Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Displays the results of a generation / upload routine
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message"></param>
        private void ShowResultDialog(String message)
            LogWindow dlg = new LogWindow();

            if (generationResult)
                dlg.Image = SystemIcons.Asterisk;
                dlg.Image = SystemIcons.Error;

            dlg.Message = message;
            dlg.Log     = generateLog;

            // This forces the log window to the top if
            // the application is behind another.

            // Show the log window

            myProgress.Style    = ProgressBarStyle.Blocks;
            myProgress.Value    = 0;
            myStatusMsg.Text    = "[Generator Idle]";
            btnGenerate.Enabled = true;
Exemple #2
        static void Main(String[] args)
            // If no arguments, show the GUI
            if (args.Length == 0)
                Application.Run(new MPFS21Form());
            // Operate in command line mode

                // Make sure we got at least 3 parameters
                if (args.Length < 3)
                        "Usage: MPFS2 [options] <SourceDir> <ProjectDir> <OutputFile>\n" +
                        "    /BIN\t\t(/b)\t: Output a BIN image (Default)\n" +
                        "    /C18\t\t(/c)\t: Output a C18 image\n" +
                        "    /ASM30\t(/s)\t: Output an ASM30 image\n" +
                        "    /C32\t\t(/x)\t: Output a C32 image\n" +
                        "    /classic\t\t(/1)\t: MPFSClassic format\n" +
                        "    /mpfs2\t\t(/2)\t: MPFS2 format (Default)\n" +
                        "    /reserve #\t(/r #)\t: Reserved space for Classic BINs (Default 64)\n" +
                        "    /html \"...\"\t(/h)\t: Dynamic file types (\"*.htm, *.html, *.xml, *.cgi\")\n" +
                        "    /xgzip \"...\"\t(/z)\t: Non-compressible types (\"snmp.bib, *.inc\")\n\n" +
                        "SourceDir, ProjectDir, and OutputFile are required and should be enclosed in quotes.\n" +
                        "OutputFile is placed relative to ProjectDir and *CANNOT* be a full path name.",
                        "MPFS2 Console Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop);

                // Locate the parameters
                String sourceDir = args[args.Length - 3];
                String projectDir = args[args.Length - 2];
                String outputFile = args[args.Length - 1];

                // Set up some defaults
                MPFSOutputFormat fmt = MPFSOutputFormat.BIN;
                byte version = 2;
                int reserveBlock = 64;
                String htmlTypes = "*.htm, *.html, *.xml, *.cgi";
                String noGZipTypes = "*.inc, snmp.bib";

                // Process each command line argument
                for(int i =0; i < args.Length - 3; i++)
                    String arg = args[i].ToLower();

                    // Check for output format parameters
                    if(arg == "/bin" || arg == "/b")
                        fmt = MPFSOutputFormat.BIN;
                    else if(arg == "/c18" || arg == "/c")
                        fmt = MPFSOutputFormat.C18;
                    else if(arg == "/asm30" || arg == "/s")
                        fmt = MPFSOutputFormat.ASM30;
                    else if(arg == "/c32" || arg == "/x")
                        fmt = MPFSOutputFormat.C32;
                    else if(arg == "/classic" || arg == "/1")
                        version = 1;
                    else if(arg == "/mpfs2" || arg == "/2")
                        version = 2;

                    // Check for string parameters
                    else if(arg == "/reserve" || arg == "/r")
                        reserveBlock = Convert.ToInt32(args[++i]);
                    else if(arg == "/html" || arg == "/h")
                        htmlTypes = args[++i];
                    else if(arg == "/xgzip" || arg == "/z")
                        noGZipTypes = args[++i];

                        MessageBox.Show("The command-line option \""+arg+"\" was not recognized.",
                            "MPFS2 Console Error",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                // Set up an appropriate builder
                MPFSBuilder builder;
                // This is a dummy string , will be initialized when MDD is supported from command line
                String dummy = "Dummy";
                if (version == 2)
                    builder = new MPFS2Builder(projectDir, outputFile);
                    ((MPFS2Builder)builder).DynamicTypes = htmlTypes;
                    ((MPFS2Builder)builder).NonGZipTypes = noGZipTypes;
                    builder = new MPFSClassicBuilder(projectDir, outputFile);
                    ((MPFSClassicBuilder)builder).ReserveBlock = (UInt32)reserveBlock;

                // Add the files to the image and generate the image
                builder.AddDirectory(sourceDir, "");

                // Generate the image and trap errors
                if (!builder.Generate(fmt))
                    LogWindow dlg = new LogWindow();
                    dlg.Image = SystemIcons.Error;
                    dlg.Message = "An error was encountered during generation.";
                    dlg.Log = builder.Log;
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Displays the results of a generation / upload routine
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message"></param>
        private void ShowResultDialog(String message)
            LogWindow dlg = new LogWindow();

            if (generationResult)
                dlg.Image = SystemIcons.Asterisk;
                dlg.Image = SystemIcons.Error;

            dlg.Message = message;
            dlg.Log = generateLog;

            // This forces the log window to the top if
            // the application is behind another.

            // Show the log window

            myProgress.Style = ProgressBarStyle.Blocks;
            myProgress.Value = 0;
            myStatusMsg.Text = "[Generator Idle]";
            btnGenerate.Enabled = true;
Exemple #4
        static void Main(String[] args)
            // If no arguments, show the GUI
            if (args.Length == 0)
                Application.Run(new MPFS21Form());
            // Operate in command line mode
                // Make sure we got at least 3 parameters
                if (args.Length < 3)
                        "Usage: MPFS2 [options] <SourceDir> <ProjectDir> <OutputFile>\n" +
                        "    /BIN\t\t(/b)\t: Output a BIN image (Default)\n" +
                        "    /C18\t\t(/c)\t: Output a C18 image\n" +
                        "    /ASM30\t(/s)\t: Output an ASM30 image\n" +
                        "    /C32\t\t(/x)\t: Output a C32 image\n" +
                        "    /classic\t\t(/1)\t: MPFSClassic format\n" +
                        "    /mpfs2\t\t(/2)\t: MPFS2 format (Default)\n" +
                        "    /reserve #\t(/r #)\t: Reserved space for Classic BINs (Default 64)\n" +
                        "    /html \"...\"\t(/h)\t: Dynamic file types (\"*.htm, *.html, *.xml, *.cgi\")\n" +
                        "    /xgzip \"...\"\t(/z)\t: Non-compressible types (\"snmp.bib, *.inc\")\n\n" +
                        "SourceDir, ProjectDir, and OutputFile are required and should be enclosed in quotes.\n" +
                        "OutputFile is placed relative to ProjectDir and *CANNOT* be a full path name.",
                        "MPFS2 Console Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop);

                // Locate the parameters
                String sourceDir  = args[args.Length - 3];
                String projectDir = args[args.Length - 2];
                String outputFile = args[args.Length - 1];

                // Set up some defaults
                MPFSOutputFormat fmt     = MPFSOutputFormat.BIN;
                byte             version = 2;
                int    reserveBlock      = 64;
                String htmlTypes         = "*.htm, *.html, *.xml, *.cgi";
                String noGZipTypes       = "*.inc, snmp.bib";

                // Process each command line argument
                for (int i = 0; i < args.Length - 3; i++)
                    String arg = args[i].ToLower();

                    // Check for output format parameters
                    if (arg == "/bin" || arg == "/b")
                        fmt = MPFSOutputFormat.BIN;
                    else if (arg == "/c18" || arg == "/c")
                        fmt = MPFSOutputFormat.C18;
                    else if (arg == "/asm30" || arg == "/s")
                        fmt = MPFSOutputFormat.ASM30;
                    else if (arg == "/c32" || arg == "/x")
                        fmt = MPFSOutputFormat.C32;
                    else if (arg == "/classic" || arg == "/1")
                        version = 1;
                    else if (arg == "/mpfs2" || arg == "/2")
                        version = 2;

                    // Check for string parameters
                    else if (arg == "/reserve" || arg == "/r")
                        reserveBlock = Convert.ToInt32(args[++i]);
                    else if (arg == "/html" || arg == "/h")
                        htmlTypes = args[++i];
                    else if (arg == "/xgzip" || arg == "/z")
                        noGZipTypes = args[++i];

                        MessageBox.Show("The command-line option \"" + arg + "\" was not recognized.",
                                        "MPFS2 Console Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                // Set up an appropriate builder
                MPFSBuilder builder;
                // This is a dummy string , will be initialized when MDD is supported from command line
                String dummy = "Dummy";
                if (version == 2)
                    builder = new MPFS2Builder(projectDir, outputFile);
                    ((MPFS2Builder)builder).DynamicTypes = htmlTypes;
                    ((MPFS2Builder)builder).NonGZipTypes = noGZipTypes;
                    builder = new MPFSClassicBuilder(projectDir, outputFile);
                    ((MPFSClassicBuilder)builder).ReserveBlock = (UInt32)reserveBlock;

                // Add the files to the image and generate the image
                builder.AddDirectory(sourceDir, "");

                // Generate the image and trap errors
                if (!builder.Generate(fmt))
                    LogWindow dlg = new LogWindow();
                    dlg.Image   = SystemIcons.Error;
                    dlg.Message = "An error was encountered during generation.";
                    dlg.Log     = builder.Log;