Exemple #1
        public void map_OrgUnitPublished_to_LocationDto()
            var location = new OrgUnitPublished
                Id = 1,
                Description = "test desc",
                Name = "test",
                IsEnabled = true
            var dto = Mapper.Map<OrgUnitPublished, OrgUnitDto>(location);

            Assert.AreEqual(location.Id, dto.Id);
Exemple #2
        private void FixupOrgUnitPublished(OrgUnitPublished previousValue)
            if (previousValue != null && ReferenceEquals(previousValue.OrgUnit, this))
                previousValue.OrgUnit = null;

            if (OrgUnitPublished != null)
                OrgUnitPublished.OrgUnit = this;
        /// <summary>
        /// Publishes the specified org unit.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objectContext">The object context.</param>
        /// <param name="orgUnitId">The org unit ID.</param>
        /// <remarks>Calls SaveChanges on the object context.</remarks>
        public static void PublishOrgUnits(ObjectContext objectContext, int? orgUnitId)
            var disabledOrgUnits = new Collection<int>();

            // Create object sets
            var orgUnitObjectSet = objectContext.CreateObjectSet<OrgUnit>()
            var orgUnitPubObjectSet = objectContext.CreateObjectSet<OrgUnitPublished>();
            var orgUnitAssocObjectSet = objectContext.CreateObjectSet<OrgUnitAssociation>();
            var orgUnitAssocPubObjectSet = objectContext.CreateObjectSet<OrgUnitAssociationPublished>();

            // Retrieving all existing org units
            var orgUnits = (from o in orgUnitObjectSet
                            select o).ToArray();

            // Retrieving all existing org units associations
            var orgUnitAssocs = (from a in orgUnitAssocObjectSet
                                 select a).ToArray();

            // Get org units sub-set to publish
            IEnumerable<OrgUnit> orgUnitsToPublish = GetOrgUnitsToPublish(orgUnitObjectSet, orgUnitAssocPubObjectSet, orgUnitId);

            // For each org unit
            foreach (OrgUnit orgUnit in orgUnitsToPublish)
                // Create a new published org unit from original and set non-inheritable information
                var orgUnitPub = new OrgUnitPublished
                    Id = orgUnit.Id,
                    Name = orgUnit.Name,
                    IsEnabled = orgUnit.IsEnabled,
                    LinkedOrgUnitId = orgUnit.LinkedOrgUnitId,
                    Keywords = orgUnit.Keywords,
                    CustomKeywords = orgUnit.CustomKeywords,
                    Custom1 = orgUnit.Custom1,
                    Custom2 = orgUnit.Custom2,
                    Custom3 = orgUnit.Custom3,
                    DynamicColumnData = orgUnit.DynamicColumnData,
                    SeoPageTitle = orgUnit.SeoPageTitle,
                    SeoPageDescription = orgUnit.SeoPageDescription,
                    SeoCustomMetaTags = orgUnit.SeoCustomMetaTags,
                    SeoH1tag = orgUnit.SeoH1tag,
                    SeoPrimaryKeyword = orgUnit.SeoPrimaryKeyword,
                    SeoSecondaryKeyword = orgUnit.SeoSecondaryKeyword,
                    SeoCanonicalUrl = orgUnit.SeoCanonicalUrl,
                    HasCustomCoordinates = orgUnit.HasCustomCoordinates,
                    PotentialEventLocation = orgUnit.PotentialEventLocation,
                    Description = orgUnit.Description

                // Resolve all remaining information for published org unit

                orgUnitPub = ResolvePublishedOrgUnit(orgUnit, orgUnitPub, orgUnits, orgUnitAssocs, disabledOrgUnits);

                // Track disabled published org units for future reference
                if (orgUnitPub.IsEnabled != null && !orgUnitPub.IsEnabled.Value)

                // Save changes to object set
                SavePublishedOrgUnit(orgUnitPubObjectSet, orgUnitPub);

        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the specified published org unit to the object set.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="orgUnitPubObjectSet">The published org unit object set.</param>
        /// <param name="orgUnitPub">The published org unit.</param>
        private static void SavePublishedOrgUnit(ObjectSet<OrgUnitPublished> orgUnitPubObjectSet, OrgUnitPublished orgUnitPub)
            // Check if org unit already has a published result
            OrgUnitPublished existingOrgUnitPub = orgUnitPubObjectSet.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Id == orgUnitPub.Id);

            // Either add or update published org unit
            if (existingOrgUnitPub != null)
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolves all the information for a published org unit entity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="orgUnit">The org unit.</param>
        /// <param name="orgUnitPub">The published org unit.</param>
        /// <param name="orgUnits">Collection of all org units.</param>
        /// <param name="orgUnitAssocs">Collection of all org unit associations.</param>
        /// <param name="disabledOrgUnits">A list of org units determined to be disabled.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static OrgUnitPublished ResolvePublishedOrgUnit(OrgUnit orgUnit, OrgUnitPublished orgUnitPub, OrgUnit[] orgUnits, IEnumerable<OrgUnitAssociation> orgUnitAssocs, Collection<int> disabledOrgUnits)
            // Fill in information from org unit (self)
            ApplyOrgUnitInfo(orgUnit, orgUnitPub, disabledOrgUnits);

            // Fill in information from linked org unit
            if (orgUnit.LinkedOrgUnitId != null)
                OrgUnit linkedOrgUnit = orgUnits.SingleOrDefault(o => o.Id == orgUnit.LinkedOrgUnitId);
                ApplyOrgUnitInfo(linkedOrgUnit, orgUnitPub, disabledOrgUnits);

            // Repeat process for any ascendants
            OrgUnitAssociation orgUnitAssoc = orgUnitAssocs.SingleOrDefault(a => a.SecondaryId == orgUnit.Id);
            int? ascendantId = orgUnitAssoc != null ? orgUnitAssoc.PrimaryId : null;

            if (ascendantId.HasValue)
                OrgUnit ascendantOrgUnit = orgUnits.SingleOrDefault(o => o.Id == ascendantId);
                ResolvePublishedOrgUnit(ascendantOrgUnit, orgUnitPub, orgUnits, orgUnitAssocs, disabledOrgUnits);

            // Ensure schedules/insurances/types/services org unit IDs were set before exiting
            if (orgUnitPub.SchedulesOrgUnitId == null)
                orgUnitPub.SchedulesOrgUnitId = orgUnitPub.Id;

            if (orgUnitPub.InsurancesOrgUnitId == null)
                orgUnitPub.InsurancesOrgUnitId = orgUnitPub.Id;

            if (orgUnitPub.TypesOrgUnitId == null)
                orgUnitPub.TypesOrgUnitId = orgUnitPub.Id;

            if (orgUnitPub.ServicesOrgUnitId == null)
                orgUnitPub.ServicesOrgUnitId = orgUnitPub.Id;

            return orgUnitPub;
        /// <summary>
        /// Uses the specified org unit to fill in missing information for the specified
        /// published org unit.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="orgUnit">The org unit.</param>
        /// <param name="orgUnitPub">The published org unit.</param>
        /// <param name="disabledOrgUnits">A list of org units determined to be disabled.</param>
        private static void ApplyOrgUnitInfo(OrgUnit orgUnit, OrgUnitPublished orgUnitPub, Collection<int> disabledOrgUnits)
            bool orgUnitPubAddress1Exist = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(orgUnitPub.Address1);

            // Fill in missing information from specified org unit
            orgUnitPub.Address1 = ResolveValue(orgUnit.Address1, orgUnitPub.Address1) as string;
            if (!orgUnitPubAddress1Exist)
                orgUnitPub.Address2 = ResolveValue(orgUnit.Address2, orgUnitPub.Address2) as string;
            orgUnitPub.City = ResolveValue(orgUnit.City, orgUnitPub.City) as string;
            orgUnitPub.StateId = ResolveValue(orgUnit.StateId, orgUnitPub.StateId) as int?;
            orgUnitPub.PostalCode = ResolveValue(orgUnit.PostalCode, orgUnitPub.PostalCode) as string;
            orgUnitPub.Phone = ResolveValue(orgUnit.Phone, orgUnitPub.Phone) as string;
            orgUnitPub.Fax = ResolveValue(orgUnit.Fax, orgUnitPub.Fax) as string;
            orgUnitPub.CountryId = ResolveValue(orgUnit.CountryId, orgUnitPub.CountryId) as int?;
            orgUnitPub.Metadata = ResolveValue(orgUnit.Metadata, orgUnitPub.Metadata) as string;
            orgUnitPub.Keyword = ResolveValue(orgUnit.Keyword, orgUnitPub.Keyword) as string;
            orgUnitPub.CustomFields = ResolveValue(orgUnit.CustomFields, orgUnitPub.CustomFields) as string;
            orgUnitPub.Latitude = ResolveValue(orgUnit.Latitude, orgUnitPub.Latitude) as decimal?;
            orgUnitPub.Longitude = ResolveValue(orgUnit.Longitude, orgUnitPub.Longitude) as decimal?;
            orgUnitPub.Email = ResolveValue(orgUnit.Email, orgUnitPub.Email) as string;
            orgUnitPub.PaymentProcessorConfigurationId = ResolveValue(orgUnit.PaymentProcessorConfigurationId, orgUnitPub.PaymentProcessorConfigurationId) as int?;

            // Image and Url information should be published but not inherited.
            if (orgUnit.Id == orgUnitPub.Id)
                orgUnitPub.ImageUrl = ResolveValue(orgUnit.ImageUrl, orgUnitPub.ImageUrl) as string;
                orgUnitPub.PictureId = ResolveValue(orgUnit.PictureId, orgUnitPub.PictureId) as int?;
                orgUnitPub.CustomUrl = ResolveValue(orgUnit.CustomUrl, orgUnitPub.CustomUrl) as string;
                orgUnitPub.CustomLiveUrl = ResolveValue(orgUnit.CustomLiveUrl, orgUnitPub.CustomLiveUrl) as string;
                orgUnitPub.CustomStageUrl = ResolveValue(orgUnit.CustomStageUrl, orgUnitPub.CustomStageUrl) as string;
                orgUnitPub.CustomQaUrl = ResolveValue(orgUnit.CustomQaUrl, orgUnitPub.CustomQaUrl) as string;
                orgUnitPub.CustomDevUrl = ResolveValue(orgUnit.CustomDevUrl, orgUnitPub.CustomDevUrl) as string;
                orgUnitPub.ServiceLineUrl = ResolveValue(orgUnit.ServiceLineUrl, orgUnitPub.ServiceLineUrl) as string;

            if (disabledOrgUnits.Contains(orgUnit.Id))
                orgUnitPub.IsEnabled = false;
                orgUnitPub.IsEnabled = orgUnitPub.IsEnabled.Value && orgUnit.IsEnabled;

            if (!orgUnitPub.SchedulesOrgUnitId.HasValue)
                if (orgUnit.Schedules.Any())
                    orgUnitPub.SchedulesOrgUnitId = orgUnit.Id;

            if (!orgUnitPub.InsurancesOrgUnitId.HasValue)
                if (orgUnit.OrgUnitInsurances.Any())
                    orgUnitPub.InsurancesOrgUnitId = orgUnit.Id;

            // Fill in missing information from specified org unit only if specified org unit is self or linked
            if (orgUnitPub.Id == orgUnit.Id || orgUnitPub.LinkedOrgUnitId == orgUnit.Id)
                if (!orgUnitPub.ServicesOrgUnitId.HasValue)
                    if (orgUnit.OrgUnitServices.Any())
                        orgUnitPub.ServicesOrgUnitId = orgUnit.Id;

                if (!orgUnitPub.TypesOrgUnitId.HasValue)
                    if (orgUnit.OrgUnitTypeAssociations.Any())
                        orgUnitPub.TypesOrgUnitId = orgUnit.Id;