Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates a location.
        /// </summary>
        public static void ValidateLocation(OrgUnit location)
            const int maximumNameLength = 256;
            const int maximumAddress1Length = 50;
            const int maximumAddress2Length = 50;
            const int maximumCityLength = 50;
            const int maximumPostalCodeLength = 35;
            const int maximumPhoneLength = 15;
            const int maximumFaxLength = 15;

            // Validate all location entity members
            if (location == null)
                throw new BusinessException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, "{0} cannot be null.", Common.Constants.LocationEntityName));

            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(location.Name) || (location.Name.Length > maximumNameLength))
                throw new BusinessException("Invalid name length.");

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(location.Address1) && (location.Address1.Length > maximumAddress1Length))
                throw new BusinessException("Invalid address line 1 length.");

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(location.Address2) && (location.Address2.Length > maximumAddress2Length))
                throw new BusinessException("Invalid address line 2 length.");

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(location.City) && (location.City.Length > maximumCityLength))
                throw new BusinessException("Invalid city length.");

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(location.PostalCode) && (location.PostalCode.Length > maximumPostalCodeLength))
                throw new BusinessException("Invalid postal code length.");

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(location.Phone) && (location.Phone.Length > maximumPhoneLength))
                throw new BusinessException("Invalid phone number length.");

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(location.Fax) && (location.Fax.Length > maximumFaxLength))
                throw new BusinessException("Invalid fax number length.");
Exemple #2
 public void can_add_location()
     var subject = new Provider() { Id = 1 };
     var orgUnit = new OrgUnit() { Id = 1 };
     var providerOrgUnit = subject.AddOrgUnit(orgUnit);
     Assert.AreSame(orgUnit, providerOrgUnit.OrgUnit);
     Assert.AreSame(subject, providerOrgUnit.Provider);
Exemple #3
        public void can_change_primary_location()
            var subject = new Provider() { Id = 1 };
            var locationA = new OrgUnit() { Id = 1 };
            var providerLocationA = subject.AddOrgUnit(locationA);

            var locationB = new OrgUnit() { Id = 2 };
            var providerLocationB = subject.AddOrgUnit(locationB);


 public ProviderOrgUnit(Provider provider, OrgUnit orgUnit)
     : this()
     if (provider == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("provider");
     if (orgUnit == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("orgUnit");
     Provider = provider;
     OrgUnit = orgUnit;
Exemple #5
        public void map_Location_to_LocationDto()
            var location = new OrgUnit
                Id = 1,
                Description = "test desc",
                Name = "test",
                IsEnabled = true,
                OrgUnitPublished = new OrgUnitPublished() { Id = 1 }
            var dto = Mapper.Map<OrgUnit, OrgUnitDto>(location);

            Assert.AreEqual(location.Id, dto.Id);
        protected static void LookupCountryId(ObjectContext context, string name, OrgUnit orgUnit)
            if (name.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())

            var item = context.CreateObjectSet<Country>().SingleOrDefault(s => s.Name == name);
            if (item != null)
                orgUnit.CountryId = item.Id;
                throw new BusinessException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Country with the name of {0} does not exists", name));
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the CustomURL of the Org Unit or of it's closest parent.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The context.</param>
        /// <param name="orgUnit">The org unit.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string FindOrgUnitUrl(ObjectContext context, OrgUnit orgUnit)
            if (orgUnit.OrgUnitTypeAssociations.Any(t => t.OrgUnitType.SiteIndicator)
                    && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(orgUnit.CustomUrl))
                return orgUnit.CustomUrl;

            return context.CreateObjectSet<OrgUnitAssociationPublished>()
                .Where(o => o.Direction == "Reverse")
                .Where(o => o.PrimaryId == orgUnit.Id)
                .Where(o => o.OrgUnitSecondary.CustomUrl != null && o.OrgUnitSecondary.CustomUrl != string.Empty)
                .Where(o => o.OrgUnitSecondary.OrgUnitTypeAssociations.Any(t => t.OrgUnitType.SiteIndicator))
                .Where(o => o.OrgUnitSecondary.IsEnabled)
                .OrderBy(o => o.Distance)
                .Select(o => o.OrgUnitSecondary.CustomUrl)
        public static void CapturePropertiesForAdd(ObjectContext context, OrgUnitV2 source, OrgUnit target)
            target.IsEnabled = source.IsEnabledAsBool.HasValue ? source.IsEnabledAsBool.Value : false;

            LookupStateId(context, source.State, target);
            LookupCountryId(context, source.Country, target);

            target.Latitude = source.LatitudeAsDecimal;
            target.Longitude = source.LongitudeAsDecimal;

            int pictureId;

            if (int.TryParse(source.PictureId, out pictureId))
                target.ImageUrl = source.ImageUrl;
                target.PictureId = pictureId;

            target.Keywords = source.Keywords;
            target.CustomKeywords = source.CustomKeywords;

            target.Custom1 = source.Custom1;
            target.Custom2 = source.Custom2;
            target.Custom3 = source.Custom3;
            target.PotentialEventLocation = source.IsPotentialEventLocationAsBool.HasValue ? source.IsPotentialEventLocationAsBool.Value : true;
            target.SeoPageTitle = source.SeoPageTitle;
            target.SeoPageDescription = source.SeoPageDescription;
            target.SeoCustomMetaTags = source.SeoCustomMetaTags;
            target.SeoH1tag = source.SeoH1Tag;
            target.SeoPrimaryKeyword = source.SeoPrimaryKeyword;
            target.SeoSecondaryKeyword = source.SeoSecondaryKeyword;
            target.SeoCanonicalUrl = source.SeoCanonicalUrl;
        protected static void LookupStateId(ObjectContext context, string stateValue, OrgUnit orgUnit)
            if (stateValue.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())

            var states = context.CreateObjectSet<State>();
            var item = states.SingleOrDefault(s => s.Abbreviation == stateValue);

            if (item == null)
                item = states.SingleOrDefault(s => s.Name == stateValue);

            if (item != null)
                orgUnit.StateId = item.Id;
                throw new BusinessException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "State with the abbreviation or name of {0} does not exists", stateValue));
Exemple #10
        public void maps_providerOrgUnit()
            var provider = new Provider
                Id = 123

            var orgUnit = new OrgUnit
                Id = 1,
                Description = "test desc",
                Name = "test",
                IsEnabled = true

            var providerOrgUnit = new ProviderOrgUnit(provider, orgUnit);

            var providerOrgUnitDto = Mapper.Map<ProviderOrgUnit, ProviderOrgUnitDto>(providerOrgUnit);

        public static void AddExternalIdMapping(ObjectContext context, OrgUnitV2 source, OrgUnit orgUnit)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(source.OrgUnitExternalId))
                var existingMappings = context.CreateObjectSet<DataImportEntityIdMap>()
                    .Where(m => m.EntityName == "OrgUnit" && m.InternalId == orgUnit.Id)

                if (existingMappings.Count == 1)
                    if (existingMappings[0].ExternalId != source.OrgUnitExternalId)
                        // Update ExternalId on existing mapping
                        existingMappings[0].ExternalId = source.OrgUnitExternalId;
                    // Remove ambiguous mappings (if any)
                    if (existingMappings.Count > 1)
                        foreach (var mapping in existingMappings)

                    // Create new mapping
                    context.AddObject("DataImportEntityIdMaps", new DataImportEntityIdMap
                        EntityName = "OrgUnit",
                        DataImportId = 1,
                        InternalId = orgUnit.Id,
                        ExternalId = source.OrgUnitExternalId
        internal static IEnumerable<ProviderCacheView> AddOrgUnit(this ProviderCacheView provider, OrgUnit orgUnit)
            var orgUnitCacheView = new OrgUnitCacheView() { Id = orgUnit.Id, Name = orgUnit.Name, NameUppercase = orgUnit.Name.ToUpperInvariant() };

            foreach (var association in orgUnit.OrgUnitTypeAssociations)
                var orgUnitTypeCacheView = new OrgUnitTypeCacheView()
                    Id = association.OrgUnitType.Id,
                    Name = association.OrgUnitType.Name,
                    OrgUnitId = orgUnit.Id,
                    IsOutsideOfOrganization = association.OrgUnitType.IsOutsideOfOrganization


            var providerOrgUnitCacheView = new ProviderOrgUnitCacheView() { ProviderId = provider.Id, OrgUnitId = orgUnit.Id, OrgUnit = orgUnitCacheView };


            return new List<ProviderCacheView>() { provider };
 private static void BuildKeywordsWithInternalSynonymGenerator(OrgUnit orgUnit, ISettingsManager settingsManager)
     var newKeywords = BuildKeywordsWithSynonyms(settingsManager, orgUnit.Keywords, _excludedWords);
     orgUnit.Keywords = newKeywords;
        private static OrgUnit CreateOrgUnit(int id)
            var orgUnitTypeLocations = new OrgUnitType
                Id = 1,
                Name = "Locations",
                IsEnabled = true,
                IsOutsideOfOrganization = false

            var orgUnit = new OrgUnit
                                  Id = id,
                                  Name = "Hospital A"
            var outa = new List<OrgUnitTypeAssociation>
                               new OrgUnitTypeAssociation
                                       Id = 1,
                                       OrgUnit = orgUnit,
                                       OrgUnitType = orgUnitTypeLocations
            orgUnit.OrgUnitTypeAssociations = outa;

            return orgUnit;
        /// <summary>
        /// Uses the specified org unit to fill in missing information for the specified
        /// published org unit.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="orgUnit">The org unit.</param>
        /// <param name="orgUnitPub">The published org unit.</param>
        /// <param name="disabledOrgUnits">A list of org units determined to be disabled.</param>
        private static void ApplyOrgUnitInfo(OrgUnit orgUnit, OrgUnitPublished orgUnitPub, Collection<int> disabledOrgUnits)
            bool orgUnitPubAddress1Exist = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(orgUnitPub.Address1);

            // Fill in missing information from specified org unit
            orgUnitPub.Address1 = ResolveValue(orgUnit.Address1, orgUnitPub.Address1) as string;
            if (!orgUnitPubAddress1Exist)
                orgUnitPub.Address2 = ResolveValue(orgUnit.Address2, orgUnitPub.Address2) as string;
            orgUnitPub.City = ResolveValue(orgUnit.City, orgUnitPub.City) as string;
            orgUnitPub.StateId = ResolveValue(orgUnit.StateId, orgUnitPub.StateId) as int?;
            orgUnitPub.PostalCode = ResolveValue(orgUnit.PostalCode, orgUnitPub.PostalCode) as string;
            orgUnitPub.Phone = ResolveValue(orgUnit.Phone, orgUnitPub.Phone) as string;
            orgUnitPub.Fax = ResolveValue(orgUnit.Fax, orgUnitPub.Fax) as string;
            orgUnitPub.CountryId = ResolveValue(orgUnit.CountryId, orgUnitPub.CountryId) as int?;
            orgUnitPub.Metadata = ResolveValue(orgUnit.Metadata, orgUnitPub.Metadata) as string;
            orgUnitPub.Keyword = ResolveValue(orgUnit.Keyword, orgUnitPub.Keyword) as string;
            orgUnitPub.CustomFields = ResolveValue(orgUnit.CustomFields, orgUnitPub.CustomFields) as string;
            orgUnitPub.Latitude = ResolveValue(orgUnit.Latitude, orgUnitPub.Latitude) as decimal?;
            orgUnitPub.Longitude = ResolveValue(orgUnit.Longitude, orgUnitPub.Longitude) as decimal?;
            orgUnitPub.Email = ResolveValue(orgUnit.Email, orgUnitPub.Email) as string;
            orgUnitPub.PaymentProcessorConfigurationId = ResolveValue(orgUnit.PaymentProcessorConfigurationId, orgUnitPub.PaymentProcessorConfigurationId) as int?;

            // Image and Url information should be published but not inherited.
            if (orgUnit.Id == orgUnitPub.Id)
                orgUnitPub.ImageUrl = ResolveValue(orgUnit.ImageUrl, orgUnitPub.ImageUrl) as string;
                orgUnitPub.PictureId = ResolveValue(orgUnit.PictureId, orgUnitPub.PictureId) as int?;
                orgUnitPub.CustomUrl = ResolveValue(orgUnit.CustomUrl, orgUnitPub.CustomUrl) as string;
                orgUnitPub.CustomLiveUrl = ResolveValue(orgUnit.CustomLiveUrl, orgUnitPub.CustomLiveUrl) as string;
                orgUnitPub.CustomStageUrl = ResolveValue(orgUnit.CustomStageUrl, orgUnitPub.CustomStageUrl) as string;
                orgUnitPub.CustomQaUrl = ResolveValue(orgUnit.CustomQaUrl, orgUnitPub.CustomQaUrl) as string;
                orgUnitPub.CustomDevUrl = ResolveValue(orgUnit.CustomDevUrl, orgUnitPub.CustomDevUrl) as string;
                orgUnitPub.ServiceLineUrl = ResolveValue(orgUnit.ServiceLineUrl, orgUnitPub.ServiceLineUrl) as string;

            if (disabledOrgUnits.Contains(orgUnit.Id))
                orgUnitPub.IsEnabled = false;
                orgUnitPub.IsEnabled = orgUnitPub.IsEnabled.Value && orgUnit.IsEnabled;

            if (!orgUnitPub.SchedulesOrgUnitId.HasValue)
                if (orgUnit.Schedules.Any())
                    orgUnitPub.SchedulesOrgUnitId = orgUnit.Id;

            if (!orgUnitPub.InsurancesOrgUnitId.HasValue)
                if (orgUnit.OrgUnitInsurances.Any())
                    orgUnitPub.InsurancesOrgUnitId = orgUnit.Id;

            // Fill in missing information from specified org unit only if specified org unit is self or linked
            if (orgUnitPub.Id == orgUnit.Id || orgUnitPub.LinkedOrgUnitId == orgUnit.Id)
                if (!orgUnitPub.ServicesOrgUnitId.HasValue)
                    if (orgUnit.OrgUnitServices.Any())
                        orgUnitPub.ServicesOrgUnitId = orgUnit.Id;

                if (!orgUnitPub.TypesOrgUnitId.HasValue)
                    if (orgUnit.OrgUnitTypeAssociations.Any())
                        orgUnitPub.TypesOrgUnitId = orgUnit.Id;
 private ProviderOrgUnit CreateProviderOrgUnit()
     var provider = new Provider() { Id = 1 };
     var orgUnit = new OrgUnit() { Id = 1 };
     orgUnit.OrgUnitPublished = new OrgUnitPublished
                                     InsurancesOrgUnit = orgUnit,
                                     SchedulesOrgUnit = orgUnit
     return provider.AddOrgUnit(orgUnit);
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolves all the information for a published org unit entity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="orgUnit">The org unit.</param>
        /// <param name="orgUnitPub">The published org unit.</param>
        /// <param name="orgUnits">Collection of all org units.</param>
        /// <param name="orgUnitAssocs">Collection of all org unit associations.</param>
        /// <param name="disabledOrgUnits">A list of org units determined to be disabled.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static OrgUnitPublished ResolvePublishedOrgUnit(OrgUnit orgUnit, OrgUnitPublished orgUnitPub, OrgUnit[] orgUnits, IEnumerable<OrgUnitAssociation> orgUnitAssocs, Collection<int> disabledOrgUnits)
            // Fill in information from org unit (self)
            ApplyOrgUnitInfo(orgUnit, orgUnitPub, disabledOrgUnits);

            // Fill in information from linked org unit
            if (orgUnit.LinkedOrgUnitId != null)
                OrgUnit linkedOrgUnit = orgUnits.SingleOrDefault(o => o.Id == orgUnit.LinkedOrgUnitId);
                ApplyOrgUnitInfo(linkedOrgUnit, orgUnitPub, disabledOrgUnits);

            // Repeat process for any ascendants
            OrgUnitAssociation orgUnitAssoc = orgUnitAssocs.SingleOrDefault(a => a.SecondaryId == orgUnit.Id);
            int? ascendantId = orgUnitAssoc != null ? orgUnitAssoc.PrimaryId : null;

            if (ascendantId.HasValue)
                OrgUnit ascendantOrgUnit = orgUnits.SingleOrDefault(o => o.Id == ascendantId);
                ResolvePublishedOrgUnit(ascendantOrgUnit, orgUnitPub, orgUnits, orgUnitAssocs, disabledOrgUnits);

            // Ensure schedules/insurances/types/services org unit IDs were set before exiting
            if (orgUnitPub.SchedulesOrgUnitId == null)
                orgUnitPub.SchedulesOrgUnitId = orgUnitPub.Id;

            if (orgUnitPub.InsurancesOrgUnitId == null)
                orgUnitPub.InsurancesOrgUnitId = orgUnitPub.Id;

            if (orgUnitPub.TypesOrgUnitId == null)
                orgUnitPub.TypesOrgUnitId = orgUnitPub.Id;

            if (orgUnitPub.ServicesOrgUnitId == null)
                orgUnitPub.ServicesOrgUnitId = orgUnitPub.Id;

            return orgUnitPub;
        public static void SetOrgUnitTypes(ObjectContext context, OrgUnitV2 source, OrgUnit orgUnit)
            //ignore null values
            if (source.OrgUnitTypes == null)

                var existingOrgUnitTypes = orgUnit.OrgUnitTypeAssociations.ToArray();
                foreach (var item in existingOrgUnitTypes)

                var orgUnitTypes = context.CreateObjectSet<OrgUnitType>();
                var orgUnitTypeAssociations = new List<OrgUnitTypeAssociation>();

                foreach (var item in source.OrgUnitTypes)
                    //Ensure orgUnitTypes Exists
                    var orgUnitType = orgUnitTypes.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Name == item.Name);
                    if (orgUnitType == null)
                        orgUnitType = new OrgUnitType()
                            Name = item.Name,
                            ImageUrl = item.ImageUrl,
                            IsEnabled = true

                    orgUnitTypeAssociations.Add(new OrgUnitTypeAssociation
                        OrgUnitType = orgUnitType,
                        OrgUnit = orgUnit,
                        IsPrimaryOrgUnitType = item.IsPrimaryOrgUnitType

                orgUnit.OrgUnitTypeAssociations = orgUnitTypeAssociations;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new BusinessException("Error processing orgUnitTypes for orgUnit '" + orgUnit.Name + "' - " + ex.Message, ex);
Exemple #19
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds the location.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="location">The location.</param>
 /// <returns>A new ProviderOrgUnit instance.</returns>
 public ProviderOrgUnit AddOrgUnit(OrgUnit location)
     if (location == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("location");
     if (ProviderOrgUnits.Count(pl => pl.OrgUnit.Id.Equals(location.Id)) > 0)
         throw new BusinessException("The location is already associated with this provider.");
     var providerOrgUnit = new ProviderOrgUnit(this, location);
     if (ProviderOrgUnits.Count == 1)
     return providerOrgUnit;
Exemple #20
        public void keeps_primary_location_when_adding_new_location()
            var subject = new Provider() { Id = 1 };
            var locationA = new OrgUnit() { Id = 1 };
            var providerLocationA = subject.AddOrgUnit(locationA);

            var locationB = new OrgUnit(){Id = 2};
            var providerLocationB = subject.AddOrgUnit(locationB);

Exemple #21
        public void can_remove_location()
            var subject = new Provider() { Id = 1 };
            var firstLocation = new OrgUnit() { Id = 1 };
            var secondLocation = new OrgUnit() { Id = 2 };

            var removed = subject.RemoveOrgUnit(secondLocation);

            Assert.AreEqual(secondLocation, removed.OrgUnit);
            Assert.IsTrue(subject.ProviderOrgUnits.Count == 1);
Exemple #22
 public void SetCustomUrl_Valid(string validUrl)
     var orgUnit = new OrgUnit();
     Assert.AreEqual(validUrl, orgUnit.CustomUrl);
Exemple #23
 public void SetCustomUrl_Invalid(string invalidUrl)
     var orgUnit = new OrgUnit();
        public void FilterByOrgUnit()
            var orgUnit1 = new OrgUnit { Id = 1 };
            var orgUnit2 = new OrgUnit { Id = 2 };

            var e = new Event { Id = 1 };
            e.EventOccurrences.Add(new EventOccurrence { Id = 1, OrgUnit = orgUnit1 });

            e = new Event { Id = 2 };
            e.EventOccurrences.Add(new EventOccurrence { Id = 2, OrgUnit = orgUnit1 });
            e.EventOccurrences.Add(new EventOccurrence { Id = 3, OrgUnit = orgUnit2 });

            e = new Event { Id = 3 };
            e.EventOccurrences.Add(new EventOccurrence { Id = 4, OrgUnit = orgUnit2 });

            e = new Event { Id = 4 };

            var filtered = _objectSet.AsQueryable().FilterByOrgUnit(1);

            AssertIncluded(filtered, 1, 2);
            AssertExcluded(filtered, 3, 4);
 private static OrgUnitDto ConvertToDto(OrgUnit location)
     return Mapper.Map<OrgUnitPublished, OrgUnitDto>(location.OrgUnitPublished);
Exemple #26
 public void throws_business_exception_when_adding_existing_location()
     var subject = new Provider() { Id = 1 };
     var location = new OrgUnit() { Id = 1 };
Exemple #27
 /// <summary>
 /// Removes the location.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="location">The location.</param>
 /// <returns>The removed location.</returns>
 public ProviderOrgUnit RemoveOrgUnit(OrgUnit location)
     if (location == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("location");
     var providerOrgUnit = ProviderOrgUnits.Single(pl => pl.OrgUnit.Id == location.Id);
     if (providerOrgUnit.IsPrimary.HasValue && providerOrgUnit.IsPrimary.Value)
         throw new BusinessException("Primary Location cannot be removed from the provider.");
     return providerOrgUnit;
Exemple #28
        public void throws_business_exception_when_removing_primary_location()
            var subject = new Provider() { Id = 1 };
            var firstLocation = new OrgUnit() { Id = 1 };
            var secondLocation = new OrgUnit() { Id = 2 };

Exemple #29
 public void makes_first_location_primary()
     var subject = new Provider() { Id = 1 };
     var location = new OrgUnit() { Id = 1 };
     var providerLocation = subject.AddOrgUnit(location);
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the org unit.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="orgUnit">The org unit.</param>
        public static void ValidateOrgUnit(OrgUnit orgUnit)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(orgUnit.Name))
                throw new BusinessException("Location Name is missing");

            var latitude = orgUnit.Latitude;

            //null latitude is ok
            if (latitude.HasValue)
                //not null, so verify values are within correct range
                if (latitude.Value >= 90 || latitude.Value <= -90)
                    throw new BusinessException(orgUnit.Name + " has an invalid latitude");

            var longitude = orgUnit.Longitude;

            //null longitude is ok
            if (longitude.HasValue)
                //not null, so verify values are within correct range
                if (longitude.Value >= 180 || longitude.Value <= -180)
                    throw new BusinessException(orgUnit.Name + " has an invalid longitude");