
            // (2) complex subpage (contains columns) 
            if (PTS.ToBoolean(subpageDetails.fSimple))
                // (1) simple subpage (contains only one track)
                PTS.FSKUPDATE fskupd = subpageDetails.u.simple.trackdescr.fsupdinf.fskupd;
                if (fskupd == PTS.FSKUPDATE.fskupdInherited)
                    fskupd = fskupdInherited;
                VisualCollection visualChildren = pageContentVisual.Children; 
                if (fskupd == PTS.FSKUPDATE.fskupdNew)
                    visualChildren.Add(new ContainerVisual());
                // For complex subpage SectionVisual is added. So, when morphing 
                // complex subpage to simple one, remove SectionVisual.
                else if (visualChildren.Count == 1 && !(visualChildren[0] is ContainerVisual)) 
                    visualChildren.Add(new ContainerVisual()); 
                Debug.Assert(visualChildren.Count == 1 && visualChildren[0] is ContainerVisual);
                ContainerVisual trackVisual = (ContainerVisual)visualChildren[0];
                PtsHelper.UpdateTrackVisuals(PtsContext, trackVisual.Children, fskupdInherited, ref subpageDetails.u.simple.trackdescr);
                // (2) complex page (contains columns) 
                // cBasicColumns == 0, means that subpage content is empty
                bool emptySubpage = (subpageDetails.u.complex.cBasicColumns == 0);
                if (!emptySubpage)
                    // Retrieve description for each column.
                    PTS.FSTRACKDESCRIPTION[] arrayColumnDesc; 
                    PtsHelper.TrackListFromSubpage(PtsContext, _paraHandle.Value, ref subpageDetails, out arrayColumnDesc); 

                    emptySubpage = (arrayColumnDesc.Length == 0); 
                    if (!emptySubpage)
                        PTS.FSKUPDATE fskupd = fskupdInherited;
                        ErrorHandler.Assert(fskupd != PTS.FSKUPDATE.fskupdShifted, ErrorHandler.UpdateShiftedNotValid); 
                        Debug.Assert(fskupd != PTS.FSKUPDATE.fskupdNoChange);
                        // For complex subpage SectionVisual is added. So, when morphing 
                        // simple subpage to complex one, remove ParagraphVisual.
                        VisualCollection visualChildren = pageContentVisual.Children; 
                        if (visualChildren.Count == 0)
                            visualChildren.Add(new SectionVisual());
                        else if (!(visualChildren[0] is SectionVisual))
                            visualChildren.Add(new SectionVisual());
                        Debug.Assert(visualChildren.Count == 1 && visualChildren[0] is SectionVisual);
                        SectionVisual sectionVisual = (SectionVisual)visualChildren[0];

                        // Draw column rules. 
                        ColumnPropertiesGroup columnProperties = new ColumnPropertiesGroup(Paragraph.Element);
                        sectionVisual.DrawColumnRules(ref arrayColumnDesc, TextDpi.FromTextDpi(subpageDetails.u.complex.fsrc.v), TextDpi.FromTextDpi(subpageDetails.u.complex.fsrc.dv), columnProperties); 
                        visualChildren = sectionVisual.Children;
                        if (fskupd == PTS.FSKUPDATE.fskupdNew) 
                            for (int index = 0; index < arrayColumnDesc.Length; index++)
                                visualChildren.Add(new ContainerVisual());
                        ErrorHandler.Assert(visualChildren.Count == arrayColumnDesc.Length, ErrorHandler.ColumnVisualCountMismatch);
                        for (int index = 0; index < arrayColumnDesc.Length; index++)
                            ContainerVisual trackVisual = (ContainerVisual)visualChildren[index];
                            PtsHelper.UpdateTrackVisuals(PtsContext, trackVisual.Children, fskupdInherited, ref arrayColumnDesc[index]);
                if (emptySubpage) 
                    // There is no content, remove all existing visuals.
            pageContentVisual.Offset = new PTS.FSVECTOR(ContentRect.u, ContentRect.v).FromTextDpi(); 
            floatingElementsVisual.Offset = new PTS.FSVECTOR(ContentRect.u, ContentRect.v).FromTextDpi();
            PTS.FSRECT clipRect = new PTS.FSRECT(_paddingRect.u - _contentRect.u, _paddingRect.v - _contentRect.v, _paddingRect.du, _paddingRect.dv);
            PtsHelper.ClipChildrenToRect(_visual, clipRect.FromTextDpi());

            PtsHelper.UpdateFloatingElementVisuals(floatingElementsVisual, _pageContextOfThisPage.FloatingElementList); 
Exemple #21
        private unsafe void QueryRowDetails(
            IntPtr pfstablerow,
            out IntPtr[] arrayFsCell,
            out PTS.FSKUPDATE[] arrayUpdate,
            out PTS.FSTABLEKCELLMERGE[] arrayTableCellMerge)
            PTS.FSTABLEROWDETAILS tableRowDetails;

                out tableRowDetails));

            arrayUpdate = new PTS.FSKUPDATE[tableRowDetails.cCells];
            arrayFsCell = new IntPtr[tableRowDetails.cCells];
            arrayTableCellMerge = new PTS.FSTABLEKCELLMERGE[tableRowDetails.cCells];

            if (tableRowDetails.cCells > 0)
                fixed (PTS.FSKUPDATE * rgUpdate = arrayUpdate)
                    fixed (IntPtr * rgFsCell = arrayFsCell)
                        fixed (PTS.FSTABLEKCELLMERGE * rgTableCellMerge = arrayTableCellMerge)
                            int cCellsActual;

                                out cCellsActual));

                            Debug.Assert(tableRowDetails.cCells == cCellsActual);
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------ 
        // Returns whether a floater should be horizontally centered
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------- 
        private bool IsFloaterHorizontallyCentered(PTS.FSRECT rcFloater, PTS.FSRECT rcHostPara)
            Floater floater = Paragraph.Element as Floater;
            if(floater == null)
                return false; 
            if(floater.HorizontalAlignment != HorizontalAlignment.Stretch)
                return false;

            if(rcFloater.du >= rcHostPara.du) 
                return false;

            return true;

Exemple #23
        private void ValidateRowVisualComplex(
            RowVisual rowVisual,
            IntPtr pfstablerow,
            int tableColumnCount,
            PTS.FSKUPDATE fskupdRow,
            CalculatedColumn[] calculatedColumns)
            PTS.FSKUPDATE[] arrayUpdate;
            IntPtr[] arrayFsCell;
            PTS.FSTABLEKCELLMERGE[] arrayTableCellMerge;
            CellParaClientEntry[] arrayCellParaClients;
            VisualCollection cellVisualsCollection;
            int sourceIndex;

                out arrayFsCell,
                out arrayUpdate,
                out arrayTableCellMerge);

            //  arrayFsCell lists cells in order different from one we want to maintain in visual collection.
            //  before going to update visual collection it is necessary to reorder ascending by cell's column index.
            //  knowing the following facts:
            //  * total number of columns the row holds (including row spanned cells from previous rows) less or equal to tableColumnCount;
            //  * total number of cells (including row spanned cells from previous rows) is less or equal to tableColumnCount;
            //  * cells do not overlap - no two cells have the same column index;
            //  * cells' column indices fall into the range [0, tableColumnCount - 1];
            //  it is possible to write custom and optimized sorting routine:
            //  * iterate through arrayFsCell;
            //  * for each item record its CellParaClient value into arrayCellParaClients[CellParaClient.ColumnIndex];
            //  once complete, arrayCellParaClients will contain CellParaClients in correct order. some entries however will be null
            //  due to potential column spanning of cells.
            arrayCellParaClients = new CellParaClientEntry[tableColumnCount];

            for (int iC = 0; iC < arrayFsCell.Length; ++iC)
                CellParaClient cellParaClient;
                PTS.FSKUPDATE fskupdCell;
                int columnIndex;

                if (arrayFsCell[iC] == IntPtr.Zero)
                    //  paginated case - cell may be null

                fskupdCell = (arrayUpdate[iC] != PTS.FSKUPDATE.fskupdInherited)
                    ? arrayUpdate[iC]
                    : fskupdRow;

                cellParaClient = (CellParaClient)(PtsContext.HandleToObject(arrayFsCell[iC]));
                columnIndex = cellParaClient.ColumnIndex;
                arrayCellParaClients[columnIndex].cellParaClient = cellParaClient;
                arrayCellParaClients[columnIndex].fskupdCell = fskupdCell;

            cellVisualsCollection = rowVisual.Children;
            sourceIndex = 0;

            for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < arrayCellParaClients.Length; ++columnIndex)
                CellParaClient cellParaClient;
                double urCellOffset;
                PTS.FSKUPDATE fskupdCell;

                cellParaClient = arrayCellParaClients[columnIndex].cellParaClient;
                if (cellParaClient == null)
                    //  paginated case - cell may be null

                fskupdCell = arrayCellParaClients[columnIndex].fskupdCell;

                if (fskupdCell != PTS.FSKUPDATE.fskupdNoChange)
                    urCellOffset = calculatedColumns[columnIndex].UrOffset;

                    if (fskupdCell == PTS.FSKUPDATE.fskupdNew)
                        cellVisualsCollection.Insert(sourceIndex, cellParaClient.Visual);
                        Debug.Assert(   cellParaClient.Visual != null
                                    //  If the check below fails, then PTS cheats by reporting "ChangInside" for
                                    //  a cell that in fact was re-Formatted.
                                    &&  VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(cellParaClient.Visual) != null   );

                        SynchronizeCellVisualsCollection(cellVisualsCollection, sourceIndex, cellParaClient.Visual);

            if (cellVisualsCollection.Count > sourceIndex)
                    cellVisualsCollection.Count - sourceIndex);

            #if DEBUGDEBUG
            for (int columnIndex = 0, sourceIndex = 0; columnIndex < arrayCellParaClients.Length; ++columnIndex)
                CellParaClient cellParaClient = arrayCellParaClients[columnIndex].cellParaClient;
                if (cellParaClient != null)
                    Debug.Assert(rowVisual.Children.IndexOf(cellParaClient.Visual) == sourceIndex);
            #endif // DEBUGDEBUG
        private void UpdateViewportSection(ref PTS.FSSECTIONDESCRIPTION sectionDesc, ref PTS.FSRECT viewport)
            // Get section details
            PTS.FSSECTIONDETAILS sectionDetails;
            PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQuerySectionDetails(PtsContext.Context, sectionDesc.pfssection, out sectionDetails));

            // There are 2 types of sections:
            // (1) with page notes - footnotes in section treated as endnotes
            // (2) with column notes - footnotes in section treated as column notes
            if (PTS.ToBoolean(sectionDetails.fFootnotesAsPagenotes))
                // (1) with page notes - footnotes in section treated as endnotes
                ErrorHandler.Assert(sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.cEndnoteColumns == 0, ErrorHandler.NotSupportedFootnotes);


                Debug.Assert(sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.cSegmentDefinedColumnSpanAreas == 0);
                Debug.Assert(sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.cHeightDefinedColumnSpanAreas == 0);

                // cBasicColumns == 0, means that section content is empty.
                // In such case there is nothing to render.
                if (sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.cBasicColumns != 0)
                    // Retrieve description for each column.
                    PTS.FSTRACKDESCRIPTION [] arrayColumnDesc;
                    PtsHelper.TrackListFromSection(PtsContext, sectionDesc.pfssection, ref sectionDetails, out arrayColumnDesc);

                    // Arrange each column
                    for (int index = 0; index < arrayColumnDesc.Length; index++)
                        PtsHelper.UpdateViewportTrack(PtsContext, ref arrayColumnDesc[index], ref viewport);
                // (2) with column notes - footnotes in section treated as column notes
                ErrorHandler.Assert(false, ErrorHandler.NotSupportedCompositeColumns);
Exemple #25
        private void DrawRowGroupBackgrounds(DrawingContext dc, PTS.FSTABLEROWDESCRIPTION[] arrayTableRowDesc, Rect tableContentRect, MbpInfo mbpInfo)
            double rowGroupTop = tableContentRect.Y;
            double rowGroupHeight = 0;
            Rect rowRect = tableContentRect;
            Brush rowGroupBackgroundBrush;

            if(arrayTableRowDesc.Length > 0)
                TableRow row = ((RowParagraph)(PtsContext.HandleToObject(arrayTableRowDesc[0].fsnmRow))).Row;
                TableRowGroup tableRowGroup = row.RowGroup;

                for (int iR = 0; iR < arrayTableRowDesc.Length; ++iR)
                    row = ((RowParagraph)(PtsContext.HandleToObject(arrayTableRowDesc[iR].fsnmRow))).Row;

                    if (tableRowGroup != row.RowGroup)
                        rowGroupBackgroundBrush = (Brush)tableRowGroup.GetValue(TextElement.BackgroundProperty);

                        if (rowGroupBackgroundBrush != null)
                            rowRect.Y = rowGroupTop;
                            rowRect.Height = rowGroupHeight;
                            dc.DrawRectangle(rowGroupBackgroundBrush, null, rowRect);

                        rowGroupTop += rowGroupHeight;
                        tableRowGroup = row.RowGroup;
                        rowGroupHeight = GetActualRowHeight(arrayTableRowDesc, iR, mbpInfo);
                        rowGroupHeight += GetActualRowHeight(arrayTableRowDesc, iR, mbpInfo);

                rowGroupBackgroundBrush = (Brush)tableRowGroup.GetValue(TextElement.BackgroundProperty);
                if (rowGroupBackgroundBrush != null)
                    rowRect.Y = rowGroupTop;
                    rowRect.Height = rowGroupHeight;
                    dc.DrawRectangle(rowGroupBackgroundBrush, null, rowRect);

        private void UpdateSectionVisuals(
            SectionVisual visual, 
            PTS.FSKUPDATE fskupdInherited, 
            ref PTS.FSSECTIONDESCRIPTION sectionDesc)
            PTS.FSKUPDATE fskupd = sectionDesc.fsupdinf.fskupd;
            if (fskupd == PTS.FSKUPDATE.fskupdInherited)
                fskupd = fskupdInherited;
            ErrorHandler.Assert(fskupd != PTS.FSKUPDATE.fskupdShifted, ErrorHandler.UpdateShiftedNotValid);

            // If there is no change, visual information is valid
            if (fskupd == PTS.FSKUPDATE.fskupdNoChange) { return; }

            bool emptySection;

            // Get section details
            PTS.FSSECTIONDETAILS sectionDetails;
            PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQuerySectionDetails(PtsContext.Context, sectionDesc.pfssection, out sectionDetails));

            // There are 2 types of sections:
            // (1) with page notes - footnotes in section treated as endnotes
            // (2) with column notes - footnotes in section treated as column notes
            if (PTS.ToBoolean(sectionDetails.fFootnotesAsPagenotes))
                // (1) with page notes - footnotes in section treated as endnotes
                ErrorHandler.Assert(sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.cEndnoteColumns == 0, ErrorHandler.NotSupportedFootnotes);


                Debug.Assert(sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.cSegmentDefinedColumnSpanAreas == 0);
                Debug.Assert(sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.cHeightDefinedColumnSpanAreas == 0);

                // cBasicColumns == 0, means that section content is empty.
                emptySection = (sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.cBasicColumns == 0);
                if (!emptySection)
                    // Retrieve description for each column.
                    PTS.FSTRACKDESCRIPTION [] arrayColumnDesc;
                    PtsHelper.TrackListFromSection(PtsContext, sectionDesc.pfssection, ref sectionDetails, out arrayColumnDesc);

                    emptySection = (arrayColumnDesc.Length == 0);
                    if (!emptySection)
                        // Draw column rules.
                        ColumnPropertiesGroup columnProperties = new ColumnPropertiesGroup(_section.Element);
                        visual.DrawColumnRules(ref arrayColumnDesc, TextDpi.FromTextDpi(sectionDesc.fsrc.v), TextDpi.FromTextDpi(sectionDesc.fsrc.dv), columnProperties);

                        VisualCollection visualChildren = visual.Children;
                        if (fskupd == PTS.FSKUPDATE.fskupdNew)
                            for (int index = 0; index < arrayColumnDesc.Length; index++)
                                visualChildren.Add(new ContainerVisual());
                        ErrorHandler.Assert(visualChildren.Count == arrayColumnDesc.Length, ErrorHandler.ColumnVisualCountMismatch);
                        for (int index = 0; index < arrayColumnDesc.Length; index++)
                            ContainerVisual trackVisual = (ContainerVisual)visualChildren[index];
                            PtsHelper.UpdateTrackVisuals(PtsContext, trackVisual.Children, fskupd, ref arrayColumnDesc[index]);
                // (2) with column notes - footnotes in section treated as column notes
                ErrorHandler.Assert(false, ErrorHandler.NotSupportedCompositeColumns);
                emptySection = true;
            if (emptySection)
                // There is no content, remove all existing visuals.
Exemple #27
        private void DrawRowBackgrounds(DrawingContext dc, PTS.FSTABLEROWDESCRIPTION[] arrayTableRowDesc, Rect tableContentRect, MbpInfo mbpInfo)
            double rowTop = tableContentRect.Y;
            Rect rowRect = tableContentRect;

            for (int iR = 0; iR < arrayTableRowDesc.Length; ++iR)
                TableRow row = ((RowParagraph)(PtsContext.HandleToObject(arrayTableRowDesc[iR].fsnmRow))).Row;
                Brush rowBackgroundBrush = (Brush)row.GetValue(TextElement.BackgroundProperty);

                rowRect.Y = rowTop;
                rowRect.Height = GetActualRowHeight(arrayTableRowDesc, iR, mbpInfo);

                if (rowBackgroundBrush != null)
                    dc.DrawRectangle(rowBackgroundBrush, null, rowRect);

                rowTop += rowRect.Height; // Adjust for top of next row
        private IInputElement InputHitTestPage(PTS.FSPOINT pt)
            IInputElement ie = null;

            if(_pageContextOfThisPage.FloatingElementList != null)
                for(int index = 0; index < _pageContextOfThisPage.FloatingElementList.Count && ie == null; index++)
                    BaseParaClient floatingElement = _pageContextOfThisPage.FloatingElementList[index];

                    ie = floatingElement.InputHitTest(pt);

            if(ie == null)
                // Get page details
                PTS.FSPAGEDETAILS pageDetails;
                PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryPageDetails(PtsContext.Context, _ptsPage.Value, out pageDetails));

                // Hittest page content. Page content may be simple or complex -
                // depending of set of features used in the content of the page.
                // (1) simple page (contains only one track)
                // (2) complex page (contains header, page body (list of sections), footnotes and footer)
                if (PTS.ToBoolean(pageDetails.fSimple))
                    // (1) simple page (contains only one track)
                    if (pageDetails.u.simple.trackdescr.fsrc.Contains(pt))
                        ie = PtsHelper.InputHitTestTrack(PtsContext, pt, ref pageDetails.u.simple.trackdescr); 
                    // (2) complex page (contains header, page body (list of sections), footnotes and footer)
                    //     NOTE: only page body (list of sections is currently supported).
                    //ErrorHandler.Assert(!PTS.ToBoolean(pageDetails.u.complex.fTopBottomHeaderFooter), ErrorHandler.NotSupportedHeadersFooters);
                    //ErrorHandler.Assert(!PTS.ToBoolean(pageDetails.u.complex.fJustified), ErrorHandler.NotSupportedVerticalJustify);
                    ErrorHandler.Assert(pageDetails.u.complex.cFootnoteColumns == 0, ErrorHandler.NotSupportedFootnotes);

                    // cSections == 0, means that page body content is empty.
                    // In such case there is nothing to render.
                    if (pageDetails.u.complex.cSections != 0)
                        // Retrieve description for each section.
                        PTS.FSSECTIONDESCRIPTION [] arraySectionDesc;
                        PtsHelper.SectionListFromPage(PtsContext, _ptsPage.Value, ref pageDetails, out arraySectionDesc);

                        // Hittest each section
                        for (int index = 0; index < arraySectionDesc.Length && ie == null; index++)
                            if (arraySectionDesc[index].fsrc.Contains(pt))
                                ie = InputHitTestSection(pt, ref arraySectionDesc[index]);

            return ie;
Exemple #29
        internal override IInputElement InputHitTest(PTS.FSPOINT pt)
            Debug.Assert(   TableParagraph.Table != null
                        &&  CalculatedColumns != null  );

            IInputElement element = null;
            PTS.FSTABLEROWDESCRIPTION[] arrayTableRowDesc;
            PTS.FSKUPDATE fskupdTable;
            PTS.FSRECT rectTable;

            if (QueryTableDetails(out arrayTableRowDesc, out fskupdTable, out rectTable))
                // Start vrRowTop from 'true' v of table
                int vrRowTop = GetTableOffsetFirstRowTop() + rectTable.v;
                for (int iR = 0; iR < arrayTableRowDesc.Length; ++iR)
                    if (pt.v >= vrRowTop && pt.v <= (vrRowTop + arrayTableRowDesc[iR].u.dvrRow))
                        PTS.FSKUPDATE[] arrayUpdate;
                        IntPtr[] arrayFsCell;
                        PTS.FSTABLEKCELLMERGE[] arrayTableCellMerge;

                            out arrayFsCell,
                            out arrayUpdate,
                            out arrayTableCellMerge);

                        for (int iC = 0; iC < arrayFsCell.Length; ++iC)
                            if (arrayFsCell[iC] == IntPtr.Zero)
                                //  paginated case - cell may be null

                            CellParaClient cellParaClient = (CellParaClient)(PtsContext.HandleToObject(arrayFsCell[iC]));
                            PTS.FSRECT rect = cellParaClient.Rect;

                            if (cellParaClient.Rect.Contains(pt))
                                element = cellParaClient.InputHitTest(pt);
                    vrRowTop += arrayTableRowDesc[iR].u.dvrRow;

            if(element == null && _rect.Contains(pt))
                element = TableParagraph.Table;

            return (element);
        private IInputElement InputHitTestSection(
            PTS.FSPOINT pt, 
            ref PTS.FSSECTIONDESCRIPTION sectionDesc)
            IInputElement ie = null;

            // Get section details
            PTS.FSSECTIONDETAILS sectionDetails;
            PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQuerySectionDetails(PtsContext.Context, sectionDesc.pfssection, out sectionDetails));

            // There are 2 types of sections:
            // (1) with page notes - footnotes in section treated as endnotes
            // (2) with column notes - footnotes in section treated as column notes
            if (PTS.ToBoolean(sectionDetails.fFootnotesAsPagenotes))
                // (1) with page notes - footnotes in section treated as endnotes
                ErrorHandler.Assert(sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.cEndnoteColumns == 0, ErrorHandler.NotSupportedFootnotes);


                Debug.Assert(sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.cSegmentDefinedColumnSpanAreas == 0);
                Debug.Assert(sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.cHeightDefinedColumnSpanAreas == 0);

                // cBasicColumns == 0, means that section content is empty.
                // In such case there is nothing to hit-test.
                if (sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.cBasicColumns != 0)
                    // Retrieve description for each column.
                    PTS.FSTRACKDESCRIPTION [] arrayColumnDesc;
                    PtsHelper.TrackListFromSection(PtsContext, sectionDesc.pfssection, ref sectionDetails, out arrayColumnDesc);

                    // Hittest each column
                    for (int index = 0; index < arrayColumnDesc.Length; index++)
                        if (arrayColumnDesc[index].fsrc.Contains(pt))
                            ie = PtsHelper.InputHitTestTrack(PtsContext, pt, ref arrayColumnDesc[index]);
                // (2) with column notes - footnotes in section treated as column notes
                ErrorHandler.Assert(false, ErrorHandler.NotSupportedCompositeColumns);

            return ie;