protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { browseContentPanel.SetTableID("browseContentPanel"); Master.Page.Header.Controls.Add(ControlGenerator.GetScriptControl("/Scripts/ResizeBrowseUtils.js")); ControlGenerator.AddAttributesAndPreserveExisting(main.Body, "onload", "ResizeBrowseDivs();ResizeContentPanel('browseContentPanel', 258);"); ControlGenerator.AddAttributesAndPreserveExisting(main.Body, "onresize", "ResizeBrowseDivs();ResizeContentPanel('browseContentPanel', 258);"); main.SetPageType(Main.PageType.Content); } if ((Request.QueryString["titleid"] != null || Request.QueryString["pid"] != null || Request.QueryString["title"] != null || Request.QueryString["stitle"] != null) && ((Request.QueryString["volume"] != null) || (Request.QueryString["issue"] != null) || (Request.QueryString["year"] != null) || (Request.QueryString["startpage"] != null) || (Request.QueryString["spage"] != null) || (Request.QueryString["date"] != null))) { string volume = ""; string issue = ""; string year = ""; string startpage = ""; if (Request.QueryString["volume"] != null) { volume = Request.QueryString["volume"].ToString(); } if (Request.QueryString["issue"] != null) { issue = Request.QueryString["issue"].ToString(); } if (Request.QueryString["year"] != null) { year = Request.QueryString["year"].ToString(); } if (Request.QueryString["startpage"] != null) { startpage = Request.QueryString["startpage"].ToString(); } if (Request.QueryString["spage"] != null) { startpage = Request.QueryString["spage"].ToString(); } if (Request.QueryString["date"] != null) { year = Request.QueryString["date"].ToString(); } //see if this is a valid date value...if so, only use the year portion DateTime date; if (DateTime.TryParse(year, out date)) { year = date.Year.ToString(); } if (volume.Trim().Length == 0) { volumeLiteral.Text = "not supplied"; } else { volumeLiteral.Text = volume; } if (issue.Trim().Length == 0) { issueLiteral.Text = "not supplied"; } else { issueLiteral.Text = issue; } if (year.Trim().Length == 0) { yearLiteral.Text = "not supplied"; } else { yearLiteral.Text = year; } if (startpage.Trim().Length == 0) { startPageLiteral.Text = "not supplied"; } else { startPageLiteral.Text = startpage; } int titleId = 0; string fullTitle = ""; string abbreviation = ""; if (Request.QueryString["titleid"] != null) { int.TryParse(Request.QueryString["titleid"], out titleId); } if (Request.QueryString["pid"] != null) { int.TryParse(Request.QueryString["pid"], out titleId); } if (Request.QueryString["title"] != null) { fullTitle = Request.QueryString["title"]; } if (Request.QueryString["stitle"] != null) { abbreviation = Request.QueryString["stitle"]; } MOBOT.BHL.DataObjects.Title title = null; if (titleId > 0) { title = bhlProvider.TitleSelectAuto(titleId); } else if (fullTitle != null && fullTitle.Trim().Length > 0) { CustomGenericList <MOBOT.BHL.DataObjects.Title> titleList = bhlProvider.TitleSelectByFullTitle(fullTitle); if (titleList.Count == 1) { titleId = titleList[0].TitleID; } } else if (abbreviation != null && abbreviation.Trim().Length > 0) { CustomGenericList <MOBOT.BHL.DataObjects.Title> titleList = bhlProvider.TitleSelectByAbbreviation(abbreviation); if (titleList.Count == 1) { titleId = titleList[0].TitleID; } } PageSummaryView ps = null; if (titleId > 0) { ps = bhlProvider.PageTitleSummarySelectByTitleId(titleId); } if (ps == null) { resultMessageLiteral.Text = "We're sorry, but we were not able to map your request to a particular title."; } else { titleLiteral.Text = ps.FullTitle; resultMessageLiteral.Text = "Title found...move on to the next step..."; CustomGenericList <CustomDataRow> list = bhlProvider.PageResolve(ps.TitleID, volume, issue, year, startpage); if (!UniqueItemFound(list)) { // Couldn't narrow down to a single item/volume, therefore, redirect to the bibliography page and let them choose // from there resultMessageLiteral.Text = "We're sorry, but we were unable to resolve the page you requested to a unique " + "item. Please visit the <a href=\"/bibliography/" + ps.TitleID.ToString() + "\">bibliography</a> page for " + "this title to browse for the requested page."; } else if (list.Count > 1 || !IsResultAnExactMatch(list[0])) { // Multiple results so show the results and let the user pick resultMessageLiteral.Text = "We're sorry, but we were not able to find an exact match based on the above " + "criteria. However, we did find options that are close. Please select one of the pages below or visit the " + "<a href=\"/bibliography/" + ps.TitleID.ToString() + "\">bibliography</a> page for this title to browse " + "for the requested page.<br />"; // Kind of kludgy, but since we don't have a typed object to work with, we can't bind to a repeater. foreach (CustomDataRow row in list) { string singleResut = "<br /><a href=\"page/" + row["PageID"].Value.ToString() + "\">"; if (row["Year"].Value != null) { singleResut += "Year: " + row["Year"].Value.ToString() + "; "; } if (row["Issue"].Value != null) { singleResut += "Issue: " + row["Issue"].Value.ToString() + "; "; } if (row["Volume"].Value != null) { singleResut += "Volume: " + row["Volume"].Value.ToString() + "; "; } if (row["PagePrefix"].Value != null && row["PageNumber"].Value != null) { singleResut += "Start Page: " + row["PagePrefix"].Value.ToString() + " " + row["PageNumber"].Value.ToString() + "; "; } singleResut += "(ID: " + row["PageID"].Value.ToString() + ")</a><br />"; similarResultsLiteral.Text += singleResut; } } else { // Narrowed it down to one potential page. If all criteria matches exactly, redirect to title page. // Otherwise display the single result and acknowledge that it is not an exact match Response.Redirect("/page/" + list[0]["PageID"].Value.ToString()); } } } else { resultMessageLiteral.Text = "We're sorry, but we were not able to map your request to a particular title."; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { main.SetPageType(Main.PageType.Content); ControlGenerator.AddScriptControl(Page.Master.Page.Header.Controls, "/Scripts/ResizeBrowseUtils.js"); ControlGenerator.AddScriptControl(Page.Master.Page.Header.Controls, "/Scripts/jquery-1.2.6.min.js"); ControlGenerator.AddAttributesAndPreserveExisting(main.Body, "onload", "ResizeContentPanel('browseContentPanel', 258);ResizeBrowseDivs();"); ControlGenerator.AddAttributesAndPreserveExisting(main.Body, "onresize", "ResizeContentPanel('browseContentPanel', 258);ResizeBrowseDivs();"); Data.PageSummaryView ps = null; CustomGenericList <Data.Item> items = null; CustomGenericList <Data.Creator> creators = null; CustomGenericList <Data.TitleTag> titleTags = null; CustomGenericList <Data.Title_TitleIdentifier> titleIdentifiers = null; CustomGenericList <Data.TitleAssociation> titleAssociations = null; Data.Title title = null; bool showData = false; int titleId = 0; if (Request["titleid"] != null) { if (!int.TryParse(Request.QueryString["titleid"], out titleId)) { // Request seems to have included a MARCBibID instead of a TitleId Data.PageSummaryView psBib = bhlProvider.PageTitleSummarySelectByBibID(Request.QueryString["titleid"].ToString()); if (psBib != null) { titleId = psBib.TitleID; } } showData = true; } if (!showData && Request.QueryString["oclc"] != null) { // Get the title id associated with the OCLC identifier Data.Title_TitleIdentifier titleTitleId = bhlProvider.Title_TitleIdentifierSelectByIdentifierValue(Request.QueryString["oclc"].ToString()); if (titleTitleId != null) { titleId = titleTitleId.TitleID; } showData = true; } if (showData) { hidTitleID.Value = titleId.ToString(); // Check to make sure this title hasn't been replaced. If it has, redirect // to the appropriate titleid. title = bhlProvider.TitleSelect(titleId); if (title.RedirectTitleID != null) { Response.Redirect("/bibliography/" + title.RedirectTitleID.ToString()); Response.End(); } // Set the title for the COinS COinSControl1.TitleID = titleId; ps = bhlProvider.PageTitleSummarySelectByTitleId(titleId); if (ps == null) { Response.Redirect("/TitleNotFound.aspx"); Response.End(); } Barcode = ps.BarCode; creators = bhlProvider.CreatorSelectByTitleId(titleId); items = bhlProvider.ItemSelectByTitleId(titleId); titleTags = bhlProvider.TitleTagSelectTagTextByTitleId(titleId); titleIdentifiers = bhlProvider.Title_TitleIdentifierSelectByTitleID(titleId); titleAssociations = bhlProvider.TitleAssociationSelectByTitleId(titleId, true); if (titleAssociations.Count == 0) { associationsDiv.Visible = false; } else { associationsDiv.Visible = true; associationsRepeater.DataSource = titleAssociations; associationsRepeater.DataBind(); } foreach (Data.Item item in items) { // Populate empty volume descriptions with default text if (item.Volume == String.Empty || item.Volume == null) { if (items.Count == 1) { item.Volume = "View Book"; } if (items.Count > 1) { item.Volume = "(no volume description)"; } } // Make sure all Botanicus PDFs actually exist. Remove the DownloadUrl for any that do not. if (item.DownloadUrl != String.Empty && item.ItemSourceID == 2) { // This is kludgy... should find a better way to do this String pdfLocation = item.DownloadUrl.Replace("", "\\\\server\\").Replace('/', '\\'); if (new BHLProvider().GetFileAccessProvider(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UseRemoteFileAccessProvider"] == "true").FileExists(pdfLocation)) { item.DownloadUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PdfAuthUrl"] != null?String.Format(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PdfAuthUrl"], item.BarCode) : String.Empty; } else { item.DownloadUrl = String.Empty; } } } // Look for an OCLC identifier (use the first one... might need to account for multiple at some point) bool oclcFound = false; foreach (Data.Title_TitleIdentifier titleIdentifier in titleIdentifiers) { if (String.Compare(titleIdentifier.IdentifierName, "OCLC", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) == 0) { localLibraryLink.NavigateUrl += "wcpa/oclc/"; if (titleIdentifier.IdentifierValue.ToLower().StartsWith("ocm")) { //strip the "ocm" from the beginning of the value. localLibraryLink.NavigateUrl += titleIdentifier.IdentifierValue.Substring(3); } else { localLibraryLink.NavigateUrl += titleIdentifier.IdentifierValue; } oclcFound = true; break; } } if (!oclcFound) { string truncatedTitle = ""; if (title.FullTitle.Length > 220) { truncatedTitle = title.FullTitle.Substring(0, 220); truncatedTitle = truncatedTitle.Substring(0, truncatedTitle.LastIndexOf(" ")); } else { truncatedTitle = title.FullTitle; } localLibraryLink.NavigateUrl += "search?q=" + truncatedTitle.Replace(" ", "+") + "&qt=owc_search"; } Master.Page.Title = "Biodiversity Heritage Library: Information about '" + ps.FullTitle + "'"; //descriptionLiteral.Text = title.TitleDescription; publicationInfoLiteral.Text = title.PublicationDetails; fullTitleLiteral.Text = title.FullTitle + " " + (title.PartNumber ?? "") + " " + (title.PartName ?? ""); if (title.CallNumber == null || title.CallNumber.Length == 0) { callNumberPanel.Visible = false; } else { callNumberLiteral.Text = title.CallNumber; } if (titleTags == null || titleTags.Count == 0) { subjectPanel.Visible = false; } else { int k = titleTags.Count - 1; int i = 0; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (Data.TitleTag titleTag in titleTags) { sb.Append("<a href='/subject/"); sb.Append(Server.UrlEncode(titleTag.TagText)); sb.Append("'>"); sb.Append(titleTag.TagText); sb.Append("</a>"); if (i + 1 <= k) { sb.Append(", "); } i++; } subjectLiteral.Text = sb.ToString(); } itemRepeater.DataSource = items; itemRepeater.DataBind(); CustomGenericList <Data.Creator> authors = new CustomGenericList <Data.Creator>(); CustomGenericList <Data.Creator> additionalAuthors = new CustomGenericList <Data.Creator>(); foreach (Data.Creator creator in creators) { if (creator.CreatorRoleTypeForTitle >= 1 && creator.CreatorRoleTypeForTitle <= 3) { authors.Add(creator); } else { additionalAuthors.Add(creator); } } authorsRepeater.DataSource = authors; authorsRepeater.DataBind(); additionalAuthorsRepeater.DataSource = additionalAuthors; additionalAuthorsRepeater.DataBind(); //Data.Institution institution = bhlProvider.InstitutionSelectByItemID( ps.ItemID ); //if ( institution != null ) //{ // if ( institution.InstitutionUrl != null && institution.InstitutionUrl.Trim().Length > 0 ) // { // HyperLink link = new HyperLink(); // link.Text = institution.InstitutionName; // link.NavigateUrl = institution.InstitutionUrl; // link.Target = "_blank"; // attributionPlaceHolder.Controls.Add( link ); // } // else // { // Literal literal = new Literal(); // literal.Text = institution.InstitutionName; // attributionPlaceHolder.Controls.Add( literal ); // } //} if (Helper.IsAdmin(Request)) { editTitleLink.NavigateUrl = "/Admin/TitleEdit.aspx?id=" + titleId.ToString(); } else { editTitleLink.Visible = false; } // Get the full MARC details bool marcFound = false; String filepath = ps.MarcXmlLocation; bool test = (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UseRemoteFileAccessProvider"] == "true"); if (new BHLProvider().GetFileAccessProvider(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UseRemoteFileAccessProvider"] == "true").FileExists(filepath)) { marcFound = true; } else { // File not found in primary location, so look in alternate location (Botanicus files in alt location) filepath = ps.MarcXmlAltLocation; if (new BHLProvider().GetFileAccessProvider(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UseRemoteFileAccessProvider"] == "true").FileExists(filepath)) { marcFound = true; } } if (marcFound) { string marcXML = new BHLProvider().GetFileAccessProvider(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UseRemoteFileAccessProvider"] == "true").GetFileText(filepath); XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument(); StringReader reader = new StringReader(marcXML); xml.Load(reader); // Set up the XSL resolver that we'll use to extract the text from the xml XmlUrlResolver resolver = new XmlUrlResolver(); resolver.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; System.Xml.Xsl.XslTransform xslTransform = new System.Xml.Xsl.XslTransform(); // Format the MARC XML into a "readable" format xslTransform.Load(Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + "xsl\\MARC21transformEnglish.xsl", resolver); StringWriter output = new StringWriter(); xslTransform.Transform(xml, null, output, resolver); litExpanded.Text = output.ToString(); // Format the MARC XML into a "flat" MARC format xslTransform.Load(Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + "xsl\\MARC21transformMARC.xsl", resolver); output = new StringWriter(); xslTransform.Transform(xml, null, output, resolver); litMarc.Text = output.ToString(); viewcontrol.Visible = true; } else { viewcontrolnomarc.Visible = true; } // Get the BibTex citations for this title try { hypBibTex.NavigateUrl += title.TitleID.ToString(); litBibTeX.Text = bhlProvider.TitleBibTeXGetCitationStringForTitleID(title.TitleID).Replace("\n", "<br>").Replace("\r", "<br>"); } catch { hypBibTex.Visible = false; litBibTeX.Text = "Error retrieving BibTex citations for this title."; } // Get the EndNote citation for this title try { hypEndNote.NavigateUrl += title.TitleID.ToString(); litEndNote.Text = bhlProvider.TitleEndNoteGetCitationStringForTitleID(title.TitleID, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ItemPageUrl"].ToString()).Replace("\n", "<br>").Replace("\r", "<br>"); } catch { hypEndNote.Visible = false; litEndNote.Text = "Error retrieving EndNote citations for this title."; } } }
public static void Save(SqlConnection sqlConnection, SqlTransaction sqlTransaction, Title title, int userId) { SqlConnection connection = sqlConnection; SqlTransaction transaction = sqlTransaction; if ( connection == null ) { connection = CustomSqlHelper.CreateConnection( CustomSqlHelper.GetConnectionStringFromConnectionStrings( "BHL" ) ); } bool isTransactionCoordinator = CustomSqlHelper.IsTransactionCoordinator( transaction ); try { transaction = CustomSqlHelper.BeginTransaction( connection, transaction, isTransactionCoordinator ); CustomDataAccessStatus<Title> updatedTitle = new TitleDAL().TitleManageAuto( connection, transaction, title, userId ); if ( title.TitleCreators.Count > 0 ) { Title_CreatorDAL titleCreatorDAL = new Title_CreatorDAL(); foreach ( Title_Creator titleCreator in title.TitleCreators ) { if (titleCreator.TitleID == 0) titleCreator.TitleID = updatedTitle.ReturnObject.TitleID; titleCreatorDAL.Title_CreatorManageAuto( connection, transaction, titleCreator, userId ); } } if (title.TitleTags.Count > 0) { TitleTagDAL titleTagDAL = new TitleTagDAL(); foreach (TitleTag titleTag in title.TitleTags) { if (titleTag.TitleID == 0) titleTag.TitleID = updatedTitle.ReturnObject.TitleID; titleTagDAL.TitleTagManageAuto(connection, transaction, titleTag); } } if (title.TitleIdentifiers.Count > 0) { Title_TitleIdentifierDAL titleTitleIdentifierDAL = new Title_TitleIdentifierDAL(); foreach (Title_TitleIdentifier titleTitleIdentifier in title.TitleIdentifiers) { if (titleTitleIdentifier.TitleID == 0) titleTitleIdentifier.TitleID = updatedTitle.ReturnObject.TitleID; titleTitleIdentifierDAL.Title_TitleIdentifierManageAuto(connection, transaction, titleTitleIdentifier); } } if (title.TitleAssociations.Count > 0) { TitleAssociationDAL titleAssociationDAL = new TitleAssociationDAL(); foreach (TitleAssociation titleAssociation in title.TitleAssociations) { if (titleAssociation.TitleID == 0) titleAssociation.TitleID = updatedTitle.ReturnObject.TitleID; TitleAssociationDAL.Save(connection, transaction, titleAssociation); } } if (title.TitleLanguages.Count > 0) { TitleLanguageDAL titleLanguageDAL = new TitleLanguageDAL(); foreach (TitleLanguage titleLanguage in title.TitleLanguages) { if (titleLanguage.TitleID == 0) titleLanguage.TitleID = updatedTitle.ReturnObject.TitleID; titleLanguageDAL.TitleLanguageManageAuto(connection, transaction, titleLanguage); } } if ( title.TitleTypes.Count > 0 ) { Title_TitleTypeDAL titleTypeDAL = new Title_TitleTypeDAL(); foreach ( Title_TitleType titleType in title.TitleTypes ) { if (titleType.TitleID == 0) titleType.TitleID = updatedTitle.ReturnObject.TitleID; titleTypeDAL.Title_TitleTypeManageAuto( connection, transaction, titleType ); } } if ( title.TitleItems.Count > 0 ) { ItemDAL itemDAL = new ItemDAL(); TitleItemDAL titleItemDAL = new TitleItemDAL(); foreach ( TitleItem titleItem in title.TitleItems ) { // Update the item if (titleItem.TitleID == 0) titleItem.TitleID = updatedTitle.ReturnObject.TitleID; titleItemDAL.TitleItemManageAuto( connection, transaction, titleItem ); // Update the primary title id (stored on the Item table) itemDAL.ItemUpdatePrimaryTitleID(connection, transaction, titleItem.ItemID, titleItem.PrimaryTitleID); } } CustomSqlHelper.CommitTransaction( transaction, isTransactionCoordinator ); } catch ( Exception ex ) { CustomSqlHelper.RollbackTransaction( transaction, isTransactionCoordinator ); throw new Exception( "Exception in Save", ex ); } finally { CustomSqlHelper.CloseConnection( connection, isTransactionCoordinator ); } }
/// <summary> /// Update values in Title. Returns an object of type Title. /// </summary> /// <param name="sqlConnection">Sql connection or null.</param> /// <param name="sqlTransaction">Sql transaction or null.</param> /// <param name="connectionKeyName">Connection key name located in config file.</param> /// <param name="value">Object of type Title.</param> /// <returns>Object of type Title.</returns> public Title TitleUpdateAuto( SqlConnection sqlConnection, SqlTransaction sqlTransaction, string connectionKeyName, Title value) { return TitleUpdateAuto(sqlConnection, sqlTransaction, connectionKeyName, value.TitleID, value.MARCBibID, value.MARCLeader, value.TropicosTitleID, value.RedirectTitleID, value.FullTitle, value.ShortTitle, value.UniformTitle, value.SortTitle, value.PartNumber, value.PartName, value.CallNumber, value.PublicationDetails, value.StartYear, value.EndYear, value.Datafield_260_a, value.Datafield_260_b, value.Datafield_260_c, value.InstitutionCode, value.LanguageCode, value.TitleDescription, value.TL2Author, value.PublishReady, value.RareBooks, value.Note, value.LastModifiedUserID, value.OriginalCatalogingSource, value.EditionStatement, value.CurrentPublicationFrequency); }
/// <summary> /// Update values in Title. Returns an object of type Title. /// </summary> /// <param name="sqlConnection">Sql connection or null.</param> /// <param name="sqlTransaction">Sql transaction or null.</param> /// <param name="value">Object of type Title.</param> /// <returns>Object of type Title.</returns> public Title TitleUpdateAuto( SqlConnection sqlConnection, SqlTransaction sqlTransaction, Title value) { return TitleUpdateAuto(sqlConnection, sqlTransaction, "BHL", value ); }
/// <summary> /// Manage Title object. /// If the object is of type CustomObjectBase, /// then either insert values into, delete values from, or update values in Title. /// </summary> /// <param name="sqlConnection">Sql connection or null.</param> /// <param name="sqlTransaction">Sql transaction or null.</param> /// <param name="connectionKeyName">Connection key name located in config file.</param> /// <param name="value">Object of type Title.</param> /// <returns>Object of type CustomDataAccessStatus<Title>.</returns> public CustomDataAccessStatus<Title> TitleManageAuto( SqlConnection sqlConnection, SqlTransaction sqlTransaction, string connectionKeyName, Title value , int userId) { if (value.IsNew && !value.IsDeleted) { value.CreationUserID = userId; value.LastModifiedUserID = userId; Title returnValue = TitleInsertAuto(sqlConnection, sqlTransaction, connectionKeyName, value.MARCBibID, value.MARCLeader, value.TropicosTitleID, value.RedirectTitleID, value.FullTitle, value.ShortTitle, value.UniformTitle, value.SortTitle, value.PartNumber, value.PartName, value.CallNumber, value.PublicationDetails, value.StartYear, value.EndYear, value.Datafield_260_a, value.Datafield_260_b, value.Datafield_260_c, value.InstitutionCode, value.LanguageCode, value.TitleDescription, value.TL2Author, value.PublishReady, value.RareBooks, value.Note, value.CreationUserID, value.LastModifiedUserID, value.OriginalCatalogingSource, value.EditionStatement, value.CurrentPublicationFrequency); return new CustomDataAccessStatus<Title>( CustomDataAccessContext.Insert, true, returnValue); } else if (!value.IsNew && value.IsDeleted) { if (TitleDeleteAuto(sqlConnection, sqlTransaction, connectionKeyName, value.TitleID)) { return new CustomDataAccessStatus<Title>( CustomDataAccessContext.Delete, true, value); } else { return new CustomDataAccessStatus<Title>( CustomDataAccessContext.Delete, false, value); } } else if (value.IsDirty && !value.IsDeleted) { value.LastModifiedUserID = userId; Title returnValue = TitleUpdateAuto(sqlConnection, sqlTransaction, connectionKeyName, value.TitleID, value.MARCBibID, value.MARCLeader, value.TropicosTitleID, value.RedirectTitleID, value.FullTitle, value.ShortTitle, value.UniformTitle, value.SortTitle, value.PartNumber, value.PartName, value.CallNumber, value.PublicationDetails, value.StartYear, value.EndYear, value.Datafield_260_a, value.Datafield_260_b, value.Datafield_260_c, value.InstitutionCode, value.LanguageCode, value.TitleDescription, value.TL2Author, value.PublishReady, value.RareBooks, value.Note, value.LastModifiedUserID, value.OriginalCatalogingSource, value.EditionStatement, value.CurrentPublicationFrequency); return new CustomDataAccessStatus<Title>( CustomDataAccessContext.Update, true, returnValue); } else { return new CustomDataAccessStatus<Title>( CustomDataAccessContext.NA, false, value); } }
/// <summary> /// Manage Title object. /// If the object is of type CustomObjectBase, /// then either insert values into, delete values from, or update values in Title. /// </summary> /// <param name="sqlConnection">Sql connection or null.</param> /// <param name="sqlTransaction">Sql transaction or null.</param> /// <param name="value">Object of type Title.</param> /// <returns>Object of type CustomDataAccessStatus<Title>.</returns> public CustomDataAccessStatus<Title> TitleManageAuto( SqlConnection sqlConnection, SqlTransaction sqlTransaction, Title value , int userId) { return TitleManageAuto( sqlConnection, sqlTransaction, "BHL", value , userId ); }